Bound Friends Pt. 18

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Sophia faces a change in venue.
19.2k words

Part 18 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/15/2014
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Part 18 - Sophia and the Changing Venue

Sophia walked the linoleum hallways, heading towards the office she had been summoned to, glad to have the break. They had even given her a robe, a very welcome change to her usual nakedness but which she couldn't help but view with doubt and suspicion. She knocked on the door and heard a man cry out "enter." Inside, Aaron sat behind a desk with another man sitting on the other side of it. He looked familiar but Sophia couldn't place him. She slipped in and closed the door.

"So Savina, I'd like you to meet Owen Ward. He's helping us build up the Exotic Reality program you took part in last week," Aaron said, suddenly reminding Sophia why he was familiar to her. He had given a talk before the start and was there as all the girls debriefed.

"Good to meet you, again that is," Sophia tersely said as the two shook hands. She sat down in the chair opposite Owen and leaned forward attentively.

"So we were talking, I don't know if you know this but one of the people you were with was actually a reviewer. Anyway, it's pretty much all good news, and we've already seen an uptick in interest. Well, he also mentioned you out by name, and we've already got one person that ended up asking for you... well not by name he said 'the girl from the article' but same difference," Aaron explained.

"I looked back over and I do have to agree as well, you were good at keeping to the part," Owen said. "But here's the tricky thing.. we both work directly for Felix. Aaron said he spared me any real details, but he gave me the gist of your rather unique situation there. The basics being that your contract is with Felix not the resort, that you're only working here by his say so."

Aaron leaned forward on his desk and looked seriously at Sophia. "I can justify putting you in the thing last week like I did because I was grabbing bodies from everywhere. And now with this review as cover, I could justify moving you over more permanently. I think I'm safe in doing that from my perspective. The thing is, I still haven't run any of this by Felix. This more affects your life than mine, so I wanted the decision to be yours. I don't know what you did to piss him off so bad, I've never seen him with a grudge like he had for you, so I don't know how he'll react if I bring this up to him. I can ask him about moving you over now, the problem is if he orders me not to put you in than I can't do anything more to help."

"And I'm out another girl.. and I heard some chatter you were understudying for some chorus dancers or something not too long ago right? I could really use you I'd imagine," Owen said.

Sophia cautiously thought out her options, trying to be objective in the face of a seemingly golden opportunity. She knew not all of it would be great, but it at least sounded better than what she was at now.

"Or..." Aaron said, raising his shoulders . "The other option is we just stash you in, let the news come out to Felix once you're a little more established. Makes you more costly to yank out of there and replace. But, I don't know what he'd do to you if we did that. If he doesn't like it or finds out some other way he might be even more pissed that he wasn't consulted before, I don't know. I think that's maybe got a better chance of working out in the end, but if we don't consult with him up front and it goes wrong it could maybe go much worse for you."

Sophia bounced her leg as she thought. Something slowly clicked as she looked down at her covered leg. Her mind suddenly drifted to the robe. They had given her a robe for the meeting, that was the kind of mindset they were showing, this was not going to just be more of the same as what she had now. Her mind raced, trying to come up with a million what-ifs for what might be the worst case. But try as she might, she just couldn't find a good enough reason to turn it down.

So she didn't.


".. and two and spin spin spin and pose. Hold it.. Alright good," Owen said as he rushed over to his oversized bottle of water. "Alright, well we're coming up on 9 o'clock, I think we call it a night for now. Alora, you've got your other shift starting soon I know that. Savina, you have something scheduled for tonight as well I believe. Thanks you three, see you back here tomorrow at 10 am, and hopefully we can finish the rest of this in one night."

Sophia wiped the sweat from her brow and walked out to the hallway where the air immediately became less musky and oppressive. Her yoga outfit was one of many that Owen was kind enough to have "forgotten" last time they met. But it was her last pair and it was completely sweated through. The cool water felt immensely refreshing. She felt rusty and out of practice, but her co-stars didn't seem to be nearly as intimidating as the other dancers she had trained with when Carl was still around. They had a way of making her feel like a kid borrowing their parent's clothes pretending to be an adult. These two she had now were good, but it was not nearly as overwhelming just to try to keep up and not trip on them.

"Alright, gotta run, see you two tomorrow!" Alora said as she quickly began jogging away. Her red hair bounced back and forth in its ponytail.

Sophia looked at her other cast-mate as she downed another cup of water. Her blond hair was done up in a bun, further restrained by a purple headband that she was sure must be soaked by now. "So you got the night off Lucia?" Sophia asked.

"Yeah.. one of my two nights off a week. Good luck with your thing though," she said seemingly with sincerity but with more than a hint of condescension.

"Thanks.. though there's a chance this'll nearly be a night off anyway," Sophia said, downing one more cup of water before heading out. She might have joined the Exotic Reality program, but to keep her from breaking her contract, Aaron had been making sure to give her some kind of job to do on any of the days like today that had only been rehersal. And tonight, she was rented out to a private guest. Coin flip odds said it was probably Rob. Zainab had seemed to work out some kind of standing order at regular intervals, and Sophia hadn't seen him since the change in work.

When Sophia got to the room she knew she needed to be in, she stripped off and tucked her clothes into a bag and stuffed the whole thing under the bed. She still had to lock herself to the bed, still had to do the pleasantries expected of her or the passive monitoring system would shout up a flag. And after all, it might have been another guest. Missing protocol, especially for a new guest, was a quick way to throw up a system flag. The last thing she wanted was to cause trouble for Aaron and Owen by sending up flags. If it turns out to be Rob then it's not a "new guest" and she could drop the act a lot more quickly.

She tried to do what she could with her sweat soaked hair, got a good whiff of herself and suddenly hoped it was Rob if for no other reason than she could go jump into a bath much sooner. But the collar was already closed around her neck. It was in some ways like riding a bike, something she almost instantly felt normal in. But still, it was slightly off putting now that she had gone so often without it or the goddamn metal disk that hung from it.

She simply laid back and waited.


Rob walked anxiously towards the room. He hadn't seen Sophia in weeks and he was nervous about their eventual meeting. He had been checking in where she normally was assigned and never seemed to find her. He had confirmed that she was still available and knew that she should be in there waiting for him. But that was all he knew.

He still wore his chastity belt, a frustrating but exhilarating reminder of his powerlessness before Her and his level of devotion and dedication. It had began to color everything. Made him feel more deliciously submissive than he ever had before. Every morning for weeks he was woken early until he could rush to the bathroom to stop his cock from trying to get hard. But every day he saw Sophia, he still went to bed contented. He had a Mistress, a Mistress who had his cock under lock and key. And no matter how he jostled, unlike the plastic ones he'd tried before he could not free himself from this one.

His roommate's girlfriend Carly, who he never used to think about much, now seemed to tempt him in his mind at every turn. He no longer put on headphones when she got loud during sex. Now he sat in bed listening, feeling a wonderful pang of unfulfilled and unfulfillable lust. He listened to her scream, and she was a screamer, as they fucked often. He felt a rush, knowing that he couldn't do that because his cock was already owned by someone else. And even if he wanted to, without Her he could never touch his cock again.

He started having a recurring fantasy, where he revealed to Carly what he always wore under his pants, and that she would hide him under the bed or in the closet as she fucked her boyfriend. She would go longer, go louder, be more descriptive, knowing that each word and grunt only teased him further. Perhaps she would go to meet Sophia with him, and the two of them could plan the most elaborate tortures for him, making him scrape and beg for release. He of course did not tell his roommate or Carly any of this, and while he might have thought about confessing it to Sophia, She had sadly disappeared to him. He tried looking but never managed to find her.

After one particular night, he heard the two of them beginning and he eagerly stripped down to enjoy it. He ran his hands over the metal netting holding his cock and balls captive. He felt the bits of flesh strain against his imprisonment, moaning at the pain. He ran his hand up and down his belt, brushing past his cock, feeling a thrill at the limitation it put on him. He was an owned slave, not a real man. The real man was across the thin walls fucking his girlfriend. The real man didn't have metal between his hand and his cock, preventing him from getting hard.

Rob began to roll around in his sheets, grinding his pelvis against his sheets, knowing that it wouldn't help. He ran his hand along his rear, enjoying the sensation, raising it up into the air and slapping it hard. The feeling was great, but the sound was louder than he thought. He froze, hoping that his sound was just ignored, or at the minimum drowned out by local sources in the other room.

He slid his hand back and forth between his cheeks, feeling the slight difference between the one he slapped and the one he hadn't. But as he slid his hand back and forth, his fingers slid past the opening in his belt around his asshole. As the sounds got louder and louder, he began to let his fingers play with his asshole. It had been a few weeks since the belt was off, he shuddered and bit his lower lip as he realized this was now the only way he could pleasure himself.

Quite a while ago he bought himself a dildo. It was 9" long but relatively thin, he just hadn't had the will to actually open it up and use it. It had been a late night, hard-on inspired impulse purchase, and after it came in the mail it simply sat in the back of his closet. Now, Rob got up and opened his closet, finally feeling free enough to try it. The blue jelly shaft was lightly ribbed and had a pair of balls with a suction cup at the base. He got it out and looked it over with glee. He slipped a towel around his waist and quickly dodged into the bathroom to wash it off and get it ready for its first use.

Once back in his room, he positioned the dildo at waist height and pushed it against the wall he shared with his roommate. Rob got down on his knees, deciding the cock needed his worship first. He spit on it, spreading his saliva as best he could across its already near frictionless surface. But once the dildo was good and wet, he got back up and turned around.

Rob bent over, listening to the screams of pleasure coming from the other room, feeling the pressure of his cock trying and failing to grow. With his saliva covered hand, he guided the shaft into position as he started to back up. Once it pushed past his opening, it began to slide much more easily. He slowly backed up, taking more and more of the cock until to his surprise he reached the end, taking the whole (albeit thin) dildo in his ass. He felt so utterly full he couldn't help but moan.

He began to rock back and forward on it, running the ribs past his sphincter. The alternating pressure inside began to feel very good. he needed to pick up the pace, he needed more!

He pulled the suction cup off the wall, placing it instead on his end table. Now he could ride the cock, up and down, using gravity to force the cock in deeply every time. He began to breath heavy as the sounds from next door clearly indicated they were reaching a climax. He thought about what might happen if they finish and he doesn't. He thought about the noise, that somehow she would hear him and come over to find him like he is. A useless slave, fucking his own ass just to feel pleasure because a real woman has locked his cock away. Perhaps she would have to punish him, beat him and ask Sophia to extend his time in his cage. The thoughts were so overwhelming that as she climaxed, so did he. It was not the same kind of pleasure he felt when he would cum normally, but it still felt good as two and a bit weeks worth of cum spilled out through the mesh cage that enclosed his cock. Rob stood up off the dildo, his legs were shaking, but just steady enough to allow him to collapse in his own bed.

That had been about a week ago, and he still had not seen Sophia in that time. That was why he marched so nervously now. He had confirmed on the phone that She would be in this room. He had Her suitcase with him and knew his time started at exactly 9 pm. He checked his watch again, but it still said 8:58.. he decided he'd wait just a few moments more.


As Sophia heard the handle turn she sat up, chest puffed out, mentally preparing for whoever it might end up being. She relaxed as she saw Rob's lanky frame emerge through the door with suitcase in hand. "Oh Mistress, I'm so glad it's you," Rob said as he quickly closed the door and began shedding his clothes. He stripped down to nothing but his chastity belt and began to crawl over to the bed, kneeling beside it. "I haven't seen you in so long, I was starting to worry something happened to you."

"Well I'm here now, could you get me the key?" she asked as she pointed over to the set of drawers she assumed held the red key to her collar.

Rob hopped to his feet, quickly rushing over to it before returning to his kneel beside the bed, holding out the key with his hands. Sophia took it without saying a word and leaned forward to better reach back to hit just the right spot and unlock it. Once she was done with it, she threw it beside her and fell back into the pillows of the bed crossing her legs and feeling the spot around her neck where the collar used to be.

"What else may I do for you Mistress?" Rob asked, breaking the silence and getting Sophia to sit up.

"Why don't you go run me a bath.. Then prepare some clothes for me to change into when I'm out." she said.

"Yes Mistress," he said with a smile. he rushed towards the bathroom, getting the water flowing with just the right temperature, possibly just a little warm. He sat at the side of the large tub waiting as it slowly filled up.

"That's alright, I got it from here," Sophia said as she walked up behind Rob. "Just put something for me to change into after inside the door and wait for me out there would you?"

"Yes Mistress," he said as he scurried past.

Sophia immediately took his old spot at the side of the tub, probing a hand into the water to check the temperature. Her legs and abs hurt from exhaustion and decided there was no reason to wait till it was fully ready to get in. She massaged her upper legs especially under just enough water to submerge them. When Rob reappeared within sight, it was only to set something by the door and close it behind him, leaving Sophia alone with the still filling tub.

Rob now stood alone, giddy with anticipation as he went off to prepare himself.


Sophia stayed in the water a long time. The warm water made her feel like she was melting away, She was nearly ready to collapse right then and there, call it a night right in the tub. She didn't of course, aside from the problems of falling asleep while in water she was sure Rob was out there waiting for her.

When she still worked the stick jobs, a term she'd started to love ever since she heard it, he was always a welcome respate. A little eager to be sure, but it was so nice to have someone to lean on. They were together in private so rarely, but he would often come by in passing even if for nothing else than to check in. And when they were alone, he was a stand-in every guest who was rough, every guard that was corse, he submitted to her totally and completely. And he did it when she needed it most. A chance to let loose.

The whirlwind of activity that had followed her change in vocation had made her feel.. different. Like things were before.. before Carl died. Then she still felt trapped, stuck in some kind of joke, but making the best of the hand she felt she was dealt by mistake. Things got bad there for a while, but they seemed to be returning to how they used to be. It still didn't feel right, but it didn't quite feel like some kind of twilight zone madhouse either. She got clothes to wear again when she was off... just that she even had time off. She still had been fucked more times than she attempted to keep track of, but it never quite felt as bad. Just something in the air perhaps, nothing about it felt quite so oppressive.

She stretched and got up, wanting to cut things short before pruning got too bad. She stepped out, drying herself off before looking at what Rob had left for her. It left no ambiguity or subtlety about his expectations. Everything was latex and right on top of it all, a double sided dildo sat proudly. She picked it up, contemplating if she'd rather put it on or put it aside, deciding with an eventual grin on her face to put it on, buckling the straps around her with the smaller of the two halves inside her.

She looked through the rest and put on the net-like harness, covering her upper body in strips of shiny latex. It attached together with a latex collar, very non-restrictive and minimal. To her surprise, the rest of the pile was simply a pair of very tall boots she hadn't seen before. They had about a five inch stiletto heels and continued up past her knee to her mid thigh. They zipped closed with a buckle at the top of them as well. Sophia looked at herself in the mirror, the extra height and the soft sheen of her outfit certainly was different. But with a black shiny dildo protruding from her waist, not an entirely unwelcome one. She certainly felt imposing, and she was sure Rob would agree.

She opened the door and saw Rob bound at the side of the bed. His ass was held up proudly by his arms being locked to the same metal bar as his feet, keeping him spread and vulnerable. The chastity belt he wore was even more impossible to miss than it was otherwise as his cock strained against the cage clearly trying to get hard. A small dribble of pre-cum was dripping from it in anticipation. He had locked Sophia's collar around his neck, pulling the chain from the bed about as far as it could go ensuring he could not scoot away even if he tried. And on top of it all, he wore a brown leather hood, cutting off his vision and removing every feature about his head save for the small opening near his mouth.

"Well isn't this a compromising position.." Sophia said as she turned off the bathroom fan, bringing a silence to the room.