Castaway Ch. 01

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A perfect life isn't so perfect...
12.1k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/05/2016
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All characters in this story are fictional and any that engage in sexual activity are over the age of 18. I hope you enjoy reading it!

This story came to me while I was thinking about another one, and just grew on its own after that. I warn you now that this is a long story, broken into several very long chapters. I prefer to develop my characters, and let you, the reader, get to know them in the process. The pace may slow down in parts, but there is also a fair amount of sex to keep some of the characters happy. As a reminder to everyone, this is PURE FICTION. I tried to make my story entertaining, and somewhat plausible/realistic but not so life-like that it really happened. I am sure I will get some comments about some parts that are vastly unrealistic, and that's ok with me.

As always, I want to extend a huge thanks to my editor, Guinahart, for not only proofing my work, but also for encouraging me to rethink some ideas that would otherwise have probably failed to tell the story as I wanted to. I have completed and submitted part two for this already, so the wait to read the next chapter will be determined by how quickly the Literotica staff gets it approved. Part three is in the works, and will hopefully be over for editing soon. I will do my best not to keep you all waiting too long in between chapters.


"James, where the hell are you? You said you'd be home an hour ago?" my wife Caitlin yelled into my ear. "Are you even close?"

"Honey, I tried to tell you, I hit some rough weather, and had to detour around the storm some. I just finished puttin' the plane in the hangar, and about to drive home now. OK?"

"Yeah, just hurry up. I miss you, and your dinner is cold now."

"Honey, I will make it up to you, I promise. Right now, I am going to drive as fast as the speed limits allow me to. I gotta get home to my woman!" Ok, so I was overdoing it a bit, but come on, my wife needed to hear me grovel right about now.

"Grrr...You owe me for this, Mr. Holmes. Next week, you are all MINE!" She was referring to our coming anniversary getaway vacation that we had planned on for months. "No laptop, no work calls, nothing! I mean it! You aren't even allowed to TALK about work, got it?"

And my only acceptable response at this point, was the age old answer that all husbands get used to, "Yes, dear."

That's Caitlin, my wife of nineteen years. She is my first love, with my love of flying coming in second. We had dated for almost two years, were engaged for another year, before we finally got married. I think the final push for her had been when she got pregnant with our daughter, Madison. I had proposed to her, while out to a really nice dinner, and she had accepted in front of a full house. There had been clapping, and of course a great big hug and kiss afterwards. Whenever we talked about setting a date though, she would get squeamish. I don't know what she had been scared of at that time, but she would always just tell me that she wanted the timing to be right.

I knew I would have her for the rest of my life, so I wasn't worried about the date that it became official. Well, fast forward six months and she came to me and said she was pregnant! I was elated, and we were the happiest couple we knew. We discussed setting a date again, and finally decided to get married that July. She was due to give birth in December, so we figured she would be showing by then, but nowhere close to the time for our child to be born.

The day before the wedding, my wife was going to be spending the night with her parents at their hotel room. Something about the bride not seeing the groom until we got to the church... silly superstitions. I went along with it, because it was important to her. Before she left to go for the evening, we had a conversation that I will remember for the rest of my life. She came up behind me and hugged me tight.

"Jim, I love you." She hugged me tighter, almost as if we would never see each other again. "I love you more than you could possibly know. I can't wait until I am 'Mrs. James Holmes', and plan to spend the rest of our lives showing you how much I love you."

"Honey," I said as I hugged her arms with my own, "You've already shown me. You show me every day that I am the luckiest man alive. I have loved you with all my heart since the day we met, and plan to show you how much I love you every day of our lives."

She turned me around and we stayed close, looking deep into each other's eyes. We both said "I love you," at almost the exact same time, giggled, and then moved in for a slow, passionate kiss. She left and I had a fitful night of sleep, without her next to me in bed. God help me if I ever had to get used to sleeping alone again.

The next day, the ceremony was everything she dreamed it would be. We had a big church wedding, with both our parents attending. Her father walked her down the aisle, and you could see the pride on his face. He also looked close to tears, but knowing him, he would never admit to being close to crying. He was the strong silent type, a man of a different generation, I think. He had served in the military, a Marine for life. He kissed her on the cheek, and sat next to her mom. She wasn't even trying to hold back the tears of joy, and wept openly, smiling happily.

My parents sat on my side, and had previously told me how proud they were of the fine young man I had become. Now they just smiled, and I am pretty sure my mom cried some when we gave our vows. We had written our own, as we both thought we needed to express our undying love for each other better than the standard vows ever could.

Caitlin was beautiful. No, that word doesn't do her justice. During the walk down the aisle towards me, she was glowing like an angel. The white dress was long and flowing, and she looked absolutely radiant. I was so focused on her face, and the happiness it could barely contain, that I think I lost track of time. Here I was, standing in my rental tux, next to an angel. She stood at about 5' 6", and had a perfect body. I am not talking about a supermodel body, but she had the sexiest curves of any woman I had ever met. She had slender legs that met at her waist, with hips that flared out nicely. Her nice round ass was both toned and curved just perfectly for her size. Her tummy was that perfect little rounded version of flat, that showed she liked to eat but not to the point of being overweight. The perfect curves continued up to her gorgeous breasts that were firm and stood proudly.

Her face is what did me in though. She had the softest skin, like touching mink fur. Her long flowing brown locks would sway in the breeze, when she would turn her head. Right now, she had it all done up to perfection. I always got pulled in by her eyes. Those beautiful blue pools of love, always both caring and soul searching at the same time. She could peer into your soul, your inner being, with those eyes. They truly were a gateway into all that was her love.

What she saw in me was anyone's guess. I was through and through, an average guy. I was a little taller than her, standing at 5' 9", and was about 180lbs. I was smart, at least I thought, but no genius. All I knew was that I loved her more than myself, and hoped that was enough.

She was standing by my side, when she nudged me to turn to face the minister. That snapped me out of my reverie, and I heard a few chuckles from the crowd in attendance. I mentally dared any of them to NOT stare at a beauty like this standing next to them. We stood together, holding hands as we listened to the minister say some very nice things about the sanctity of marriage, about loving one another, and of making a life together with someone. It was all very poetic, if a bit canned. This was one of the reasons we had decided to write our own vows. I went first, as we had agreed on. Ok, we didn't really agree on it, or even discuss it. She decided that I should go first, and I just went along with it. Anyone else out there that is married knows, that was not the last time in my life I would say, "Yes dear."

I took out the index card I had written my vows on, and began. "Caitlin, before I met you, I thought I was a happy person. Since meeting you, life has never been the same. I cannot imagine living without you, nor would I want to. You complete me in a way that no one else can. You are my center, my reason for being. I promise to spend the rest of my life making you happy. I promise to always care for you, no matter what, and that I will always be here for you, and only you." I looked her in the eyes, and finished with, "I love you, and thank god every day that you agreed to spend the rest of your life with me. I promise that I will love you forever."

I know I heard a few sniffles from the crowd, and never felt closer to this woman in front of me than at any moment of my life. She had wet eyes, but also had a huge smile on her face. I would remember that beautiful smile for the rest of my life.

It was her turn to read her prepared vows. "James, you have no idea how lucky I am, to have met a man like you. I count my blessings every day, that I have found someone that loves me so completely. You always seem to say the right things. You always seem to know my own thoughts and emotions. I think we are the most connected people on the planet sometimes, almost as if we are one person. I wake up every morning, look at you, and just know that the day will be great. I go to bed every night thanking god that you will be by my side again after waking up. I love you James. I promise to always stand by you, and help you as you help me in life. I swear to god and these witnesses, that I will always love you, and only you. You are my life, and the words 'I love you' hardly describe the amount of love in my heart, that I will share with you forever."

I know at that point I was tearing up. We had not read these vows to each other before the service, so that we could make it as heartfelt and sincere as we possibly could. I am so glad I went along with it, as the moment was perfect. After that point I barely heard the minister ask for the rings, having us put them on each other. She said some more words, but I really didn't hear anything else until she said, "You may kiss the bride."

Isn't it funny how the little things can bring back so many memories? Anyhow, back to the present. My wife had been referring to our coming trip to celebrate our 20th Anniversary. We were going to the Cayman Islands for a week, spending most of it on Grand Cayman in a Tiki-hut style bungalow, right off a long private beach.

After being together for almost twenty-three years total, we were still madly in love. Sure, we didn't have sex quite as often as we used to, but we still made passionate love at least twice a week. When our daughter Madison was in her early years, we suffered a dry spell. We were lucky if we had a quicky once a week, and good, passionate love making usually only happened about once a month. We both talked about it, and equally hated it. We both enjoyed making love and we were very good together, but we also both recognized that we had to balance that with everything else. As Madison got older, we were not quite as tired all the time, and had been able to get back some of our missing intimacy. We just had to be careful not to get caught!

My wife was a beautiful woman. She always had been, in my eyes, but now she just radiated classical beauty. She wasn't like a sex goddess or anything like that, but she did light up the room whenever she was around. Even after twenty plus years, her average height of 5' 6", and slim 120lbs. always got my attention. Her long brown hair had naturally curled some now, and hung to near mid-back. Her hips had flared some since giving birth, and her modest b-cup breasts had swelled up to a c-cup. She worked hard to get most of her figure back though, jogging in the mornings and eating as healthy as possible. Heck I had even lost a few pounds due to her efforts. No matter what happened, she would always be beautiful to me.

As I drove home, I reflected on how things had been between us lately. My business was booming, so much so that I had to spend more time working than I ever wanted. It was putting a huge strain on us, and I could tell she wasn't happy about it. She told me several times that we should hire another pilot to take some of the load off us. I was starting to think she was right, even if it would dig into our bottom line.

I pulled into my driveway, and ran into the house. My wife had left me a plate on the counter, and I could hear what sounded like the shower running from upstairs. I decided to forego the food, and try to make it up to my lovely bride. I ascended the stairs, quietly shut our bedroom door behind me, and stripped naked. I eased open the door to the bathroom, and lightly shut it behind me. As I approached the sliding shower door, Cait turned to face me.

"Honey, is that you? I left you a plate on the counter." She didn't sound too happy.

I slid open the shower door, climbed in with her, and slid it shut behind me. I wrapped my arms around my surprised wife, giving her a tight hug and kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck, as mine circled around her waist.

"I saw taste so much better than a plate of food." I punctuated it with a kiss.

She looked deeply into my eyes, pulled my head down to hers, and closed her eyes as her lips met mine. I too closed my eyes, and hugged her tighter as our kiss intensified. Her tongue was lightly pushing on my lips, tasting me as she waited for it to gain entrance. I parted my lips, and my tongue wrapped around hers. She reached down with her left hand, and was gently stroking my rapidly hardening cock. With the water cascading down my shoulders, down my abdomen, over her hands and my cock, it felt almost like a feather lightly running up and down its length.

Once it got to full attention, she increased the pressure on it, and pumped harder. Her kiss broke, and she moved her lips to one of my nipples. She bit it, a little hard too, but that was just how she liked to do it. She knew that my nipples were almost as sensitive as hers, but she really enjoyed toying with mine. I would return the favor, eventually, but right now she was enjoying pulling on it lightly with her teeth. She let it go, and looked up at me with a hunger in her eyes.

"James, I need you, NOW!"

With that declaration, I grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around. Once her delectable ass was pointed in my direction, I lowered my right hand, to cup her sex from behind. I rubbed, front to back, keeping my fingers on the outside of her beautiful petals, teasing her. She knew it too, and spun her head around, giving me a serious look.

"Don't you dare tease me... NOW FUCK ME!" She growled.

Who was I to disobey an order? I kept up the rubbing, and split her lips with my fingers. I easily inserted my middle finger into her hole, while leaving the others on the outside, as I ran my hand back and forth still. The effect was that I finger fucked her, while rubbing her labia. As I did this, I rotated my hand just a little so that my index finger hit her clit now on the up-strokes. She immediately got weak in the knees, and I had to help prop her up with my left arm.

I did this for about a minute, getting her worked up even more, if possible. I quickly withdrew my finger and pulled my hand away from her pussy. She groaned loudly, but I moved forward and slid into her hot pussy from behind in a quick motion. My hard cock slid all the way in, and bottomed out. She groaned even louder, and more animalistic, as I started rotating my hips back and forth. I was pumping into her, pushing her into the shower wall over and over again. As I pumped into her, I moved my right hand up to her right breast, and massaged it on the underside. My hand gently squeezed it, and I moved my fingers up to gently pinch and roll the nipple between index finger and thumb. She started getting pretty vocal at this point, and I was very thankful that our daughter wasn't home.

"OH YES...YEEEES...YEEEEES...FUCK ME....OH GOD YES..." she almost incoherently kept going. "HARDER...HARDER DAMN IT!"

I released her breast and nipple, and grabbed both of her hips with my hands. I started really pummeling into her from behind, looking down to see my cock disappear and reappear from her hot wetness. I absolutely loved to see the site of our union, entering that wet velvety place that my cock was MEANT to be. I was getting close at this point, but it didn't matter. She screamed out at that moment, her legs giving out on her and her body writhing uncontrollably. Her shaking orgasm kept up, and only my hard cock, and my hold on her hips, kept her from falling to the shower floor.

I pumped another minute or two, and then felt my toes tingle as my own orgasm started to pulse. I felt my cock twitch hard, as I jerked into her gorgeous ass, blasting her pussy with cum in forceful jets. The jerking motions slowed, suddenly getting very light-headed. I was seeing stars so badly that I had to blink several times to get my vision back. I kept her pinned against the wall for a minute, to catch my breath, and then pulled out and turned her around, embraced her in a tender hug.

"Honey, I love you so much. I'm so sorry about being late..."

"Shhh, I forgive you...I love you too, you know?"

We finished up in the shower, and after drying off, went to bed. As we lie there cuddling, we both said goodnight to each other, and drifted off to sleep. I am not sure what my wife was dreaming, but I fell asleep dreaming about her in the shower again.

We both got up for our normal Friday routine. I brewed the coffee while she made up some waffles and cut some fresh fruit. After cleaning up the plate of dinner that I never ate, I poured two cups of coffee and she plated breakfast. We sat at our breakfast nook, eating and chatting about the coming vacation. When I stood up, announcing I had to leave for work, she got that look on her face again. The one that spoke volumes about her anger towards my job lately.

I turned to face her, got close to her, and hugged her. "Honey, I know work has been taking me away from you a lot lately, but I WILL make it up to you, I promise. Next week will be just what we need, and when I get back, I will talk with Cyrus about adding an additional pilot, OK?"

She smiled, "You mean that? God James, it's just that I hate not being able to spend time with you. I get home from work, and this house is so empty, so lonely until you get home."

"I know babe, I know. I miss you while I am gone too. You know that right?"

"Of course I know that, but it still sucks."

She had a point, and I couldn't argue it anymore, so I just nodded. I gave her a kiss, grabbed my coat and walked out the door. She would leave for her job shortly after I did on most mornings. Thankfully I didn't have any flights today, just some paperwork and a few follow-ups to call. I got home a little earlier, hoping it would make Caitlin happier. When I got home, the house was empty, so I took off my tie and turned on the T.V. to watch the early news. About thirty minutes later, my wife walks in, dressed in her workout clothes, dripping sweat.

"Guessing you just went for a run, or the gym?" I asked.

"Yea, I just got done at the gym. Well this is a nice surprise, you're home early," she said with a huge smile.

"I thought I would try to surprise you, seeing how I have been so busy lately. I didn't want you to think that I forgot about you."

She smiled again, fanned herself off for a second, and excused herself to head for our bathroom. She took a shower, while I got a couple of wine glasses out, and opened a bottle of 2010 Cabernet to breathe. She came out of the bathroom and sat with me at the table, and we enjoyed our wine just chatting idly about our day to each other.