Carnal Cruise Ch. 01

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Even before leaving, daughter's friend starts the fun early.
5.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 02/02/2023
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"Daddy, we're home!"

I smiled as I turned off the TV and walked out of the family room toward the front door. I never get tired of hearing those words, first because I'm always happy to see my daughter, and second because I find it touching that my 21-year-old daughter still sometimes calls me Daddy, just like when she was a little girl. Of course, she's called me lots of other names over the years, some of which didn't make me happy - and those are just the one she said to my face. I can only imagine some of the things she called me during her teenage years when she was talking to her friends.

But, like most parents, we survived those rough years, and now we have a wonderful relationship. Of course, I think my wife and I did all the right things when raising Morgan, and any conflicts were due to her being a classic, rebellious teenager. But who knows? Were we too strict at times? All I know is she grew up to be a wonderful young adult.

The one thing we DIDN'T do right was split up when Morgan was 15. But we never fought in front of her. In fact, we never really fought at all. My wife nonchalantly told me I was boring and she didn't love me anymore, and she wanted a divorce. I can't say that I was surprised. Except for discussions about Morgan, we started talking less and less. We lived together, but we were hardly a couple. The divorce wasn't even painful. I bought a house not far from the one we lived in so we could share custody and Morgan would still be near her friends and her school.

"Hi, sweetheart," I said as I walked up to her and embraced her in a tight hug. I kissed her head before releasing her.

"Hi, Chloe," I said to Morgan's roommate.

"Hi, Mr. Evers," she replied.

"How about we go with Jeremy, okay?" I said with a smile.

"Okay," Chloe said, returning the smile. "Then, thank you, JEREMY, for inviting me to join you on the cruise. It's very kind of you."

"Nonsense," I replied. "You're actually doing me a favor. Morgan never would have gone on the cruise at all if she was just going to be stuck with me."

"Yeah, I don't think so," she said, still smiling.

"Why don't you girls get settled, and then we can go get something to eat."

"Sounds good, Dad. C'mon, Chloe, I'll show you your room."

Whenever I had Morgan during school breaks, I tried to go on a nice trip with her. I suppose we spoiled her - particularly after the divorce - but she remained a down-to-earth person. She knew she lived a good life and never looked down on someone because they didn't have the same financial resources that she did.

This Christmas vacation, we were going on a cruise. I was happy she was still willing to spend a week with me "stranded" in the ocean, and I realized this might be the last chance we had to do this. As an added incentive, I told her she could invite a friend. I made sure their cabin was on a different deck so she didn't feel like I was watching her every minute.

As they walked past me and went up the stairs, I couldn't help but notice Chloe's ass. She was wearing yoga pants, which hugged her body, and her butt looked really nice. Not huge and not small - just nice. And it didn't jiggle at all, which wasn't surprising since I knew she taught spin classes on campus. I love the way yoga pants often show the exact outline of two separate cheeks rather than one large butt.

I realized I shouldn't be looking at Chloe's ass, and, for a second, I felt bad. But this was different than when Morgan was in high school and her friends came over. I was careful to never look at those girls that way. Although it was obvious some of them had very nice figures, I NEVER stared at them or thought about them in a sexual manner. Not only did I know many of those girls from the time they were in grade school, but they were young kids. Only a pervert would have looked at them that way.

With Chloe, it was different. I only knew her as an adult. Sure, she was my daughter's roommate, and she was obviously much younger than I, but she was an adult. Was there really anything wrong with enjoying the way an attractive woman looked? Yeah, I suppose it was a little creepy.

After the girls got settled, we went to one of our favorite hangouts for dinner. Since both girls recently turned 21, I asked if they wanted a drink.

"Oh my GOD!" Morgan yelled, with mock shock. "Is my father - Mr. "Play by the rules" who wouldn't even let me drink alcohol at home - offering his innocent daughter a drink?"

Chloe joined Morgan in laughter.

"Yes, you're legal now. You can have a drink if you'd like. ONE drink," I said to more laughter.

"Oh, my, this is so exciting," Morgan said. "I've never had alcohol before. Will I get drunk and do stupid stuff?"

Now all three of us were laughing.

I just shook my head as she continued making fun of me.

"Gee, I don't even know what to order. I mean I've never done this before," she continued, again with incredible sarcasm.

The waitress walked up and both girls immediately ordered Cosmopolitans.

"Wow," I said. "For a girl who's NEVER had a drink before, you seemed to know exactly what you wanted."

The waitress smiled but then said, "May I see IDs, please?"

Both girls started to open their purses.

"Now that you're legal, make sure you use your REAL ID, not your fake one," I said with as much sarcasm as possible.

"I would NEVER have a fake ID, Dad," Morgan said.

"Uh huh," was all I replied.

After checking the girls' IDs the waitress took my drink order.

We chatted about school, the cruise, summer internship plans and just about everything else under the sun. Morgan reminded me she had to see her mother before we left for the cruise, so she was having dinner with her Friday night. She asked Chloe if it was okay if she went by herself, as her mother always complained that she didn't have enough "alone time" with her. Chloe smiled and said it was not a problem.

"There are two rules I'd like to have on this cruise," I said.

"Uh oh," Morgan said. "Here it comes."

This caused Chloe to giggle.

"First, even though alcohol is included in the cost of the cruise, I'd like you to control yourself. Just don't get pass-out drunk, okay?"

"Seriously, Dad, we aren't the crazy girls you see on the news during spring break trips to Mexico. Believe it or not, you somehow managed to raise a responsible daughter."

I nodded in appreciation.

"But if I do get drunk," she continued, "I'll come throw up in your cabin. I don't want to mess up ours."

Chloe chuckled as I just shook my head.

"Good to know," I said. "Okay, rule number two. I'd like to have dinner with you every night. I won't make you do anything with me during the day - if you'd like, I'll even ignore you if I see you on deck during the day. But I'd like to have dinner together."

"Actually, Dad, this might surprise you, but I actually like you. I don't mind spending time with you even during the day. And we're happy to have a nice dinner with you every night."

I smiled. I loved Morgan more than anything, and I liked the person she had become. I was thankful she was willing to spend time with me.

"You sure I won't cramp your style?" I asked.

"Just stay out of the nightclubs after dinner, okay? THAT would cramp our style," she said, again laughing.

"Don't worry, Jeremy, I'm the responsible one. I'll keep an eye on her," Chloe said with a chuckle.

"YOU?! The RESPONSIBLE one?" Morgan screamed. "Do NOT believe her, Dad. She's a wild, crazy woman. I'm amazed she's never been arrested!"

Chloe whacked Moran on the shoulder, and I laughed.

"Okay, no more rules," I said. "Except..."

Morgan scrunched up her face waiting for me to drop a bomb.

"... have fun on the trip."

"Thanks, Dad. I'm sure we will. We're both really looking forward to it."

"Thank you, Jeremy. I'm very excited for the cruise. I've never been on one before, but Morgan assured me I'd love it."

We continued talking and laughing throughout dinner. Both girls had had steady boyfriends during different parts of their time at college, but neither was currently in a relationship. Eventually, the girls started talking about the immaturity of the guys at school.

"When do guys stop talking about sports and being jerks and thinking they're God's gift to women," Morgan asked, causing me to laugh out loud.

"Sometimes, never," I replied.

"Were you a jerk way back when?" Morgan asked, causing me to laugh again.

"No, I don't think so, but I was shy in college. I DEFINITELY didn't think I was God's gift to women," I said with a chuckle.

"Well, you turned into a pretty nice guy, Dad."

"Thank you, sweetheart."

I noticed Chloe was looking intently at me with a slight smile. I don't know why, but it sent a shiver through my body.

We finished up dinner and drove home.

I'm exhausted," Morgan said. "Let's get ready for bed. The drive today really knocked me out."

After a bit, the girls returned to the family room, where I was watching TV. Both were wearing T-shirts and running shorts. I couldn't help but notice Chloe appeared to have very nice breasts. Generally, I like very small breasts, and although Chloe's were larger, they really looked nice. They weren't giant Ds or anything - I suppose more like a small C - they really looked fantastic. I made sure she never saw me, but I was constantly stealing glances at her. Her long, muscular legs also looked very sexy.

We talked for a little bit, and I tried hard to keep my eyes focused only on Chloe's eyes when I talked to her. She was an attractive young woman - not someone you would call striking or beautiful, but attractive. She had straight, pitch-black hair that went a few inches below her shoulders. She had dense eyebrows which immediately drew your attention to her hazel eyes. Her small nose looked perfect on her long face. But I know my eyes occasionally drifted down to her chest and her legs, again, only when she wasn't looking at me.

Suddenly, Chloe stood up.

"I'm really tired, Morgan, I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Jeremy."

Almost before I could say goodnight, Chloe had turned and walked toward her room.

"I think I'll go to sleep, too, Dad. See you in the morning."

"Goodnight sweetheart," I said as she bent down to give me a little kiss before leaving.

I watched a little TV before going to sleep myself.

The next morning, I was sitting at the kitchen table when two drowsy girls walked in, still wearing their sleeping shirts and shorts. I got them both coffee and once again admired Chloe's body. I was very discreet whenever I looked at her, not wanting to make her uncomfortable - or think I was a pervert. When Chloe closed her eyes and twisted her torso, stretching her muscles, it pulled her t-shirt tight against her body. I could see the exact outline of her prefect breasts and could see her nipple just barely poking against the material. The girl had an incredible body, but I was careful enough to look away before she finished stretching and opened her eyes.

"What's on your agenda today?" I asked.

"I still need to get a couple of things for the cruise," Morgan said. "Maybe a new bathing suit...or two or three," she continued, laughing. "So, we're going to do a little shopping, and we're meeting Melissa for lunch," referencing one of her friends from high school.

"How about tonight. Will you be home for dinner, or do you have plans?"

"Sure, you can buy us dinner, Dad. But afterwards, we're meeting some friends for drinks."

After the girls got dressed and left, I spent a couple of hours working, mostly replying to emails and dealing with an issue with one client. I was theoretically on vacation, but I didn't mind doing a little work since the girls were out.

When the girls walked in that afternoon, they were carrying a few bags and giggling.

"Good day?" I asked.

"Yep! Shopping was great - just don't check your credit card until after I've left," Morgan said with a laugh.

I wasn't worried. Morgan was not a crazy shopper, so I'm sure she didn't go overboard. If she had been with her mother, that would have been a different situation. Her mother would have directed her to the most expensive items and told her to buy lots. Part of that was just the way she was, but I think part of it was she liked knowing she was spending my money.

That night we went out for a quick sushi dinner, giving the girls plenty of time to get ready for their night out. I was in the family room when the girls walked in.

"Okay, Dad, we'll see you later. I don't think we'll be too late."

I looked up, and both girls were dressed to kill. Morgan was wearing a cute little black dress. Chloe was wearing a snug stretch top and a short skirt. In her heels, her legs looked fantastic. But it was her breasts that drew the interest of my eyes. They had a cone shape and looked perfect - not too big and not too small. They seemed narrow from top to bottom but stuck out like a thin shelf. Geez, she looked good!

"Um, are you driving to the bar?" I asked, still the concerned father.

"Don't worry, Jeremy," Chloe said, "I'm the designated driver. I will not have anything more than one glass of wine. I promise."

"So, Dad, that means I can get drunk on my ass," Morgan said with a laugh.

"Great...," I said.

"Just kidding, Dad," she said as she gave me a tight hug. "I'll be a good girl and won't throw up after I get home."

Chloe just shook her head, as did I.

"Don't worry, Jeremy - I'll keep an eye on her."

I smiled as the girls walked out the door.

I was still awake watching TV when the girls got home a little after 11:00.

Morgan walked in and in a loud voice yelled, "Hi, Daddy!"

Then she stumbled and fell onto the couch. After 10 seconds of silence, with me glaring at Morgan, Chloe started snickering. Morgan sat up straight and looked at me.

"Just kidding, Dad, I'm fine. I just really like pulling your chain."

Again, I just shook my head.

Both of them were laughing as they went upstairs to change for bed. When they came back downstairs, Morgan filled me in on which of her girlfriends were there, most of whom I hadn't seen since she graduated from high school. The girls continued talking, sometimes getting animated and giggling. Every time Chloe moved her arms when she was talking, I couldn't help but look at her breasts gently moving beneath, and against, her shirt.

After a while, I stood up.

"I'm going to sleep, girls. I'll see you in the morning."

Both said goodnight, and I grabbed a glass off the table to take into the kitchen. As I was walking out of the kitchen, I turned the corner just as Chloe was walking in. She lost her balance as we bumped into each other, and I held out my arms to catch her as she fell forward. I grabbed her by her shoulders, but she still fell into me. I felt her entire body smash against me, with her breasts flattened against my chest. We looked at each other silently for a second before we both started apologizing. We both laughed, but I realized I was still holding her against me. I also realized I was starting to get hard.

Chloe abruptly said, "I've got to go to bed."

Before I could even say good night, she had turned and was walking quickly toward her bedroom. I wasn't sure if she was upset, but I felt bad.

The next day, Morgan and Chloe visited some more of Morgan's high school friends and did some more shopping. That evening, Morgan got ready to go visit her mother.

"Mom's taking me to dinner, and she got tickets to some play her friend produced. Hopefully I'll be home by 11:00."

"Okay," I replied. "Just remember the limo is picking us up at 9:00 tomorrow morning to go to the airport. Make sure you're packed tonight."

"Yeah, I'm mostly packed already. I'll be fine."

Then, she turned to Chloe.

"You sure you're okay hanging out here with my Dad? He can be pretty obnoxious and boring."

"Yeah, I think I'll survive," Chloe said, as they both laughed.

"BORING?" I asked, with as much mock indignation as I could muster. "I've planned a HUGE, exciting night for your roommate. I was going to order a pizza, watch, some TV, and MAYBE even serve some ice cream."

Both girls laughed again.

"You see," Chloe said to Morgan, "I told you your dad was a cool guy."

A little while later, Morgan left, and Chloe and I figured out what to get on our pizza. We didn't finish eating until after 8:00, and we quickly cleaned up the dishes and threw out the few leftovers, since we were leaving the next morning.

"I know it's early, but I'm going to change and get comfortable for our exciting TV watching," Chloe said as she walked out of the room.

I was going through the refrigerator to get rid of food that wouldn't last while we were gone when Chloe walked back in. She was wearing a longer T-shirt than previously, one that went below her running shorts. The shirt seemed just a little tighter than the others, and it pressed against her breasts. When she bent over to pick up some paper that had fallen on the floor, her shirt rode up, and I realized she was wearing white panties, not gym shorts. Chloe happened to look back just as I was staring at her. I quickly looked away, but I was pretty sure she caught me.

Chloe straightened up and leaned back against the counter. She had a concerned look on her face.

"Jeremy, can we talk for a second? I've got to get something off my chest."

Her tone made me nervous; she didn't seem happy.

"Of course."

"Look, this is really hard for me, so please let me finish before you say anything."

"Okay," I replied tentatively.

She hesitated, as if she wasn't sure what to say or if she wanted to say anything. Finally, she took a deep breath.

"Ever since I got here, I've kinda' noticed you checking me out."

Oh SHIT, I thought. This is NOT good. I guess women really do have eyes in the back of their heads, since I thought I was only looking when she couldn't see me. I started to apologize, but she held up her hand as a reminder that she asked me not to say anything until she was done.

"It was bad enough the first night after I changed for bed and saw you looking at me, but then last night, after we bumped into each other, I thought I felt you getting excited. It was unbearable. I had to immediately get away from you."

Holy shit, she thinks I'm a total pervert. Is she going to tell Morgan?

"I got so wet, I thought I was going to leave a puddle on the floor."

WHAT did she just say?

"Both nights, I got in bed and started squeezing my tits, pretending it was you touching them. Then I pretended it was you squeezing my nipples. When I slipped a finger in my pussy, I imagined it was you doing that."

Jesus Christ! I noticed Chloe's nipples were very hard and poking against her t-shirt.

Chloe continued, with her voice getting softer.

"Then I imagined it wasn't your fingers, it was your dick that was inside me. It didn't take long before I came so fucking hard. I tried so hard to not scream out... it felt so good."

Then she looked at me with an expression I couldn't read.

"But I can't do that anymore Jeremy. I don't want to pretend you're touching me. I can't pretend you're fucking me. I just can't."

I wasn't sure exactly what Chloe meant.

"Please, Jeremy, please. I want you so badly. Please fuck me," she begged.

For the first time since Chloe started talking, I stopped being nervous. I smiled at Chloe, walked up to her, and put my hands on her waist. I pushed my pelvis against her, and she gasped when she felt my hard dick.

I looked at her just a second before I leaned in and kissed her. She immediately opened her mouth and pushed her tongue into me. I kissed her more passionately than I had kissed anyone in the last five years. I moved my right hand from her waist to her stomach and slid it up until it was covering her entire left breast, causing her to loudly moan. I squeezed her perfect breast over and over as we continued kissing. Chloe was sliding her body back and forth against my dick, and it felt wonderful.