Between the Pages of Adultery Ch. 01

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Laura finds a book that bears her soul...
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 05/25/2014
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Once again, my thanks goes out to Moster1 for his help. He always makes my stories better.

As usual, I'm always interested in your comments so please, don't be shy. I hope you enjoy the read. Chapter 1 or 3.


Chapter One

Laura reached up with both hands and interlocked her fingers behind her golden hair. I have it made, she thought as she leaned back in her leather chair. The corners of her mouth turned upward in a broad smile as she felt the material of her blouse pull up and rub against her thinly clad nipples.

Just a couple months prior she would have been wearing a plain white cotton bra and probably wouldn't have felt a thing through the thicker material, but the new Laura was a much more sensual creature...sensual and sensuous, at least that's how she felt.

The new Laura wore an ultra-thin, satin and lace bra that allowed the slightest touch to tease and tantalize her sensitive, little pink cherries. She closed her eyes and envisioned her next "appointment" with Brad Griffin, her company's largest client. She felt that familiar tingling sensation between her legs; it was the same little erotic thrill she always felt whenever she thought of him.

Laura opened her eyes to make sure her office door was completely close before hiking her short skirt up to her waist. She raised her right leg and rested her foot on the corner of her desk for better access. With her left hand, she reached down and pulled her lace panties to the side. God, she couldn't believe it as she touched herself with the middle finger of her right hand, she was already wet.

Again she closed her eyes and fantasized about being with him as she lightly glided her finger up and down her wanton slit. Her lips pursed tightly, her tongue was dry. Steadily she picked up the pace. Her breathing quickened. "Oh yes," she moaned under her breath. Instinctively, her hips bucked upward in an effort to assist the long, slender finger that penetrated the warm confines of her womanhood.

If she could just let it out, scream and rejoice in her ecstasy but her secretary sat just on the other side of her door. Just like yesterday and the day before, and the day before that, her pleasure would have to be subdued. God, it was so frustrating.

In her dream-like state, she could feel his presence. He watched her with an evil smile. She could feel the wickedness of his touch as she pulled her love juice up, smearing it over her clit.

Faster she rubbed the sensitive little button, back and forth, in circles, faster and faster until she could hold back no longer. Her chair rolled back on the carpeted floor as her body convulsed upward pulling her foot from on top of the desk. "Ahhh-ohhh-ummmm," she whimpered trying desperately to suppress her cries of euphoric mischief.

Still breathing heavily, she slumped back into her chair. Laura finally opened her eyes and glanced around making sure she was still alone. A small, devilish grin materialized on her pretty face.

The now appeased woman stood and took a deep breath as she pulled her skirt back down and straightened it out with her hands.

"I really need to get some work done," she mumbled to herself while wiping her fingers with a tissue.

As she sat back down at her desk; however, she found herself still daydreaming. Hmmmm, she thought, maybe some new lingerie; something really unscrupulous, a bra with holes cut out for my nipples and some crotchless panties. I wonder if he'd like something like that? Ha, she chuckled to herself, of course he would, he's a man.

Briefly she pictured her handsome lover licking and biting her nipples as they stuck through the flimsy fabric. Laura looked at her desk clock, it was a little after four in the afternoon. Screw it, she told herself, I've done enough work for the day, I'm going to take off a little early and hit the mall on the way home.

Anticipating she may be at the mall a while, Laura called her daughter.

"Hi Ashley, it's mom."

"Hi Mom, guess what, I got an 'A' on my history test."

"Oh Ashley, that's wonderful. Keep up the good work, young lady. I know you want a car when you turn sixteen next year; if you keep getting grades like that I don't see how your father can refuse," Laura said encouraging her only daughter.

"Really Mom, you really think dad will buy me car?"

"Well you keep your grades up and we'll work on him together. We both know he can't refuse the two of us when we gang up on him," she told Ashley with a chuckle. "Listen honey, I have to go to the mall and do some shopping on the way home, so will you be a dear and start dinner. Everything's in the fridge on the top shelve."

"Sure mom," Ashley replied still excited over the possibility of getting a car. "Are you buying dad's birthday present?"

Her daughter's innocent question caught her by surprise. Shit, she thought, I forgot all about Harrison's birthday. On the other hand, it's the perfect excuse for stopping at the mall.

"Yes honey, but don't tell dad."

"Oh I won't, mom. Ah, could you do me a favor and put my name on it too. I kind of blew through my allowance this week," she admitted sheepishly.

"Yes honey, I'll put your name on it too; any suggestions?"

"Not really, mom. You've known him longer than I have," she joked.

"All right, young lady, just keep the wisecracks to yourself. I'll find something nice, don't worry."

Damn, thought Laura after saying goodbye, I'm glad she mentioned it or I would have forgotten all about my loving hubby's birthday.

Laura stood undecided in the middle of the expansive aisle while hordes of people hustled by her on all sides. Decisions, decisions, she thought with Victoria's Secret on one side and Frederick's Of Hollywood on the other. Victoria's has better quality lingerie, but Frederick's stuff is sluttier. Since I'm probably not going to be wearing it more than once or twice, she reasoned, cheap and slutty it is.

An hour later, tickled with her purchase, Laura almost forgot again about her husband's birthday. Only as she passed the bookstore did she recollect her daughter's plea for the shared gift. Damn, get your head out of the clouds, she scolded herself silently as she turned and walked through the doorway.

Now, let's see, she wondered, what would he like? She roamed aimlessly around the store glancing at titles and book covers. Her husband had a wide range of interests, everything from non-fiction to science-fiction, from history to fantasy.

Laura's eyes scanned bookshelf after bookshelf looking for the perfect gift when a title jumped out at her, "'A' is for Adultery."

Adultery, she silently repeated. She never realized before what a crude word it was. Almost immediately the word seemed to take on an evil connotation. A small chill went up her spine as her mind pulled up images of dirty motel rooms and illicit sex. Why couldn't they have named it, "'A' is for Affair," that sounds so much better, not so harsh.

Laura couldn't help herself; she took the front copy from the shelf and started thumbing through it. Stopping at the table of contents, she skimmed over the different chapters.

1.)The difference between men and women.

2.)Women's two needs; emotional, and sexual.

3.)The subtleties of discontent.

4.)The, "maybe," trap.

She read the subtitles of all twelve chapters but it was the last one that almost knocked the wind out of her...

12.) Can you salvage your marriage?

Almost as if it had been a snake that bit her, Laura quickly returned the book to the shelf, grabbed one she saw earlier that she thought her husband might enjoy, and headed for the checkout counter.

"Will this be all, ma'am?" asked the little clerk behind the desk. Laura wondered if she was even twenty years old.

"Yeah," she replied digging in her purse for the cash. What do they mean, 'can I salvage my marriage?' My marriage isn't in trouble she told herself, rejecting the very concept while still rummaging through her purse.

Suddenly her hand stopped, she looked back up at the pretty cashier. "No, wait," she said almost frantically. "I'll be right back." Laura left the other book on the counter and almost ran to claim a copy of the troublesome hardcover for herself.

Does she know? Laura wondered as she set the book on the counter next to the other one. She watched the young woman for any hint of disapproval or judgment as the cashier put both books into a bag and rang up the transaction. She'd have to get wrapping paper later, she thought, at that moment she just needed to get out of there.

Chapter twelve felt like a weight pressing on her shoulders as she hurried to the car. Damn it, thought Laura while navigating the streets that led home, I don't really think my marriage is in jeopardy. Millions of people have a little fling now and then; they get away with it. Harrison suspects nothing, he'll never find out unless I tell him and I'm not about to do that.

Still...she couldn't get her mind off the subject, I really do want to read that book, but when? I can't very well read it at home and I'm too busy to do it at work. I'll...I'll have to limit myself to lunch hours, she told herself.

Harrison and Ashley were already seated at the kitchen table when she walked in.

"Hey honey," spoke a smiling Harrison, "you're just in time. Everything's still hot."

Laura grabbed her dish from the table and started loading it up. "Everything looks delicious, Ashley. Thank you so much. You're getting to be quite a cook," she said bending down and kissing the top of her daughter's head on her way to her seat.

"Thanks mom."

Even though he knew he'd never get it out of her, Harrison was going to have fun teasing his wife and trying get her to spill the beans. "So, what'd you buy at the mall, huh; some sexy lingerie maybe, for your dashing husband's birthday?"

Suddenly it seemed she was drowning in a sea of guilt and disgrace. Yes, she had bought sexy lingerie, but not for her husband! Desperately she tried to mask her shame. "Wouldn't you like to know," she replied with a forced chuckle.

All night she tried to act normal and evidently succeeded because neither her daughter nor husband implied they'd sensed anything wrong. That night Harrison climbed into bed but made no overture toward making love. Laura was relieved. She didn't think she could, she was too upset. That twelfth chapter kept haunting her thoughts. What if he did find out, would he forgive me? She worried. She tried closing her eyes but it was no use. Her mind was a whirlwind of, 'what if's.'

The next morning wasn't much different. All she could think of was how her little tryst could affect her marriage. As she pulled into work she grabbed the book from under the driver's seat of her car. It was still wrapped in the plastic bag from the bookstore. Originally she was going to leave it in the car and only read it on her lunch hour but maybe she'd get a break during the day.

"Good morning, Laura," greeted her middle aged secretary.

"Good morning, Cathy. Oh, Cathy," she replied as a second thought. "Do me a favor and screen my calls today, would you. I've got a busy day today and I don't want to be bothered unless it's something important, okay?"

"No problem," Cathy countered. At the same time she wondered what it was that would keep her boss so busy, she made up the itinerary, and as far as she knew, there wasn't that much on the agenda.

Laura removed the hard bound copy from the bag and laid it on her desk before removing her suit jacket and hanging it on the back of her chair. She stared at the foreboding publication. It was written by a well know psychologist who specialized in marital relationships. She recognized his name when she saw it in the store. He had been on TV talk shows and even on PBS. She was sure he knew what he was talking about.

As much as she wanted to jump ahead to chapter twelve and learn how to save her marriage, Laura decided to start at the beginning. She opened it and stared at the first page, "The Difference between Men and Women," loomed at the top. She forced a nervous chuckle, hell even I know that, she thought unconsciously trying to lighten her mood. Just then Cathy knocked on her door.

"Laura here's your coffee," she said merrily walking in like she did every day. Laura quickly opened the middle drawer of her desk and tossed the hardcover inside.

"Thank you, Cathy," she said taking the cup with a phony smile. Inwardly all she wanted was for her secretary to disappear so she could get started reading.

"Don't forget you have an appointment with Brad Griffin tomorrow. I thought I'd remind you today because I know you always like to dress a little sexy when you see him," she said with a wink.

Suddenly Laura's whole body seemed to break out in a cold sweat. If Cathy noticed was it possible her husband also noticed? Did Cathy know? Laura didn't know what to say. Should she admit to dressing sexy for him, or should she deny it? Before she could speak, Cathy let her off the hook.

"I know...a little innocent flirting never hurt anybody, especially when it comes to keeping our biggest client happy, huh. I don't blame you one bit. If I looked like you I'd flirt with every guy who came into this place," she said walking out of the office.

Laura's hand was actually shaking as she took her first sip of machine coffee for the day. She anxiously pulled the book from the drawer and opened it again to the first page.

She was already well into the third chapter when a knock on the door broke her concentration.

"Laura I'm going to lunch, do you want me to bring you back something?"

She glanced at the clock, it was twelve-thirty. She was staggered. Where the hell had the time gone? She hadn't even looked at anything work-related all day.

"No thanks, Cathy, I'll grab something from the cafeteria," she answered. Laura waited to make sure her secretary left then lower her eyes again to the ominous text.

Almost every word she read so far seemed as though the author had written it just for her. Each chapter was an education, an insight into her own psyche. How was it possible that a man she'd never met could know her so well. He appeared to be familiar with her inner most thoughts and fears. She pondered over the various reasons why men and women have extramarital affairs and identified with several of them.

Yes, she was learning a lot about herself but she was still anxious to discover this wise man's secret to saving her marriage. Within moments of her secretary's departure, Laura had forgotten all about her stomach and delved back down into the depths of her soul as it was transcribed within the pages before her.

"That must be some book," said Cathy startling her boss. "You've hardly poked your nose out of it all day. Did you ever get anything to eat?"

Laura should have known she couldn't hide it from her secretary. She knew everything that went on in the office. Laura put another forced grin on her face before speaking. "Yeah, it's very good," she said still not showing Cathy the cover. "It's a psychology book. It's never a bad thing to learn more about what makes people tick," she explained.

"Well I just wanted to let you know I'm heading home; see you tomorrow," Cathy cheerily declared walking out the door.

Again Laura looked at the clock. It was a quarter past five and she hadn't done one lick of work all day. She felt guilty but still considered it time well spent.

That night at home, Laura was upbeat. She'd learned a lot about why people turn to infidelity when other things in their life seemed to be missing. She had only two more chapters to read the next day. She would be done before noon. By that time she would also know how to make sure her husband never found out about her little mistake.

When she and Harrison went to bed that night Laura wasn't horny, but she felt she had to reaffirm her love for her husband. Even if he never found out about her dalliance with Brad, she'd always know. She needed to make love to him for her sake.

"Ummm, someone's hormones are raging tonight," he whispered with a grin.

"It's those he-man pheromones radiating from your body," she replied matching his biological reference with one of her own.

Laura loved running her fingers through his chest hair. She could feel the toned muscles lying beneath the curly strands. She reminded herself just how lucky she was to have such a man in her life. Slowly she let her hand drift southward where she discovered another patch of curly hair, only this one had a hard cock rising from it.

"Oooo, it looks like pheromones aren't the only thing radiating from your body," she chuckled.

He moaned in exquisite, hedonistic pleasure as she gently wrapped her fingers around his stiff shaft. With her full lips and agile tongue, Laura worked her way down to her target. She licked, slurped, twirled, and bobbed up and down until he thought his skin would rip apart.

When Laura knew the time was right, she scooted into position and mounted her hunky husband with a moan of her own. She leaned forward, resting her hands on his masculine chest and rocked back and forth. She could feel her vaginal walls gripping him, devouring his love. Together they moved in unison, their tangled bodies wet with sweat.

Laura threw her head back, pounding on her stallion's chest as every nerve in her body raced to ecstasy. She could feel his hands around her waist, encouraging every thrust.

"Oooooo GOD!" she screamed as her body shuddered with euphoria. Almost by instinct, she knew Harrison was coming as well. She could hear his guttural groan as her body took her higher into conjugal bliss.

With a mighty exhale she collapsed on her husband's heaving pecks. She felt his arm encompass her as they lay struggling to regain some respiratory rhythm.

Harrison chuckled from sheer exhaustion as he wrapped his partner up in both arms and held her close. "God, I love you so much," he told her. "What would I ever do without you?"

His words pierced her heart as if they were arrows. She wiped a tear from her eye as she prayed he'd never have to find out. Luckily his eyes were closed so he didn't see it. She looked at the only man she ever loved and wondered how she could have been so stupid.

The next day Laura couldn't wait to get back to her book. She didn't even bother to hide it when Cathy came in with her coffee.

"Back to the book? It must be good. Can I read it when you're done?"

Laura looked up. "Well I think it's promised to someone else, next, but maybe after that."

Cathy noticed her boss' conservative business suit and wondered if she'd forgotten about her appointment. "You haven't forgotten about Brad, have you?"

Laura had forgotten about him...all about him. She had no intention of keeping their "meeting," but she didn't want to waste time explaining it to Cathy, for the moment. She'd simply call him a little later and tell him herself, but for right now, all she wanted to do was finish her book.

She smiled up at her secretary. "No, I haven't forgotten. Thanks for reminding me though. Ah, just like yesterday, screen my calls for me, okay?"

"Sure," she said walking out and closing the door behind her.

Laura wasted no time, one sip of coffee and she picked up right where she'd left off the day before. She inhaled every word. At the end of the eleventh chapter she was astonished with the author's understanding of human emotions and his ability to explain them in layman's terms. What an education, she told herself. She'd learned so much. She had a much fuller understanding of what led her to that motel room, and why it was so exciting to let Brad stick his dick into her.

Laura took a short break and leaned back in her chair. She closed her eyes to give her weary brain a rest. Everything she'd learned, all the self- examinations, introspective analyzing and soul-searching...none of it could ease the pain she felt for betraying her husband and daughter.