Bound Friends Pt. 17

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Lea is assigned to work with someone new.
18.1k words

Part 17 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/15/2014
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Part 17 - Lea and the Alien Experience

She opened her eyes. Leota saw only blackness, blackness and Vera. She looked over and saw her walking closer. She approached, looking longingly over Leota's bound body. Leota still lay back against the robot she was tethered to, and knew better than to struggle in her bindings. She did not know how much time had gone by, but she had woken dozens of times this way. Opening her eyes, she saw only the world she could imagine. It's realness, that stopped mattering to some degree quite a while ago.

Some wakes were followed right away by food. Some by a trip to a bathroom to be washed and prepared for the time that came after. All the men, all the women, Vera's guests. It was Leota's job to pleasure them all. Vera never rewarded her with her touch, what is not real cannot reach out and touch what is. But she would often give a kind smile, an approving nod, occasionally a more wicked smile or cackle.

Leota had long ago lost all track of where she was, she was simply along for the ride. The robotic assistant, Vera's right hand, it told her in cold monotone what to do. Where to turn. When to stop.

On a few occasions, her wake began with a strange ritual. She would be led back onto linoleum, away from the tile and carpet everyone else seemed to occupy. It was the rare time when her hands were ever freed. Men, and their large callous hands meant they were almost certainly men, they poked and prodded her arms. Vera's assistant gave Leota instructions to follow. Spin her arms. Make a fist. Explain if anything hurts. They would often take their time, and in the end they would always replace the arm restraints. She would thank them and go back into the service of Vera. But this was a rare thing, and had just happened the last time she woke, so she was sure this is not what would be waiting for her now.

Leota was lifted forward to her feet, a once awkward move that had become quite familiar to her. She was instructed forward, and followed. Vera had decided to walk beside her. She often rode astride the robot that held her leash, but as she looked to her side she could see Vera casually strolling beside her. An unsettled feeling began to drift over Leota as she felt a new kind of floor. A more polished floor. Stone of some kind, with great distances between the thin seams. She looked over to Vera who seemed unphased, and it calmed her.

Leota stepped over a small patch of metal before turning and being called to a hault. She felt the floor rise, and the shape of the elevator car began to become clear in her sight. Vera stood by a panel of buttons, leaning against the far wall with one of her wicked grins. It at once made Leota both apprehensive and excited. Vera was taking her into the unknown, up to a floor much higher than what she had been in prior.

She was told to back up, and was lead down another smooth floor, over a cool metal door threshold and into a room. Here, the instructions were even more unusual than during one of her examinations. She was told to curtsy, not something she was used to or even sure would look like anything at all with her arms behind her and without any clothes to cover her nakedness. Then she was told to spin, first one way and then back the other way to untangle herself from her leash.

Then, strangest of all, there was nothing. There was so rarely nothing. Leota looked to Vera who simply stood there contemplatively. She was just about to start worrying when she felt the soft delicate touch of a woman's hand. She gasped as the hand slowly slid down her arms, feeling her restraints. The hand seemed curious, and was joined by another that cupped her cheek and turned her head.

"You are asked to confirm you can't see anything," the cold robotic voice said in her ear.

"No, I can not see at all," Leota replied softly. The hand on her cheek began to climb up and run itself through her short hair. She couldn't be sure exactly when it had started to grow back, but Leota had noticed the sensation of hair returning to her head now for some time. Several inspections ago, the had re-applied hair removal gel to everywhere below the neck, but they seemed to consciously decide not to remove the hair on her head this time. She imagined it still looked like a fresh buzz cut, but it was at least no longer fully absent.

"Kneel," the cold voice commanded. Leota obeyed, getting down on her knees and resting her ass on her legs. She spread her knees slightly, it gave her balance and on more than one occasion she had been reminded to do so. She was sure it made for a more inviting posture.

A delicate female hand ran through her short hair. Leota raised her head, she still saw only what her mind created but she could feel that someone must be right in front of her. She felt her chip spring to life, something that caused her to gape her mouth and close her eyes. The woman's other hand cupped her chin, placing her thumb in Leota's mouth. It was vaguely sweet, but only slightly, like it had recently used a fruity moisturizer. Leota closed her mouth around the invader and sucked.

She felt something firm press up against her crotch. As it started to move it was very clearly a shaved leg running slowly up and down. Leota began to match the movement. This woman's slightly coconut aroma was beginning to fill her nostrils. And between the touching and now the chip, Leota moaned with pleasure as she began to grind against this woman's leg. As she did, her clit piercing slid along as well, doing its part to bring her closer and closer to orgasm. She neared completion and desperately shook her hips harder, beginning a series of yelping pants leading up ultimately towards a gratifying end.

Just shy of one however, the leg pulled itself back. Leota sat unsatisfied as now even the hands had pulled back. The sensations from her chipped continued, but now she was alone again. Alone in the dark silence with only Vera.


"Tilt your head to one side," the voice commanded her. It was an odd instruction, one she had never gotten before, but one she obeyed. The bent her head to one side, before feeling her head being pushed completely horizontal with her left half facing up. She felt something being poured into her ears, something that seemed to be heating up "Hold your head still," the voice commanded her through her right ear only.

She could feel the liquid loosening the plugs that had been in her ears for so long. She suddenly had the prospect that this was all coming to an end. A point reinforced as she felt someone behind her removing her collar and her arm restraints. Once free, she immediately moved one hand in front of her to hold her steady while the liquid continued to dissolve whatever adhesive was there.

After a few minutes she felt someone reach in with tongs and pull the plug out. They rinsed her ear out with plenty of water, but even with the sound of rushing water she could hear people talking not far from her. A gruff voiced man told her to turn her head to the other side, where they placed some liquid in again and gave her the chance to listen in more thoroughly.

"Three months?" came the worried sounding voice of a woman.

"Sorry, that's the shortest contracts we normally do, and this is something we've discussed" Marian said. At least Leota believed it was Marian, her vision was still blocked by the contacts.

"Normally?I mean.." the woman asked hopefully.

"Well, we could maybe make an exception if you take a cut to pay," Marian said.

"Sir?" the woman said in a somewhat different tone. "Please, you know that I've never refused anything you've told me to do. Just tell me.."

"A part of that though is I try not to make you do anything you can't handle," came a man's voice. "But.. I.. if you're having second thoughts you can still say no."

"I hate to say no to you though!" the woman said in conflicted anger.

"Look, ever since you saw it a few weeks ago it's about all you could talk about. You said it was a huge fantasy of yours, huge fantasy of mine, and a little extra cash never hurts. I mean, what's three months? We already told your friends you'd be out of town' and unreachable. But as much as you might want me to here, I can't force you to sign, that's got to be of your own free will," he said in what Leota could feel was a comforting tone.

"We've been over the contract now on camera, I brought her up so you could see her again for yourself, now are you going to sign or will you need more time to decide?" Marian asked.

"I.. I.." the woman said indecisively.

"For what it's worth.." Leota said, interrupting the indecisiveness. "For what it's worth.. time passes differently when you're isolated like this. Three months might not be as long as you might think."

"And I'd get one of those chips too?" the woman asked after a noticeable pause again.

"Yes, we'd fit you with one right away. It's factored in to the compensation you would be getting," Marian said.

Leota's attention was interrupted as someone had returned to remove her second ear plug, rinsing the area with water and muffling whatever else might have been going on. When they finished, Leota pulled her head back up straight, rubbing her ears with her hands. She could hear some people leaving before she felt a pair of hands helping her to her feet.

"Thank you, I've been spending an inordinate amount of time today with this girl and her last minute cold feet," Marian said, clearly standing right in front of Leota. Leota tried to make herself see Marian, but all she could see was the hand on her arm.

"I.. does that mean I'm done now? Is my contract finally up?"

"What? No.. God no, it's only February 2nd." Marian said with a mix of bemusement and pity.

Leota's heart sank a little bit. She wasn't even sure what made her ask that, deep down she felt she knew that. It had just all.. so utterly blended together. She was simply glad to hear another voice again even if she could not see their face. "Can I take these contacts off yet?"

"Not yet, it's better you keep them on for a bit longer while we get you situated for your next assignment. Lindsey will walk you out," Marian said as her voice trailed off like someone walking slowly away. A woman grabbed Leota by the arm and began to lead her away. Leota patiently followed.


Leota's mind raced, trying to think of where they were taking her or why they hadn't removed her blackout contacts. An elevator trip was involved, but it seemed her guide was happy not telling her anything. After they walked through another door the air got louder and hotter. It sounded like the background humming and pumping of an air conditioner or a utility room. It smelled of something not exactly pleasant, but something she couldn't identify.

She nearly jumped with surprise as she was led onto a slightly damp plastic tarp. Suddenly her mind started to think of terrible thoughts about what could possibly require putting a tarp down and what exactly was making it wet.. "Um..what's.." she started to finally ask as they came to a stop.

"Just relax and open up," a woman said approaching from Leota's other side. When she opened her mouth she felt something large and soft go in, filling over her teeth like a mouthguard. "bite down," the woman said once she had gotten the thing fully into place. It made her cheeks puff up a little, and didn't let her jaw fully close. There was something sticking out of her mouth, a tube of some kind, forcing her lips to lock around it.The woman fitted two plugs, one into each nostril that expended out like foam earplugs. Leota couldn't breath through the plugs, but it seemed the mouthguard let her easily breath through a small tube that dangled off of it.

"Now we're going to start in just a second here. I need you to hold your arms out and spread your legs a bit," The woman instructed. "And even though the contacts act as a second layer of protection, it's really important that you keep your eyes shut. Try not to shut the lids too tight or they'll bunch up and that'll make it harder, but do not open your eyes again until you're told is that understood?"

Leota closed her eyes and nodded her head. She heard the sound of pumping, and felt a spray of cool liquid hitting her. It stung slightly, but may have just been a result of whatever was being used to spray her. On more than one occasion the spray would disappear and be replaced by what felt like a hair dryer on high. This cycle went around her body, catching every knook and cranny.. all of them, for what seemed like a very long time. When the machine finally sounded like it had spooled down, Leota's arms were very sore from having to hold them away from her body, particularly after so long without use.

Leota felt a chair being backed up to her legs, and without needing to really be told she collapsed back into it. It felt like a cheap plastic lawn chair, but it had arms to rest hers on. She laid out her feet in front of her and felt the machine ever so briefly return to life to get the soles of her feet with a cycle of spraying and heat drying before once again spooling down. Someone then moved around to stand behind her and began to lather something into her hair.

Leota heard some people walking towards her, cracking the plastic tarp below their feet as the walked. "Wow.. this is so freaky.." came the voice of a woman beside her. "She all done and stuff?"

"Just got to let the hair dye set, otherwise yeah." came the voice of the woman that had been working on her. "You can open your eyes and we'll take out those contacts now."

Leota sat up in anticipation. She was sure things would be rather blinding but she was excited to finally be able to see again. Her companionship with Vera had been able to get her through, but without the isolation of sound she couldn't see her any more. It was all too real now to continue the pretend. She felt her eye being held open and felt a slight pressure on her eye as someone carefully tried to grab the contact. The light came blaring in, almost overwhelming but she quickly shut her eye and bent forward. Opening it only slowly as she looked down at the ground, a vaguely black liquid covered the tarp on the floor.

"You ready for the other one?" the woman behind her asked.

Leota closed her good eye and sat back up, nodding her head. The second one came out quickly and she was soon bent back over trying to acclimatize to the return of her sight.

"You alright?" the woman who had recently entered the room asked. She walked in front of Leota and at first Leota didn't understand what she saw. She worried her color perception was off, the woman's feet were a deep royal purple. She began to follow the legs up, revealing a naked woman that was purple all the way up to her short white hair. Here nipples and her clit were adorned with piercings similar to her own.

"You.. am I.. seeing things or are.." Leota stammered as she extended a finger to point. She startled herself to see her own hand was a matching deep purple. Leota looked behind her, trying to make sense of it all, seeing only the woman behind her wearing a white jumpsuit that had sprays of black all over it. Her face, however was white with a bit of a healthy tan. It took a moment, but Leota finally started putting it together. "We're both purple aren't we.."

"Yeah but don't have to be so blue about it.." the woman playfully teased. "Oh.. come on I know that was bad but.. oh they didn't tell you any of this did they? They gave me the whole rundown while they were still hosing you down I guess." she asked as she knelt down and rested her arms on Leota's bare legs.

"No.. not.. no nothing."

"Hey, that's alright," she said as she moved one hand under Leota's chin to make her look up. "Ya gotta admit though, it is kinda cool right? I mean they spray us with this stuff, set it in with UV lights and boom!" she said punctuating her speech by slapping her hand down. "Now we're a couple of beings from another world! At least it won't be boring right? And hey, maybe we get to like each other. It will be a little weird at first though.."

"How.. how so?" Leota asked feeling like she was barely keeping up with everything.

"I mean.. look at us. They did a fair job of matching I'll give'm that."

Leota started to look the woman up and down, noticing for the first time that she actually did have a striking resemblance to her. Her cheeks were the same flat shape, her jaw just as pointed as her own. As she stood up she noticed that the woman also seemed to be the same rough height and had very similar proportions. Andrea and Megan had close physiques, this woman was even closer to her.

"Name's Rora. "


"That's kinda crazy, so you couldn't see or hear at all for that whole time?" Rora said as she set her water down. The two of them had gotten robes to put on and were sitting at a workstation enjoying a meal.

"Yeah.. I.. no nevermind."

"Go on.. tell me. I won't judge," Rora said as she sat forward.

"I.. it's embarrassing to.." Leota stammered out. She sunk back in her seat, blushing as little as showed. "I.. I kind of.. I started seeing someone. Like I know she wasn't real but.. I.. well deep down I knew it wasn't real but day to day I kind of just.. went with it."

"So that mean you prefer women? Or is this woman special? Got anyone drilled deep back in your mind there?" Rora asked inquisitively.

"I.. I mean.. those are totally different questions. I mean I do.. I prefer woman. I thinks an understatement."

"Eh.. prefer whatever you want. I'm kind of a take all comers kinda gal.." Rora said as she sat back in her chair.

"No.. I mean.. I only really prefer women."

"Oh.." Rora said, suddenly losing the jovial tone she had just been using. "So was it your girlfriend? Or do you not have anyone you think of like that.. or.."

"No. I, I have.. she doesn't.. she's with someone. Else, I mean... No the woman I created was just some guest. I don't even know her real name I just kind of invented one for her. I.. I think if I focused on her I could kind of.. like.. take it. If that makes any kind of sense." Leota explained, leaning forward and beginning to talk quieter for reasons she wasn't exactly sure of.

"Oh. Well that...hum."

"I know I'm a wreck.." Leota said as she moved her head down and into her folded arms on the table.

"Look, I don't know what might be going through your head right now, but forget it. Alright? Focus on me. Yeah there'll be men there too a lot of times, but always me as well alright? If you need to, just focus on me alright?" Rora said reassuringly, setting her hand on Leota's back.

Leota looked up, a little misty eyed by not crying with a hard fought smile trying to claim her face.

"So I'm guessing you weren't prepped at all?" Rora asked. Leota shook her head. "Yeah, someone sat me down while they were working on you to go over everything, I wasn't sure if they talked to you earlier or not. Well in case, in case it wasn't clear enough in the complexion, we're going to be in this together. We are the Pleasure Twins of Geminor! Cool right?" she said as she took Leota's hand and walked over to where two large bags were resting. She grabbed the bag with the R and handed Leota the bag with the L. "Put these on," she said as she dumped her own bag out on the table.

Right at the top were three smaller baggies. Inside each of the bags were tall but thin silver cuffs, split in half and clearly meant to close together. Each pair was brushed and very reflective, with small ornate d-rings on both halves of each cuff. They all looked very similar and without the baggies Leota was sure she wouldn't have put them all on right. One pair each went around her ankles, another around her wrists, and another around her upper arm. There was just a bit rubber on the inside, padding it to make the obviously custom printed restraints fit perfectly.