Big People

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Love among the large.
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This isn't a wham bam do it immediately type of story. It takes some time to develop. It eventually hits the mark, so don't give up!


The airplane from Tokyo thumped onto the runway at LAX. It taxied gracefully up to the Japan Airlines gate and the passengers started departing. She strolled into the first class lounge ordered a gin gimlet and sat back to enjoy it. Betsy was a striking, large woman. At 6'4" and 195 pounds she was no light weight. Very seldom did she run across a man who had the balls to hit on her. She wasn't mean; she was just extra large and intimidating. She had never had a boyfriend, never been felt up, and never been French kissed. She wanted all those things but all of the men she knew were too wimpy to ask her out. Besides, she needed a big guy. She didn't want some shrimp. She waited an hour and then the loudspeaker announced the boarding of her flight to Detroit.

She was employed as an international interpreter for General Motors. She had many flights to Europe and the Orient. She was fluent in German, French, Japanese, Chinese and Korean.GM placed a high value on her and her talents.

"Home again," she thought as she walked down the passenger ramp and into the first class section of the 747. In three hours she would be home. She couldn't wait. She had been out of the country for five weeks and she was ready to relax. After the executive board meeting she would be off for two weeks. She had no plan for the time off; she was just going to relax.

The 747 landed in Detroit and she walked out of the terminal and into a waiting limo. The valet had captured all her luggage. She kept her brief case with her. The limo swept her to corporate headquarters and soon she was giving a detailed report to the board of directors. When she finished there was a brief question and answer session and then she was dismissed.

The valet had put her luggage into her BMW. She checked it over and shot down the freeway towards home. When she arrived her maid brought the baggage into the house, opened it and started separating the contents. "Thanks Martha she said gratefully as she headed for the shower. She couldn't wait to see what the weekend would bring. She finished her ablutions and jumped into bed. Almost immediately she was asleep.

The 757 jumped into the air at JFK and pointer itself toward Detroit. Ian was slouched down in a first class seat. He didn't like to fly but his job as an interpreter for General Motors had him in the air a lot. After they achieved cruising altitude the stewardess brought him his gin and tonic which he glumly sipped. You would have thought that at 6' 8" and 275 pounds he could drink in bunches but such was not the case. He didn't drink much and when he did, it had reason. Right now the reason was the turbulence between New York and Detroit. His trip to Italy had been a total success.

When his plane landed at Detroit a company limo picked him up and took him to headquarters. An odd bit of timing made him miss seeing Betsy at all. They had never met and were only aware of each other's existence from company documents.

He was really looking forward to the weekend. His hobby and part time job was auctioneering. This weekend there was a big auto auction just out of town and he was scheduled to be one of the auctioneers.

He talked to his boss and gave him the report on his trip to Italy. The man seemed pleased. "Take a week off and relax," his boss said.

Great! He left the offices and went to the parking garage where his Cadillac awaited him. He hopped in the car and sped off across town to his condo. He parked the car and his valet unloaded his baggage. Shedding clothes as he walked through the house, he was almost nude by the time he got to his bedroom. His last piece of clothing hit the floor as he stepped into the hot tub.

"Ah, home again," he mumbled to himself.

She wandered into the breakfast nook at 7:00 AM. "Thank god the coffee's ready," she thought as she picked up the morning paper and sat down.

As she read through the paper she saw a full page add for an auto auction. Among the cars listed was a yellow Corvette. She had wanted a yellow Corvette since she was a child but never had the money or the opportunity to buy one. "Maybe today's the day," she mumbled to herself.

She hurried into the shower and an hour later was ready to go.

She drove out to the auction site. As she walked around the grounds she saw many cars she would have liked to buy and would have bought them all if she had the money. She found the yellow Corvette. It had very low mileage and was in terrific condition. She knew quite a bit about cars, having learned a lot from her father and from her job. She went to the registration office and placed an auction deposit. In the office she found that the 'Vette would be #34 on the block so she had some time to look around.

She strolled into the auction tent. There at the auctioneers podium stood a giant guy. He looked like he knew what he was doing as he sorted through the schedules. The auction hadn't started yet so she ambled over to the podium. "Hi," she said.

Ian looked up and saw a tall goddess looking at him. He walked around the podium and stuck out his hand. "Hi yourself. I'm Ian," he answered.

For once she looked up at a man. His hazel eyes were gazing at hers. She felt an unfamiliar stirring in her nether regions. Usually men were afraid of her or turned her off. This guy was not afraid and he absolutely turned her on. Her nipples hardened. "Damn!" she thought, "This guy is gorgeous." She said, "Pleased to meet you. Are you part of the staff?"

"Yeah, I'm a part time auctioneer. I get to do this whenever I'm in town."

"Travel a lot?" she inquired.

"I've got one of those jobs that require me to bounce around the world. This is my hobby."

"That's a coincidence! I travel a lot too. In fact, I just got back from Japan," she replied.

"I just got back from Italy. What are you doing at this auction anyway?"

"Well, in the newspaper this morning I saw your add and in it was a yellow Corvette. I've always wanted one so I thought I might get lucky here," she answered.

"Who do you work for?" he asked.

"GM," she replied.

"Me too," came the excited response. "What do you do for GM?"

"I'm an interpreter." She answered.

"Me too," he laughed. "It's odd that I've never met you before."

"Considering our schedules, I'm amazed that we ever met," she said with a smile.

"So are do you have a significant other?" he asked.

"Boy, he's fast," she thought. "I wish!" she answered. "I've always been alone."

"I can fix that if you'll have dinner with me tonight," he smiled.

"Supersonic," she thought. "Okay, what time will you pick me up?" she said.

"Just give me your address and phone number and I'll be there whenever you want," he quickly offered.

"Be there about seven," she said as she wrote her name, address and phone number on his card.

"Great! I'll be there," he happily affirmed.

The auction started. She bid on the yellow Corvette but was overbid by a guy who had more money than she could spend. However she had a strange feeling that she might have won something more than a car. She drove home and spent the afternoon preparing for her date. She had no real experience at this but she had read a lot about it and tried to do everything right.

As time marched on toward 7:00 o'clock she started to wonder if she had done the right thing. She had zero experience with men and therefore no experience with sex. At 28 years old she had never learned to masturbate and so had never had an orgasm. Out side of some strange, uncomfortable dreams when she was younger, she had never felt the love or the touch of a man.

At precisely 7:00 o'clock the buzzer sounded. It was him. She buzzed him in and a minute later he was at her door. She opened the door and there stood a huge man in an Armani suit. He looked like a god. Her heart skipped a beat and her mouth was open.

"Can I come in?" Ian asked.

"Oh, of course, of course," she stuttered, coming out of her trance. "Sit down. Would you like something to drink?"

"Frankly, I'm not much of a drinker. Let's save it for later. Right now I would just like to get to know you a little better."

"OK," she replied sitting next to him on the sofa. She was a mental wreck. He could easily have taken her right then and there. She trembled.

"Are you cold?" he asked and offered her the comfort of his arm.

She snuggled into him and said, "A little."

"Do you like Italian?" he asked.


"That's good 'cause that's where I have reservations." He was cool as a cucumber on the outside but inside, his guts were tied in knots. "She might be the one. I better go slow and not scare her off," he thought. She felt really good snuggled into his chest.

They talked for almost an hour. Then Ian announced, "Reservations are for 8:30. We better get with it."

She wasn't near as nervous now as she had been before. Ian had put her at ease. She loved the feeling of being with a big, take-charge guy. She had never felt like this before.

The restaurant was a little out of the way place that catered to a particular clientele. He was welcomed with open arms by the maitre'd who obviously knew him. They chattered briefly in Italian and then were escorted to the best seat in the house. Ian told the waiter to make the selection for them. The guy hustled off with a smile on his face.

"Wow," Betsy exclaimed, "they seem to know you. Is this where you take all your conquests?"

"Are you one of my conquests?" Ian asked.

"You never know," answered Betsy.

The meal was served and it was outstanding. Betsy had never, in all her travels, had a meal this good. A violin was playing a soft love song in the background.

"To us," toasted Ian.

Betsy clinked his wine glass with hers. It was getting better and better. She looked across the small table at Ian and saw something in his eyes she didn't recognize. It was lust.

Ian reached across the table and took her hand in his. He gently kissed it but he didn't give it back. He squeezed it. Betsy smiled. Ian smiled. "Let's go to my place," Ian suggested.

"Alright," replied Betsy, "But there are some things you must understand first. I won't go for a one night stand. If this is going nowhere, I want to know right now. Also I am a virgin. You are the first guy who didn't run at the sight of me. I've got to know what you want out of this."

"At first I wanted just a roll in hay, but the better I get to know you, the less I think about that and the more I think this could turn into something very good. I'll admit I've had a few women. Many of them run at the sight of me, too. Going to my place doesn't mean you're going to lose anything. We'll stop anytime you say. I'll take you home when you want to go. I'll take you home right now if that's what you want. You don't have to be frightened of me and my motives. At this point in our relationship, it probably is better if we just talk a little. That's as honest as I can get."

This answer took her completely by surprise. She had expected an angry retort. Instead she got a sincere answer. It touched her deeply. "Let's go to your place for a while."

They got into his car and drove slowly to his house. "Nice place," she remarked as they walked into the living room.

"Make yourself comfortable while I get something to drink," he said.

"Nothing for me, thanks, I had enough wine at the restaurant," she said.

"I'm making coffee, are you sure you don't want some?"

"Yes, I'll have a cup of coffee," she replied.

Ian came into the living room and sat beside her. He took her hands in his hands and looked into her eyes. "I don't know where this is going, but I hope it is headed in the right direction."

"I do too. I've never had a real boyfriend and I'm kind of anxious to find out what it's like."

"Are you really a virgin?" he asked sincerely.

"Worse than that, I've never even kissed a boy like a lover would."

"We can fix that," he said leaning into her.

She leaned into him as he pressed her lips against his. He parted his lips and licked her. She didn't know what to do. He pressed the issue and forced her mouth open a little. Then he raked her teeth with his tongue. She opened her mouth and let the invader in. He caressed her tongue with his. She got the idea and caressed him back. The whistle on the coffee pot sounded. They broke the kiss.

He got up to fix the coffee.

She couldn't believe the rush she got from that kiss. She had dreamed about this before but the reality was much, much better than the dream.

He returned with the coffee.

"We should let it cool while we do that again," she said.

"Right on," was the reply.

He took her tenderly into his arms. He caressed her back from her butt to her shoulders. She shuddered with pleasure. He drove his tongue back into her waiting mouth. This time she didn't even flinch. She returned the kiss with vigor! She was having way too much fun. She was feeling things she didn't even know existed before. She was afraid it might be a bit too much.

"We're going a little too fast," she panted.

"Don't you like it?"

"That's the problem. I like it too much. I don't want to wind up with my panties on your floor the first night."

"Have some coffee and we'll talk," he suggested.

"OK," she demurely replied. "I really enjoyed kissing you. I've never felt this way before so I'm a little nervous."

"I understand completely," he agreed as he sipped his coffee. "I've never felt quite this way about a woman either. Where do we go from here?"

"Well I don't want to stop seeing you. I certainly want to do this again," she sipped her coffee.

"I have to do this again," he stated. "I may be hooked on you."

She nodded her agreement.

"I'll take you home now," he offered. "When can I see you again?"

"How about tomorrow?" she asked.

"Sounds great, let's go," he agreed. They got in his car and he drove her home.

"You could come in for a while," she demurely remarked.

"I'm afraid of what might happen," he replied. "I don't know how much longer I can hold myself in check."

"Aw, come on. I won't hurt you. I promise."

"Well okay but just for a little while. I'm a growing boy and I need my rest."

"I wonder what he's growing," she thought as they entered her home.

Ten minutes later they were playing tonsil hockey on her sofa. Her resolve was starting to dissolve. He slowly slid his hand under her shirt. He squeezed her bra. She had really nice tits. He was falling in love. She was falling in heat. She moaned into his mouth as he released her bra strap. She quickly removed her shirt and her bra. She removed his shirt. She gasped when she saw his wide muscular chest. He smiled down on her and plunged back into her mouth.

She could feel a hard lump forming on her thigh. She reached down and held it. She jerked her hand back as she realized it was his cock. He grabbed her wrist and put her hand back on his dick. She squeezed it. He was starting to realize just how little experience she had.

"Haven't you ever felt a cock before?" he asked.

"No," she panted. "I've never done any of this. Tonight is my first time for everything."

"Everything?" he hopefully inquired.

In a flash, her mind was made up. She had missed out on so much. Not any more. "Yes, everything," she whispered.

He knew that he would have to go slow so as not to frighten her, but he was completely overheated. He dropped his pants on the floor. She stared at the bulge in his boxers. It wasn't as big as the ones she had seen in the porn flicks, but it definitely wasn't small. He pulled her to her feet and unzipped her skirt. He noticed the wet spot on her panties right away. He dropped his boxers and heard her gasp. He pulled her panties off.

"At least they're hitting my floor and not yours," she grinned.

He pressed his lips to her right nipple and sucked gently. She drew in a big breath. He switched to her left breast and she started to moan. He pulled her down onto the sofa and hugged her tightly.

Feeling his bare skin against her bare skin gave her a sensation she hadn't expected. She loved it and squeezed him tighter. She felt his fingers drift down to her pussy. No one had ever touched her there before. He rubbed his fingers up and down her slit. She started to shake. She grabbed his steel hard cock and squeezed it. It was smooth and soft yet hard. She thumbed the top and stuck her finger into the little slit. He started to do some twitching of his own.

He kissed her very hard again, running his tongue as far into her mouth as he could. She sucked on his tongue. Her hips bucked off the sofa. He broke the kiss and started nibbling on her neck. She had never thought of her neck as being particularly sexy, but his attentions were making her hotter and hotter. His lips slid down her chest and recaptured her nipples one at a time. With his free hand he cupped her breasts. She was now out of control and ready for anything.

She was going to get everything as his lips slid down her supple tummy and onto her thighs. He kissed her thighs and her legs parted. He dove for her pussy and enveloped it in his mouth. That was the last thing she expected. It felt so good that her passion overpowered her surprise and she grabbed his head and jammed it into her twat. Her juices were flowing freely and he was lapping them up. She tasted so good he didn't want to quit. Her vagina was a mixture of exotic aromas and superb flavors. He cunt juices and his saliva dripped across her asshole. He massaged it with his fingers and pushed his index finger inside.

She jumped. She was wiggling around, unsure of what to do. The new sensations were driving her insane. She had forgotten her morals. She only knew she wanted more, much more.

He drove his tongue into her honey hole. She squealed and started to quiver. He moved up her slit to her clitoris. She had very seldom touched herself there. Now her love bud was between the lips of a man, her lover. The feeling she got when he sucked on her clit was something she couldn't describe. She felt as though she had fallen into a pit of pure pleasure. Her senses heightened. Her arousal soared. Heaven!

He knew she was ready but he wanted to make this really special. He slid a finger into her vagina and started to hum on her clit.

"OH JESUS!!" she screamed and experienced a gigantic orgasm. It almost knocked her out. She was in a world she had never known existed. It was a world she didn't want to leave. Ian made her come two more times.

Ian looked up into Betsy's eyes and made his way up her body. He was lying between her legs, looking down on her. She was looking back at him with total adoration.

"Now," she whispered, "Let's do it now." She grasped his dick and guided it to her opening.

"It'll hurt a little at first," he told her.

"I know. I'm ready."

He slowly slid his cock into her wet pussy. It wasn't long until he came to her cherry. "Now's the time," he told her.. She nodded and her plunged through the barrier that had separated her from womanhood.

A tear drizzled down her cheek as she got used to the size of him. In a couple of minutes she instinctively started to rock up and down on his cock. He plunged into her completely. At last she had closure. All those things she had heard about and read about suddenly made sense. She loved the feel of his big dick in her pussy. "Faster," she commanded.

Faster it was as he sped up his stroke. With each succeeding thrust he was able to penetrate a little deeper. He could feel her cervix bouncing off his dick. He was stroking faster and faster. She had a very tight pussy but it was well lubricated. She was panting in rhythm with his strokes. Soon she started pushing back. The longer it lasted, the more they wanted. Her breathing became erratic and her thrusts lost all their rhythm. She was now bucking hard, out of control and issuing a high pitched screech. He was close too.