Blood Slaves Ch. 07


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From her spot hovering over the ground, Lisa could look past Amanda and Elyse and straight over at me and her brother. She knew by now, that Mike was dead. She could see his eyes rolled back into his head and I looked up to see tears rolling down her cheeks, as she stared down at me.

Even though her own physical pain, the only thing on her mind in that particular moment was how she just wanted her brother alive again. How much rage coursed through her veins, desperate to make Elyse suffer for what she had done.

Lisa must have figured out, what I was about to do.

She saw me bite into Mike's cold dead wrist. She saw me take my katana, holding his wrist above it and squeezing, dripping his blood onto the blade of the weapon. I looked up at her and sighed, nodding my head to let her know that I was about to get her out of this, one way or another.

And after that, she'd owe me big time, just like Sara and Kimberly.

Once I had enough of what I needed, I laid Mike's hand back down on the cold basement floor and pushed myself to my feet...this next part would require absolute concentration, stealth, and silence if I were to creep up on Elyse.

"You're pathetic," Elyse began taunting Lisa.

"Thought you could come here, and end the life of a thousand-year-old Vampire...thought you could save a human and a worthless slut of her friend, without losing your lives in the process."

Elyse squeezed her hand tighter, Amanda had moved to comfort Heather now as the girl still lay paralyzed on the floor. She cradled Heather in her arms, gently stroking her hair in an attempt to comfort the girl.

Heather had stopped screaming in pain, and now her whole body felt numb as the dead man's blood coursing through her veins. She was seething with hatred and rage but could do nothing at the moment, not until the blood wore off and she recovered.

Hopefully, we'd be long gone by then.

"You mortals need to be taught a lesson," Elyse continued.

Having realized what I was building up to, Lisa struggled to hold on just a little longer. Elyse could have ended her right then and there, but she wanted to torture the girl. Any other human though would have given into the pain and exhaustion by now, slipping away whether Elyse wanted them to go that soon or not...Lisa knew that I needed this distraction though, and she clung to consciousness for dear life for the sake of what she hoped would be victory.

"For thousands of years, you've believed you have the right to take from us," Elyse shook her head slowly.

She began walking slowly towards Lisa now until she stood just under the girl. "That you're greater than our kind, that you should be the only ones who walk this Earth."

I kept tip-toeing towards her. I looked over towards Amanda, to make sure my sister had not noticed what I was doing just yet. Her focus was trained to Heather, who was under far too much stress at the moment to notice me herself and alert Amanda.

It was almost funny to think, how blind they all caught up in their moment, they'd become.

"News flash," said Elyse. "Lucifer granted Lilith the power of eternal life for a reason, my dear. Because he wanted to create something far greater than humankind. Something worthy of walking the Earth, for however long he sees fit."

I was just inches away. I looked up at Lisa again, who was trying not to exchange glances too much. She didn't want to tip Elyse off and make the woman realize, she was paying more attention to someone other than her.

Elyse chuckled, clenching both fists now and Lisa screamed in pain suddenly as that invisible fire seemed to roar all around her and her skin almost felt like it was sizzling.

"My father wants us to rule this world...and that's what we will do. For eternity."

I looked back at Sara, still pinned to the wall.

She had been watching the entire time, staying perfectly still and silent just as I had hoped she would. We made eye contact and as she knew Lisa was on the verge of giving in to the pain, she mouthed the words "Hurry Up" to me.

Gripping the katana tightly, I held it with the blade pointed straight towards Elyse. Now or never, I thought before stepping forward and moving as quickly as I could. The blade pressed against her back, puncturing her and driving straight and clean through her, just off to the left of her spinal cord and sticking straight through her stomach.

She gasped with pain and shock, shaking slightly, and looked down to see the tip of the blade sticking out from her front. For a moment, she just stared in confusion as blood dripped from the edge of the blade. Amanda looked over at her, equally confused as she still held on to Heather.

"Mother," Amanda asked with concern. "What's happened?"

A tiny bit of blood dripped from the corner of Elyse's mouth before she laughed slightly and stepped forward, the sword making a sickening squishing noise as I pulled back at the same time and withdrew my weapon from its victim. Elyse staggered slightly, placing her hand over the wound on her stomach, and turned around to find me standing there.

"Morgan," she said, her voice raspy and filled with rage and betrayal.

"You're too overconfident, Mother."

A heavy pressure had been weighing on my chest this whole time, as Elyse seemed to intensify that psychic hold she had over me keeping me pinned to the wall, all the while using the same power to torture and inflict pain on Lisa.

A few moments after she'd turned around to face Morgan though, I felt the weight begin to lift from my chest. It felt like a pair of hands had been holding my own against the wall, but now I felt them release me and suddenly I was falling forward. I moved my hands out in front of me to break the fall, landing on all fours, and gasped with relief.

With a grunt, Lisa fell from her spot in mid-air and tried to catch herself but landed with a loud thud in the middle of the room, before rolling onto her stomach and groaning in might take a minute for her to catch her breath, I thought, after the pain, Elyse had just put her through.

Morgan's plan had worked, though.

She had snuck up right on Elyse, the woman so confident and lost in her rage that she never saw it coming. The Dead Man's Blood that Morgan had smeared onto her blade from Mike's lifeless body, would serve to paralyze the woman even if only temporarily and it was also what had caused her to lose her grip over me and Lisa.

Now that I was free, I found myself rushing to Kimberly, who was still unconscious on the dirty mattress, and scooping her up into my arms. I still felt a bit weak, myself...what little bit of energy I had managed to take from Kimberly earlier had now been drained, from all my struggling to break free from Elyse. I looked down at her and gave her a bit of a shake, trying to bring her back to consciousness again.

Slowly, Kimberly's eyes flicked open and she groaned as she felt her head spinning. "What...h-happened," she asked, her voice weak and cracking a bit.

"'s alright," I whispered, smiling down at her.

"You're okay. We're getting out of this, I promise."

She was too weak at the moment, to give me any sort of a verbal response but she smiled faintly and sighed as we both looked back over towards Elyse and Morgan.

"You're joking," Elyse laughed, still holding her wound.

"Right...y-you don't think...this wound will stop me, right...surely you are smarter than that, my daughter."

"Of course not," Morgan laughed. "As you said, you're ancient. I know, a little bit of dead man's blood won't stop you completely but it's enough to weaken you."

"I have to give you c-credit," the woman flinched slightly.

"You took m-me off guard for sure."

"Doesn't matter," Amanda chimed in now. She had laid Heather back down and stood, shaking with rage as she glared over at Morgan.

"Mother might be weaker thanks to your little attack, sister...but I'm strong enough to kill you for her."

"Think you can pull that off," Morgan asked, raising her sword slightly. "I know you still love me, Amanda."

"Fuck off," the girl scoffed.

"Whatever love I had left for you five minutes ago, went down the drain when you stabbed our Mother in the back...literally. If this is the path that you're choosing Morgan then so be it. My sister is truly dead."

There was a hint of sadness on Morgan's face, as she heard Amanda speak such harsh words. I could see that same sadness in Amanda's eyes though, and I questioned how much of it she meant. Maybe it was just being said out of anger, maybe it was all true but that didn't matter.

One way or another, those two were ready to stand toe to toe.

"You should show your sister some respect Morgan," Elyse said, straightening herself up some though her legs still seemed to wobble.

She hadn't fallen to the ground yet, like Heather had, too strong for the dead man's blood to completely paralyze her. But I could tell, she wasn't the same powerful Vampiress she was earlier.

"Some honor. Amanda is unarmed. We haven't fought with such toys in quite a long time," Elyse said, referring to the katana Morgan was wielding.

"Mother's right," Amanda smirked.

"Drop your blade, Morgan. Fight me like a real woman."

Morgan hesitated for a moment, looking down at the katana in her hand, and then smiled before she shrugged her shoulders.


She dropped the katana, and it landed with a loud clanking on the cold concrete floor. Looking back up at Amanda, Morgan cracked her neck and then her knuckles on both knuckles, and Amanda clenched her fists tightly.

The staredown was intense.

For a while, Morgan and Amanda just glared at one another. You could feel the ferocity of their gaze, the energy crackling in the air between the two sisters turned enemies and you could cut the tension with a knife. After what felt like an eternity, the two finally lunged at each other. They moved with such speed that the normal eye, probably wouldn't have caught them at first.

Morgan delivered the first blow, her hand balled into a fist and making contact with Amanda's face in a swift uppercut.

Amanda stumbled back but quickly caught herself, before stepping back in and driving her left fist into Morgan's cheekbone and I swore, I heard it crack on impact. Morgan didn't seem the slightest bit dazed though, quickly recovering from the blow and the two began an exchanging of back and forth blows that were so hard, you could hear their fists making impact with every strike they made.

They kept aiming for the face, blow after blow until Morgan's lip was split and bleeding and she had a slight gash just above her left eyebrow. Amanda's nose was dripping with a tiny bit of blood and her cheekbone was bruised, where Morgan had delivered the first punch.

Then they stopped focusing on face blows, with Amanda aiming a hard sidekick to the gut and Morgan just barely managed to block it, before stepping in and punching Amanda right in the ribs. I heard the girl grunting from the punch, but she recovered quickly and proceeded to knee Morgan in the gut, knocking her backward just a little.

Morgan growled with frustration. She stepped in quickly and went for a sidekick of her own, aimed for Amanda's other side but this time it was blocked and Amanda came back with an attempted punch to the throat.

Morgan grabbed that hand as it came right for her, twisting Amanda's arm behind her back now and jerking it upwards until the girl yelped in pain. She held her like that, twisting her arm more and more until the bone was ready to snap at which point Amanda resorted to a head butt that knocked Morgan back and freed her from the girl's arm. She then spun around and jumped, kicking Morgan right in the side of the head and knocking the raven-haired girl to the floor.

"Morgan!" I shouted as she landed with such force that she cracked her forehead on the concrete. Morgan rolled over, groaning slightly and looking more frazzled than I had ever seen her.

She carefully propped herself up on her elbows though, grunting as Amanda stood over her and shook her head with a wicked grin.

"That the best you got sis," Morgan asked sarcastically.

Without saying anything, Amanda knelt and grabbed Morgan by the collar. Lifting her into the air until her feet dangled over the floor, she stared into the other girl's eyes and fought to hide her tears. "I loved you," Amanda hissed.

"I-I bring you with me," Morgan choked, as her sister wrapped her hand around her throat and started squeezing.

"There's still..a-a can st-still come-"

"You KNOW I can't do that," Amanda screamed furiously.

With that, she threw Morgan across the room. It was like the girl was nothing more than a crumpled-up paper ball, the way she flew and smashed into the side of a wall. She slid down to the ground and I stood now, with one of Kimberly's arms slung over my shoulder. Lisa had gotten back to her feet now too and grabbed

Morgan's katana, to try and do something...anything that might help Morgan.

Elyse stopped her though.

While she didn't have a lot of strength at the moment, Elyse had just enough power left in her to turn and glare at Lisa, her energy freezing the girl right in her tracks and holding her still. "Where do you think you're going," the woman asked, through gritted teeth as she still held her stomach.

It was up to me then...


I looked at Kimberly, who seemed a little more awake and alert now than she had when I first reached her side. "Take some...o-of my blood..."


"More blood," she said softly. "You have to help Morgan."

"I-I can''re already so weak," I shook my head.

"It might be the only way!"

While I didn't want to admit it, Kimberly was right...this might be our only chance at escaping, Morgan needed my help and I couldn't afford to just stand by and watch anymore. I laid Kimberly back down and took her by the hand, smiling nervously at her for a few seconds, but there wasn't much time to be wasted. I brought her hand to my mouth again and bit into her wrist, making her gasp slightly as I started sucking the blood and feeling it recharge me.

"I can't betray Mother like that," Amanda snarled, as she towered over Morgan now. "Maybe you could, but that's not who I am! Not after everything she's done for us!"

"Done what," Morgan scoffed. "Treated us like slaves, for all these years? Like second best? Once upon a time Amanda, she loved and cherished us but you have to face facts...we're nothing more than her tools now!"

Amanda shook her head, grinding her teeth with anger as she knelt again and pressed her hand to the girl's chest. Her hand started glowing and as it did, so did Morgan and she also began screaming in pain as a burning hot sensation began coursing through Morgan's entire body.

She screamed and kicked, Amanda's face flashing with rage as she was surely set to kill her sister now.

"D-Do you have enough," Kimberly asked, as I pulled back from her wrist, gasping for air. "Can y-you stop her?"

"No," I shook my head. "She's too powerful, I...I need more."

More might kill her though...

"Do it," Kimberly said.

"I-It's not a good idea!"

"Just do it," she hissed, panting and sweating. "Take it!"

I looked over at Morgan as she started screaming in pain. Amanda kept her hand over her chest, inflicting what looked like some sort of electrical current onto the girl. Morgan's skin kept lighting up every few seconds, so bright that I could almost see her skeleton with each flash.

I took Kimberly's wrist again, sucking at the fresh bite marks some more and gradually feeling my energy begin to build.

"Take a-as you need," the girl said, as she began feeling weaker and weaker. Any second now, I knew that Kimberly would pass out from the blood loss. She likely wouldn't die, not right away but it would still be a close call and we'd have to move fast from that point forward.

Amanda stopped shocking Morgan, hesitating for a moment as the girl lay there now, gasping for air with a tiny bit of steam coming up from her chest from all the electricity. Shaking her head and letting the tears fall now, Amanda bit her lip and choked. "I'm sorry Morgan," she whispered.

"I love you."

With that, she resumed the electrical current with tenfold the energy this time and Morgan roared with pain as it ripped through her. Just as the girl felt as though it were the end, I stood, having consumed the amount of blood from Kimberly that I needed and closing my eyes, I took a deep breath.

When I opened my eyes again, they were glowing yellow and I screamed as I rushed across the room and grabbed Amanda by the hair, yanking her back and off of Morgan.

Amanda shrieked as I threw her by the hair and she landed on her back. I spun around and gave a swift kick to her side, right in the ribs and making her grunt as she spits up a bit of blood. Another kick to the ribs, left her gasping as she clutched her sides now and I turned around to look back at Morgan who was still temporarily down but smiling proudly at me while giving me the thumbs up.

Lisa struggled against Elyse and her psychic control. She was still holding Morgan's katana in one hand, gripping the handle tightly as she fought to break free. Elyse was weakened...not too weakened, but enough that Lisa felt she could break free if she just fought hard enough.

If she just willed herself, hard enough.

She looked over at Mike, his skin pale and grey now and tears stung her eyes as her heart began pounding. She thought about the rage she'd felt when he first collapsed, clutching his chest in pain. Memories of their childhood days together flashed through her mind, the guilt of being his older sister and not being able to protect him wracking her brain.

That sickening anger began to fill her again and with it came a surge of strength, Lisa didn't even know she had.

Suddenly, she could move again.

And she did. She stepped forward, slowly at first and jarring Elyse by the sudden and abrupt movement. Elyse held out her hand again, blinking her eyes as if to try and stop the girl again but this time it only made Lisa hesitate for a brief second. Then, she was stepping forward even more. Elyse blinked again but that next time, it seemed to do nothing at all.

"Get out...of my way, you old whore!"

Lisa swung the katana right to left, cutting straight across Elyse's chest and knocking her off her feet. The Vampire dropped to the ground, hissing in pain and grabbing at the fresh wound on her chest as she looked up at Lisa with hatred and malice.

There wasn't enough dead man's blood left on the blade to paralyze her any further, and Lisa knew the wound itself wouldn't be fatal, but it was enough.

Enough for her to rush past Elyse, as she lay there propped on one elbow and growling under her breath.

Enough for her to reach me and Morgan, assisting me with helping Morgan back to her feet. I looked over at Kimberly as we both held Morgan on her feet, and then back at Lisa.

"I have to grab her," I said, motioning towards my friend.

"Get her, and let's get out of!"

I shifted Morgan's weight over to Lisa, who held her with one arm and used her free hand to keep the katana trained on Amanda, so she couldn't get up and try to stop us...with Heather still down for the count and Elyse having suffered yet another injury, Amanda was the only threat left.

If we played our cards correctly, we could get out of here but we had to make sure the girl didn't make any sudden or unexpected movements.

I grabbed Kimberly, scooping her up in my arms and looking down to see that she had fainted once again. Her skin was cold and grey but she was still breathing, and time was of the essence. Lisa could tell as she helped Morgan limp towards us and looked down to examine the blonde's face.