Best Friends Help Ch. 02

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She goes along with her friend's plan to seduce her father.
5.7k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/04/2016
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"Girls! Breakfast!" Lily's father called from below.

Lily's heart leaped. How much time had passed? She had been lying in bed next to Natalie, chatting and trying to process her ongoing disbelief in what had just happened. Her best friend had just blown her father while Lily watched... and she liked it. A feeling of awkwardness, with the thought of much worse to come, swelled inside her. She felt a sting of fear.

"Oh my god," she said. "I can't do this. Go down there and tell him I'm sick or something."

"Don't be stupid." Natalie bounced off the bed and walked to the clothes hamper. It was still full of laundered clothes that hadn't been hung up or put away. She began going through them. "You can't be sick, or fake being sick. We have a lot of dirty work to do."

"Like what?"

"You'll see." She tossed Lily a bikini top and bottoms, then a pink tank top with a cropped midriff and a plunging neckline. "Put this on. We'll go hang out by the pool later."

Lily held them up. "Natalie, these are your clothes."

Natalie smirked. "Exactly. He's seen me in those. Now, when he sees you in them, he'll think of me, and maybe of the blowjob I gave him. It's called implicit association. Or conditioning. It's one of those. Those psych classes are really paying off."

"You're flunking psych class, freak," Lily said, stripping off her pajamas to change into the bikini.

"Shut up," Natalie retorted. She pulled off her nightgown and tossing it across the room. Naked herself, Lily took a sidelong glance at Natalie's naked body: sleek and pale, flawless skin with fine muscled lines.

Nat rifled through Lily's clothes before settling on a bikini top under a loose-fitting tee shirt and a pair of soft shorts. "I swear, you don't have any provocative clothes at all. You make everything difficult."

"Sorry I don't shop at Slutwear like you."

Natalie offered a sarcastically sweet smile. "Don't be a bitch."

A sharp, impatient whistle sounded from the kitchen downstairs. "Girls!"

"Just a minute, Daddy!" Natalie called merrily.

"Nat!" Lily hissed. "Fuck!"

"Was that inappropriate?" Natalie giggled. "Lighten up, Lily. This is our last summer together, and we are going to have an amazing time. All three of us."

Lily adjusted her glasses. "God, you are infuriating."

"I know," Natalie said, assuming a serious look. She stood close to Lily, deftly adjusting Lily's top to reveal as much cleavage as possible. "There, that's better. But I want you to remember something."

"What's that?"

"I sucked your dad's cock. And he's going to be thinking about that the whole time we're down there."

Lily rolled her eyes... and felt a flutter of fear and excitement in her heart.

# # #

They descended the stairs together. Lily felt self-conscious about how much flesh she was showing off. Lounging by the pool in her swimwear was one thing, but Natalie had dressed her specifically to provoke a reaction from her father.

Lily had never dressed to arouse anyone in her life, least of all her dad. She was afraid of what he might say. But a part of her was deeply hopeful he might like what he saw. She wanted him to look at her the way she imagined he'd looked at Natalie. She wanted him to desire her - because she desired him.

Surely such thoughts made her a terrible person. But that didn't make the thoughts go away. They only intensified.

Lily and Natalie came into the kitchen to find Robert dishing up food. The tiny breakfast nook table had four chairs and just enough room for their plates and glasses. The girls chose chairs next to each other.

"How did you girls sleep?" Robert asked, putting a plate of eggs, toast and fruit down in front of each of them. He was dressed for the summer day, in a pair of shorts and a red fitted tee shirt. The muscles of his arms bulged through the short sleeves. The sunlight from the bay windows caught the streaks of silver in his hair. Lily found herself admiring the sight of him, in an entirely inappropriate way. As he put down her food, she saw his gaze run up and down her body, once, briefly. If he approved, or disapproved, he gave no sign at all. He was playing it cool. But he looked.

"Nice and deep, just like I like," Natalie said, popping a raspberry into her mouth. As Robert turned away, she dropped a quick wink at Lily.

Lily blushed. Robert, pouring coffee into a chipped cup, cursed as he spilled some. Natalie stifled a giggle.

"What about you, Robert?" Natalie asked as he came back to the table. "Did you have a nice night?"

"It was good," he said, sitting down quickly.

"I only ask because I saw you passed out in your recliner this morning," Natalie said breezily, tearing a piece of dry toast in half. "It must be more comfortable than it looks."

Lily took a drink of juice to hide her face, which she was sure had to be scarlet.

"It really is," her dad said, sipping coffee. Lily felt a grudging admiration — he didn't miss a beat or seem the least bit uncomfortable after that first slip. "I woke up feeling great."

For a split-second, Natalie and her father exchanged a look so openly carnal that Lily decided to cultivate a close interest in her eggs.

"So what do you girls have planned for today?"

"Sitting by the pool until it gets too hot," Natalie declared. "Getting in that deadly sin of sloth before the summer's over."

"I see," he said, taking a bite of toast.

"What about you?" Natalie asked. "Have to work?"

Robert shrugged. "I actually have the afternoon off."

"Oh!" Natalie chirped. "Maybe you can join us by the pool. Help us rack up some deadly sin time."

Lily coughed explosively, nearly choking on her eggs. They both looked at her.

"You ok?" her dad asked.

"Fine," Lily wheezed.

"I actually have to finish up some paperwork today," Robert said, standing up with coffee in hand. "So maybe I'll catch up with you girls later on."

"Have a lovely morning," Natalie said in a singsong voice as he walked toward his office. He gave her a cheerful salute with his coffee cup before disappearing. Lily thought she saw him take one last glance at her before he left — but she couldn't be sure.

When he was gone, Lily glared at Natalie, unsure how much of what she felt was genuine anger. Holy fuck, she mouthed silently.

Natalie only grinned mischievously and popped another raspberry into her mouth.

# # #

After breakfast, they put their dishes in the dishwasher and returned upstairs to Lily's room. Before Lily could start any kind of reproach, Natalie launched herself onto the bed and pulled herself into a cross-legged position.

"Okay, I have it all figured out," she announced as Lily shut the door.

"Have what all figured out?"

"The next phase of our plan to make your forbidden carnal dreams come true," Natalie said.

Lily put her hands to her head, brushing dark hair away from her eyes. "Nat, I don't want any part of your insane plan. I don't want things to get any weirder than they have."

"Oh," Natalie said with a knowing look, "but I think you do."

"I do not." Lily sat on the edge of the bed, her heart thumping again. She thought of her father's surreptitious glance, the way he'd looked her body up and down. In her imagination, his gaze lingered longer, drew out, became more open and raw...

"Just hear me out before you decide," Natalie said. "If you hate the plan, we won't go any further."

Lily sighed in half-mock disgust. "Fine. Tell me."

"Okay. This afternoon, you're going to go for a walk. Or a run. Or just leave the house. I don't care what you do. Just leave. Take your phone with you. Wear earbuds. At a certain point, I'll call you. Mute your microphone and don't say anything."

"Why am I doing all this?"

"To listen in as I get your dad to confess his forbidden lust for you while I seduce him."

Lily stared at her best friend. "That is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard."

Natalie scowled in indignation. "Explain one thing wrong with it."

"First, he probably doesn't feel that way about me. Second, he'll notice you making a call. Third..." Lily halted while counting things off on her fingers, trying to think of something else. "We'll get caught."

Natalie held up a delicate hand and started counting off on her own fingers. "First, you don't know how he feels — that's the point of this scheme. Second, if you mute your mic and I turn down my volume and lock the phone, I can totally make the call without him noticing. Third, I am a pro at this and we will not get caught."

Lily collapsed onto the bed, burying her face in the covers. "This is insane. You're insane. Why are you talking me into the insane thing?"

"Sweetheart, I'm not talking you into anything. If you want to quit right now, we quit." Her voice dropped to a seductive half-whisper. "But aren't you curious to find out if he has forbidden lustful feelings for his own daughter?"

"God, what if he does?" Lily moaned. "That would make him as bad as I am."

"Lily, feelings aren't good or bad by themselves."

"Yes, they are."

"No," Natalie said, stroking Lily's back softly with one hand. "They're just emotions. You love your dad, don't you?"

"Of course."

"And you feel this way because you love him, right?"

"Right," Lily said, a little less certainty.

"Do you want to know if he feels the same way about you? Because if you don't, Lily, then we won't go through with this. We can stop right here, and I promise I won't make fun of you for it. I'm your friend."

Lily sighed deeply, then sat up. "Feeling that way about each other doesn't make it right."

"That's up to you," Natalie said. "Personally, I think if two people love each other, they should be able to do whatever they want with each other. But I can't decide that for you."

Lily nodded slowly, lost in thought.

"Your plan is crazy," she said at last. "But I want to know. Let's do it."

# # #

They spent the morning lounging by the pool, as planned. After lunch, Lily changed into a pair of jeans, a light jacket. and some walking shoes. Her phone had been on the charger all morning; she took it, and her earbuds, and prepared to leave the house for an hour or two.

"Now remember," Natalie said before Lily left the bedroom. She stood close, her forehead nearly touching Lily's. "When I call you, mute your mic, have your earbuds in, and don't say a damn thing."

"I've got it," Lily said. "Your end is riskier than mine, you know."

Natalie grinned, hugging Lily affectionately. She smelled faintly of vanilla. "Don't worry about my end."

Lily ran downstairs and found her dad in the office. He was sitting at his desk, bent over some paperwork. She knocked lightly on the door.

"Hi, sweetheart."

"Hey, Dad. I'm going to walk down to the store and pick up some snacks for tonight."

"Do you want a ride?" He looked surprised, almost eager. She realized he was nervous about being left alone with Natalie. You should be, she thought. That girl is dangerous.

"No, I could use the exercise. I'll be back in an hour or so. Love you." Impulsively, she walked around the desk and kissed him on his rough, unshaven cheek. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck for a hug. She realized, since she was still wearing her low-cut top, this put his cheek almost right between her breasts — but she went ahead anyway. Natalie wasn't the only one who could scheme.

He didn't pull away, but rubbed her arm awkwardly. "Be safe, sweetheart."

Lily didn't catch sight of Natalie again before she left. She was out the front door, down the street, and ten minutes down the road before her phone buzzed in her pocket. Her earbuds were already hooked over her neck. She verified that it was Natalie's number, answered, muted, popped in her earbuds, and locked the phone. She was officially eavesdropping.

"...been thinking we should talk," her father's voice said, a little tinny and distant, but perfectly audible. There was a loud thud and scrape, probably the phone being set somewhere.

"Sure," Natalie said, her voice easygoing and effortless, like it always was. "What would you like to talk about?"

"About this morning," Robert said, sounding awkward and reluctant.

"Did you like it?"

"Well, yes. But that's not the point. It shouldn't have happened, Natalie. You're my daughter's best friend. It's not very appropriate."

"I'm old enough to know what I want, Robert," Natalie said, placing purring emphasis on his name. "You don't need to worry. I'm not going to get serious."

Walking faster to outrun her rising tension, Lily tried to imagine where they were. His office? The living room? The kitchen? She had no idea.

"It's not you I'm worried about so much as Lily," her dad said.

"Lily can handle herself," Natalie said. "She's old enough to know what she wants, too."

A pause before Robert spoke again. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I thought we were talking about us."

Lily heard a whisper of motion, like fabric on fabric, and the squeak of chair springs. She knew that sound. They were in her dad's office. He was probably sitting down. Lily imagined Natalie sitting in his lap, or maybe even kneeling in front of him. She imagined herself doing the same thing, and pushed the thought to the back of her mind, as if the whole world might otherwise see her arousal.

"I'm not really..." Robert said, sounding a little nervous. Lily had rarely heard her father nervous about anything. "I haven't really been with anyone since my wife left."

"Well, you can do whatever you want with me," Natalie said. "I don't mind."

He laughed. "You're way too young for me, Natalie."

"We're not getting married, Mister Weston. We're just having a little fun, that's all. Don't you like me?"

"Of course—"

"Okay, then."

The dialogue stopped, giving way to the sound of murmurs, the sound of lips on flesh, soft moans from both of them. Suddenly, Lily desperately wanted to see what was happening. She longed to turn around, rush back to the house, and peep in the window. She didn't dare, of course; the office window wasn't like the vantage point of the stairs. But she could imagine clothes coming off, flesh being exposed, the both of them breathless with arousal...

Unable to concentrate on the walk, Lily veered off the road into the light woods surrounding their house. The dense trees soon hid her from the view of traffic, and she found a stump to sit on. Her limbs quivering with anticipation and arousal, she listened with anticipation.

"I want to ask you something." Natalie's voice again, gasping and breathless. Lily wondered if either of them had any clothes on by this time.

"Sure," her father said, also sounding out of breath.

"It might be really inappropriate."

"That's... okay." The hitch in his voice made Lily wonder if Natalie was touching him, plying him with her hands or even her mouth. "I don't mind."

"I've seen the way you look at me," Natalie half-whispered. "I know you've wanted me."

"Yes," he moaned. Lily's throat closed, a nameless voyeuristic thrill racing through her. Dad had been lusting after her best friend all this time, and she hadn't suspected. And that led to the next question, the one she desperately hoped Natalie would ask.

"I'm just curious," Natalie said, between the sounds of lips on flesh, "do you ever think about Lily the same way? Do you ever look at her and want her?"

A long silence passed. Lily's heart pounded. She couldn't breathe.

"Sometimes," he half-whispered. "I know I shouldn't, but..."

Lily whimpered helplessly, felt a flare of panic, then remembered her microphone was muted. They couldn't hear her.

"Really?" Natalie asked, her voice sounding satisfied and encouraging. "When was the last time you thought about it?"

"I don't think we should talk about this," her father said.

"Please?" Natalie begged. Lily could see the batting eyelashes and winsome pout in her mind's eye. Natalie was probably turning on every ounce of charm right now. "It can be our secret. Please tell me?"

He gasped, possibly because she was doing something pleasurable to him. "This morning, at breakfast," he said at last.

"Oh my god," Lily whispered to the empty woods, and then bit her lip.

"Oh," Natalie said, still sounding like she approved completely. "Tell me more, Robert. Tell me what you wanted to do."

"I thought she looked beautiful in that bikini top," her father said. "I wanted to see more of it. I wanted to take it off her."

"And then what?" Natalie pressed. There was a squeak of springs, and a sound of bodies moving. Lily sat up anxiously, not wanting to miss anything.

"I wanted to see her naked," her father said. "To touch her."

"And would she like that?" Natalie asked. "Do you think she'd like that?"

"Yes," Lily said to the empty forest.

"Yes," her father said to Natalie. "I mean, in my imagination, she-"

"I know what you mean. I want you to fuck me, Robert," Natalie said. "Right now. Do to me what you want to do to Lily. "

"God, Natalie, you're—"

Whatever Lily's father said next was lost in a sudden burst of noise — Lily couldn't make it out, but she heard muffled moans, the sound of frantic kissing, and then a sudden groan from her father, followed by a yelp of intense pleasure from Natalie. Then, rhythmic impacts, flesh-on-flesh, belongings being knocked over, falling to the floor, amidst Natalie's agonized cries of pleasure and her father's quick, breathy grunts.

Lily listened, hand over her mouth, heart racing with the weight of the revelation she'd just heard. She listened until her father and her best friend spent their passion on one another, Natalie's gasps and moans giving way to a final shriek of orgasm.

I wish I could see that, she thought. I wish that were me.

# # #

Lily waited for awhile, then returned to the house on shaky knees. She had intended to go to the store to make her ersatz errand look legit, but she no longer cared.

Her heart still raced in her chest when returned to the house. She found her father sitting in his recliner, watching television with remote in hand, drinking one of the hard ciders. He smiled at her.

"Hey, sweetie. Where are your snacks?"

"They didn't have what I wanted," Lily said — a much shorter version of the story she'd been rehearsing for the last ten minutes.

"Oh, that's too bad. You want me to order a pizza for dinner tonight?"

"That sounds great," Lily said, unzipping her jacket as she walked upstairs. She could barely stand to look at him — not because she was repulsed or sickened, but because she wanted him more than ever. The arousal she'd felt hearing him and Natalie together hadn't gone away. She wanted to throw herself at him without a word, to tear first her clothes off and then his...

But she didn't dare.

Lily was sweaty from the walk and her own emotions. She grabbed a change of clothes from her room - sweatpants and a fitted top - and disappeared into the shower. She locked the door, turned on the water, soaped herself up, and let her fantasy run wild in the privacy of the bathroom.

She imagined him opening the door, stripping off his clothes, slipping into the shower next to her. His rough hands on her body, her protesting in surprise at first, but neither of them really being surprised. She imagined his hand closing around her throat as he took her from behind...

It took only minutes for her to bring herself off, and she put her free hand over her mouth to stifle the cry of her shuddering orgasm. When it passed, her head felt a little clearer. But she was no less intrigued, no less excited by what she'd heard.

Lily returned to her bedroom and found Natalie lounging on her bed, dressed in shorts and bikini top, scrolling through her phone. Lily closed the door. They met each other's eyes and smiled.