Brad's Road Trip Ch. 17

Story Info
Before heading home, Brad takes care of old business.
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Part 17 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/03/2007
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Ok, after nine months, here it is... the long-awaited Chapter 17 -- and 18?

Yes, and 18. I've never done this before, but I decided to split this day into two chapters. It was going to be 7 or even 8 pages in Lit, and that's a bit too long for a chaptered story. Both are written though, so hopefully they'll post on consecutive days. This one is light on actual sex, but the next one makes up for it in a big way.

On a suggestion from my editor, here's a small warning: there are some mild non-consent/reluctance themes in this part. They're not even as strong as the ones in Chapter 7, but they come out of nowhere and might catch you a little off-guard.

As always, thanks to my editor, AnInsatiableReader, for helping me clean this thing up. When I send it to her, it looks nothing like the finished product you're about to read.

Day 16

Friday, June 27, 2007

Grand Junction, CO

I woke up the next morning stiff as a board -- in more ways than one.

Sleeping in a tent had never bothered me. Hell, I'd spent more than a few nights in the Marines sleeping on the cold, hard ground, and at least now I had a sleeping bag between me and the floor of the tent. Still, my back was barking at me this morning, and I figured it had something to do with last night's adventures with Janine. I'd bent myself into some positions that would make a yoga instructor blanch, all in the name of showing her a good time. It had worked, but I was paying for it now.

That wasn't the stiffness I was most interested in, though. I'd been having a steamy dream about Kelly. As with most dreams, my brain had already forgotten most of the details, but my cock hadn't. I'd managed to toss and turn my way out of the sleeping bag sometime during the night, and my cock was pointing to the sky in the chilly morning air.

At least, I thought it was morning. Internally, I knew it had to be after sunrise by now. Even though my back was a little sore, I didn't usually sleep less than 8 hours without help from an alarm clock. But as I opened my eyes, it wasn't exactly bright outside.

I reached up to rub my eyes and felt hair there, effectively blocking my vision. At the same time, I realized there was a weight on my chest that stretched down my side, past my hip and down my right leg. When I'd hung up with Kelly last night, I was definitely alone. That was no longer the case.

I knew it wasn't Janine. She might have been laying half on top of someone at my campsite, but it wasn't me. Chad had taken a liking to her, and she'd been focused on him from the moment he walked into the bedroom as part of my surprise. She might have woken up and convinced him that leaving the RV before morning was a good call -- ya know, so Gunny Granger didn't come back and commit Marine genocide when he saw his bed -- but they would have just gone to his tent.

Sara and Liz were possibilities, but they weren't exactly the types to throw themselves at men. I knew for a fact Sara didn't have to chase, and Liz had a similar personality. I had no doubt I could have brought Sara in here with me last night, and I had a feeling Liz would be interested as well. Neither was the type to come in unsolicited, though.

Either way, it was time to unwrap my present. I pushed the hair out of my eyes. It was brown, curly and attached to a lithe, athletic body that wore a maroon Mesa State soccer tank top, barely-there gray shorts and little else.

And, yes, I knew who she was.

"Lindsay," I said, gently shaking her shoulders. "It's time to wake up."

I hadn't even considered her. Sure, she'd flirted with me when I met her yesterday, but I had judged her as painfully shy -- way too shy to do something like this. Maybe she did it after everyone left. I didn't know where she would fit into my weekend, but it was time to find out.

She stirred very slowly. The sun wasn't quite blinding, but it was bright enough to be a nuisance, and she brought one hand up to shield her eyes from it. She slowly realized she was in an unfamiliar place and started looking around. When her eyes finally settled on mine, the look on her face was textbook deer-in-the-headlights.

"Oh, wow," was all she said. It took maybe three seconds for her entire face to turn the same color as her shirt.

"Good morning," I said. I gently stroked her hair as she got used to her surroundings.

"Yeah, hi," she said. She turned her head away and laid it back on my chest, looking down my body. It didn't take long before she gasped. "Is that because of me?"

"Well, I woke up with it," I said. There was no point in telling her about my dream. "And you're lying half on top of me. So, yeah, I guess so."

"That's hot," she said. "That's the first time I've ever turned a guy on."

I couldn't help but laugh. "I can pretty much guarantee it's not. You're a sexy girl, Lindsay. Unless every guy you've met is blind, they've noticed."

"Well, this is the first one I've ever seen in person," she said, surprising me again. "So I'm gonna keep looking, if you don't mind."

"Be my guest," I said. She moved her head down onto my stomach, putting her face no more than half a foot away.

"Can I touch it?" she asked, tentatively.

"Sure," I said. "We can't go any farther than that, though."

I felt her fingers wrap around the base of my cock and squeeze gently.

"Why not?"

My reasons hadn't changed from last week in Indy, when some girls had wanted me to pop their friend's cherry. Even if it was just a one-time thing, losing your virginity was a big, emotional deal, and I didn't want to have any kind of deep emotional experiences with anyone but Kelly. I didn't feel like explaining all of that right now, but what I came up with was true, too.

"I'm just passing through your town for a couple days, Lindsay," I said. "Odds are you never see me again after this weekend. You should save your virginity for someone special, or at least, someone who's going to be here two days from now."

"Who says I'm a virgin?" she asked.

"Well, you said you'd never seen a cock in person before," I said. "So either you've been having sex in the dark, or..."

She slapped herself in the forehead with her free hand.

"Besides, I sort of reserved today for someone else."

"That girl Sara, right? Liz's friend?" she asked.

"Yeah," I confirmed. "She and I have some unfinished business from back in Texas."

"I figured," she said. "Her and Liz were talking about you off and on all night. Right after you went in here, we left and went over to the party side so we could get a little loud. More than an hour later, we came back, and those two were still talking about you."

"Oh?" I asked. "Anything I should know about?"

"I should probably let you figure that out on your own."

"Fair enough," I agreed. "What led to you sleeping in my tent?"

"I can't hold my alcohol," she said. "I had two beers and was way too drunk to make it back to our campsite."

"Wait," I said. "Two beers?"

"I know," she said. "I've lived a sheltered life, what can I say? Same reason I've never had sex. My parents are very, very religious, and while I love them, they never let me have a normal childhood. Everything was about school, church or soccer. So, I had a 4.0 GPA, I'd never missed a Sunday until I started school last fall, and I managed to earn a scholarship to play soccer. In exchange, I went to exactly zero parties in high school, I can count on one hand the number of times I've had alcohol, and this is the closest I've been to having sex."

She squeezed my cock again for emphasis.

"Anyway, one of the other girls dared me to come in here and sleep with you, so I did," she said. "Though, I'm pretty sure just sleeping wasn't what she had in mind. You were passed out when I came in, it was cold, and I'm not wearing much. So I laid down as close to you as I could and fell asleep."

She stroked me a couple times, then let go as she sat up. I could tell she was woozy, and she put her palms against her temples.

"Wow," I said, recognizing the signs. "Hung over after two beers. I wish I could do that. I could buy a brand new car with all the money I'd save."

She chuckled, her voice showing more humor than I'm sure she felt. I quickly pulled on my boxers and a pair of shorts, then stood up and took her hand.

"Let's get you some water." We walked out into an empty campsite. The familiar aromas of bacon, sausage and coffee drifted in from other groups, but our little campsite was a ghost town. Everyone was either up and already gone, still passed out, or had never made it back; I was guessing mostly the last two. I went to an ice chest sitting on the tarp next to the big tent and grabbed a bottle of water for Lindsay.

"I'm gonna head back to my own tent," she said after taking a few sips.

"You sure?" I asked. "You can stay here, if you want."

"I know, but right now, I'm really embarrassed."

"Aw, there's no need for that," I said. "It's not every day I wake up to a pretty girl laying against me. Even if you were just there on a drunk dare, I enjoyed the company."

"Thanks," she said, "but I'm gonna go."

"Okay," I said. "Don't be a stranger, though."

She smiled. "I'm sure I'll see you later today."

After she was out of sight, I grabbed my phone and found that it was a lot later than I thought -- damn near 10 in the morning. My splash screen, a picture of Kelly's spread pussy lips that she'd sent me a week or so ago, greeted me as I unlocked the phone, and I couldn't help but smile as memories of last night flooded in.

Our sessions had been getting hotter and hotter lately, and last night's was no exception. Don't get me wrong -- phone sex with Kelly had been fantastic the very first time, and it had never been anything less than great. But starting after the orgy I'd organized last week in Indianapolis, our little chats had consistently blown my mind. That was the halfway point of the trip, and the anticipation of our meeting the day after tomorrow was pushing our talks higher and higher.

The day after tomorrow...

That was a sobering thought. All the fantasies, all the expectations, all the what-might-bes -- they would all turn into reality on Sunday night. In my mind, it was a foregone conclusion that real life would blow fantasy land out of the water, but really, there were no guarantees. We'd certainly set ourselves up for one hell of a massive tumble if it didn't.

I wanted to talk to her again, even though we'd just hung up a few hours ago. She'd sent me one text, about 30 minutes ago.

"Wake her up with a massage. Get her close, leave her hanging. Tease her about coming after her today."

Ah, yes. Kelly had been excited about my plan to seduce Sara today, almost giddy to know she'd get to contribute to today's story time, at least indirectly. She said she'd think on it and try to at least come up with an idea to get me started. It appeared she'd done just that.

I walked over to the girls' tent and unzipped it as quietly as I could. I wasn't sure what I would find -- if one or both of them had brought someone back, this might end up being extremely awkward. If they had, though, he was already gone. There were just two sleeping bags, set up lengthwise in the tent with their feet near the door and their heads near the back wall, and only one body in each of them.

Liz was on the right, bundled up so tightly in her gray mummy bag that all I could see was her blonde hair and the upper half of her left cheek. Sara had apparently gotten too warm overnight, because she lay on top of her purple sleeping bag. Her curly red hair was still pulled up in the ponytail she wore yesterday. She wore nothing but a pair of blue shorts, but she was sleeping on her stomach, so nothing was on display.

I briefly wondered if I was invading their privacy, but I decided it would be ok. For one, I could barely see any of Liz in her sleeping bag. Sure, Sara was topless, but she was face-down, so all I could see was her back. Even if she had been face up, hell, it was nothing I hadn't seen before, right?

Before I talked myself out of it, I sat down between them, facing Sara's half-naked, prone body. I rubbed my hands together vigorously for a few seconds to get rid of any lingering chill, then gently touched her right arm. She didn't stir as I softly rubbed from her shoulder down to her elbow, so the next time I got to her shoulder, I continued over it and down to the small of her back. Still no reaction.

I got on my knees so I could have access to both sides of her and started a gentle, sensual massage. I'd taken a sports medicine course at a local college in San Antonio, and I'd done a couple of deep-tissue massages, but this was different. It wasn't designed to rub out cramps, and if she had any soreness or built-up lactic acid in her muscles, this wasn't going to help. It was just a light, casual rubdown of her neck, shoulders and back, designed to both stimulate her nerve endings and relax her muscles.

A couple of minutes in, she started to respond. Her eyes didn't open, but several soft, tiny moans escaped from her lips. She was either awake and trying to hide it, or her subconscious was trying to signal its approval. I rubbed her neck gently, then slowly moved across her traps until I reached her shoulders. I worked down her back, starting on either side of her spine and pushing outward toward her sides.

Sara really did have a nice body. She was slightly on the thin side, but it wasn't the anorexic, sickly thin that comes from eating like a rabbit. On the contrary, Sara ate as bad as or worse than any Marine I knew. No, Sara's thin was of the lithe, athletic variety, born out of running like a rabbit -- she ran at least one marathon every other month. Freckles ran rampant all over her upper body, spilling over onto her shoulders and upper back. Even after they faded out, her skin was still white and milky like you might expect from a true redhead.

I decided to push things forward a little and straddled her lower back, placing one knee on either side of her and sitting back on her ass. It was a far better angle of attack than sitting off to one side, but of course, it also placed some of my body weight directly on her. I knew it wouldn't take long for her to wake up this way, and she didn't disappoint.

"Mmmm," she moaned as my thumbs worked their way up her back, just centimeters from her spine. "Feels..."

As she slowly woke, she first gave in to what she was feeling, but she quickly realized something was up. I felt her tense up immediately.

"What the fuck?" she half-shouted.

"Relax," I whispered. "You're safe. It's just me."

"Brad?" she asked, her voice softer now. Her muscles loosened some, but not completely.

"Yeah," I whispered again. "Keep your voice down or you'll wake Liz."

"What the fuck are you doing?" Her voice was a whisper now, too, but while mine was soft and relaxed, hers was clipped and choppy, as if she was spitting between each word.

"Giving you a wake-up call," I explained. "Just a little massage to start your day off right."


"But nothing, Sara," I said. "I can tell you're enjoying it, so just hush. It's a lot easier to do this when you're not interrupting me."

My tone of voice was playful, but I never stopped what I was doing, and after a few moments, I guess she decided I was harmless. She relaxed fully, and I felt her muscles respond accordingly.

"Much better," I said. I leaned down and planted a kiss just behind her ear. Her breath caught in her throat as she inhaled sharply.

"What was that?" she asked.

"A little reward," I said. "For calming down and letting me make you feel good."

I continued the massage, my fingers dancing all over her back and shoulders. I never stayed in one place too long -- I'd rub her shoulders before moving down to her sides, then shift back up to her neck before gently running a palm down her spine. When I moved back so that I was straddling her thighs, I added her lower back and the tops of her ass cheeks to the rotation.

"Jesus, Brad, that feels amazing," she sighed, still sounding half-asleep. I trailed my fingers from her hips upward across her rib cage, stopping to lightly knead the outsides of her breasts before moving up to her armpits. I thought for sure she'd say something when I touched her tits, but she just let out another contented sigh.

"Time for your legs now," I said. I turned around and knelt over her lower back, granting me unlimited access to her legs and feet. Her shorts were the only obstacle between me and her ass. Using the "better to ask forgiveness than permission" principle, I jumped right in on her asscheeks, kneading them both vigorously. My fingers brushed across her inner thighs, but I wasn't ready to go there just yet.

She had yet to say anything, but I didn't think she was quite ready for my grand finale. I worked my way down her legs, which were as toned and athletic as any pair I'd gotten my hands on during this trip. I knew Sara kept herself in great shape, so I tried to pay her body the respect it deserved.

I moved past her knees and grabbed her left ankle, bringing her foot up to my face. I massaged the heel and paid some attention to her toes, then placed a few tongue-filled kisses on her arch before grabbing the other foot and repeating the process.

"Oooh," she whispered when I sucked the little toe on her right foot into my mouth. "That's kinky."

"Maybe," I agreed. "I don't hear you complaining."

"I didn't say I wanted you to stop."

I set her legs back down on the sleeping bag and went back to rubbing them, starting at her ankles, moving up past her knees and on to her thighs. I flattened my palms on the junctions where her legs and ass met, circling my thumbs toward her inner thighs. As my hands moved closer together, my thumbs inched ever closer to her pussy.

I kept that motion up for another five minutes, taking my time getting where I wanted to go and hopefully ratcheting up the torture for Sara. When my thumbs finally made contact with her lips, she whimpered and bent her knees, drawing her feet towards her ass. I could feel the dampness on her shorts and the heat radiating from her crotch.

"What are you—"

"Shh." I pulled my left hand up and used it to squeeze her right cheek, while my right hand stayed between her legs. I was being very deliberate now, rubbing two fingers up and down her slit, drawing more of her juices out against the cotton of her shorts.

My cock had been raging since I'd first touched Sara, and my loose gym shorts were doing nothing to restrain it. Needless to say, being close to her like this was turning me on, and it was time to show her that.

I rotated my body around until I was facing her head again. She whined slightly when my fingers left her pussy, but she stopped when she realized what I was doing. I flattened my body against Sara's, pressing my legs against hers, with the tops of my feet pressed against her soles. I hadn't bothered with a shirt, so she could feel my chiseled pecs brushing against her bare back. My hands shot out and rubbed up and down her arms, lying in front of her. My lips kissed across her shoulders, up her neck and over her jawline.

The most acute physical contact, of course, was between our hips. My cock pressed wantonly against her ass. It had broken free from my boxers, so only our shorts and her panties stopped it from making direct contact with her most private of places. She was moaning softly now, trying not to wake up her friend but unable to hide her desire from me. She arched her back as well as she could with my weight on top of her, attempting to push her ass into my cock.

I slid backwards until my cock dipped between her legs, then pressed forward. There was too much fabric to be sure, but I was hoping my cock was right up against her pussy, so that if we could magically will our clothes away, there'd be nothing stopping me from plunging forward into her tight depths. Her breathing was ragged and her back was rapidly rising and falling as her heart beat faster.