Boss of the 19th Floor

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Boss' cabin weekend filled with sex.
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This story is long and some people are put off by the longer format. To that I say, give this a chance. The narrative here is presented like nothing I've seen here on Literotica. It took much longer to write than you can imagine. Please, be bold, read it all then you can decide.

Peter's Story:

I'm a 36-year-old media guy. I've worked in media since taking my degrees in communications and business. I've worked for several companies. About five years ago I was hired by one of the biggest media companies. They're based in Atlanta and I've worked there and enjoyed the entire five years.

My wife is Jenny. She's my age and we met in college. She was doing pre-med, but didn't get into medical school, so she now works in physical therapy. She loves her work. We dated in college; didn't see each other for several years after college; then, got back together. We were married three years ago. Five years ago, when I got this new job, she knew we had to go for it, but was sad about leaving family and friends behind. But she was willing to make any sacrifice to advance my career and our family's financial goals.

We'd had sex in college our junior and senior years and it was really good. When we reunited several years ago, I guess we'd both had more experience and the sex became amazing. We weren't ready to have kids, but at thirty-six, she was becoming concerned about losing that chance. She was on the pill and planned to continue that until we made the decision. We were childless and fucking each other like bunnies.

Our mutual friend in college was Tom. Tom hung with us even after college. He is my best friend. So, when he told me that there was a job at this big media company that he worked for, I jumped at the chance for a better job, more pay and to be close to my buddy, Tom.

Jenny and I relocated to Atlanta and I started work. It was going well and I seemed to be on a great promotion track. Jenny and I had been invited to some of the company cocktail parties. We put on our biggest smiles and played the corporate game.

The parties were great. Plenty of food and booze. I took it as a chance to raise my profile in the company and tag the big wigs from the 19th floor. I should explain that our building only had nineteen floors and all of the senior executives and their staff and admins were on the 19th floor.

I spotted our CEO, John, across the room. I grabbed my wife's arm and moved her across the floor towards John. I was encouraged that he remembered my name. I introduced him to Jenny. He smiled, and in his best "old world impersonation of charm," he kissed her hand. We chatted for a few moments and the he asked my wife if she'd like to dance. She knew that the correct answer was, "I'd love to." They moved away to the dance floor. I tried to chat with John's wife who seemed to have no interest in me, conversation, or anything. I decided to just watch my wife dance.

It suddenly all became clear. John was dancing with his hand on my wife's ass. I turned to John's wife and she was watching all of this unfold. Obviously, she was pissed.

The music ended and John returned my wife. "You have quite the little dancer there, Peter. I'd love to dance with her again some time. Please forgive me now, but as the boss, I need to mix and mingle. I think that's pretty much all they pay me to do," he said.

"Sorry, honey," I said. "I didn't know he'd have his hands all over your ass. His wife saw and boy was she pissed, but I got the impression you weren't the first time she'd seen such a thing."

"I suspect that I was not the first. Along those lines, do you see how cold the executive wives are to him?"

"No, I hadn't noticed. Shall we dance or drink?"


At the bar, we saw Tom. I gave him a bear hug and he gave Jenny a peck on the cheek. "Jenny, I saw you dancing with John. Do you think he bruised your ass," he asked?

"You saw?"

"Couldn't miss it! I don't think anyone did."

"Peter," she said "I'll do all the smiling you need to advance your career, and I'm willing to do the necessary things, but the more we can stay away from John, the better."

"Remember those words, Jenny," said Tom.

Peter wondered if his notion that he was getting somewhere in the company was just wishful thinking. He kept his nose to the grindstone and maintained close ties with Tom. Tom had been with the company the longest and had made it to the 19th floor. Tom was a real force in the company and Peter would love to follow him to the 19th floor.

Tom was so well connected on the 19th floor that sometimes he seemed to be able to tell the future. So, when Peter's phone rang one morning and Tom greeted him with news it really did seem as if Tom could see the future.

"Hey, Peter, you know that opening as V.P. of affiliates? Well, I just left John and he's going to tap you for the job. It's your ticket for the 19th floor," Tom exclaimed.

"Are you shitting me?"

"No way. Expect the old man to call you up today. Don't fuck this up and make me look bad!"

Peter couldn't believe it. He started to pick up the phone and call Jenny, but replaced the receiver back on the phone and thought he'd better wait just in case Tom's crystal ball had a crack. Tom waited for the call.

The phone rang and John's administrative assistant was on the line. "This is John's office up on 19. John would like to see you. Please come up now," she said. She rang off.

Peter jumped up and put on his jacket.

Peter stepped out of the elevator on 19 and walked to the back corner of the building. John's secretary greeted him by name. As far as Peter could remember, he'd never met the woman. She instructed him to be comfortable as John was finishing another meeting. She kept calling him John, not Mr. Ransom. Maybe that's how things worked on 19.

Someone exited John's office and his admin instructed me to go in.

As I closed the door behind me, John moved around his desk with an outstretched hand and a big smile. He greeted me warmly as if we were members at the same country club.

"Take a seat. Take a seat," he said

I took a seat.

"I've been keeping my eye on you. I think you have the stuff this company needs," he said.

"I'm flattered!"

He laughed. "Don't be flattered. Be bold like you deserved it," he said as he gave me a sly wink. He became more serious, "Peter, we have a problem here on 19. Our V.P. for Affiliates just isn't making it happen. He's an older guy and has put in for retirement. Good for him and good for us as I think we needs some fresh blood in that department."

Peter was starting to become excited.

"How do I fit into this?

John looked his straight in the eye and said, "Peter, you're an up and comer and I want to make you the new V.P. for Affiliates. Can I count on you?"

"It sounds like a great opportunity."

"It is. Oh, I get you. You want to know the arrangements. Smart guy. I like smart guys. So, here's the deal, your salary would go up $50,000 a year and there's an opportunity for bonuses. You know, nice big executive bonuses. And, I'll throw in all the other junk: car, parking space, and expense account."

"Sir, this sounds like the opportunity I've been working for. I accept."

"Then, it's a deal," he said.

Then his jovial nature seemed to melt. He once again looked straight at me and said, "There's one thing to remember up her on 19. There's only one boss and I'm that boss. If I say 'go fuck yourself' then you start fucking yourself. Can you remember that?"

"Yes sir. How do we get this rolling?"

"See my admin on the way out. I'm not sure about your office and the other arrangements. She a wiz at those things."

We stood and shook and he told me how excited he was about him and me going forward. Then he added, "I met your wife. Jenny, I think? Tell her she's got a smart husband that will go far."

Outside I told the admin that I was told to see her for the details. She handed me a very large envelop. "This should be all that you need, but if there's anything else, please let me know. Welcome to 19."

By the close-of-business the next day, I'd moved into my new private office on the 19th floor. I had been assigned an admin and told if she didn't work out, I could choose someone else. She seemed fine.

All of the other V.P.s on the floor had come by to welcome me to the floor. Each had a big smile on their face which I noted as acceptance. Some scheduled meeting to discuss company business where their responsibilities overlapped mine.

Tom had come by a couple of times to offer help. Good guy, but I seemed to be settling in as well as could be expected.

On Friday, the end of my first week on 19, he came by wearing the official V.P. smile.

"You got a few minutes, buddy?"

I said, "Sure. Grab a chair."

Tom reached behind him and pushed the door closed. He then took a seat. "Have you seen the email from the big boss," he asked.

I swung around to my computer and brought up email. It was there with the subject line "Invitation".

"I've got one here marked 'invitation', is that the one you mean?

"That's it. Read on."

I read the body of the message. "Okay," I said. So, Jenny and I have been invited to his cabin for the weekend. I see that you and three of the other V.P.s are also copied on the email. I guess this is the boss' way of saying welcome to the 19th."

Tom replied, "Well, I guess you can call it that. You have to understand that this is NOT a request, it's an order. This is how he shows you who's boss."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that you now face two very real things that could get you fired. No, I don't mean bumped down to your last job downstairs, but fired. Check your employment agreement. You may recall when you joined the company you were put on a 90-day probation, right?"

I nodded, "Yes I remember."

"Read that paragraph again. It actually says that you have a 90-day probation period when you join the company AND the 90-day probation restarts each time you get a promotion. In other words, you're now on probation because of your move to the 19th floor. It means that the boss can fire you during that period for any reason OR for no reason."

"So, Tom, what are the two things that can get me fired?"

"The first is if you decline this invitation. One guy did this a few of years back and it took him three years to find a job, because John fucked him at every turn ensuring he remained unemployed. The rest of us got the message."

I looked at Tom, "I think Jenny and I can spend a weekend in the country. So, what's the second thing?"

Tom paused making Peter uncomfortable. "Well, Jenny is going to have to fuck the big boss."

Peter stared at Tom not sure that he heard right. "No way. Not Jenny," Peter said. "He can't expect me to turn my wife over to him for a fuck!"

Tom paused again, then said, "You don't understand. He's not asking you to turn her over for a fuck; he's going to fuck her in front of you. It's his way of showing you that he's the boss, what he says goes and that he'll fuck anyone he wants to; in bed or in the office."

Peter went silent as he stared at the email on the screen. What a bastard! He wants me to turn over Jenny and then watch him take what's mine. Bastard! He couldn't imagine Jenny being a party to such a thing. His trance was broken when he had a thought.

"Tom, so are you saying that he fucked your wife, Maggie?"

Tom looked a bit ashamed, but said, "Yep. He fucked her long and hard." He paused looking down. I have advice, "You need to do what I did, get Jenny on board before the weekend. She needs to understand that she's going to have to fuck him and that she needs to stroke his ego and make him feel like she's enjoying this forced fuck."

Peter didn't notice Tom leaving his office. He was trying to imagine explaining to Jenny that the bubble had burst and the reality of the 19th floor was much darker than they'd thought. How could he ask her to fuck John just so he could keep his job and the good money they're enjoying? How could he explain to her that if she didn't fuck the boss, that he'd be out of work and John would see that he didn't get another good job? How could he tell her that John planned to fuck her in front of him? Peter decided on the spot that he was NOT telling her that John would fuck her in front of him. That would be too much.

Tonight, Jenny and Peter had planned their big night out on the town to celebrate the promotion. They had reservations at a fine restaurant with outrageous prices. Prior to the promotion, this would have been totally out of reach, but with the new money, all that had changed.

Peter came home gave Jenny a big hug and kiss and said that he was off to the shower. She yelled into the shower how much she'd been looking forward to this evening to celebrate their success.

Peter stepped into the hot shower and let the water run over him. This should have been one of the happiest days and celebrations of their marriage. But now he had to ask Jenny to help him keep his job and their income by spreading her legs for his boss. How embarrassing. He decided that his earlier decision not to tell Jenny that John would make him watch was the right decision.

Jenny looked across the restaurant table at her husband. "You are very quiet for a man with so much for which to be thankful."

"Sorry. It was a really tough day at the office. Some things popped up that I wasn't expecting," he said.

"Anything I can do to help?"

"We'll talk when we get home. But now, let's enjoy this very expensive meal and each other."

They rode home in silence.

They got home. Peter parked the car in the garage and they went inside. They walked together to the bedroom and Jenny started to get out of her fancy clothes. The dress was one of those stretchy ones and as she slipped it down to the floor, she wiggled her hips and Peter got slightly hard. She slipped out of her slip and then removed her bra and panties. She stood there totally nude and very sexy. Peter lost his erection. The thought of his beautiful Jenny having to fuck his boss was revolting.

Jenny did her sexy walk across the room to where Peter sat on the edge of the bed. She sat in his lap with her pussy over his pant zipper. She wiggled around. "You have issues at work and I have your solution right here."

Why did she have to say that Peter wondered? Bullseye! He lifted her naked body off of him and lay her on the bed. "We have to talk," he said.

Peter spent the next few minutes explaining to Jenny about the email, his conversation with Tom, and the stakes. He assured her that he would understand any decision she made. They were a team and they worked together.

"I can't believe it," she said. "I can't believe that your boss thought he had rights to me. AND, I can't believe that he fucked Maggie so that Tom could keep his job. I get together with her regularly and she said nothing!"

"Makes sense. If John fucks you, would you run to tell her? I don't think so."

Peter exhaled and got up off the bed. He slowly started to undress for bed. "Why don't you sleep on it and we'll talk more in the morning."

Jenny said, "I don't need to sleep on it. Fuck him!"

"I'll send him a decline by email tomorrow."

"No, I mean I guess before we met, I've fucked for less. So, let me at him, I'll fuck him and then we'll all move on."

Peter turned and looked at her. She had a look of defiance on her face. Peter knew how hard this was for her. "Thanks. I don't want this to hurt you or us," he said.

Peter went into the bath and brushed his teeth. When he returned, Jenny was in the same spot on the bed, but now she was fingering herself.

"Is that for him?"

"No, baby, this is for you. Come on over and take it!"

On Monday morning, Peter went to work and almost immediately he opened his email and found "the invitation". His reply to John was short and direct, "Jenny and I appreciate your invitation and look forward to the weekend. Send details when available."

John replied that he was really looking forward to the weekend too. He said that Jenny and I could ride with him and that we'd leave the office early on Friday so that we'd be there by dinner time.

I acknowledged his email.

So, it was set. Peter was a bit concerned about his and Jenny riding with John. It meant that they'd be stuck there with their transportation back home dependent on John. Based on Tom's description of the weekend all about who was the boss, I guess that made sense.

Time that week seemed to fly by and Peter tried to slow things down. Friday was racing towards him and the prospects of offering up Jenny to John for a fuck was cause for a bit of panic.

It was Wednesday when he saw another V.P. looking his way with that V.P. smile that it dawned on him. They all knew. They's all been through this and they all knew that the boss would be fucking Jenny this weekend. Fuck!

That explained all of the smiling he'd been seeing all week. He couldn't figure out why they were smiling as I would know about their wives by the end of the weekend.

Peter, having no power over time, came to Friday. He and Jenny had packed small travel bags and tossed them into the trunk of Peter's company car. He headed to work and Jenny, who had decided to stay home for the day, planned to meet Peter at his office. He's asked her to wait in the parking garage for him as he didn't want the V.P.s looking at her on the 19th and thinking about what was about to happen.

At one, John came by Peter's office and said, "Let's get out of here. I'll buy you lunch then we can head to the cabin."

It was starting. John and I walked by his admin's desk. In a bright tone he told her that he and I were going to get lunch and then we had appointments in the afternoon and that it was unlikely that we'd be back by five.

She asked no questions. I supposed that she knew better not to.

With that, we headed down to the parking level and got into his car. He asked where Jenny was and I told her that I'd planned to meet her after lunch in the parking garage.

"Where are you parked?" he asked. I pointed out the way. Pulling alongside, he told me to gather whatever luggage we had and to put it in his trunk. He popped the trunk and I moved Jenny's and my bags to his trunk.

"I don't see anything here for your luggage," I said.

"Not to worry," he said. "I go to the cabin often enough, I just leave everything there.

Lunch was uncomfortable. Peter was fidgeting, trying not to think about his boss fucking his wife. Of course, trying not to think about it only make him focus on that and only that. John kept the conversation light talking about his last vacation to the island, how they found and bought the cabin, and his favorite restaurants.

It was just before two when Peter's phone rang. It was Jenny. She was in the parking garage and wanted to be picked up. Peter told her to wait at his car and they'd be right there.

Ten minutes later, John pulled his car up behind Peter's. "Jenny, why don't you sit up here with me," he said. "We can talk. I just talked Peter's ear off over lunch. I'm sure he's ready for me to bore someone else."

Jenny glanced at Peter and then slid into the front passenger's seat. They were off. As at lunch, John told Jenny stories along the same lines as what Peter had heard at lunch. John seemed to have plenty of these stories as he didn't repeat any from lunch.

During the hour-long trip, John kept up the conversation. Jenny offered input as she deemed appropriate. They turned off the paved road onto a private drive. There was no house in site. "The driveway is about two miles long. We love it. There's 100% privacy."

Peter was beginning to feel a whole new level of panic.