Bit of a Bitch Pt. 01

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Romance of brothers & sisters & cousins.
13.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/19/2021
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*Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.

**Disclaimers: This story has been edited by myself, utilizing Microsoft Spell-Check. Be forewarned; you will find mistakes. If that bothers you, then quit reading now.


Donna Goodwin watched the couple as he pushed the cart and she put items into the cart. They would playfully bicker about this item or that one; he would put the can or jar or box back onto the shelf and she would giggle and slap his arm and put the can or jar or box back into the buggy.

The young man was tall, at least six feet, three inches, broad shouldered with a narrow waist. Donna did like the way his buttocks looked in his cargo shorts. His peach colored pullover shirt did look good against his tanned skin and curly blond hair.

The girl was cute, in Donna's eyes. Not gorgeous, not pretty, just cute. The most striking thing about the girl was her ankle length straw colored hair. Standing next to the young man, the girl was quite short; Donna guessed the girl was most likely five feet even, maybe five one or two. Her wife beater shirt revealed ample breasts, her denim cutoff shorts revealed a chunky butt and slightly thick thighs. When they turned the aisle in front of Donna's checkout lane, Donna could see a smattering of freckles across the girl's nose.

Then the Coupon Queen was putting her weekly truck load of groceries onto Donna's conveyer belt and Donna lost sight of the couple. They called the ill-tempered woman 'The Coupon Queen' because she always had a fistful of coupons and it took a while to ring her up, ring up the coupons, then load all the bags into her two or three carts. And the entire time, the unpleasant woman stood, beady little eyes waiting for the cashier to make a mistake.

As if on cue, the woman shrilled, "Nuh uh, that coupon's fifty cents off."

"Ma'am, it expired on the fifteenth," Donna patiently explained, showing the woman the date on the coupon.

"Then take it off; I don't want it," the woman snarled.

While Donna Goodwin was collecting eighty three dollars and nine cents for three hundred and fifty three dollars and sixty one cents worth of groceries, , Bruce Thompson and Laci Meyers were looking over the selection of Nulough's flavored Vodkas. Bruce saw that some of the selection had the yellow Burns & Burns stickers on them. This sticker meant that the items were twenty percent off regular price. Laci was not looking for yellow stickers; she was actually looking for a flavor or flavors she might like.

"Peach," she called out.

"Uh huh, hmm, 'Citrus Twist' has a green, wow, green means it's thirty percent off," Bruce responded.

"Baba, I can get the peach?" Laci asked, playfully batting her large brown eyes at him.

"Keep looking; might find something even better," Bruce suggested.

Ever since they were toddlers, Laci had called her cousin 'Baba.' No one knew why; Laci didn't even know why. But her name for her favorite cousin had always been Baba. In time, Bruce's sisters and brothers and cousins also called him Baba. Aunt Cindy, his mother and their grandparents called him Brucie.

Twenty one years earlier, in Lowenburg, Arkansas, at the Cotton Bowl bowling alley, Jack Thompson and his younger sister Cindy were given lane nine. They slipped on the bowling shoes; Jack trying to fold his size fourteen triple E foot in half to fit into the size thirteen shoe and then searched for bowling balls.

"Find one big enough for my fingers, damned thing's all chipped up," Jack commented to his sister.

Jerry Meyers and his twin sister Roslyn Meyers were given lane ten. Roslyn tried to find a good bowling ball while Jerry tried to use a fake ID to buy a couple of beers.

"Kid, get out of here," the man at the concession stand snarled, not even looking at the ID. "Shit. Think I can't tell you what? Seventeen, eighteen?"

"Ain't my fault I just look young for my age," Jerry lied.

"Uh huh, looks like bullshit, sounds like bullshit, even smells like bullshit, know what? Think it might just be bullshit," the man said, turning to serve another customer.

"Where's my nachos?" Roslyn asked when her brother returned, empty handed.

"Ain't getting shit from that ass hole," Jerry spat.

"Jesus; just get a bowling ball, huh?" Roslyn said, marching to the concession stand.

A moment later, she returned and noticed the very attractive blond man and his blonde companion at the lane next to theirs. She put her plate of nachos down and quickly scribbled out Jerry and Roslyn on their score card. When she placed the scorecard onto the lighted panel, it projected the image of the card overhead.

Glancing over, Roslyn couldn't help but laugh. The good looking man had written 'Winner' and 'Winner's Sister' on their score card. His blonde companion was laughing as she slapped him.

"Jack, you are such a butt hole," Cindy squealed as she scratched out the names and wrote in 'Jack' and 'Cindy.'

"Bet we beat y'all," Jerry challenged, his eyes firmly glued to Cindy's ample chest.

"Okay; what we betting?" Jack smiled. "Hi, I'm Jack Thompson and this is my favorite sister Cindy."

"I'm his only sister," Cindy smiled.

"Jerry Meyers," Jerry said.

"Uh? Ahem?" Roslyn said.

"Huh? Oh. Yeah. And this is my sister," Jerry said.

"Hi, my sister," Jack smiled at Roslyn. "So, what we betting?"

"Ten bucks?" Jerry sneered.

"No. How about a pizza next door?" Jack said. "Their supreme, extra-large."

The Thompsons did easily trounce the Meyers. For Jack, Cindy, and Roslyn, it was an easy, fun competition. Jack and Cindy encouraged Jerry and Roslyn, even applauding when Jerry managed a surprising strike.

Jerry was sweating bullets, though. To him, this was a serious competition. He didn't know how much a pizza next door would cost; that ten bucks he'd offered was the sum total of the money he had in his pocket. Their uncle Craig had given Roslyn a gift card for the Cotton Bowl bowling alley.

"God damn it, really?" Jerry snarled at Roslyn when she missed picking up a spare.

"Hey, hey, Jerry, come on, huh?" Cindy soothed. "It's okay."

When the quartet trooped up to the counter to turn in their shoes and pay for the lane rental, Jerry sidled up to Jack. He admitted, he only had ten dollars.

"Hey, man, don't worry about it," Jack said, putting an affectionate arm around Jerry's shoulders. "This way? I'm getting to have pizza with my favorite sister and a beautiful brunette. Oh. And you."

"I'm his only sister," Cindy reminded Roslyn, smiling happily.

Over pizza and sodas; the waitress refused Jerry's fake ID, they found out that Jack was home from college. He was a junior at Myndee University, in Myndee, Arkansas.

"He's a junior, even though he's only nineteen," Cindy confided, her pride evident.

"Wow," Roslyn said, her big brown eyes drinking in the blond man.

"Not that big of a deal," Jack shrugged it off. "Majoring in finance so the load's pretty light."

"Well, we're fixing graduate from Conway next week," Roslyn said.

"Really? Me too! Well, St. James, but I'm graduating too," Cindy agreed.

The check came and Jack irritated Jerry by holding out his hand. With a nudge from Roslyn, Jerry dug out his ten dollar bill.

But, leaving the pizza place, Jerry had Cindy's phone number. And Jack had Roslyn's phone number.

A year and month after their first meeting, Jack proposed to Roslyn. Jerry followed suit and proposed to Cindy. Percy Thompson did broach the idea of a joint wedding, but Jack shut that down.

"From the minute she sucked in her first breath, my sister has dreamed of her wedding," Jack said. "And, it is Cindy's wedding. And it didn't have me in it, it had her and her Prince Charming and that's it. No. I will not barge in on my favorite sister's big day."

"I'm your only sister," Cindy said, eyes shiny with her tears.

"And that's why I love you," Roslyn whispered to her fiancé, her own eyes shiny with her tears.

Jerry stood in as Jack's best man; Cindy stood in as Roslyn's maid of honor. Two weeks later, Jack stood at Jerry's side as Roslyn stood at Cindy's side. Then the two couples went to Acapulco, Mexico for a two week honeymoon. Jack and Roslyn's rented a two bedroom bungalow; Jack did not charge Jerry and Cindy one penny for the bungalow.

Their days were spent drinking, swimming, drinking, snorkeling, drinking, dancing and drinking and drinking. The morning that they were to leave, Roslyn woke up, or came to, head pounding horrendously, to find herself in Jerry's bed. Cindy woke up, vision swimming, stomach lurching, to find herself in Jack's bed.

The two women said nothing as they stealthily passed each other in the main room. They said nothing as they climbed into bed with their husbands, and allowed sleep to once again claim them.

"Good thing we took pictures," Jack commented as they hurried to pack their suitcases.

"What?" Roslyn almost screamed.

"Pictures?" Cindy asked, big brown eyes panicked.

"Yeah; when people ask what we did on our honeymoon, I'll be able show them pictures of us snorkeling, deep-sea fishing, my wife in that itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini," Jack said. "Because, I sure don't remember none of it. You, Jerry?"

"We did that?" Jerry agreed.

"It's green, you goofball," Roselyn smiled. "Not yellow. And there's no polka dots."

"Pretty sure we did," Jack said. "Hey, Sweetheart? How come my stuff fit in this before but I can't even close it now?"

"Don't worry about it," Roselyn smiled, kissing him.

Eight months and twenty days after they landed in Little Rock, Arkansas, Roslyn gave birth to Bruce Jonathon Thompson. Nine months to the day after they landed at Little Rock Airport, Cindy sweated, cried, screamed and cursed and gave birth to Laci Elizabeth Meyers.

Jack and Roslyn lived in a suburb of Little Rock, Arkansas. Their home was a modest three bedroom home; they planned on having at least one, possibly two or three more children. Jerry and Cindy lived in a series of apartments in Oldenburg and Lowenburg Arkansas. Jerry was a butcher and worked at this supermarket, or that deli or this other meat market. He seemed incapable of keeping a job for very long, seemed incapable of saving money.

Jack and Roslyn slipped Cindy a few bucks whenever she asked. Percy and Wilma Thompson also slipped their daughter a few bucks when they could. None of them would slip Jerry a few bucks; it seemed to go directly to his liver.

The Thompsons and Meyers planned to celebrate the one year birthdays of Bruce and Laci on the same day. The Thompsons would drive in the day before, spend the night at the apartment of Jerry and Cindy, then they'd have the party at Percy and Wilma's home.

"Hey, uh, why don't we take your van?" Jack asked as Roslyn packed and repacked their suitcase and Bruce's diaper bag.

Roslyn looked up. She then closed the lid of the suitcase and walked around to hug her husband.

"We're taking your Benz," she said firmly. "Jonathon Richard Thompson, we are not going to hide the fact that you make money, good money at your job. I am not ashamed that we can afford a Mercedes-Benz and you shouldn't be ashamed of it either."

"I uh, well, it's just that..." Jack stammered.

"If my brother gets the red-ass about it, tough," Roslyn said. "Maybe it'll make him get off his ass and work a little harder."

Jerry did get the red-ass. And Roselyn told him to get over it. Her husband making money was not preventing Jerry from making money. Jerry whispered to his wife that his sister was a bit of a bitch.

Two months later, Roslyn called Cindy and let her favorite sister in law know she and Jack had planned a two week cruise to the Bahamas. Cindy squealed, genuinely happy for her big brother and her favorite sister in law.

"And we got y'all the cabin right next to ours," Roslyn said nonchalantly.

"You what? Roslyn, there's no way, Roslyn, we can't afford that," Cindy hurriedly said.

"Wha-aa-at? You can't afford free?" Roslyn asked. "Cindy, you're coming and that's that. Your mom and dad have already said they'll watch the urchins."

"God damned fucking ass hole," Jerry snarled when his wife gave him the good news. "God damn, God damn, just can't wait rub it in my face he makes more money than me, I swear to God."

"You listen to me, and you listen good, Gerald Franklin Meyers," Cindy growled, face hard. "You're getting on that boat, you're telling your sister and your brother in law 'thank you' and you're going to smile so God damned much your face hurts. Do you hear me?"

"Or what?" Jerry challenged.

"You don't want to know," Cindy promised.

Jerry did get on the boat. He did tell his sister and her husband thank you. And he did smile on occasion. Inwardly, he called his sister a bitch, and called his wife a bit of a bitch too.

"Believe this crap?" Jack smiled as he and Jerry strolled the deck. "They're off getting pedicures? We're on a boat. Who the hell cares what their nails look like?"

But, when Cindy and Roslyn came up, hands outstretched, Jack did compliment them on their nails. A moment later, Jerry also complimented their nails.

"And, did my toes too," Cindy said, holding up a small sandaled foot.

"Damn, how much that cost?" Jerry demanded.

"Nothing," Cindy snapped, moving away.

Over dinner, Roslyn and Cindy leaned together and whispered and giggled. Jerry was in a foul mood but Jack was happy as he sipped his vodka martini.

"So, uh, we need get them drunk or what?" Roslyn whispered to Cindy.

"Hope not; I don't need another hangover like last time," Cindy giggled.

"I know, right?" Roslyn agreed and they giggled again.

"Okay, you two," Roslyn said as the waiter cleared their dishes. "We stopped off at Victoria's Secret; y'all give us um, ten..."

"Fifteen," Cindy interrupted.

"Fifteen minutes, then come to the room," Roslyn agreed.

"Victoria's Secret?" Jerry complained.

"You'll love it," Roslyn said.

"Yeah, you'll love it," Cindy agreed, getting to her feet. "Oh. But no lights, hear?"

Jerry watched the two women walk away, their tight backsides wiggling seductively. He wished he could afford a drink; Jack had not included drinks with their travel package.

"Sir? Coffee?" the waiter politely offered.

"Yes, please, Jerry?" Jack smiled.

"Yeah, sure," Jerry agreed.

Ten minutes later, sucking on their breath mints, the two men made their way down to their adjoining cabins.

"And..." Jack smiled, checking his Rolex. "Fifteen. See you in the morning, Stud."

"No!" Jack heard an urgent whisper when he entered the cabin. "Leave the light off."

"But, Sweetheart, what fun is lingerie if I don't get to see it?" Jack asked, pulling his hand from the light switch again.

He lay down on the bed. A moment later, he felt the bed sag slightly.

Soft lips sought his. A soft tongue entered his mouth. Soft hands undressed him, then soft lips took his manhood deep into warm wetness.

Three hours later, Jack's cock refused to rise again. Soft lips again kissed his lips. A soft voice whispered 'I love you' and the bed jostled slightly as the figure slipped out of the bed.

In the morning, Roslyn modeled what she'd worn the night before. Jack's cock did revive at the sight of her beautiful figure in the bright red corset and thong panties.

The night before they were to return to port, the girls again informed their husbands that they'd been to Victoria's Secret again. Jack and Jerry both smiled and agreed to give them fifteen minutes head start.

Nine months later, Bruce and Laci were big brother and big sister to two blonde headed girls. Three years later, after another cruise, this one to Alaska, Bruce and Laci and Michelle and Theresa were big brother and big sisters to one brown headed boy, Franklin Richard Thompson and a blonde haired girl, Claire Francis Meyers.

Bruce was his father's son. He'd received a one hundred dollar check from Gramps and Nana, Percy and Wilma Thompson, and twenty five dollars from Maw-maw, the widowed Gretchen Meyers for his tenth birthday. He asked his father if they could go to the local Cash For Gold pawnshop.

"Well, yeah, sure," Jack said. "Know what? I've never been in one; let's go."

Jack had assumed Bruce wanted some toys, maybe a bike, or some electronics he'd seen in the window of the pawn shop. Equally as plausible, there might have been some trinket, some jewelry he wanted to buy for Laci. Her tenth birthday was coming up in just a few days.

Instead, Bruce wanted to see what coins the proprietor had. The old man behind the cage tried to haggle with the ten year old boy, and found himself being out-negotiated. Bruce knew the value of each coin, and also knew, even if the man sold them for half their value, the proprietor was still making a sizeable profit.

Bruce then had his father help him set up an account on EBay and he sold the coins for five times what he'd paid for them. Jack shook his head as he transferred the money from the on-line sales to Bruce's savings account.

"There's another Cash For Gold on Pennington," Bruce said. "We go there next Saturday?"

"Uh huh," Jack said. "Know, Laci's birthday party's that Saturday."

We'll go Saturday after, then," Bruce quickly amended.

Jack and Roslyn shared a smile; they knew Bruce would never miss an opportunity to be with his favorite cousin. Laci, for her part, would not dream of having her birthday party if Bruce wasn't there. She would do nothing if Bruce wasn't there to help, or to watch, or to cheer her on.

"And, this account? I am not getting diddly squat for it," Bruce continued. "Can we look at maybe a mutual fund; maybe one that deals with precious metals?"

"Thank you for my son," Jack smiled at his wife.

"Which one?" Roslyn smiled. "Brucie or Frankie?"

"Well, both," Jack smiled.

"And, uh, what about Michelle?" Roslyn asked. "Something wrong with her?"

"Thank you for my children," Jack agreed. "We take another cruise? Seems like we take a cruise, we wind up with..."

"Nope, we're going 'Vegas, Baby!'" Roslyn smiled. Already talked with Maw-maw about taking the urchins."

"What about Cindy and Jerry?" Jack asked.

"Cindy's on board; Jerry will be too, if he knows what's good for him," Roslyn smiled.

"And this time?" Roslyn whispered into her husband's ear. "Since we don't have to pretend anymore? Cindy said you can get her ass."

"Oh," Jack groaned. "And she does have a nice one; almost as nice as yours."

Roslyn did not get pregnant in Las Vegas. Cindy did, and gave Jerry a son, Jerry junior.

Shortly after the birth of Jerry and Cindy's son, an older neighbor of Jack and Roslyn's was robbed at knifepoint, right in her front yard. Some gang graffiti began to appear, spray-painted on flat surfaces in and around the Little Rock neighborhood. So, Jack and Roslyn made the painful decision to move. They agreed that Myndee, Arkansas would provide Jack with opportunities that Oldenburg and Lowenburg would not. Myndee also had a fine school, Roselawn Academy that ran grades pre-K through 12.

Cindy informed Jerry that they were moving to Myndee, Arkansas. Jerry objected and Cindy smiled tightly.

"I can't make you move, Sweetheart," she said. "But I'm sure you'd like to see your kids more than one weekend a month and two weeks during the summer, right?"

"You, you..." Jerry spluttered.

"I love you," Cindy said seriously. "And leaving you would tear my heart from my chest. But I need to do what's best for all of us."

The Thompsons went to Roselawn Academy. Laci was enrolled at Hattie Carroway High School for the eighth grade. Theresa and Claire were enrolled in Fergusen Elementary School.

On the first day of school, an older girl walked up to the cute, chubby blonde and punched Laci in her face. She then took Laci's brand new back pack.