By Design

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A very modern love story.
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She was blond, voluptuous, fantastically beautiful, and willing. But so were many other candidates, so it was fortunate that she was also inexpensive and could start immediately.

By the end of the Twenty-third Century, a lot of old problems had been solved. The new Equatorial Desert made the perfect location for the Global Solar Array. The Global Solar Array was slowly ending the Great Warming. The Great Warming's extinction of ocean life had been halted by use of the old coastal cities as fish habitat. The resulting housing shortage had ended with the Great Pandemics. The Great Pandemics had ended because the few survivors were immune. The resulting labor shortage had been solved with AI machines, which now did most work, including the construction and repair of AI machines themselves. (That had initially been a little controversial, but only among sci-fi fans.) And the meteor shields were finally working better! So everything was going great. But the best news was that modern medicine and Genetic Design had rendered diseases, and most unwanted genetic variation, virtually unknown.

On the other hand, Genetic Design, or GD, had become necessary for securing a job. Genetic engineering of humans was initiated in Singapore, where the average IQ was now 124, and after China followed suit everyone had to jump in. The well compensated classes were now healthier, smarter, more athletic and more beautiful than ever.

A small problem was that GD was expensive, and prenatal GD, the best kind by far, required successful, generous parents. Success now literally bred success. There was talk of speciation.

Even with Gene Design, however, it was not practical or affordable to make a person the best at everything. It followed that GD required the selection of a specialty prior to conception. The choice of talents did not tend in a single direction. For one thing, laws protected some diversity in the gene pool. For another, not everyone wanted their children to aim at a position that could be attained by only a few -- say, entertainment or sports stardom. The risk of failure was too great. Many thought their progeny would be happier working in the larger and less competitive, if less prestigious, fields of STEM or personal service. And among of the largest categories of personal services were, of course, sexual services.

The historical taboos surrounding sex were gone. Birth control was easy. There were no STD's. Religions had declined and become less prescriptive. Morally, buying sex was like buying groceries or, in the case of fetishes, ethnic food. And since sex satisfied a strong and basic human desire, it offered many opportunities for steady employment.

But the competition in the sex market, even more than in others, required aspirational professionals to start before conception. Sex appeal was still instinctively linked to physical characteristics, and those were most successfully manipulated by prenatal GD. Well Designed sex professionals could have huge breasts or penises on a slender, fit body; could have superhuman stamina; and could be easily and constantly aroused. They were in great demand.


I had been Designed mainly for business and STEM, and for the moment, that was working well for me. I was a junior executive at a company that had the best algorithm for identifying good athletes from their DNA. For a modern sports franchise, that meant trillions, and for the athlete, it often meant financial security before birth.

Of course, to maintain my position I endured intense work requirements and a lot of competition. For the moment, I was succeeding and was pretty well compensated for a 24-year old. My specialty being analytical mathematics, I didn't get out much. But, on the plus side, I could easily afford a Personal Sex Partner. I decided to interview carefully and hire a Partner who would be available exclusively to me for a fixed term.

The candidate I liked best was relatively affordable, due partly to her lack of experience. She had excellent academics in her major -- good marks in Evolutionary Sexual Psych and Seduction & Initiation Techniques in particular. Naturally she had a fantastic body, if you liked the usual -- big, bouncy breasts, tiny waist, a well-rounded ass, shapely legs, and a beautiful, sensitive face -- but I thought she would stand out even in a crowd of Designed sex providers. She did have some flaws. Her test scores said she was a little more introverted than was strictly desirable, but her résumé indicated that she would do parties of up to twelve. What worried me most was her unusually high score for reactivity -- she had an Arousal Index of 96, which was really too high. It meant she aroused extremely easily, often, and perhaps continuously. It might be debilitating. That could explain why she was available despite her fantastic looks. She admitted to me that she needed frequent sex to be comfortable, but she promised not to be 'too much of a pest.' As an inducement, she told me that she was undergoing a course of hypnosis that enabled her to be temporarily triggered for dominance, submissiveness or bi-sexuality. Overall, she seemed earnest and professionally ambitious.

She was sitting in my office across the desk from me, after most work had ended at 9 PM. The interview was going well. I liked her. I motioned toward her and asked, "May I?" and of course she said yes. She rose from her chair with a nice smile and shyly met me at the side of the desk. She had come, naturally, in a short, intentionally revealing dress that displayed her figure well, but I had heard that in these interviews the parties were expected to do more than just look. Interestingly, her nipples protruded and made bumps in her dress even as she approached me.

I reached out to feel and weigh her breasts and experimentally squeeze her nipples. The breasts were, of course, natural if you don't count genetic or hormonal augmentation, and in my relatively inexperienced hands they felt good through the stretchy fabric. They greatly exceeded a handful. She turned, and her ass felt well-muscled and springy, with no sag or crease whatsoever.

But as I trailed my fingers between her thighs she reddened and staggered a bit as though she were about to fall into me. I caught her shoulders, and she leaned one hand against my chest for a brief second, weak-kneed and shivering. Obviously embarrassed, she straightened herself with a strangled apology and took a deep breath. Clearly, her responsiveness was extraordinary.

She seemed inexperienced and timid about the negotiation process. That made us equal. But she knew her rights. She asked me whether she might also check the working conditions, so I made myself available. This was a contract negotiation of equals, after all. She hesitantly traced her fingernails over the outline of my cock in my work onesie and then squeezed it experimentally. Fortunately, by this time I was almost completely hard and my GD penis was apparently satisfactory. Then she asked for something unusual: she wanted me to kiss her with as much tongue as possible. She said she always liked this because it was like being fucked in her third hole. I did my best, and since I had been Designed with a long tongue and could almost reach the back of her throat, she seemed satisfied with that, too, although again, she weakened noticeably during the process. We resumed our seats.

She asked whether I had any special interests and I said I was busy and would prefer to leave the entertainment to her. She said that was a good decision, because she had aced two AP courses in Male Sexual Psychology, and current theory said that letting the Professional Sex Partner set the agenda often resulted in a more spontaneous and creative experience for the client.

Speaking of spontaneous, I said, I knew I probably came across as a little formal due to my own shyness and inexperience. I hoped she wouldn't be put off by that. She said she felt the same, but that she was trained well and very optimistic we could figure it out together. She would like to work with me.

She seemed plucky. I admired her spirit. So I proposed a one week trial with an option to extend for six months, and she named the standard price for the standard beginner's trial contract. While it was the expected rate, I thought it was too low, especially given her excellent academics. I countered with an offer ten percent higher plus expenses for clothing and equipment, and with that, a smile, and a video record, the deal was done. She gave me the codes for her post-hypnotic suggestions and I sent House her snapshot and instructions to admit her. She said she could start next week. I would see her Monday night.

She smiled and gave me a gratuitous hug. She really did have big, firm breasts. I found I was looking forward to Monday.


I left work early, at 8:30 PM, and flew home. Even though the trip was only a few blocks, flying was faster than a groundbelt because the rooftop landing pad was nearer my 134th floor apartment.

House had directed her to the auxiliary bedroom, and she was all moved in and waiting at my portal when I arrived. She was wearing high heels and another tight dress, even tighter than her interview dress. It was one of the new SecondSkin™ designs, so she must have taken the time to have herself scanned. The result was a dress that could have colors and patterns, but that followed her every bump and crevice like paint. Hers was a very pale green, half transparent. It fit perfectly, of course, except that her nipples were once again already erect and making unintended stretch marks in the fabric. They felt hard as nails. Again, she moaned at my slightest touch and took a moment to recover. I suggested that if she were excited all the time, she could have herself scanned that way. She looked down at her breasts thoughtfully.

House served us a formal dinner at the fold-out kitchen counter, with a hologram of candles between us. I got to know her a bit. Her parents were designed for STEM and were modestly well off. They had paid for her entire Design, so she was debt free, for which she was grateful. She was academically inclined, but unfortunately very few other disciplines were really helpful in her profession. When she spent leisure time reading journals and auditing graduate courses, she felt obligated to focus on sexual entertainment studies.

I asked about her plans for the evening. She said that, if I didn't mind, she wanted to use part of this first night to record my sexual preferences. That would make our trial week more productive. It would be a little dry and scientific, but it wouldn't take long, and I might even enjoy it. We could have some unstructured time afterwards.

I agreed, of course. But before we started I couldn't resist doing a full inspection of my new PSP while she stood next to my stool. I was happy with my choice. She was extremely fit, with visible stomach and leg muscles paired with very large, plush boobs and a well-toned ass. Her pussy seemed tight and naturally hairless, with smooth, pink lips -- probably a result of GD. Her asshole was pink and suitably elastic.

She was breathless throughout the exam, though, and leaned heavily on the counter for support. I could see she was concentrating hard to present herself without weakening. That high Reactivity Index seemed increasingly likely to be a constant source of difficulty.

House rolled out a double recliner and dropped a screen in front of it. She smoothed down her dress, retrieved her tablet and took a couple of small sticky patches out of an envelope. She attached one underneath my dick, near the base. The other went on my throat, over an artery. She said they could measure blood flow, oxygenation and pressure as well as the levels of certain hormones. Apparently this was something she had picked up in her studies. We reclined side by side while she fired up an app and projected a video on the big screen. Her tablet showed some live charts and gauges and a red "Start" button. She pressed it.

The big screen displayed a succession of stimulating video clips. They covered a broad range of sex acts, both straight and gay, including different positions, games, parties and orgies, BDSM, and so forth. As it went along it seemed to focus more and more closely on the things that I found exciting, not unlike the infamous social media newsfeeds that had resulted in the collapse of civilization when the internet was new. It was a little frustrating because she had told me not to stimulate myself, but the purpose was clear enough: her tablet was building a table of stats for me. She was very professional about it, and I have to admit the process was so amusing that I could not resist groping her sensational boobs as we reclined next to each other. She paused the video while I carried out my impulses in order not to contaminate her data.

When she was done she excused herself to her room for a moment. She said that while I waited it was fine to stimulate myself but she hoped I wouldn't come without her, since she needed to have sex just as soon as we were done.

She returned after a few minutes, with her excited nipples poking through neatly cut holes in the dress. She modeled them for me, swinging her breasts left and right, and then announced that we had free time while my sexual preferences were being analyzed in the cloud. For a start, she hoped I would fuck her. She needed relief.

She seemed flushed and nervous, but she climbed right up on the recliner beside me, pulled her dress up the necessary inch or two, threw one leg over me, and started to kiss me as she guided my GD-enhanced cock into her pussy. Unfortunately, at the moment it touched her she almost collapsed into my arms. She gasped, panting and flushed, and her legs shook violently.

After several seconds she apologized and said she was orgasming so quickly because we were new, my cock was intimidating, and she was too anxious to make a good impression. I knew about her Reactivity Index, though, and I wondered when and how much this would moderate. We started again and she did better, impaling herself on me successfully and starting a weak-kneed motion up and down while resting her head on my shoulder.

After a minute or two I wanted more. I grabbed her by the waist and started thrusting into her hard and fast. She orgasmed again immediately, and then did so again and again, moaning and shaking each time. By the time she had come five or six times she was a whimpering wreck and I decided to stop out of concern for her well-being. She collapsed on me in a shivering heap.

Leaning on me, she assured me she had done much better in school, as her marks indicated. I told her not to worry; I found it endearing and I liked the way her boobs shook when she orgasmed. She smiled with tears and gave me a heartfelt kiss on the lips, which, to my surprise, I liked best of all. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad.

She asked whether I had any immediate requests for tomorrow. I replied that I was fine with her staging the events, but that I liked her dress modification and that nipple decorations might be a nice addition if she wore the dress again. She brightened; she had a small collection, including some with matching earrings. Then she placed my hands on her breasts and professionally brought me off while kissing me, neatly catching all of my cum and licking it out of her palms. We said a friendly goodnight.


The next day I stayed at work until 9 but then flew home again. She was waiting for me in a gauzy strapless dress that was supported only by her enormous breasts in front. It rested just above her ass in back, and the whole dress quit just below her crotch. I liked it. She explained that it was best if she stayed excited, because keeping her nipples erect helped keep the dress on. Staying excited was one of her best abilities, of course.

She also had on high heels. Learning to walk on her toes like that must have been a course in itself, but they still made her tits jiggle a bit as she tottered about, which meant she had to be ultra-careful walking in the dress.

House served us a good Swedish Cabernet and, at my request, a dinner of spaghetti, which required her to lean in and suck while I looked at the tops of her gently swaying breasts. It really was remarkable how her big firm boobs kept the dress on, even as she leaned over her plate. I tried to help by running my fingers high up her inner thighs, and she smiled at me appreciatively. But eventually she had to move more and more carefully as the dress worked its way down until one side hung on only a nipple. I could tell that professional pride kept her from adjusting it. When it finally fell off she acted as though she had missed an exam question, but I told her she was lovely. I affectionately swung the little jewel dangling from her nipple. It matched her dangling earrings.

Based on my test results she had another suggestion for me: perhaps I would like to take her out for a drink. It was a warm November night here in northern Maine, and there was a bar on the 68th Level Concourse patio that, like most, did not have a "No Sexing" sign. I was intrigued, and agreed. She hiked her dress back up onto both boobs, and we stepped into the vacuum tube.

As we slowly made our way across the Concourse, I saw another bout of high arousal start to overtake her. She confessed that she had worn a butt plug for me and walking was making it hard to ignore. I pointed out that at least it would help keep the dress on, and she smiled. But by the time we got to the bar the dress was starting to slip even though she was obviously highly aroused.

We walked to the near end of the counter and stood there while I ordered a couple of good Aleutian rum tonics to cool us down. I could tell the dress was just barely hanging on, so to help I stood directly behind her and pressed my upright cock against her fantastic ass. She leaned back gently while we surveyed the room. There were many other couples, some with the look of Unlimited Term Contractors and some looking like limited-term PSPs, but I thought my PSP was the prettiest and hottest in the whole place. So did lots of others, apparently, because many up and down the bar were looking at us and at her extreme décolletage.

I began to press against her harder so that her hips were pressed up against the bar. My cock was aligned with her ass crack and I could feel the butt plug. It was arousing. Involuntarily, I began humping her fantastic, springy ass very, very slightly. I admired her skill at isolating the humping motions from her breasts, which were still barely supporting the dress. For a while she succeeded. But she was showing signs of arousal herself, and eventually she started subtly humping me back.

Immediately the dress slipped off her left tit, baring her dangling nipple jewel. We continued to hump furtively, and the crowd at the bar continued to watch with moderate interest as the jewel swung back and forth. Then the dress fell off her other nipple and all the way down to where her hips were pressed against the bar. We were free to hump more strongly now, and her breast ornaments banged up and down rhythmically as her breasts rebounded. Her arousal was obvious from her red-faced frown and open-mouthed breathing. But going further would be a breach of etiquette, so after we squirmed against each other a little longer, I backed off, we finished our drinks, she repositioned her dress, and we walked carefully out.

I said that our outing been surprisingly stimulating and I was impressed by her professional skills as well as her physical beauty. She said it was easy when you had the right Design, a good education, and all my metrics. She also said she was highly aroused and really wanted to fuck, as soon as we got home if I was so inclined.