Bridge Partners

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Bridge partners do well when their spouses aren't around.
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If a story about cheaters that don't all burn in hell saddens you, PLEASE do NOT read this story. There already is enough sadness in the world.


I knew when I, Will Lawson, met Linda Peters that she had a passion - Bridge. She apparently had played ever since she was in 8th grade and, mostly with her long-standing partner Garrett Wynn, had achieved life master status by the time that she was 19, bronze life master status by the time that she was 22, and at age 24 when I met her she was a silver life master. Shortly after I met her she proudly proclaimed that two of her major goals in life were to become a Grand Life Master, the highest level achievable, and even more importantly to win the Mixed Pairs World Championship.

When I was first introduced to Garrett I was very suspicious. He is a good-looking guy, my age (a year older than Linda), and outgoing, and seemed to have real rapport with Linda, although there was no PDA. I was relieved, however, when I later met his wife Cecilia.

Cecilia is cute, short, bubbly, and with a very nice tight body including a spectacular ass for a roughly 105 pound woman. I remember thinking "If Garrett's got Cecilia there's no reason to hit on Linda." While Linda is - at least in my opinion - beautiful and sexy she is much different than Cecilia. She is tall, brunette, large-chested, and understated - almost the exact opposite of Cecilia. Since most men have certain "types" (Linda is my type) I posited that Linda wasn't Garrett's type, and after coming to that inference I started seriously dating her.

Linda seemed to fall for me almost as quickly as I fell for her. She seemed very happy to spend all of her time with me except when she was working or playing Bridge. I wasn't surprised when she accepted my marriage proposal, and we had only a three month engagement (it would have been two months and three weeks but Linda and Garrett had a regional tournament one weekend during that time).

Married life was good. While Linda and I had quite a few things in common, including our taste in music, our politics, and an inclination to work out together usually with aerobic exercises three times a week and a long anaerobic session once a week, I thought it would be nice if I could share her love of Bridge. While I had played poker and hearts much of my life, and was better than average at both, I had never tried Bridge. My goal was not to replace Garrett in her pairs' competition, but just to get so that I could talk with her about it and go to some low level tournaments out of town.

In order to be able to accomplish my Bridge bonding I would need my own, low level, partner. After thinking about it for only a few minutes I thought "Why not Cecilia?" I liked Cecilia, she had the same issues that I had about her spouse's commitment to Bridge, and she was at my novice level.

After Linda and I had been married a few months, while Garrett and Linda were at a Saturday overnight tournament, I called Cecilia up and asked her over for dinner on Saturday. She gleefully accepted. We had a nice general chat while I was preparing chicken parmesan. She helped out by making up a salad, and we shared a bottle of wine before and during dinner.

After dinner Cecilia and I retired to our apartment balcony and put our feet up. "Cecilia, in addition to just wanting to enjoy your company I had another motive for asking you over tonight. Have you ever thought about taking up Bridge?"

After a short pause and a contrite smile she answered "Sure Will; I mean it's very important to Garrett and he's my husband, so I have. However, I'll never get to his level and I don't know if I'll consider myself a failure. Plus, I'm not sure that I have the mind for it."

I chuckled. "I'm sure that you have the mind for it. What if you could start playing with another novice, and could learn enough to talk intelligently with Garrett about it, and maybe go to some of the same out-of-town tournaments?"

"Are you propositioning me Will?" she laughed.

"In a manner of speaking, yes," I laughed back. "I would like to start learning Bridge but I need a partner. Who would possibly be a better partner than you? I have absolutely no expectation, or even desire, to get in the same class as Linda and Garrett, but I would like to have another thing in common with Linda and an excuse to go to some out-of-town tournaments."

Cecilia looked pensive for a second - then she said "Let's do it? Do we ask our partners to teach us or do we take classes or what?"

"Why don't we talk with Linda and Garrett on Monday and see what they suggest - in fact, why don't you two come over for dinner on Monday and we can discuss it as a group?" I said/asked.

"Only if I can contribute the salad, dessert, and wine - what are you thinking of making as the main course?" she responded.

We talked about dinner, politics, movies, and many other subjects, and before we knew it the clock read 2:36 a. m. Since we had polished off almost three bottles of wine I talked Cecilia into staying overnight in our guest room, fed her breakfast the next morning, and we parted with smiles on our faces. Even if the Bridge thing didn't work out I was pleased to have made a very compatible and nice friend.


I was pleased Sunday late afternoon when Linda got back that she and Garrett had won a good number of silver points for finishing third in the sectional tournament Saturday morning through Sunday early afternoon. I wasn't just pleased for her - but for me too. You see, when Linda does well at a tournament I am the beneficiary of great sex when she returns.

I could tell by the way that she walked, the top three buttons of her blouse undone, and the smile on her face as she entered the apartment that it was going to be a good night. After we exchanged a smoking hot kiss, with her arms around my neck, and my hands on her ass, she giggled "I took my panties and bra off in the lobby."

"I hope that you didn't give any elderly residents heart attacks, or some young man any lascivious ideas," I chuckled.

"Oh, I was very discrete," she chortled, "but you better take care of me or I might have to go back down to scare up some action."

I started tickling her, she started undoing my belt, and even though all of our clothing hadn't been removed it wasn't long before I was sucking on one of her prodigious tits, fondling the other, and fingering her already wet pussy. After her first orgasm from tit sucking and finger fucking alone she growled into my ear "Fuck me good and you'll get what we both know you want."

That was music to my ears. I buried my hog in one thrust, performed a reasonable facsimile of a jack hammer as she squeezed and released her pc muscles while swearing like a sailor, and we pummeled each other until our virtually simultaneous earth shattering orgasms debilitated us.

As we lay in a sweaty, groaning, happy pile of protoplasm on the living room rug I started to rally first. Linda's eyes fluttered open and seeing the grin on my face mumbled "You bastard; OK, but carry me to my bed - I can't do anything else on this rug and I'm too drained to walk."

I completely shed my pants and shirt and then I chuckled as I picked Linda up - she was 121 pounds of dead weight - careful to keep my back straight. Once I bounced her on our bed I removed the rest of her clothing and then got the lube out of our nightstand drawer. I coated the insides of her tits as she teased me about my predilection for titty fucking.

I couldn't help it!

Ever since the first time that I saw Linda's naked tits I have been preoccupied, entranced, and even spellbound by them. I do believe that I am probably one of only a small percentage of guys who actually enjoy titty fucking as much as (or even more than) vaginal intercourse. Of course that's not with just any woman - my penchant would only be with someone who has the large supple mammaries that Linda does.

Even though she doesn't really want to admit it because she likes to pretend that she's doing me a favor whenever she lets me fuck her tits, Linda enthusiastically moves her tits together and always has a mild orgasm from titty fucking. Almost as enjoyable for her is getting to tease me as with a warm washcloth I lovingly swab the cum off of her chin and chest after I ejaculate.

The night was complete after I made her a quick dinner, I ate her for dessert, and then I did her doggy while manipulating her weighty mammaries to another tsunami-like orgasm. Just before we fell asleep I muttered that Cecilia and Garrett were coming over for dinner the next night and that I'd make her favorite meal, Fettuccine Alfredo.

"That's nice Will," she mumbled before falling asleep on my shoulder.


Apparently what I told Linda Sunday night about Cecilia and Garrett coming over for dinner Monday night hadn't quite registered with her. While she wasn't really miffed when I "reminded" her of that Monday morning she didn't seem all that enthusiastic about it or how it had come about with Cecilia and I having talked about it at dinner Saturday night, and her sleeping in the guest room Sunday morning. Nevertheless by the time that Cecilia and Garrett arrived and the smell of the Alfredo sauce permeated the kitchen she was upbeat.

We had a great dinner, and as far as I could tell Linda and Garrett were excited about our interest in Bridge. They gave us our first basic lesson that night and encouraged us to sign up for a course at the Community Center. They agreed that our learning curve would be lower if Cecilia and I were partners.


Over the next two years I had a wonderful life. I got two promotions at work, Linda seemed to enjoy her job, she and I continued to share all of the activities that we had in common, our sex life was great - especially if she and Garrett did well in a tournament or whenever else she let me fuck her tits - and we had a good cadre of friends. Also, Cecilia and I had progressed in Bridge and had even travelled with Linda and Garrett to two overnight tournaments that had all levels of players from the gold life masters that Linda and Garrett had become to novices like Cecilia and me. In fact, next to Linda and one of my buddies from college who lived in the area, Cecilia had become my best friend.

Linda and Garrett threw Cecilia and I a party when we got our first two masterpoints, and even more importantly Linda rewarded me with a titty fuck that night; one that was even better than our normally stupendous ones. Life was fantastic.

Of course, now that I've said that you know that a "but..." is coming. That "but..." came in the form of another Saturday night dinner with Cecilia when Linda and Garrett were at another overnight Bridge competition. This dinner was at Cecilia and Garrett's house, and arranged by Cecilia.

After a pleasant meal, discussions over brandies about many things including our continuing Bridge endeavors, Cecilia said "There's something serious that I want to talk with you about, Will."

"Shoot," I smiled, and then took another sip of brandy from my snifter.

"I think that Linda and Garrett fuck at overnight out-of-town competitions," she blurted out.

Fortunately I had swallowed my last sip of brandy otherwise it would have spewed out of my nostrils. "What?" was my shocked reply. "What makes you think that?"

"It started the first night that we told them that one of the reasons that we wanted to take up Bridge was to be able to go with them to some out-of-town tournaments," Cecilia grumbled. "I love you, Will, but I know that you're one of the least observant people in the world, therefore I didn't expect you to notice it; but I did."

After a pregnant pause she continued. "What I noticed was a small grimace by each of Linda and Garrett, and fleeting eye contact between them. They recovered quickly and seemed to be supportive of us after that, but those grimaces and that momentary glance registered in my brain."

"Certainly your suspicion is based more on just that," I gulped.

"Yes, it is. Did you notice that the two overnight tournaments that we accompanied them on that they did poorly; in one they got a grand total of a single masterpoint," she correctly recalled. Undeterred by my lack of a response she continued "Did you notice how hot-to-trot they are when they come back from a competition where they did well?"

I did respond to that last comment. "Wouldn't that mean that they didn't have sex with each other if they were horny when they returned?"

"Just the opposite; they inspired each other and increased their libidos - and maybe had a twinge of guilt besides - so they were horny because they had fucked, not because they hadn't," she replied with a great deal of authority.

Cecilia went on for another twenty minutes, with me occasionally asking questions or expressing doubts. However, when she was done it appeared to me that there just might - might - be something to what she said.

Although I didn't mention it to her there was one additional factor that could assist in legitimizing her suspicions. The times that Linda was most available - even eager - for a titty fuck was after she and Garrett had done well at a competition. For some reason I kept that tidbit to myself even after Cecilia said that she loves anal and the only time that Garrett fucks her ass is after an out-of-town success.

While far from convinced, I was willing to go along with Cecilia's proposal to try and find out what, if anything, was going on. That night we started planning.

When Linda returned that Sunday she and Garrett had gotten a slew of red masterpoints and she was frisky; so frisky that I got a rare titty-fuck doubleheader. Just before I fell asleep my complete serene mood had the edge taken off of it when Cecilia texted me "Garrett happily fucked my ass tonight; fun, but concerning," followed by a smiley face and a frowning one.


Cecilia and I put the first part of our plan into action that Monday and Tuesday. Cecilia had some people that she worked with who were tech savants, especially when it came to smartphones. Both of us replaced our spouses' phone batteries with dead ones and when they expressed concerns offered to get them fixed with one day service. I brought Linda's phone over to Cecilia's office on Monday, and by Tuesday night was able to return it to Linda.

Giving the phones to Cecilia's tech friends did two things.

First, they installed locator apps on them so that we could determine - allegedly within twenty feet - where they were. So, if Linda's and Garrett's phones were within twenty feet of each other at midnight on an out-of-town competition trip, we'd know that they were sharing a bed.

The second thing that turning over the phones to Cecilia's tech whizzes did was to allow them to download any incriminating emails, texts, or photos. They had provided that information to Cecilia and she had made a copy for me.

I didn't want to find out that Linda and Garrett were screwing, for an obvious reason - I wasn't going to share my wife, and I loved her and didn't want a divorce. However, it seemed that Cecilia almost wanted to find out that they were fucking just to prove that she was right - maybe not, but that's what it seemed like.

Regardless of what either of us "wanted" to find, we made a pledge to try to find out anything that we could and rationally approach what we would do about it.

The located emails, texts, and photos didn't turn up anything incriminating. While as would be expected many emails and texts were deleted, there was nothing even remotely indicating hanky-panky. All communications between Linda and Garrett were friendly, but not flirty, and there certainly were no expressions of endearment. In fact I had to conclude that Cecilia and I communicated with each other with a higher level of endearment than Linda and Garrett did. There were also no expressions of dissatisfaction with Cecilia and me, and the only risqué photos that Garrett had on his phone were of Cecilia, and the only ones Linda had were of me.

Also, Cecilia and I thought back upon our past observations of Garrett and Linda when they were together. There was never - and I mean never - any PDA. In fact, Cecilia and I were ten times as handsy and affectionate with each other than Garrett and Linda were with each other.

Cecilia and I got together the Friday and Saturday nights the next time that Linda and Garrett were away at a competition. While as expected during the competition their phones were actually overlapping (since they would be sitting less than four feet apart and the locator app wasn't sensitive enough to determine that spacing) or sitting next to each other at lunch and/or dinner. At night their phones were widely spaced from each other, definitely more than the twenty feet that the locator app was accurate for. When Cecilia and I talked to them over the phone late both nights there was also nothing suspicious.

In fact I even stayed in Cecilia's guest room both nights so that we could compare data in the middle of the night.

The next part of the plan was to go on an out-of-town competition with them. We did this two times, and both times they apparently played poorly because they got few masterpoints and were in bad moods afterward.

Then we tried showing up unexpectedly at out-of-town tournaments. For one competition where they would be staying over on a Saturday night I got there about nine o'clock at night. I thought that I had hit "paydirt" when I got a key from the front desk after showing my ID and when I opened up room 428, Linda's room, Garrett was there going over some Bridge statistics.

After a brief testy exchange Garrett convinced me that his and Linda's rooms had been mixed up and that she was in 601. I hurried up there and found Linda also going over Bridge statistics. She was obviously surprised but seemed happy to see me, and we had good sex that night. I left before breakfast the next morning so as not to disturb her concentration. Linda and Garrett did well at that competition and I got a nice titty fuck when she returned Sunday evening.

Cecilia did almost the same thing that I did during a two overnights competition about a month later. She also found them in separate rooms Friday night, but also stayed over Saturday night and just went shopping and sight-seeing in the city the competition was held in. Linda and Garrett did not do well in that competition and were grumpy upon their return.

We tried a number of other things over the ensuing two years. We never were able to come up with anything definitive although Cecilia continued to be very suspicious, and I have to admit some things didn't really add up right. However, Linda was a loving excellent wife and sex was between very good and great except for those times - mostly when either Cecilia and/or I went to an out-of-town tournament with Linda and Garrett - that they didn't do well. Then things sucked for a day or two but quickly returned to normal.


The Mixed Pairs World Championship in Geneva, Switzerland, was coming up when things went awry. The event - including time to get over jet lag, a registration reception, and then the actual play itself - would last roughly eight days. Leading up to that event Garrett and Linda did everything possible to discourage Cecilia and I from attending without blatantly telling us that we weren't invited.

In view of their pathetic performances in competitions where Cecilia and I went along - whether it was just bad luck, or something else - Cecilia and I decided to put our suspicions on hold for a while so that they had the best chance for success since winning this event was one of their lifelong dreams; maybe their most important lifelong dream. Linda had even talked about starting a family if they won.