Chad Fontenot

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Sometimes love is right in front of you.
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*Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in sex are at least eighteen years of age in the following story.

The black cat lay on the windowsill and soaked up the warmth of the sun. It ignored the boy and girl that lay on the bed underneath the window. The boy grunted and the girl giggled.

With a grimace, the boy rasped the base of his cock and pulled out of her wet pussy. He waddled upward on his knees, his cock spurting his juice along her belly, then between her breasts and finally to her wide open mouth. Driblets of his semen dotted her chin and lips and she ran her fat little tongue around to catch what she could. Finally he stopped spurting and smiled weakly at her.

"Mm-baby," she cooed. "You're so much bigger and better than Paul. I didn't know, just didn't know what I was missing!"

She used her fingers to scoop up the stream of semen that ran in an uneven line from her sparse red bush to her chin and licked her fingers clean.

"Yeah?" he smiled. "You like that, huh?"

"Mm hmm," she said. "Too bad you're done, huh?"

"You think we're done here?" he asked, then in a stern voice. "Get on your hands and knees, young lady!"

"Yes sir!" she mock saluted and rolled over onto her hands and knees. She squealed in surprise as he swatted her round ass. The cat languidly looked over, and then shut its eyes again.

The swatting picked up in Ernest, as did the girl's squealing and laughing. He prepared to enter her splayed open pussy from behind

Chapter 1

"Damn it!" Chad Fontenot groaned and reached over to shut off his squealing alarm clock.

The black cat stretched and leapt down from her perch on the windowsill. She let out a small 'meow' at him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he mumbled. "Love you too, but you're no Robin, now are you?"

Robin McCall was the pretty red head cheerleader that Chad had been lusting after ever since she walked into his homeroom class four years ago. But she was in a different league than him; she was a rich and popular kid and the rich and popular kids only dated other rich and popular kids. She was always on the arm of Paul Demella.

He got out of bed and stumbled toward his bedroom door. His morning erection made a sizable tent in his briefs, but he made no attempt to adjust it. The friction of the soft cotton against the sensitive head sent mild shivers up and down his spine. He flung open his bedroom door and walked toward the bathroom that he and his sister, Lacey, shared.

Just then, Lacey's bedroom door flung open and she wobbled on unsteady morning legs toward the same bathroom door.

"Morning," she mumbled.

The pretty 18 year old smirked slightly at the sight of her brother's erection.

"Someone been dreaming about Robin again?" she teased and swatted at his turgid member.

That contact was all it took and Chad groaned as his coc began to spasm and spurt his semen, flooding his briefs.

Lacey stared in horror as Chad groaned.

"Oh, God! I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed and whirled around. She dashed back into her bedroom and slammed the door shut.

Chad finished spurting into his underwear and wobbled into the small bathroom. He pulled off his sticky briefs and snug tee shirt, throwing both into the hamper. A hot shower removed the remnants of his embarrassment.

He used the opportunity to urinate in the shower, smiling to himself. Lacey would be so grossed out if she knew; she'd make him clean the tub with bleach and spend the next week complaining that she could still smell the urine in the shower.

"What she don't know won't hurt her," Chad said.

He finished off his shower by using her razor to shave his cock and balls clean. He'd learned that trick from his pal Gary.

Gary had served two tours of duty in Vietnam. "Keep your cock clean and covered, you don't catch nothing from the ladies, you know?" he said.

While Chad wasn't planning on going to 'Nam and picking up any hookers there, it seemed like a novel idea and he'd tried it.


Zoë, the plump waitress he'd slept with that one drunken night went wild at the sight of his hairless balls and belly. She'd lavished his crotch with her wet tongue until he couldn't stand it any longer and spurted heavily onto his belly. Then Zoë licked his stomach clean and nuzzled his balls until he sported a full erection again.

She straddled him and slid down until her heavy dark bush rested against his smooth skin.

"Mother Fucker!" she squealed as a quick orgasm rippled through her pussy.

While the sex itself had been thoroughly enjoyable, he really didn't want a repeat performance with Zoë. For starters, he was nineteen, she was thirty-two. She had three children; each from a different father and Chad just didn't need to get involved with that.

They continued to work together and continued to be friendly with each other, but neither one ever brought up that one night.


He looked in the steamed-up mirror and examined himself. Wavy brown hair, parted stylishly in the middle and feathered on the sides, heavy brown eyebrows, deep brown eyes, snub nose and easy smile. He wasn't bad looking at all. Not too tall, not short, slightly muscular from years of work, why wasn't he one of the popular kids? It had to be the money thing, he decided.

The Fontenots were lower middle class; both parents worked at least 40 hours a week to provide for their two children. The house was one of the better ones in their suburban neighborhood; it even had an aboveground swimming pool in the back yard. But name brand or designer label jeans or luxury automobiles were just not in the family budget. Until he walked into his high school classroom five years ago, Chad didn't know he was being deprived.

The 1964 Chevy Impala was more than sufficient to get him from point A to point B, and he'd installed a wicked sound system as well, complete with 8 track cassette player and quadraphonic speakers. It rivaled the factory installed stereo system of Paul Demella's black 1978 Z28.

Lacey's need to pee was quite evident on her pretty face as Chad opened the bathroom door. She hopped from one foot to the other and he quickly stepped aside for her.

"I really am sorry," she said from the other side of the closed door.

"Don't worry about it," he said back. "I used your toothbrush to scrub my butt with."

"Oh! How gross!" she screamed. "God, you're so disgusting!"

Chad laughed; she knew he was just joshing her.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," you going to need a ride to school?" he shouted back.

"Nope, Serena's picking me up," Lacey yelled over the sound of the flushing toilet.

The next sound was the shower starting up and Chad walked back to his room. He shook his head and smiled.

Serena Lee was Lacy's best friend in the whole wide world. It seemed like there was never a time when Serena and Lacey had not been friends. Although girls were eighteen, both girls were five foot four, and both girls had deep brown eyes, they could not have been more different.

Lacey had begun to develop a woman's figure at around thirteen years old, and Serena was still skin and bones, flat as a board up front and had a small bubble butt. Lacey's hair was a wavy and thick brown that reached just below her shoulders and Serena's bright red hair reached down to the back of her knees, straight and limp. Lacey's skin was a light brown from her hours and hours outside, while Serena enjoyed the curse of most red heads; her coloring was a splotchy mass of freckles that covered pasty white skin underneath. While most people considered Lacey pretty, even beautiful, most looked right past Serena's big ears, sharp nose and receding chin. None would ever accuse Serena of being pretty or cute.

Yet, Lacey and Serena were inseparable. If Lacey knew that Serena was uncool or unpopular, she certainly didn't let it hinder her friendship or love of the red head.

Chapter 2

Chad bounded down the stairs and burst into the small kitchen. He playfully nudged the cat with his foot and sat down at the table. His mother put a plate of pancakes in front of him. He dug in with great gusto.

"Slow down," his mother admonished him.

"Any plans for tonight, Sport?" his father asked.

Even though both parents worked, it was important to them that they spent at least one meal a day with their children; this at a time before the phrase 'quality time' was even invented.

"Yeah, work," Chad, mumbled through a mouthful of food.

"So, you won't be home for dinner tonight?" his mother asked.

"'Fraud not," Chad said and scraped the last of the syrup.

"Leave the pattern on that plate," his father said.

"After work, we'll probably be going bowling," Chad said.

"I want to go," Lacey said as she bounded into the dining room.

"What about Dale?" Chad asked. "He hates bowling, doesn't he?"

Hmph, Dale," Lacey said dismissively and dug into her own plate of pancakes.

"You two still not talking?" her mother asked.

Secretly Mr. And Mrs. Fontenot were delighted; they felt that the twenty three year old Dale was a little too old for their daughter. But neither of them wanted to interfere overmuch. The experts said that it was best to let your children develop their own judgments.

"Nope," she said and the matter was dropped.


What Mr. And Mrs. Fontenot did not know was that Lacey had handed Dale his walking papers over sex.

He kept pressuring the pretty eighteen year old to go all the way and she simply was not ready for that; especially since he told her he refused to wear condoms. She wasn't ready for sex and certainly wasn't ready for mother hood. And she knew that Dale was even less ready for fatherhood. In the four months they'd been together he'd had three different jobs and was unemployed at present.

"I'm not willing to get pregnant," she said.

"Well if it's really your first time, you can't get pregnant," Dale had smugly said.

"You really don't believe that stupid shit, do you?" she had asked incredulously.


"I get off at nine thirty," Chad said. "You and Serena going to be ready by then?"

"Yep," Lacey said.


Anywhere and any time that Chad was going to be was just fine with Serena; she was head over heels in love with him and had been for as long as she could remember. Lacey had, Mrs. Fontenot had, and Serena had dropped subtle and not so subtle hints for Chad to pick up on, but he had eyes only for Robin.

"Maybe I should stuff my bra like she does," Serena said wistfully.

"Don't." Lacey said. "Let her be fake, you just keep being you. He'll see her for what she really is one of these days."

"But suppose he doesn't!" Serena wailed. "What will I do then?"


Chad slapped in the Led Zeppelin tape and cranked up 'Trampled Underfoot' before driving off. He smiled and waved at the bright red Volkswagen Beetle as Serena turned the corner. Serena smiled broadly and waved back.


"No, thanks Mrs. Fontenot," Serena turned down the offered plate of pancakes as Lacey shoved the last three forkfuls into her mouth.

"I'll take them," Mr. Fontenot offered.

"You're on a diet," Mrs. Fontenot reminded him.

Serena played with Midnight as Lacey raced around picking up her books. The black cat watched as both girls squealed and raced out of the house to the little car.

"Alone at last," Mr. Fontenot waggled his eyebrows at Mrs. Fontenot. "Want to really dirty up some dishes?"

"No, that'll just be more I'll have to clean up," she laughed and squealed as he grabbed for her round buttocks. "Go get ready for work, sweetheart," she said and wiggled her butt at him as she brought the dirty dishes into the small kitchen.

Chapter 3

Even though Chad was a year older than Lacey, the two were in the same classes; he'd learned the hard way that goofing off and not doing your school work was a sure fire way to fail. It had been a lesson he was sure not to repeat; he buckled down and did his gut level best.

Once at school, he nodded in greeting to a few of his classmates, sat down in the rear of the classroom and looked with lust at the back of Robin's head.

She sat right up front so that everyone could see her, her bright blue pullover short sleeve blouse stretched tightly over her ample breasts and her Jordache jeans so snug over her hips and ass she'd actually had to lay down on her bed to zip them up. It was a good thing she'd laced up her bright blue platform shoes before zipping the jeans; she could not bend more than an inch without extreme discomfort.

Paul Demella sat right next to her, protecting his territory against all other males of the species. The swarthy skinned muscular youth made sure to flex his biceps a few times, accentuated in the snug polyester shirt he wore.


Robin was in a foul mood. The product of a broken home, she was used to manipulating her parents for whatever she wanted and was also used to teasing and manipulating her mother's many suitors for their attention and quite often, their wallets.

This morning, however, the guy that sat at her breakfast table barely even acknowledged her presence and did not ogle her tight jeans clad buns or her prominent breasts as she paraded in front of him/Her mother had even laughed at her attempts; if there was anything Robin could not tolerate, it was someone laughing at her.

Robin cast a sidelong glance at Paul; his days were definitely numbered she decided. He was good looking enough, that was true, and the fact that her parents didn't like him was a plus. But ever since she'd finally given in and let him have sex with her, he seemed to expect it, rather than being grateful for it.

And ever since he'd gotten the big prize, her wishes and desires started to play a smaller and smaller role in their decision-making process. She was used to having her way and her way only.


Paul was in a foul mood also. He was not the product of a broken home, not yet. He had woken up to more of the same; screaming and door slamming and sobbing and accusations.

At the breakfast table, his mother was already on her second Valium and his father was already on his way to the office where he would remain until eight or nine o'clock that night. By eight or nine o'clock tonight, his mother would be at least six Valiums and half a gallon of gin gone.

Robin, instead of being a warming and welcoming presence, was growing more and more distant and aloof, even cold toward him. Sex, which should have brought them closer together, seemed to be something he had to fight for and she endured. He looked at her; her 'Dorothy Ham ill' reddish blonde hair showed off her pretty face; she could be beautiful when she smiled. Yes, even unemotional sex was better than nothing, he decided.

Paul felt Chad's eye boring into Robin and looked over at the poor bastard. Chad had been in love with Robin for the last four years, it was a poorly kept secret.

"What the fuck you looking at, Fontenot?" he demanded.

Robin looked up and then over her shoulder at Chad Fontenot. He would be easy to manipulate, she decided. She could string him along for months before having to have sex with him, maybe not at all. When it had come to Paul, for months the promise had been enough to manipulate him to doing her will.

"Nothing," Chad mumbled.

"You calling me 'nothing,'" Paul demanded and got to his feet.

"Sit down, Demella," Mr. Cousins said as he strode into the classroom.

"We're here!" Lacey shrieked as she and Serena raced into the classroom. "Don't mark us 'Tardy' again!"

She and a breathless Serena collapsed into their chairs amid giggles and just the sheer exuberance of being teenagers and alive in 1978.

"Well now that Miss Fontenot and Miss Lee are here, we can begin," Mr. Cousins dryly commented and began to call roll.

Chapter 4

Gary flipped the burger and slapped a piece of American cheese on top of it. It sizzled and spattered for another moment, and then he scraped it off the grill and dropped it onto the thick bun.

"Order up!" he yelled, even Though Zoë was only four feet away, filling a glass with syrupy Coke.

Chad sauntered in and smiled to Gary. Zoë snapped her towel at Chad's tight backside as he walked by to the delight of the older matron that waited for her greasy burger and coke. Artful smiled widely from his perch at the cash register.

Chad clocked in and got busy on the stack of dirty dishes that waited for him.


"Doing anything tonight?" Gary asked Chad.

The dinner rush had died down; Gary had shut off the grill and Chad was on his last rack of dishes.

"Nah, what you say we waste a bunch of time and drive around for hours drinking beer and then finally go bowling; like we always do?" Chad asked and smiled.

Gary tied his long blond hair back and returned Chad's smile.

"You're a smart ass, you know?" Gary said.

Gary liked the nineteen-year-old Chad. Even though he was a good-looking boy and came from a pretty well off family, he didn't act all stuck up or better than. He'd been to Gary's one room apartment, but instead of laughing at Gary's cramped place, seemed to be at ease there. He owned a nice car, dressed in pretty nice clothes, and even had a swimming pool in his back yard, but Chad wasn't afraid of a little hard work, didn't mind getting dirty, and drank beer out of the bottle instead of wanting a glass.

"Yeah, well better than being a dumb ass," Chad said.

"Man, did you see that little momma Jim's thinking of hiring?" Gary whispered, even though it was just the two of them in the back room.

"No, what's she look like? Chad asked.

With summer a few months away, the diner was going to get a little busier. Zoë was a good waitress, but she couldn't work both shifts all the time. Jim, the manager of the Roundabout Diner had put an ad in the Times-Picayune for a waitress to fill in.

"Man, she is this one solid looking black chick, I'm telling you!" Gary said. "I mean, I ain't all that wild about black chicks, you know? But this one is fine!"

"It's all pink on the inside," Chad said and both men laughed.

"Yeah, well, I hope Jim hires her," Gary said. "She's got these really nice bazooms and man! The way them jeans look on that bod! Solid!"

"How's the face look?" Chad asked and pulled the rack out of the automatic dishwasher.

"Don't know, didn't look," Gary laughed.


At nine thirty on the dot, Chad and Gary strolled out to the darkened parking lot. Serena and Lacey sat in the bright red Volkswagen and Serena tooted the horn at the two men.

"Far out!" Gary said. "You didn't tell me those little mommas were coming along!"

"She's my sister, man," Chad warned.

"Yeah? Glad you told me, I'd never known, man," Gary laughed and got into the car. Chad started the motor and Serena started her car as well.

Serena followed Chad's big car down Veteran's Memorial toward Pelican Lanes. She and Lacey squealed and laughed about whatever it is that two eighteen-year-old girls squeal and laugh about. In the large car ahead, Chad and Gary cranked up the Boston 8 Track.

"Man, I'm telling you, this band is bitching!" Gary yelled over the chorus of 'More Than A Feeling.'

"No shit, man, no shit," Chad agreed.

Chapter 5

Robin sat and glared at Paul's back. She hated bowling; the place stunk of stale cigarettes and spilled beer and besides that, she wasn't very good at it. She had wanted to go to that Superman movie; everyone said it was real good and Cristopher Reeves looked, well, super in that tight costume. But Paul wanted to go bowling; he had a lot of pent up energy he wanted to burn off. Even the possibility of sex after the movie hadn't budged him.

"Fuck him," she thought. "He just won't get any tonight, that's for sure."

There were three young guys sitting at the row of seats next to theirs, so she made sure to thrust out her chest a little too much and wiggle her ass a little more than needed when it was her turn to throw the ball down the alley. They noticed, and Paul noticed that they noticed.