Clara has Lost the Use of Her Hands Ch. 02

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She still requires help, especially with her sexual needs.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/10/2021
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"It must be difficult for her. She doesn't have a man to take care of her sexual needs, and she can't do it herself. I feel sorry for her."

That made me wince, out of guilt, because she now had a man, and that man was me. Three days ago we'd fucked for the first time, and if Tina was to find out, then I was a dead man. Fortunately, when I'd made that involuntary action, she couldn't see it, because we were in bed together, and I had my back towards her. She'd said the same words a few days ago, before I'd been fully intimate with her Mother, and I'd foolishly said, "I could help her out."

It had been a joke, a casual quip, but it hadn't amused her. And she'd made it perfectly clear what would happen to me if I did, 'help her out'. I wasn't going to make the same mistake again, so I said nothing. Hopefully, she would drop the subject.

"If it was me, and I didn't have you, then I don't know what I'd do. It would be so frustrating not being able to come."

I turned over, and then I put my arms around her. I needed to distract her, so that she would stop talking about it. Putting my hands onto her breasts was a good way to do that. But it didn't work, because she quickly pushed them away.

"There must be something we could do to help my Mother. Have you got any suggestions?"

"We could ask Ryan."

That got a snort of derision from her. She was right, it was a silly idea, but it was the best that I could come up with. He had left her six months ago, and despite still not being over him, she wouldn't want to see him again. And it would be a no from Ryan as well. His new partner was Cindy, an exotic dancer who was a lot younger than Clara, and who had breasts that weren't just large, they were monumental, the biggest that I have ever seen. There was no way he would come back and help her. However, asking him would be an interesting conversation.

"Hi Ryan, Clara has a problem. She's been in a car crash. Her hands and fingers are in a cast, but don't worry, she's on strong medication so she isn't in any pain. But because she can't use her fingers, she can't pleasure herself, so she's getting very frustrated. I was wondering if you would leave Cindy for a few days, so that you can service your Ex?"

"It's going to have to be you."

She wasn't smiling, or laughing, but it had to be a joke. Then I understood. It wasn't a joke, it was a test. I was now supposed to enthusiastically volunteer, and she would then tear a strip off me. But she wasn't going to catch me out.

Calmly, without any emotion in my voice, I said, "I can't do that. It wouldn't be right. She's my Mother-in-law."

I was now expecting her face to change. For her to give me a big smile, or perhaps to even laugh, because I had passed the test. It did change, but not as I had expected. Her expression was now one that I knew well. She was angry.

"The one time I ask you to do something, and you say no."

I was shocked. Too shocked to say anything. I couldn't believe it. It wasn't a test, it had been a serious suggestion. And it being the first time she'd asked me to do something, was ridiculous. Despite being three years younger than me, she was in charge, always giving me orders.

With her back now towards me, she said, "Don't you dare touch me."

Foolishly, I did, just her shoulder, but her reaction made me wish that I hadn't.

Almost screaming, she hissed, "I SAID NO!"

It wasn't long before she was asleep, but I was still wide awake. I had too much to think about. The day when I'd suggested that I help her Mother, she'd threatened extreme punishment if I did. Now she wanted me to do it. But I was already having sex with Clara. It was getting complicated, and confusing.

Before her accident, my relationship with my Mother-in-law was a normal one. Of course I'd noticed that she was a desirable woman. An older version of Tina. The same large breasts and curvy body. The same pretty face. But that was just an observation. I had no desire to become intimate with her. However, that changed while I was taking care of her. Tina has an important job that provides most of our income, and I'm an artist that works from home, so it made sense for me to look after Clara during the day while Tina worked. But her Mother, at forty two years old, was still an attractive woman, so having to do intimate things with her, such as dress and feed her, and especially, take her to the bathroom, had changed our relationship for ever. It wasn't intentional, or planned, it had just happened over time. And so now we were lovers.

When I eventually felt myself drifting off, I was relieved. I'd done enough thinking for one day.

I woke up with an erection. That wasn't surprising. I was twenty five years old, so testosterone was always surging through my body. But what was unusual about it, was that Tina's hand was on it, squeezing it tightly. That was a nice start to the day!

"Have you changed your mind?"

It took me a few seconds to understand what she meant. It was a continuation of last night's conversation. She'd wanted me to have sex with her Mother, and thinking it was some sort of test, I'd said no. But now I knew that she was being serious, I was going to say yes. However, I knew that I needed to play it cool. She wouldn't be happy if I was too enthusiastic.

After giving a deep sigh, I said, "OK, but only because you want me to."

That must have been the right answer, because it got me an unexpected reward. Her hand that was on my cock, was now moving up and down. And it felt good.

"I'm not in the mood, but I'll make you come."

I was a young man, so I was always in the mood, and now that I was back in her good books, I was going to push my luck. As they say, fortune favours the brave.

"How about putting it in your mouth?"

Her look said it all, but in case I was too stupid to understand it, she spoke.

"You know I hate doing that."

I wasn't too disappointed, because I hadn't expected it to be a yes. But it was worth a try.

After giving an exaggerated sigh, that was almost comical, I said, "Then it will have to be your pussy."

"Nice try, but it's my hand or nothing."

I was about to give another sigh, but she was ahead of me.

"And if you make that stupid noise again then it will be nothing."

So it was only going to be a handjob, but that was a lot better than nothing.

She started slowly, and she was running her hand along my full nine inches. Her touch was perfect, just the right amount of pressure. It was good, as good as I could do it to myself. Then it got even better when she speeded up.

"You do realize that when you are with my Mother, it's for her pleasure and not yours?"

That got a quick yes from me. What she was doing to my cock, was so good, that I'd agree to anything. I just wanted her to shut up so that I could enjoy it.

When I got close, she could tell, so she backed off. That took me down a notch. But when her hand quickened again, I felt my balls tighten, and she slowed down. This was edging at its best. However, when she did it for a third time, it was too much for me.

"Please, I'm begging you. Make me come."

That made her laugh, and her hand was now moving even slower. This wasn't teasing, it was torture. I was about to speak again, to beg even harder, but I didn't have to, because she was now finishing me off.

When I eventually spurted, it almost hit the ceiling. Yes, that was an exaggeration, but it was still impressively high. And seeing it made her smile.

We were the first up, and we had breakfast together while Clara was still sleeping. It was Saturday, so we took our time eating.

"I've been thinking."

I didn't need to ask her what she'd been thinking about, it could only be one thing. Her Mother, and what we'd talked about last night.

"I need to speak to her. But it's going to be a difficult conversation. Then if she agrees, we need to work out the details."

I just nodded. She was over complicating it. All that needed to happen was for me to get into bed with her Mother. We'd then embrace, and the rest would follow. It would then end with us fucking. But that wasn't what she wanted to hear from me, or indeed, not what she wanted me to do. I was supposed to make her Mother come without getting excited, and as far as I was concerned, that was an impossible task.

In the morning I was sent out to do some shopping. Nothing on the list was essential, it was just an excuse to get me out of the way so that Tina could be alone with her Mother.

When I got back I was nervous. While I'd been out, I'd had an uneasy feeling. I wasn't sure how Clara would respond when Tina started talking about something that was so private. Her Mother might have been embarrassed, and she might even have said no. But what I was dreading was that she'd told Tina what we'd already been doing.

"No need to worry. My Son-in-law is already taking care of all of my sexual needs. We have even started to fuck. Don't you just love his big cock?"

They were in the kitchen, sitting at the table. And surprisingly, because it wasn't even midday, they were drinking wine. When they noticed me looking at the bottle, that was almost empty, both of them giggled. They were tipsy.

While smiling, Tina said, "Come and join us. We have something to tell you."

As soon as I was seated she spoke again.

"I told my Mother that you would help her, and she has said yes. But I had to persuade her," and then, after pointing at Clara's glass, that had a straw in it, she added, "But I only managed it by getting her drunk."

Clara was indignant. After sitting up straight, and while looking serious, she declared, "I'm NOT drunk."

Then she had a fit of the giggles, and Tina joined in. I just shook my head.

When they'd calmed down, I asked, "When do we do it?"

And of course, the answer was now.

When we got to the bedroom, it became awkward. We were all looking at each other, but not saying or doing anything. Somebody needed to take charge, and it might as well be me.

"Tina, go downstairs."

She shook her head.

"I'm staying, to make sure that you behave. You're here for my Mother, and not for your own pleasure. If you get your cock out then I'll chop it off."

That made Clara chuckle, but I didn't find it funny. I was disappointed. What should have been exciting was now going to be muted. Tina was going to be watching me like a hawk, to make sure that I wasn't getting too much pleasure from it.

Without any enthusiasm, I asked, "What do I do?"

Tina answered me.

"My Mother is going to sit on the bed, and you play with her tits."

So there was going to be some foreplay before the main event. That was a relief. I'd been expecting her to tell me to go straight for her clit. And that I was, with my eyes closed, to rub it furiously, so that her Mother would come in record time.

I was now ready to start. I was on the bed with Clara, and Tina was sitting on the chair that was in a corner of the room.

I'd enjoyed her tits before, so I knew what to expect, but I took a few seconds to admire them. They were impressive. Like Tina's they were large, and her top looked as if it was struggling to contain them. Just looking at them was turning me on.

The buttons on her blouse were easy to open, but I took my time with them. I'd done this before, but because Tina was in the room with us, it felt different. As if I was doing this for the first time.

When the last button had been popped, I parted her blouse, and then I removed it. Her bra was one that Tina might wear. It hadn't just been designed to hold her big tits up, it had been designed to show them off.

The outline of her large nipples was clearly visible, and that's where I wanted my fingers to be, but I held back. Instead, I caressed her large globes. That got a low moan from her.

"Take her bra off."

That startled me, because I'd forgotten that Tina was with us.

As soon as it was off, my mouth was on her nipple, and my fingers were on the other one. That made her gasp. I'm a tit man. I always have been, and I always will be. As far as I'm concerned, the bigger the better. But I'm fussy. The nipples have to be large as well. And these, like her Daughter's, were large. You'd go a long way before you'd find nipples that were better than these.

I didn't know how long I'd got before Tina would be giving me more instructions. Asking me to move onto her Mother's pussy. But I was determined to enjoy what time I had with her tits. No nipple has ever been sucked harder, and no nipple has ever been pulled and pinched harder, than what I was doing now to hers. For most women, it would be too much for them. But not for Clara.

"This is good, but suck harder."

I did, and I was going to do it again, but Tina put a stop to it.

In a loud voice, she said, "That's enough. I think my Mother is ready to be fingered."

For some reason, that made Clara laugh. When she'd finished, she explained why she'd found her Daughter's remark so funny.

"Ready? It was ready five minutes ago. Now it's so wet, it's seeping out of my pussy and running down my legs."

That made both of them giggle. Like two schoolgirls that had just shared a dirty joke.

As my hand went between Clara's legs, I glanced over at Tina, and I was shocked to see that she had a hand on her breast. She was slowly caressing it. She now wasn't just supervising us, she was taking part.

When my hand got to her panties, she parted her legs even more. And when my fingers started to explore her covered pussy, she purred.

"Do you want me to finger you?"

That got a loud yes from Clara, and that excited me, but it was the yes from Tina, that was barely audible, that excited me even more.

I didn't bother taking her panties off, I just pushed my hand in from the top. It was a tight squeeze, but I was able to get my fingers to where I wanted them to be. Her opening. I then turned my head towards Tina. When we made eye contact, I spoke.

"I'm going to put three of my fingers deep up your juicy pussy, and then I'm going to fuck you hard with them."

The look on Tina's face, now said, 'I wish you were going to be doing that to me.' Then, as my fingers parted Clara's large pussy lips, so that they could enter her, I turned away from Tina. I now couldn't see her, but I knew, with absolute certainty, that very soon she would be fingering herself, and that she wouldn't be stopping until she'd come.

Clara was right, her pussy was dripping wet. I didn't have to push hard to get my fingers into her. It felt as if her pussy was sucking them in.

"I love being fingered."

She was about to say more, but she stopped when I started to fuck her with them.

It wasn't long before my fingers had worked their magic on her pussy. She was now moaning almost continuously. Very soon she would reach it. And coming from behind me, where Tina was sitting, was the same noise, but not as loud. It was coming from a woman that was trying to stay silent while she was playing with herself, but was failing miserably.

This was never going to end in a whimper, and it didn't. Clara got there first, and it was a big one.

"Fuck, my cunt's in it."

As I watched the orgasm surge through Clara's body, Tina reached it.

I heard her say, "Yes!"

Hers appeared to be a big one as well. That didn't surprise me. She was a passionate woman who enjoyed sex. But what did surprise me, was that as soon as she'd recovered, she'd left the room without saying anything, and she'd left in a hurry. I was concerned, and when I looked at Clara, I could tell that she was as well.

"I think she's upset, you need to go to her."

She was in the kitchen, making herself a coffee. She wasn't crying, but I could tell that if I was to say the wrong thing, then she would burst into tears. While I tried to work out what to say, I gave her a big hug, and that calmed her.

When I released her, I said, "Make me a coffee, and then we'll talk about it."

Her nice smile told me that I'd said the right thing.

We were now sitting at the kitchen table. After taking a couple of sips of the coffee, she said, "It was the wine. That's what made me do it. I should have had more self-control."

I reached over, trying to hug her again. It was difficult, because we were sitting down, and I almost knocked my coffee over, but we managed it. And the awkwardness of it made both of us laugh. She was now over it.

In the evening there was a big fight on, and I, with a case of beer next to me, was watching it. Tina and Clara were in the kitchen. The Mother teaching the Daughter how to cook. As fights go, this wasn't a bad one, but I found it difficult to concentrate on it. I kept thinking about what had happened earlier in the bedroom.

Tina had been there to just watch. To make sure that we didn't go too far. I was allowed to make her Mother come, but not allowed to fuck her. In fact, even just getting my cock out, was against the rules. But it had been her that had got carried away. She had ended up fingering herself to a climax, and afterwards, she had regretted it.

The fight ended with a sixth round knockout, and that was perfect timing, because that was when they'd finished cooking.

"Good, that stupid boxing match has ended, we can now watch a movie."

And then Clara chipped in with, "Men hitting each other, that's just silly."

They might be right, but I'd enjoyed it. However, the same couldn't be said about the movie. And when it ended, and it was time for bed, I was relieved.

When we got into our bedroom, I was ready to sleep, but she was eager to talk.

"My Mother was pleased with what you did to her. But next time she would like to do more."

She'd made it sound as if it had been me restricting what we'd done, rather than her. But how much more?

"So we can fuck?"

"Don't be silly, she's your Mother-In-law."

I gave her my sad little boy face, and as always, it made her laugh.

"But you can get your cock out so that she can play with it."

Then, before I could ask, she said more.

"And you're allowed to come."

That was good, but I could make it even better by persuading her to stay out of the room. If we were alone, then we could flaunt the rules. We could fuck without her knowing about it. But she was one step ahead of me.

"I don't trust you, so I'll still be in the room with you."

She was smirking, and I didn't like that. It was time to go on the offensive.

"And while you're watching, will your hand be inside your panties?"

The hurt that was now showing on her face, told me that what I'd just said was a mistake.

"Sorry, that was a stupid thing to say."

That got me, through clenched teeth, a quick, "Yes it was."

Then thankfully, her face changed. Gone was the scowl, replaced by a nice smile.

"You can make it up to me by giving me a good fuck."

That was an offer that I couldn't refuse!

It was now a race, to see who could undress the quickest. I was the winner, and that annoyed her, because she stuck her tongue out at me. I just ignored her.

As always, my hands went straight towards her breasts. They were as large as her Mother's, with the same impressive nipples, but because she was only twenty two, they were firmer. They were everything that you'd want that part of her body to be. And for as long as she would let me, I was going to feast on them.

I was now working my way through an extensive list. Things to do to a breast. It was everything that I'd learnt over the years. I'd started by gently caressing them, and then my mouth had gone to her plump nipple. After sucking long and hard on it, I switched to the other one. That got the same treatment. I then kept switching, and when I did, each time I got rougher. That wasn't a problem for her, because it wasn't just what she liked, it was what she needed. And when I was sucking on a nipple, the other one wasn't being ignored. I made sure that it got the expert attention of my fingers. Pulling and pinching hard was what she liked, and that was what she was getting.