Broken Phones Ch. 04

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Last chapter in Broken Phones.
13.8k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/04/2023
Created 03/27/2018
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***This is posted for free on Literotica for all of the fan support that wanted this story to continue. I had trouble finding the right ending, so if you are unhappy, I am sorry.

Skylar woke up to the sound of her phone getting text messages. It was one after another before she got up to see it was her mother. It was like a jolt of energy came to her as she knew that if she called, she might hear Brad in the background. The "I got a boyfriend" talk she knew she needed to have with her mom was overdue. Breaking the news to her about Brad being white was a tricky thing that needed to be handled just right. The need to respond so she didn't call came to her as she began responding to her just as fast as she got the texts.

She read the messages that her mother sent about a change of plans for her coming back for break. Her mother texted that she wanted her to leave early so they could have a party with family members that were visiting. The original plan was for a Friday flight next week but now she listened to her mother saying that there was a party for her on Saturday and that she wanted her to be on a Tuesday night the last day of the exams.

The tickets were already booked at the start of the semester and fighting with her mother for more time was pointless and going to go nowhere. It was less time with Brad as she wanted more time with him before heading home. It was disheartening that she would not have the time with him she wanted before being gone for most of the summer.

Skylar ran through her plans in her head, trying to get everything situated now that Brad was in her life. The summer internship camp was five weeks and then it was back to college early to start practicing. She knew Brad had his place and was not going anywhere and figured she could stay at his house until Tanisha came back for the Fall Semester.

It was early in the morning still, but packing up would be a chore and time was not on her side. She walked into the bedroom seeing Brad peacefully sleeping. It was a surreal feeling that she had a white boyfriend, and she was in his apartment. Thinking quickly about Brad made her smile, knowing that he would do anything for her and was committed beyond anyone she dated before.

"Baby...I got to go." Skylar rocked him awake knowing she had to get stuff done before leaving.

"Can you stay?" he asked groggily as he finally woke up.

She kissed his forehead, already missing him and she hadn't even left yet. "I got to go boo. My last few papers need to be finished before I go home. I will call you later and let you know."

The last week of school had exams and papers to be finished and she had only one big one to finish and two small ones. The two exams she needed to take were still weighing on her and she knew time was needed to study for them too. Walking home was only a mile since Brad's house was bordering the campus. She then thought a scooter might help get back and forth between her dorm and his house now that he lived so close and didn't need a car. The idea of him being close and the privacy made her smile thinking about it. Thinking of going to parties with him and crashing at his place was now feasible but then she thought back knowing Brad was not a party type of guy.

On the way back to her dorm she thought about better parties to take Brad to which he would not be intimidated and also be around Maurice and his football friends too. The closer she got to her dorm, the slimy sensation in her pussy increased like she had leakage in her sex. When she felt it, the flood of memories came back to her that Brad's cum was trying to get out and that he finished in her deep too. A twinge of fear and not guilt hit her as she knew playing with fire was not good even though it felt amazing when he came in her.

When she walked to the elevator, the damp feeling in her panties became a wet gooey feeling. Skylar knew that it was a slut walk of shame that she walked from a boy's place to her dorm with cum leaking into her panties, but the idea of it being kinky came to her since it was her man's cum that was in her and not some random hookup's cum. The kinky sex they had talking about her getting pregnant was hot and she knew that it was something dirty they both liked.

The slimy feeling of Brad's sperm while walking had a strange and yet guilty pleasure sensation to it. The constant reminder of thinking about him ejaculating deep in her was making her wonder if getting birth control needed to be sooner more than later. Each step reminded her of Brad and how he said he would do anything for her and also knew the repercussions of what they were doing. It was normal for a married couple, but Skylar knew it was her being reckless. It was the most ultimate act of love and Brad did it while knowing there was no barrier or other means to stop his sperm from reaching their intended target. Although it was the most loving sensation when it happened, the fog in her brain lifted and she knew that it needed to stop until she went on birthcontrol.

The door closed and she saw Tanisha walking over to her wearing a white tank top and blue pajamas. Her hair was up, and she had the face of a girl that had just woken up. "You home early. Thought you were going to be at Brad's till later."

"I got to get a paper done and study for exams. Parents want me to come back early too."

"Shit, you tell them about Brad yet?" Tanisha was on the phone talking as Skylar made her way to the bathroom to take a shower finally. The warm water was needed as it woke her up while giving her a refreshed feeling. The thought of going home normally excited her but she knew she would be away from Brad. The feeling of missing him hurt and she knew that her emotions for him were almost bursting out of her now.

She walked out in a towel covering herself as Tanisha walked towards her. "So, you and Brad had fun last night if you are getting home just now."

"I didn't think it was this late. I got to pack and get ready to leave and all. Parents want me early. Kinda let it slip that I didn't have finals. Now they invited the family and want me home early. Shit that reminds me, I got to text Brad that I got back."

"Shit girl, you best leave him be. You know how you get and soothing him like you did Keshaun ain't gonna help."

Skylar whipped her head back as she remembered her first boyfriend when she got to college and how embarrassing it was. "I am better. I just want to let him know is all."

Tanisha gave a sly grin. "Okay, just warning you. So, you gonna tell your folks about Brad?"

Skylar knew that breaking the news to her parents was going to be a long conversation that might include some yelling. "Not yet. Need to be delicate with that subject. Parents going to shit when they find out, so I got to time it right. Plus, I want them to let him stay when he visits."

"Well, I need to thank you and shit. Maurice wants to get back with me and I am thinking about it. Thinking he might get signed too and Brad's friend already said he would help negotiate a contract so he don't have to pay some agent and shit."

Tanisha crashed on the couch and put her feet up and looked over at her like she wanted to sit and talk. The gooey feeling in her pussy was getting worse as she felt some of it on her inner thigh now. "You mind if I shower first and then we can finish this."

"Ohh, so you left Brad's after he fucked you?" she joked and smiled as Skylar knew her friend was wanting more intimate information about their sex.

She rolled her eyes and shifted her hips. "I ain't telling you everything, and I need to get in the shower"

Tanisha shot up to her feet with a big grin on her face. "Ohh damn. He musta pounded you good."

Skylar knew that she was going to have to give Tanisha more details to get her off her back and figured a little bit can't hurt. "He came in me...I need to clean up now."

Her eyes flew open, and her big smile came as she joked back. "Damn girl. I didn't know you letting him bust a nut in you."

Walking away towards the shower, she answered her friend not wanting to give any more details as it would lead to her knowing that she was not on birthcontrol. "Not talking about this."

Tanisha followed her and she was about to close the bathroom door before she stopped. "Ask you one more question and then I will let you clean up Brad's cum from your pussy."

"What?" Skylar commented, rolling her eyes wanting this to be over with.

"Feel good? I never let a guy cum in before," Tanisha asked as she knew it was a sincere question and her face showed that she was being honest and wanted the truth.

Skylar smiled thinking back to how great it really did feel to have Brad bust inside of her. The emotional aspect of pleasure was there and not just the physical sensation of his cum either. "It really does feel good. I never let a guy do it before Brad either."

Tanisha walked away smiling and Skylar got naked to finally take a shower. Once naked, she assessed the damage of her panties and knew that they stunk of sperm and that her own pussy was a mess and smelt like cum too. Cleaning up, she thought about how it was so dangerous to not be on birth control but loved the aspect of giving him everything she was as his girlfriend too.

Thinking of studying and getting her one paper done took over as she knew that time was needed for school. Wearing gym shorts and a sports bra was easier than getting dressed up as she figured takeout for dinner while studying. She got a love emjoi from Brad and she sent one back happy that everything seemed content with him and college.

Focusing on the work ahead and not letting distractions bother her, she punched away at the keyboard of her new computer Brad gave her. She thought about it while typing up her paper letting the hours pass her by. It was a tough paper to write, and it was late when she finally finished too. The plan was to go out and get something to eat, but she grabbed some Pop Tarts and went back to work.

Seeing her laptop open with her almost finished work brought back the memory of how her man gave it to her and that he would be the man a girl always dreamed of. It was like the little girl in her came alive as the thought she felt that having a man act like a prince to her while being so in love with her. Skylar knew it was a silly girl thought but seeing the laptop and his admission that he was so in love with her reinforced it.

"Need to finish this paper before I pass out. Missing you and want to see you in the morning." She texted Brad hoping that he wasn't mad that she didn't see him today.

"Breakfast tomorrow." He texted back as she smiled thinking of him.

Missing him came easy and the urge to have him just come over to hold her almost took over. She thought back to her ex and how she smothered him and then told Brad good night and she would see him for breakfast. The paper was almost done and finishing it to be free then gave her the energy to do it.

Being tired was a normal everyday thing, but sleeping while wanting sex couldn't happen. Reaching between her legs lying in her bed, she closed her eyes thinking of Brad. Seeing his face when he made love to her brought instant wetness to her flower. Her fingers moved quickly in circles around her clit feeling the pleasure of masturbating surge through her body. Thinking about his white cock pounding her pussy with no condom on ready to give her his white load was all that was needed. Her body quivered and the burst of pleasure came as her orgasm came fast. It was just a matter of closing her eyes thinking about sleeping next to him that made her pass out.


The next morning, she walked out of her room to see Tanisha in her room with the door open. She was just wearing a towel standing in front of a suitcase that was on her bed. Stepping into her room, she questioned her friend. "You leaving early?"

Tanisha grabbed clothes and put them up to her chest to see if it was worth wearing. "Maurice is getting invites from teams. He wants me to go with him."

It was everything her friend wanted as she talked about having a man who was a professional athlete and would take her along with him and not just leave her behind. "Ohh snap. You did it babe. He taking you with him."

She dropped the towel to get dressed as she gave a haunting look. "He taking me with him for pussy, but I want him to put a ring on me if I am going to be putting out like he wants."

Thinking back to Brad and how he was reading his book on relationships, she knew that it didn't take a push to get him on his knee with a ring. Bringing it up to Tanisha would just be rubbing her nose in it too. "Girl, he will do it. You know he be wanting you for years now."

Tanisha grinned and gave a chuckle, finally putting on a top she picked out. "Yeah. You're right. Just need to remind him that I am wanting more than just to be side hustle."

"He be stepping up. You know he be chasing you for this long that he will step up."

"Yeah, I know. Now you got a man that I bet would do the same," Tanisha joked back as she knew that she was dead right.

Telling her a little bit more seemed fair since she already assumed it. She gave a sly grin hoping that she would not blab this to anyone else. "He already mentioned it...kinda me that is holding back a bit."

"Seriously?" Tanisha's voice got louder as she saw her friend's eyes go wide in shock.

A streak of honesty came to her and figured it couldn't hurt to tell her a bit more and maybe see if she had advice for her. "When we fucked one time, he said that he was totally in love with me and would get a ring."

Tanisha's eyes were still wide as she still looked shocked. "What you do?"

Her eyes cringed knowing that she was going to tell her how bad she was. "Well, I let him cum in me."

"Girl, you seriously need to talk to your in love with him bad and it ain't gonna get easy with you not telling him. So he white, he has a good job and loves you."

Skylar knew that she was right and that what she had with Brad was real and her parents needed to be included in what was going on. "I will, I will."

Leaving her roommate to get changed, she felt uneasy that she was so involved with someone and didn't tell her mom. The nervous feeling came to her that she was holding a secret from her mom that she always confided with her in the past. In the past, telling her mom was something she had always done and now the biggest relationship of her life was a secret.

The final two small research papers still weighed on her mind, but they were easy and could wait until tonight to finish. It was two papers but only one of them needed any real effort. She still needed to shower and get changed but decided to snap a few seductive poses while at her laptop to see if Brad would like them. Still wearing shorts and her sports bra, she lowered her shorts so her pubic bone and pelvic bone were showing. Laying on the bed she took pics of herself making sure that it was not showing anything nude but hinted at it at the same time.

He texted back with a long paragraph about how much he loved her as she debated sexting with him so she could masturbate. Wanting to get off was building as she just knew that after they ate, she wanted to be fucked. He texted again with a time and place for the breakfast place as she sent heart emojis back. Quickly heading into the shower, she made sure to clean herself knowing that he was going to be all over and inside of her.

In her room she found a nice blouse and a pair of leggings that matched perfectly. She sat down to put on some makeup when she heard someone knocking on the door. It was too early for Brad, and she thought it was someone from the team or a friend of Tanisha's.

Opening the door, she saw Brad standing there smiling at her. "You here already? I thought we were going to meet there?"

He smiled and she let him walk in. "I had a phone to fix that nobody knew what was wrong with was close by, so I figured I would come by, and we could walk there together. Also got a place to go for dinner tonight."

It was a sweet gesture and she smiled thinking that she had a man that was such a gentleman. "Aww, boo. I love that. But I am still getting ready. Go have a beer in the fridge while I finish up."

Walking back to her room, she figured that she should put a little bit of makeup on and fix her hair before leaving. Standing in front of her mirror, she grabbed a hairy and then saw Brad coming towards her. "So, where we going tonight?"

He got closer and then she felt his hand touch her waist and then slide right to her stomach as he held her from behind in one fluid motion. It was a passionate move, and she liked the fact that he was being affectionate and not hesitant. "Mmmm, babe. I like this. So, where you taking me tonight?"

He didn't respond but felt his kiss on her neck instead. It was like a soft kiss that lingered and continued making her feel weak from it. His hands went up towards her breasts and cupped them like he owned them now. Skylar knew that this was a simple hug and that he was wanting more.

"Ohhh,, we got to stop," she moaned out softly, thinking that if he didn't stop, she wouldn't stop herself either.

"I want you," he answered back and then went back to kissing her neck and cupping her breasts before massaging them like he was wanting more.

Skylar knew that if she didn't stop him that she would have to wait longer to eat and she was already hungry. "Boo, noo. We are going out."

Deep down, she knew her protest was futile and had no real power to it. The sensual kissing on her neck and his hands on her chest made her think that she had a man that wanted her sexually. He was a shy nerd not so long ago and now she liked that he had the confidence to grab her like this making her feel needed and loved. The twinge of pleasure in her sex was already coming on as she could feel a touch of wet excitement.

"I want you first...then we can go out," he answered back as she instantly felt her sex become slick for him to enter.

Tanisha never said what time she was coming back and getting caught with her boyfriend fucking her was something she didn't want. As much as she wanted him to be in control, this was not the most opportune time for it. There was time after eating that she felt would be better and now that she was worked up it would be a nice ending.

"Boo, after we eat...and Tanisha will be back any minute, she protested again weakly but knowing that her man was being controlling in an erotic way.

"She might, I don't care. I really need you. You did tell me that you like me being a bit forceful," he answered back and let go but guided her to turn around.

Letting him maneuver her, she shifted her feet looking at him, smirking at him thinking that her boyfriend was being bad, but in a good way. Seeing his eyes stare at her like she was the one and only in his life made her think that she won the dating lottery too. The sexy feeling in her came alive as he took control over her.

Putting her hand on his chest hoping that would stop him, but she was also feeling that she would cave to his demands. "I know but let me finish up and we can go."

He put his hand on her shoulder and then added weight like he wanted her on her knees. "We will go after we have sex. I want you to suck it quick."

The shy, quiet, white boy she asked to fix her phone was gone and she knew she created the perfect boyfriend she always wanted. His need for her and him listening to what she liked struck a nerve in her when he asked for head. In the past, she liked the bit of control but knew that she liked a guy with confidence and now she had him.

"You are so bad," she responded as she got on her knees knowing it turned her on that he was telling her to give him a blowjob. The smile on her face came knowing that she was secretly getting what she wanted in him and yet giving into his demand at the same time.