Claiming an Ally Ch. 02


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She hadn't planned on getting so close to him. She had only set out to find out about him, his political perspective, not how warm and soft his lips were, or how his mouth was more addictive than the strongest wine. Her mind was muddled, overcome by his presence. She needed to distance herself from him and walked even faster.

Edrich found her behavior concerning. Had it been too much? She kissed him first. She willingly sacrificed her life for him. Clearly, she must have felt something for him. And when he kissed her, she clung to him, nearly sucked his life from him. She wasn't disgusted or even startled. She wanted him. Why then did she now act as though she wanted nothing to do with him?

They reached the clearing, the others having arrived a half hour earlier. She marched towards the cook's wagon, not looking back once. He made to follow her, but a few of his soldiers saw his injuries and rushed him. Before he could stop her, his men ushered him to his tent that had just been put up. The doctor saw to his wound and stitched him up. His face would heal on its own. At some point, he sent two of his men to bring back the two deer they had slain. Edrich had a bath and then met with his general. He tried to focus on the discussion. He managed to decide to send two squads out to split up and scour the forest for any more outlaws. However, all he could think of was Em. Finally, he was resolved and sent the same page back to the cook's tent to have her join him for dinner in his own tent.

Emera's immediate reaction was to refuse. She wanted to keep as much distance from the dangerous man as possible. Her attraction to the king scared her but he also drew her as well. At times, it felt as though he had wrapped a cord around her and was pulling her to him, despite her reluctance. She balled her fists, determining to stay in control. She still had unanswered questions, she reminded herself; she couldn't let her fear stop her mission. She nodded to the boy, indicating she would follow. Thankfully, she had washed the sweat and grime from her body when she had returned earlier. Would he kiss her again, she wondered. Would she stop him? She had ten more days, no, make that nine. Nine days was a long time to keep up a wall, holding back the gut-wrenching fire that he so easily built. She bit her lip in thought as she entered his tent and then stopped mid stride. Her thoughts evaporated when she saw him. He was standing at a desk reading a paper.

He was shirtless.

His form was hypnotically male; long and lean. His shoulders were wide and muscled. The bandage for his shoulder seemed to be wrapped to accentuate his finely sculpted shoulder, arm and chest. She saw him as she had the day before and was painfully reminded of what a perfect being he was.

Edrich observed her response to seeing him half naked and knew he had not been wrong about her. He saw the desire, but he also saw her reluctance. Why did she resist what was so natural and overpowering between them? He saw her stifle her desire and looked at the surroundings with resigned eyes.

The king's tent was warmly lit with many candles. The table was set with plates and a platter of the meat and breads. There were a few roasted root vegetables along with fruit and cheese. Emera took several deep breaths in attempt to push down her apprehension and focus on the task at hand. Eventually, her eyes swept back to Edrich, who still hadn't bothered donning a shirt. He held his hand out, offering her a chair. She took it.

"Do you usually eat in your tent?"

"No, usually I join the men."

"Then why here tonight? Are you not cold?" she said somewhat agitated that he still hadn't put a shirt on.

He saw her eyeing him warily and looked down at his chest. He chuckled before answering. "It hurts more than I care to admit to put one on."

"Ah, but didn't you just admit it?" her eyebrows raised in question.

He sat back and smiled. "Wanna dress me?" his caressing voice asked. There was that tone again, suggestive and seductive. She got the feeling his meaning was more along the lines of removing clothes rather than putting them on. To distract herself she took a bite of food and contemplated her meal. They began eating slowly; she was searching for words and he was studying her intensely. "May I ask Your Majesty a question?" He nodded his consent and she proceeded. "What will you do once your men have reached Clearvalley?"

"What soldiers do."

"That is a little noncommittal, isn't it?"


"You seem to be making a habit of it," she mumbled. "How long will you remain in Clearvalley?"

"That hasn't yet been determined."

"Why does not your Lord High Marshall deal with the bandits? After all, soldiers are for keeping peace between nations, not tracking outlaws."

He chuckled. "And you know what soldiers are for? Two days with us and you are already an expert. Unless of course your father or brothers were soldiers?"

"My father did not make a very good soldier, I'm afraid, thus my present predicament."

"I see. I'm sorry to hear that. If you had been his son, I'm certain you would have made him proud."

"I would hope, Sire, that I make my father proud, regardless of my gender."

"I'm sure you do. Yet another reason why I'm sure you would have made him proud." They continued eating in silence, both weighed down by the thoughts running through their minds. She chanced to look up at him, but his intense gaze held her captivated. "Thank you," he said low.

She held his gaze for a moment before returning as nonchalantly as possible, "You're welcome, Your Majesty." She tried to focus on the food. Chew, chew, chew, swallow. But found her throat wouldn't properly work.

"Despite my gratitude, I would like to tell you of my displeasure in your actions. However I am finding it difficult."

Her head shot up at that. Just a hint of anger came out when she spoke, "Displeasure, my Lord? For what?"

"For your selfish actions, of course. In your grandiose attempts to save my life by sacrificing your own, did you not stop to consider how I would have felt at the outcome of that? Did you think it would be honorable to let me live the rest of my life knowing it only existed because you gave up yours? How did you expect me to sleep at night? Or command my men or deal with various heads of state, knowing that my every breath belonged to you and that I had no choice in the matter? You would have enslaved me eternally. I would have been a soulless man walking."

"Forgive my stunned expression, my Lord, but I would have thought a king would have expected such a sacrifice from a lowly subject," she had become impassioned by his speech and was letting her anger slip.

"A king might of one of his subjects, but not a man of the woman he-" he couldn't finish because he wasn't quite certain of where his thoughts were leading. After a moment, he proceeded. "You kissed me."

She gently shook her head, trying to find the words to argue with, but what was there to say? Somewhat defeated, she consented. "Yes, my Lord."


"Why not? I was handing myself over to men who would have not only killed me but done...horrible things to me. I didn't want you to fight. I wanted you to go freely, safely. Plus, I was afraid and needed to feel last time."

The image she conjured of the men ravishing her brutally only further angered him. He knew his possessive feelings for her were ridiculous, but he couldn't shake them. "You knew I didn't want you to, yet you decidedly ignored, once again, my wishes."

"I am sorry, Your Majesty, that I have not received training to properly handle such situations. I'm sorry that the choices were not of your choosing and that I did what I wanted in the situation, not you. You speak of your conscience, what of mine?" At his confused countenance, she continued. "You speak of how you, a man, would not want to live knowing I had given my life for yours. What of me? Am I any less of a human, with less feeling or sense of desire, regret, or duty that I should have been made to live knowing you died, when I could have saved you? I had no thoughts, Your Majesty, only to see you free. I'm sorry my own desire to not live in a world that you were not in causes you distress. But, as it is, it didn't come to that since I, once again, saved your life." She felt as though she were on fire. He had dragged the conversation away from what she wanted to know and forced her to face emotions she couldn't risk having. She looked away, unable to look into his intense stare any longer.

"Em," he started slowly, choosing his words carefully, "perhaps I have been foolish to think I was the only one that held such feelings. To think of you going to those men," he fist clenched tight, knuckles whitening, "was more terror and agony than I have ever known. That pain, I would not wish on you. I'm sorry." He stopped and waited, gathering his thoughts. They were coming to the place it would be futile to ignore how they felt, yet he didn't know how to proceed. "When we get to Clearvalley, I would like to meet your family."

"My family, Your Majesty? What for?"

"To honor the head of your family. You have saved me, nearly countless times. It is the very least I could do."

"Not so countless, my Lord. I know of only two. I would be most honored to introduce you to my family, but I am all that remains alive, here in Lidio." Her subtle qualifications to all her answers were the only things that made her feel as though she wasn't quite lying. She was truthful, he just didn't know what truth she spoke.

"I am sorry to hear that. I did not realize you were all alone. That does change things, somewhat," he said softly. "Why did you choose to move Clearvalley?"

"We had heard it was under Your Majesty's protection. Truly, the safest village of Adalynd."

"Adalynd..." he said softly, slowly twirling the stem of his goblet in his fingers. He seemed deep in thought, and Emera saw the opportunity she had been looking for.

"My Lord-"

"Em, I would be most happy if you called me Edrich."

"Edrich? My Lord, I do not think that would be-" again he cut her off with a raised hand.

"It would be, whatever I want it to be. Please, I insist. After all, I think the person who seems destined to save my life should call me by my name. Don't you?"

She looked at him warily, he really was becoming more complex as time went on. "Very well, Edrich, may I ask what troubles you? You speak of Adalynd with such disappointed regard. Why?"

He sighed heavily and was quiet for some time. "I am charged with keeping peace in Lidio. As the king, I am responsible for the well-being of all my citizens. And yet, how can I do such when such a weak hand rules to the north? The borders are crumbling because the Adalynd king is weak. How can I protect my people when lawlessness will still abound elsewhere. I said it true when I said the peace of Adalynd affects us all."

She thought on his words a moment, and when she judged them against the emotion she saw in his eyes, she knew he spoke the truth. She remembered the words the traitor Jenner had spoken, trying to incite her father into war. She wasn't completely certain that Jenner hadn't been sent by the king, but she was coming to recognize and trust with confidence that Edrich was not dishonest nor was he war hungry.

"That is very true, my-Edrich. However, and I mean no disrespect, where will your assertion of power end? I understand your reasoning because I understand you. It is in your nature to assure things, to be responsible for the welfare of others under your rule. Unfortunately, there lies many things out side of your control, and dealing with those things you find is beyond your abilities. And so, in order to ensure what you must, you extend yourself into more and more in attempt to control everything. Am I correct?" She had laid down her observations in such a gentle, coaxing way, that he felt no disapproval from her, only a sweet mind curious to understand.

"I think that is quite possibly true." He laughed, somewhat frustrated and derisively. "But where does that leave me? So I don't know when to stop controlling. That doesn't solve for me how to keep peace when others do not."

"Is there no way to speak with the king of Adalynd? Is he a tyrant or an idiot that he would not meet with you? Surely, as you are most likely seen as the stronger of the two, he would be inclined to meet with you and discuss options for peace. Unless I am Lord, what do you want with Adalynd?"

He had never truly wanted to take over Adalynd, only insure safety for his people that bordered the weak country, but he didn't know how to do that without putting those lands under his protection. This strange, young girl, however, seemed wiser in the ways of politics than he would have believed. His eyes narrowed at her. "Tell me, how did you become so savvy in the ways of politics?" There was a slight amused sound to his voice.

"Your Majesty is avoiding my earlier question," she challenged in an effort to avoid his.

He sobered somewhat. "I don't want anything to do with Adalynd, other than a country I know will not cause me trouble, either directly or indirectly."

"Then what will you do to obtain that? As it stands now, you are on the march towards war, and I am afraid you won't receive the peace you are looking for until you've completely conquered Adalynd. Even then, there are always dissidents that never leave the reign of a foreign power at peace."

He thought. "Perhaps it would be a wise decision to meet with the Adalynd king," and with that, we finished off his wine. "And now," his voice changing slightly, "we must decide what to do with you."

Emera was so enraptured to have confirmation that the king would happily leave Adalynd alone that it took her a moment to focus on his words. "Do with me, my Lord?" He raised his eyebrows. "Edrich," she corrected herself.

"Yes, I am rather reticent to leave you unprotected, especially now after hearing you have no family to belong to. I've grown accustomed to having you under my wing for the past two days, I am reluctant to not having you near." He looked at her, waiting for her response.

Her heartbeat picked up considerably. "You are not, my Lord?"

"Edrich," he corrected.

"Yes, of course, Edrich. I must say I myself am a little saddened that we will be parting. However, there is no need for me to remain under your protection. Though, given our recent run-ins with misfortune, I wonder who is protecting who?" She smiled, a little mischievously, a little sad.

"There is more than one type of protection, though I would be lying if I said it didn't damage my male ego that you have done all the protecting." He took a deep breath. "But as I said, there are different forms of protection. My name, for example, is a form of protection," he said slowly, anxious for her reply. Her insides felt as though they were bubbling, lighter than normal and dying to escape in a blissful explosion. She felt light-headed. She stood quickly.

"Thank you for dinner, my Lord. I am very tired after today's events and must see if Leonard needs any assistance before retiring for the evening." She attempted a quick and awkward bow before leaving. He caught her wrist and looked up into her face. He watched the fear in her eyes dissolve as they softened into sensual warmth that made his breath quicken. Before he thought, he pulled her onto his lap kissing her fiercely. She responded immediately with the same enthusiasm she displayed that afternoon. He wrapped one hand at her back, the other at her throat; his fingers were splayed possessively and erotically, his fingertips at her jaw. She was sitting sideways on his lap, her head slightly back to reach his mouth.

Emera knew it was dangerous to touch this man and let him touch her. Her senses were overwhelmed by his smell and taste and the magical skill his mouth worked on her. Despite the danger, she had no strength left to fight, even if she had wanted to. She quickly put all discouraging arguments away and rode the waves of pleasure with her whole being.

Their tongues met instantly, pushing and rubbing one against the other. He occasionally drew hers into his mouth only to capture it and suckle. He loved her uncontrolled responses. She moaned and pulled him harder into her with her fingers threaded through his hair. Her fingers developed an arousing rhythm gripping and then releasing. He was faintly aware that her hips had begun to roll on his lap in concert with her fingers. Her moans, too.

The hand at her back kept up its control of her while the hand at her throat slid down until they were firmly claiming her soft flesh under her dress. She arched into him with a slight hiss. The mutual partnership of control was over and Edrich was taking over. The hand at her back snaked up into her hair at the nape of her neck and roughly gripped it. His tongue dove victoriously into her mouth where he took all of her sweet flavor. His hand at her chest was determined to discover each breast's sensitivity. After cupping her right one, his fingers erotically crept over the flesh to flick the nipple through her dress between his fingers. He rolled it back and forth, demanding a response. The material, though finely woven, was becoming coarse and irritating to her sensitive skin. When he cupped it again, only to take the pebbled peak between his thumb and finger in a pinch, she throatily gasped and leaned into him harder. Her eyes opened at that, and for a moment he thought the spell was broken. But when she continued to kiss him and closed her eyes again, he growled in desperate thanks.

He explored the other breast in nearly the same fashion. However, the torturous rhythm of her hips grinding against his cock was fast sucking his control away. He only sought to relieve her pent-up rivers of desire, but his fingers dragging up the inside of her knee, then her thigh, were overwhelming and in her head her sanity finally broke through her lust-saturated being and screamed at her. Run!

She knew she had to break free quickly and not look back. It felt physically painful to stop the pleasure her body had been greedily absorbing from the erotic god she had melded to. But she knew only disaster awaited her if she stayed longer. She gave him no look, no apology, just departed before he could react to stop her. The king was sitting back in his chair, panting hard and feeling confused. Surely she understood his desire, his want; why did she behave as though she was afraid? Perhaps it was a frightening thought, being involved with a king. After all, she was most likely a virgin, despite her voracious, passionate nature. He was tempted to go after her, but decided she needed time to herself.

Edrich had to admit that he needed distance from her as well. This whole time he pursued her like an animal out to sow his seed, but he too lately realized what his feelings for her were more than a bed partner. He wanted her; most likely he wanted her forever. And that thought was terrifying. He never thought he would want a woman in more than one way. He wasn't sure if he actually loved Em, but he knew he was not ready to part with her and that he would most likely be content if he had to spend the rest of his life with her. But as what? Did she hold a position that would allow him to marry her? If not, would she avail herself to him as his consort? He knew the answer to that. Despite her passion, her desire for him, she was chaste and not likely to willingly bed any man she was not married to. He could take her choice away, he thought. But that idea didn't actually appeal to him. He had never had to beg let alone force himself on any woman. They all came to him willingly. And he wouldn't start now. No, he would just have to find a way to convince her to stay, deceptively or honestly, he didn't quite care. He just knew he had to have her.