Big Bang Theory - How Penny Met Leona

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An alternative to how they met.
10.8k words

Part 11 of the 51 part series

Updated 08/17/2020
Created 01/23/2015
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(An alternative to how Leonard and Penny met)

(fictional story about fictional characters)

Leonard Hofstadter felt like he was in Hell. His friend Howard Wolowitz had literally dragged him to a crowded bar in an attempt to meet attractive single women. Actually Howard didn't really care if they were single or not; as long as he could get them drunk and have sex with them. Leonard, on the other hand, had struck out with women so many times that he no longer cared if he dated or not. In his mind, it was just a matter of time before he was going to be dumped, so that it didn't seem like it was worth the effort in the first place. He had planned on updating his laptop software that evening with his roommate: Dr. Sheldon Cooper. Actually they were both doctors...of Physics, at CalTech.

Sheldon was not there with them because: a) he didn't drink, and b) he couldn't care less if he ever interacted with another human being. Basically Sheldon Cooper was oblivious to the needs and feelings of anyone but himself. It suddenly occurred to Leonard that he was becoming more like his roommate with each passing day; and the worst part was he didn't mind. Howard had wandered off and was talking to some huge-breasted redhead and Leonard was nursing a, now, flat beer when his eyes widened and his heart began to race. An absolutely gorgeous blond girl had just walked in and Leonard thought she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

She wore a daringly short black skirt that showed off her incredible legs, which were made even more shapely by the five inch heels on her feet. Her white blouse was extremely loose fitting and flowing with a scoop collar; and when she bent over to adjust the strap on her shoe, Leonard could see all the way down her pale, inviting cleavage. She had the face of an angel and the blond hair surrounded her face like a halo. He thought the most striking feature were her sparkling sapphire eyes that somehow seemed to twinkle. Leonard knew he was staring, but seemed helpless to look away; and suddenly her eyes locked with his and caught him staring. He tried to avert his gaze, but couldn't and she just winked at him and smiled.

He watched her saunter over to the bar to get a drink, looking over the top of his glass as he pretended to drink. No matter how hard he tried, Leonard could not look away from the blond goddess. Every so often she would glance his way and smile, until he realized she was walking in his direction. Suddenly fear gripped him and he convinced himself that she was going to harangue and belittle him for staring. Wanting to get up and flee, he knew he couldn't budge as she approached his table. Before she could scold him, he stood and blurted out: "I'm so sorry for's not like me, I promise. It's just that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen...and I know guys in bars must say that all the time...but I'm not like other guys...but you don't know me so you don't know that...and oh my God now I'm babbling. I'm so sorry...I'll just leave now."

Smiling from ear to ear, she touched his arm gently and calmly assured him: "calm down sweetie...I'm not mad. You're right, I do get stared at all the time; but even at a distance, you just seemed different. Most guys leer at me, like that one over there (and she nodded toward Howard), but not you. I could see in your eyes that you were looking at me like a kid coming down the stairs on Christmas morning. Sit, let's talk. Thank you for standing like a gentleman; I'm not used to that." They both sat and Leonard was immediately overcome with her wonderful scent; a combination of strawberries and vanilla. "Hi, my name is Penny...but you probably already know that." She was used to being hit on by guys who had seen her films.

"Leonard," he replied, barely able to talk to this blond goddess. "Why would I know that...I'm certain we've never met."

"I just thought you might have recognized me from my work," she answered, "most guys do."

"Sorry," Leonard admitted, "I'm sure I'd remember if I had ever seen that face before."

"You're so sweet," she softly said, "most guys don't even notice the face."

"Are you an actress...I knew it," he blurted out, "someone that beautiful has to be an actress. But if you haven't been in some sci-fi film or TV show, like Star Wars or Star Trek; I probably haven't seen your work. No offense. I'm kind of a geek...if you haven't already guessed that."

"Are you now, Leonard. Tell me about yourself," she reached across the table, touched his arm and leaned back in her chair to listen. When she crossed her incredible legs, he couldn't help but notice the vast expanse of bare thigh now on display.

"Well, I'm a physicist at CalTech where I'm currently working with high-powered lasers on a project for the government. I share an apartment with another physicist from CalTech and I'm originally from New Jersey. That's about life is about as boring as it gets. What about you?"

With that "light up a room" smile, she told him: "well, I'm originally from Nebraska and every since I was a little girl I dreamed of coming to California and becoming a famous movie star...and what do you know: dreams do come true...sort of. The first two weeks I was here, I rented a room in a sleazy hotel where all the rooms smelled like urine and there were no curtains. I answered every audition in the local paper and finally someone offered me a part in a film. By then my money had nearly run out and I was totally desperate, so I jumped at the chance. That's how I got my start in adult-films."

"Oh, you mean like Showtime," he asked, completely enthralled with her tale.

"You are just the sweetest thing," she stroked his cheek and he shivered. "No, I mean adult...x-rated movies."

Looking puzzled for a few seconds, Leonard finally spoke: " porn. No are sooo nice."

"Thanks sweetie," she grinned, "but most of the actors are just regular people who consider what they do as just a job...a way to pay the bills. If I hadn't gotten that first job I would probably be waiting tables at a Cheesecake Factory now...back in Nebraska. I told you all this because I like you and wanted to be totally honest with you. You really didn't know who I was, did you?"

"No, I swear," he admitted, "honestly I've never even seen an x-rated movie. I didn't belong to a fraternity or anything in college and most of my friends are nerds like me. My friend Howard, who I came here with, is actually the only perv I know...not that there is anything perverted about what you do. Sorry I didn't mean to imply that...I respect you for having regular employment."

Instinctively she knew he could be trusted and wouldn't lie to her: she had finally met someone who didn't know who she was and honestly didn't judge her for it. He was afraid he had offended her somehow when she stood up; but she calmed him: "we'll talk more when I get back from the Ladies Room. Don't you dare go anywhere." As she ambled away, Leonard could not help but notice the way her, obviously, braless breasts wobbled against the silky material of her blouse.

As she left, Leonard exclaimed: "you couldn't pry me out of this chair with a high-powered laser." She glanced over her shoulder, flashed him that million dollar smile, and laughed.

Just as soon as she had left the table, Howard rushed over and gushed: "holy crap you know who that was...that was Penny P. She's in porno flicks. Holy shit she's gorgeous...what is she doing talking to you."

"What do you mean talking to I chopped liver," Leonard answered indignantly.

"Yes...compared to her you are," Howard told him. "As you may know, I sometimes partake in the pleasure of viewing adult films," Howard continued, "and I've got to tell you...her body is to die for. She could use a little augmentation on top...but wow. You know what her specialty it: D-P."

"I have no idea what that is," Leonard stared at him.

"You give nerds a bad name," Howard told him, "D-P is double penetration...she likes two guys at a time. You have to introduce me...we could do her together."

"Jeez Howard," Leonard exclaimed, "nobody's doing her...she's really nice. We're just getting to know each other. Maybe I'll introduce you later; now go away before she gets back."

Howard reluctantly wandered over to the bar and when Penny came back to the table, Leonard stood up while she sat back down. "You don't have to do that," she assured him, reaching out and patting his forearm.

"Sorry, it's just how I was brought up," he shrugged his shoulders.

"Well don't apologize for being chivalrous," she grinned, "I'm just not used to being treated like a lady. So you work with sounds exciting...tell me about it."

"It is kind of exciting," he admitted, "I just got a government military grant to study their use to shoot down incoming ballistic missiles."

"Holy crap...can they do that," she urged.

"Oh God, no," he admitted, "but I can use the money for other projects. I designed my own Bat-signal."

Laughing out loud, Penny told him: "you really are a nerd...and I mean that in the most positive and endearing are so funny Leonard."

"I know I'm going out on the proverbial limb here, but if you wanted, I could show you my lab sometime," he blushed at his forwardness.

"I would absolutely love that," she leaned in and grabbed his hand, "I'm free Monday." It was Thursday, and she knew they had one more scene to shoot on her current movie the following day.

Stunned, Leonard stammered: "ah...ah...great. I just need your last name so I can leave a pass for you at the security desk."

Pausing for a moment she responded: "Penny Smith...and it's a date." She never gave out her real last name; it was her way of protecting her parents privacy. "Hand me your phone and I'll put in my contact info in case you need to call me," she winked at him and added: "anytime, that is." They exchanged numbers and then she offered: "I have to shoot a scene tomorrow, so I'd better be getting home...can I offer you a lift...I have my own personal Uber."

Not wanting the night to end, Leonard answered: "well I came here with my friend, but yeah...that would be great." She called her ride and he watched Howard's eyes bulge as they left together, her arm hooked through his. In the car he tried his best not to stare as, with every movement, her skirt inched higher up her thighs exposing more and more of her marvelous legs. He couldn't help but notice how her nipples were poking against the thin material of her blouse, as if begging for attention. When they pulled up in front of his building, Penny put her hands around his neck, leaned in and kissed him full on the lips for about three Mississippi's. The lips...not the friendly cheek. "Thanks for a really nice night Leonard," she told him when she pulled away, "I'm really glad I met you. See you Monday."

"Me too," was all the response the tongue-tied nerd could muster, "I can't wait for Monday." He floated up the three flights of stairs; his feet seemingly never touching the steps.

The next day in the CalTech cafeteria, the four friends were sitting at their usual table for lunch and as soon as Leonard sat down, Howard excitedly peppered him with questions. " was it...great I bet. Does she know any tricks...of course she does. I didn't call you last night because I knew you were bizz-zee. Come on...spill."

Their fourth friend; Raj Koothrappali, also a scientist at the university; spoke up: "what are you talking about...who knows magic tricks besides you."

"Oh we're not talking about magic tricks," Howard informed him, "our good friend Leonard had a date with a porn star last night. They left the bar together...arm in arm."

"What," Sheldon inquired, "was she in our apartment...I imagine that field of employment is very unhygienic. I'll have to check the roommate agreement."

"Yeah...what. Are you kidding me. A porn star and you didn't even tell me...does she have any friends so we can double-date," Raj asked.

"First of all," Leonard began, "there was no "getting busy", and it wasn't a date. We met at the bar and seemed to hit it off."

"I know I'd like to hit that," Howard grinned.

Leonard continued with an annoyed look on his face, "secondly, I'm sure her hygiene is impeccable. She's a really nice person; we had a good time, and her choice of employment is irrelevant."

"Irrelevant to you maybe," Raj suggested, "but I want to know more."

"I have one of her films on DVD," Howard admitted, "I'll show you guys later...she is a total knockout."

"Well, I don't want to see it; so keep it out of our apartment," Leonard scolded him.

"He's right," Sheldon agreed, "we don't even watch Showtime."

"All I can say is you're the only man alive who can date a porn star and not even get laid," Howard stated, " you're a disgrace to mankind."

"She said I was chivalrous," Leonard told them.

"That must be a new synonym for weenie," Howard giggled, "are you ever going to see her again."

"As a matter of fact, I'm going to show her my lab on Monday," Leonard proudly admitted.

"Oooo, now there's a sexy date," Raj mocked him.

"The people are what makes a date sexy...not the location," Leonard indignantly told them.

"Well in that case," Howard chuckled, "your date will be semi-sexy."

Meanwhile, across town, Penny was getting ready to film the last sex scene of her latest film which would involve her and two rather large black men. She was getting the attention of Eve, the make-up artist, and they were conversing about all things. Of course, make-up for a sex scene involved little more than some rouge for her areola to make them more pronounced on film, and getting her hair brushed. Eve had asked Penny a couple questions and received no answer, so she tugged on a couple strands of her hair to get her attention. "Owww," Penny complained, "things aren't supposed to get rough until the camera rolls...what gives."

"You haven't been holding up your end of the conversation," Eve replied, "you seem preoccupied."

"I guess I am," Penny explained, "you know how I like to go to small neighborhood bars to have a quiet drink and maybe a dance...places where I hope no one recognizes me?"

"Yeah...sure," Eve nodded, "what happened, did some obnoxious jerk recognize you and start groping?"

"No, just the opposite," Penny told her, "I met the sweetest guy who had no idea who I was...until I told him."

"You told him," Eve exclaimed, "why on earth did you do that. You're sure he didn't know?"

"Oh I'm sure," Penny explained, "he's actually kind of a nerd...a scientist at CalTech. He had no clue. I told him because I like him and didn't want to start off by deceiving him."

"How did that work did he react," Eve inquired.

"So far, so good," Penny told her, "he didn't pass judgement or ask to see my tits. Monday I'm going to CalTech to see his lab."

"Oooo, a college girl...I'm impressed," Eve joked.

"Yeah," Penny laughed, "I'll let you know how it goes; now let's get this scene over with." Penny was dressed in a sheer pale blue baby-doll nightgown that was just long enough to cover her delectable ass cheeks when she was standing still, and a tiny matching g-string. Her large pink areola were completely visible under the fabric and her magnificent breasts jiggled as she walked. It was to be a home-invasion scenario and she was working with twin brothers named Darryl and Dwight. They were both huge black men, resembling linebackers, with shiny shaved heads. She had worked with them before and had a good rapport. The scene began with her slung over Dwight's shoulder like a sack of potatoes as he carried her into the bedroom set.

From behind, it appeared she didn't have panties on because they had ridden all the way up into her ass crack, as Dwight flung her down on the red satin bedspread. Finding scarves draped over the headboard, they proceeded to tie her limbs to the four corners of the bedframe; leaving her spread-eagle. Her golden blond hair framed her angelic face like a halo as it spread out against the bed. Darryl grasped her nightgown by the collar and easily ripped it off her incredible body, while Dwight took one finger and tore off her flimsy panties. If you had asked the twins, they would have admitted that she was the most beautiful woman they had ever worked with, and both were eager to get down to business.

Written dialogue was usually kept to a minimum in these scenes but Darryl sneered down at Penny as she feigned a struggle against her bonds, and exclaimed: "I bet you've never been fucked by a black cock before; well get ready to find out what a real man feels like." Her naked body was perfection and her crotch was already glistening with her arousal as he tugged off his sweatpants and released his giant black python. Dwight did the same and it was evident that they were indeed twins. With the most incredible nude body they had ever seen waiting to be fucked, both men were completely erect and possessed rock hard ten inch kielbasas. Dwight stood beside the bed and began to roughly fondle and squeeze her perfect tits as her body struggled for freedom.

Darryl crawled up the bed between her wonderful long legs that they had tied obscenely wide. She was spread so wide that her slit had opened to reveal her bright pink inner flesh like an invitation. Not interested in foreplay for this scene, Darryl immediately slid one of his fat fingers up inside her hole and assured Dwight: "oh yeah...this is gonna be fun...this bitch is tighter than Momma's pantyhose." He grasped his prick in his hand and slapped it against her heaving tummy a couple times, before rubbing his huge purple crown against her wet slit.

"No...please no," Penny pleaded as he nudged against her plump lips. The truth was she was dripping wet and couldn't wait to be fucked. The money was nice, but the truth was she would almost do this job for free. In answer to her pleas, Darryl shoved forward and his head plowed through her opening, spreading her slit wide. As soon as he was in, Darryl rammed his hips forward and buried his enormous pole all the way up her pussy. Her head thrashing back and forth, Penny gasped: "oh my God, your cock is so fucking big."

Just as soon as she had finished, Dwight kneeled next to her head and flopped his fat meat between her open lips. Like a baby bird being fed a worm by it's mother, she instinctively closed her red lips around his shaft and began to suck. Darryl began to slam his huge pole in and out of her tight hole, and it seemed to make her suck on Dwight even harder, her cheeks now concave from the vacuum. Her magnificent tits flopped around on her chest like water balloons as her nude body rocked on the mattress. "Yo bro, you gotta feel this pussy," Darryl exclaimed to his brother as he thrust up into her. Dwight reluctantly yanked his log out of her mouth and joined his brother between her splayed legs.

Satisfied that her saliva had provided enough added lubrication, Dwight crowded against his brother and rubbed his crown up and down her wet slit. Stretching her fleshy lips with his purple head, he waited until Darryl had pulled about halfway out and then they both shoved forward. "Oh my fucking God," Penny squealed as both huge cocks forced their way up her hole. Her naked body thrashed against her bonds as they pushed their enormous pricks further up inside her. "Yesss, yesss, stretch my fucking cunt," she screeched as nearly two feet of cock invaded her pussy. As soon as their balls nudged against her perfect cheeks, they began to fuck her; their monstrous cocks acting as one.

"Fuck me...fuck me," she begged as her glistening body writhed beneath them, "I love your big black cocks...stretch my cunt." Penny didn't even have to act now; she really did love the way they were stretching her hole...scraping every nerve ending inside her tunnel. She never felt more alive than when she was being fucked. Every time they thrust into her, she was shoving her pelvis up to meet them. In and out of her pussy, they continued to fuck the beautiful blonde as she gasped and screamed. Leaning forward, they each captured one of her engorged nipples between their teeth and bit down. "Yesss, yesss," she yelled as her body stiffened with climax.