Black Vengeance

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A black, ghetto dickgirl lures a cute white boy to her nest.
8.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/26/2019
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Living near the edge of the city can be a tedious thing, especially when you've been held up downtown at work for several hours past your schedule. And especially when it's after dark and busses no longer go all the way to your area. Andespecially when you make the terrible decision to take a shortcut through the bad part of the city.

These things were made clear to Jesse, who was now all alone on the dark streets of the ghetto, regretting ever setting foot there. It was no place for someone like him - a weak, frail little thing, with a height just a few inches over five feet. All he wanted was to get home faster, to a warm blanket and a cup of tea, after getting constantly hounded by his boss and customers at the burger joint where he worked. It was just his luck that the last bus left only five minutes before his shift was finally over.

Jesse had lived a comfortable life, sheltered from any hardships a shy, cute, effeminate boy like him would be expected to endure. He had never set foot in a place like this before, having only lived downtown with his mother up until recently, when he finally decided that it was time to move out and try standing on his own legs. His thick, feminine legs, with a big, round ass most women could only dream of attaining.

His friends, who were all female, had given him nothing but praise for it, saying they would kill to have hips like him. Unbeknownst to them however, it had done nothing but shatter poor little Jesse's confidence even further. It was something he hated about himself, how every ounce of fat on his body, and what little muscle mass he had all seemed to gather in a the least masculine places possible.

It wasn't uncommon for him to be mistaken for a girl, made more understandable by the fact that he had no body hair to speak of and a face that would have passed for a girl's, even without makeup. And it definitely didn't do him any favors at this moment, when he found himself seemingly pursued by two scary looking men, through streets littered with trash and graffiti all over the walls. He wasn't entirely sure if they were actually following him, after all he tried not to conform to any stereotypes regarding the people who lived in these kinds of areas. Still, it was always best to be careful, so when the two men seemed to pick up their pace, Jesse did the same.

"Why did I think this would be a good idea?" he thought to himself, looking over his shoulder as he started walking faster and faster. This was the most scared he had ever been in his life, and one of the only times he had felt like he was in any danger at all. The two men weren't even particularly well built, nor did they look armed, but to Jesse, who would have struggled in a physical altercation with a 14 year old girl, they were terrifying. It didn't help that it was way past sunset, shrouding most of their features in darkness.

Soon enough, Jesse's pace was cranked up to running speed, as the men slowly closed the gap between them. His tired body was sweating and aching, his sports bag's handle was digging into his shoulders, his big thighs rubbed against each other, slowly chafing away at his skin. In the heat of the moment he was able to ignore it, his mind already being clouded in fear.


With a slam against her table, Shauna clenched her teeth in anger. She stared at the words on her phone display that had cracks riddled all over it.

"I'm sorry, Shauna. It's just not working out."

Why was it always so difficult? All she wanted was a bit of fun, but none of her love interests seemed to feel the same way. Her previous relationships had all ended like this. What felt like love at first sight every time always resulted in a breakup less than a month afterwards.

"Fuckin' liars, all of 'em," she cursed quietly, rising from her seat by the small dinner table. "Probably already scissoring some other white bitch by now." She opened her mostly empty freezer to look for some of the little food she had left, as the only immediate way to quell her anger was with a nice dinner. Of course, her idea of a "nice" dinner was nothing more than a prepackaged meal, barely heated through due to her impatient nature.

She had it rough. Poverty, drug dealing and violence had been major parts of her life for as long as she could remember. However, while most people would have perished in her situation, she had only became stronger, both mentally and physically. To survive in the ghetto you had to be fierce, and fierce she was.

Love was not something she was familiar with. The girls that interested her the most were all dainty, prude and white, and therefore rarities out here in the slums. It was only during bar visits and the like that she had a chance to seduce innocent adventure-seeking girls, but it always ended in disappointment.

The girls she charmed usually seemed genuine enough on their first meetings, and with a bit of "sweet" talk from Shauna they often agreed to go with her. Many of them even accepted the fact that she had something unexpected swinging between her legs, something perhaps not entirely compatible with most of her partners' body sizes.

While she couldn't be sure, Shauna suspected that it was that very thing that caused all the breakups. Not that anyone ever said that to her, most likely as to not hurt her feelings, or, according to Shauna, as to not admit that they were too weak to handle her.

Frustrated and impatient she leaned against the wall, listening to the humming of the microwave, when another sound was brought to her attention. It sounded like a crash, like someone tipping over a garbage can. She quickly made her way to her window to see what was going on. Was it a fight? A drug deal gone bad? No.

What she saw was a small, fair girl, crawling backwards into a dimly lit alleyway, cornered by two men that Shauna recognized as some of the lowest runts in the entire ghetto. It was no surprise to see them go after someone like the little girl, although Shauna couldn't help but feel bothered by it nonetheless. Not that she was planning on doing anything about it anyway, it wasn't her business, and frankly, seeing a little white whore get her comeuppance was kind of satisfying. After all the pain they had caused her, it was only fair, right?



"First time in the hood, lil' girl?" one of the men said, slowly walking towards Jesse, who had tears streaming down his face as he crawled on the dirty ground. The man was fairly skinny, about average height, but clearly dangerous.

"W-what do you want?" Jesse stammered.

"Fuck you think?" the other, shorter and stockier man said. From what little Jesse could see they both looked like typical meth heads, with sickly looking skin, patchy beards and dressed in black hoodies. "Give us yo' shit. Bet you're fuckin' loaded."

"I-I don't have any money!"

It was true, at least at the moment. But despite working a minimum wage job and living in a pretty average apartment far from downtown, Jesse was indeed loaded. His mother, the only parent he had left, had spoiled him all his life, which he had loved as a kid. At some point however, he realized that he was weak. Very weak. And insecure as he was, he was also convinced that people around him found him annoying, someone who had to rely on others to function properly.

There were many things he was still quite clueless about, things that any adult should be expected to know how to do. Working, paying bills and taxes, cooking, cleaning. As a soon to be 19 year old, he was trying to become self-sufficient and leave his past, spoiled life behind, difficult as it may have been. In various ways, he started living his life like a normal person, wearing average clothes, carrying small amounts of money, getting a job, anything that could humble and strengthen him.

"We'll just have to look for ourselves, then." Just as one of the men started bending down to search for the nonexistent money in Jesse's wallet that he desperately clutched in his outer pocket, a silhouette appeared behind them. Jesse's whimpering instantly came to a halt as he stared at the unknown person, someone noticeably bigger than the two robbers.

"There a problem?" The person's deep voice was booming, instantly stopping the men from what they were doing. "You ain't got nothin' better to do than pickin' on lil' girls?" The two men turned around and an uncomfortable silence followed as they stared down the person standing at the entrance of the alleyway. "Y'all are free to leave, but you best leave the miss alone," the person added, and to Jesse's surprise, he realized it must have been a woman, due to the soft, feminine edge in her deep voice.

The men started muttering curses under their breath, before the skinny one finally spoke up.

"Fuck it, man. Ain't worth it. Let's git." He reluctantly started walking towards the open street, making sure to steer to the side as to avoid the woman standing in the middle of the entrance. His friend quickly did the same, leaving Jesse alone with his rescuer.

"You aight, miss?" the woman said in a softer tone. She slowly approached Jesse, who was still lying on the ground, with tears quickly starting to dry up on his cheeks. The dim light from the lamp above them finally gave him a chance to inspect the woman in full, and he immediately understood why the two men had scurried away in fear.

She was far taller than Jesse, probably by a whole foot, with muscle mass to go with it. Her upper body wasn't huge, but definitely bigger than the average man, with well toned arms attached to thick shoulders, and a midsection that showed rippling abs between her sweatpants and crop top. What was truly impressive however, were her legs. Huge, muscular thighs that looked powerful enough to crush a man's skull in between them, and wide hips with buttocks equally as defined. Her skin was as black as if she had come straight from the plains of Africa, made to look even darker due to the fact that she was riddled with intimidating tattoos. She looked like a true warrior of the ghetto.

"... Yes. Thank you." He couldn't help but feel embarrassed, having been rescued by a woman, but to top it off, she thought Jesse was one as well.

"Sorry 'bout them. They only go after the weakest, no offense. You hurt?" She bent down and put out her hand for Jesse to grab, which he did after a slight hesitation.

"I think I sprained my ankle," he whined as the woman pulled him to his feet and grabbed him by the shoulders.

Looking around, Shauna noticed that, sure enough, there was a garbage can knocked over on the street a few feet away, something the clumsy girl had clearly tripped over. "How bad is it? Can you walk?" She lightened her grip to let Jesse take a step on his own, resulting in a squeak escaping his lips.

"It's... pretty bad."

"Well... looks like you're gonna need a place to rest for the night, no?"

Jesse looked up at her warm smile, not really knowing what she was getting at. Was she inviting him to her home? In the ghetto? "Umm, I was thinking about calling an ambulance or something..." he mumbled.

"For a sprained ankle? Don't be stupid." There was an amused chuckle in her voice as she spoke, making Jesse blush as he realized how much of a weakling he must have sounded like.

She grabbed him again, this time under his arms, to assist him in his walk towards the open street.


"Ain't no ambulances comin' out here anyway, no cops either," Shauna said sternly. "You're gonna come with me for the night, okay?"

"No, I'm fine, really! I can probably walk home by myself." He tried putting some more weight on his injured foot, making noticeable whimpering noises in the process.

"Aight, suit yourself."

Shauna shrugged and proceeded to let go of his arms. With a short squeak, Jesse fell down onto the hard pavement, his thick behind fortunately saving him from any significant pain. As his foot bent slightly from his change in position however, the pain shot through his body like electricity, forcing a loud wail from the girly boy.

"You keep moanin' like that out here in the ghetto, you're gonna be worryin' 'bout a different kinda pain soon enough, girl." Her arms were crossed as she judgmentally stared down the little girl, tears resurfacing in Jesse's eyes in the most adorable fashion. Her mind instantly got filled with indecent thoughts, and her cock throbbed anxiously in her concealing jeans, still ignorant to Jesse's gender.

Shauna inspected her, now fully realizing what a bombshell she was, her blonde hair, blue eyes and light skin in stark contrast to her own dark features. Her chest was as flat as they get, but Shauna didn't mind. After all, most people were pretty much flat chested in comparison to her, which was something she took great pride in. The girl's best feature however, was located further down. "Specifically in that big, white booty of yours."

Jesse merely sniffled in response, his eyes avoiding contact with hers. He tried his best to ignore the attention his ass got him for the millionth time, truth be told it didn't really bother him that much anymore.

"Well, you made your choice, ain't my problem no more," said Shauna, then spun her body around and with determined steps started walking away from Jesse.

Realizing he didn't have a choice, Jesse bit his lip in frustration. The situation had gone from bad to worse. But just like she said, he needed her protection, he wasn't gonna last out here. There was no one he could call for help at this hour, and walking was out of the question.

"Wait..." he mewled after a few seconds of silence. Without turning around, Shauna stopped in her tracks and with arms crossed awaited Jesse's begging. "You were right. Take me with you, please?" A barely audible chuckle escaped Shauna's lips, as she knew she had the girl under her control. Wouldn't hurt teasing her a bit though.

"I dunno... you sounded so confident before. Maybe I should just leave you here after all. Ain't got much food anyway." She held her hand out in front of her, nonchalantly inspecting her nails. Of course, it was all an act, as she wanted nothing more than to bring the little white girl home. For what exactly, she had not planned yet, but as proven by her life as a drug dealer she clearly didn't have a problem with breaking the law.

"Please... I don't need any food, and I'll behave, I swear..."

And that was all it took. Little did Jesse know what he had gotten himself into, and with Shauna's back turned to him, he had no way of seeing the twisted, downright evil smile on her face. A smile that faded into a warm, friendly one as soon as she turned back to him.

"Aight, girl. Lemme help you up."


"Jessie, huh?" Shauna greedily shoveled the contents of her TV dinner into her mouth, with no intention of giving any to Jesse.

"Yeah... that's me." This was his first time being in a woman's apartment, and he was as nervous as you would expect. It didn't help that the woman in question was prettier and bustier than anyone he had ever seen, and he tried his best not to inappropriately stare at any part of her body.

He knew he wasn't gonna get fed, but regardless, it was almost cruel how she so gleefully stuffed herself while he just sat on the opposite side of the table with a rumbling belly.

"Tell me, Jessie, what are you doin' in the ghetto? Ain't no place for a lil' thing like you."

"I was taking a shortcut."

Shauna raised an eyebrow at the sheer stupidity. "Girl, you ain't never heard of this place before? You coulda died."

"Yeah, I know that now... it won't happen again," he said with an awkward smile, glancing at the food quickly disappearing into Shauna's mouth. While it would have looked like quite a mediocre meal under normal circumstances, it was enough to make his mouth water at that point.

"Best not. You're lucky I was there."

Jesse fidgeted in his seat, clearly signaling how uncomfortable he was talking about his potential near death experience.

Shauna sighed. "Well, enough 'bout that. More importantly, you got any parents waitin' for you? Might wanna give 'em a call to let 'em know you're safe."

"No, I live alone."

"For real? How old are you?" She took the last bite of her food and set down the fork, before carrying the empty box over to the counter.

"I'm... almost 19."

"You ain't got no business livin' alone at 18, girl. You clearly can't handle it."

Her words felt like a stab with a knife, and Jesse suddenly felt anger build in him.

"That's not true! I can handle it just fine!" he shouted, contrasting his normally quiet, docile demeanor. Overall, Shauna seemed like a nice person to him, perhaps a bit on the harsher side, but well-meaning nonetheless. Perhaps that's why he felt comfortable raising his voice at her. "I just... made a mistake, that's all!"

Shauna responded with a roaring laughter. "Girl, you ain't gotta pretend. I know your type too fuckin' well, lemme tell you." She walked over to Jesse and firmly grabbed his shoulders, putting her head right next to his. "You're a little mama's girl from downtown, probably rich and spoiled as shit, ain't had to struggle for anythin' in your life, and then, when you try to be an adult you get trampled by everyone around you. That sound about right?"

There it was, the twist of the knife. Jesse clenched his teeth, unable to muster a single word in response. To his great frustration it was all true, except for the girl part, and even that wasn't far off.

"Looks like I was right." She smiled triumphantly at his cute, embarrassed reaction.

"Whatever... at least I'm trying," Jesse pouted.

"Good on ya," she cooed and ruffled his cute, blond hair. "So you work too?"

"Well, yeah... at a burger joint, unfortunately."

"Heh, at least you ain't dealin' crack like me. Bet my job is more fun though," she grinned, giving him a light tap on his shoulder. "Well, I think it's 'bout time we got some sleep, yeah?"

"Okay," Jesse said, rising from his chair. "I can just sleep on the floor, or on a couch if you have one."

"You crazy? We're both gonna sleep in my bed, silly."


"No buts! My house, my rules, understand?"


Shauna still didn't know that Jesse was a boy, not that he cared enough to inform her, but there was definitely a chance that she would find out if they were in the same bed.

"She's just gonna have to find out, I guess," he thought to himself, brushing his teeth in front of Shauna's bathroom mirror. She had been kind enough to borrow him a fresh toothbrush, which was lucky for him, as he could never go a day without brushing his teeth.

It was still difficult to stand up on his own, but with the support of Shauna he had made it to the bathroom, where he was now trying to clean himself as well as he could. Tripping over the garbage can had left him with a few stains of dirt here and there, which he made sure to wash away in the process.

He was even more nervous than before. This would be his first time sharing a bed with a woman, and while the circumstances weren't even close to anything sexual, he still felt the need to be in prime condition. He inspected his perfect rows of teeth in the mirror and fixed his medium length hair so that it looked as pristine as when he left his house in the morning. It wasn't really that weird, he was her guest after all. Being clean and tidy was just a way of showing respect. At least, that's what he told himself.

But even so, there was no denying that Shauna was a beautiful woman. Too beautiful. Like, way out of Jesse's league beautiful. She was young, probably around five years older than him, and her face was beautifully diamond-shaped, with high cheekbones, a cute, wide nose and thick lips around her narrow mouth. If it weren't for the several piercings in her eyebrows and nose she could easily have been a supermodel. Her face was paired with thick, sexy dreadlocks that hung just past her shoulders, something that Jesse normally thought looked out of place on a pretty woman like her, but in this case they gave her a sort of "savage" look, which strangely complemented her beautiful face and went perfectly with her piercings and tattoos.