Cleo's Client

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"Hello Cleo. Is that you?"

"Yes, I am Cleopatra, what can I do for you?"

The voice was deep, slow and trying to be seductive.

"Cleo, It's me. I rang before, I'm early."

"Oh sorry, Luv. I'm a bit behind. Are you outside the house?"

Now the voice was a lot more down to earth.

"No. You said that I should ring when I got off the train. You said that you'd tell me your house."

"Oh, yes Luv. I remember. Your first time, isn't it."

I mumbled something.

"Well I was tied up in town, and I'm on my way home now. I'm by the station."

Again I mumbled.

"What do you look like luvie?"

"Well I'm... I'm..."

"I'm being daft. Can you see the shops across from the station?"


"You see the baker's?"


"See the old trout in a red coat?"

I could see the red coat. Its contents were not that old and troutish, but she had a shopping bag and a phone to her ear.

"Yes, I think so."

"Give me a wave, darling."

I raised an arm and waved half heartedly. I could see her lips moving, but heard nothing as she was waving back a lot more enthusiastically with her phone still in her hand. There was no going back now.

Her voice became audible again in mid sentence.

"... of course you can't hear me. Can you now?"


"Follow me then."

She walked a few yards to her right and into a narrow alleyway. She stopped, looking back to make sure that I saw where she had gone. I crossed the road quite easily, and when I reached the alley she was about twenty yards ahead. She grinned back at me, and turned a corner.

When I turned the corner she was waiting for me.

"Hello darling. No-one can see us here. Don't worry. I'll be gentle. Just follow me."

Her smile seemed soft and friendly.

"This is a short cut. It only takes a couple of minutes. There was a narrow bridge over a canal, and another alley. She led me through it, across a road, and she let herself into a house. I followed. When I got to the door she opened it and ushered me inside.

She took me through to her kitchen. She looked at the kitchen clock.

"You were the one-o-clock, weren't you."

The clock said that it was twenty to one.

I agreed.

"Well I need a cuppa. Ok if we have one first?"

My mouth was dry with nerves, so I grunted something.

Kettle on. Coat off. Mugs, teapot, tea.

"I do like proper leaf tea. Better than dust in paper bags, don't you think?"

The contents of the shopping bag was put away in cupboards.

"Cleopatra, I have to ask you, you said you were tied up?"

"I said what?"

"You said you were tied up, in town?" I paused. "I don't think that I fancy that sort of thing."

Her laugh was lovely.

"No, silly, I was in the post office, and the queues were terrible." Her voice changed to her deep and seductive one for a moment. "But I am very good with knots..."

Yes, she had a lovely laugh.

"... and less of the Cleopatra. Cleo, perhaps, but my friends call me Liz."


"I think most of my clients are friends as well?"

Boiling water was poured. Mugs were filled.

"Shall we do the sordid bit here, and then go upstairs to the warm room?

I looked puzzled.

"The money. A hundred I think, wasn't it?"

I took an envelope from my pocket and put it on the table. She took it and slipped it unopened into a drawer.

She stood up, picked up her mug.

"Come on. Upstairs. Let's be friends."

The kitchen had been a bit rough and ready. The furniture was sparse, the flooring was shabby. It was a bit draughty, The upstairs room was the opposite. It was filled with a variety of well padded benches and chairs, and the bed was large and central.

"Now I like to have a shower before it, and most of my customers do too. How about we shower together?

She had by now removed her blouse, and shoes and was in skirt and bra.

"And then, do you want me to wear anything special?"

She saw me hesitating, and started taking my coat off me. I did not resist. My shirt buttons were soon undone, and then my shirt lay beside my coat on a chair.

I slipped off my shoes and started fumbling with my belt. Liz passed me a towelling dressing gown.

"Here luvie, I know some folk are a bit shy to start with."

Under cover of the gown I removed trousers and underpants.

"Socks luvie!" She grinned. "Here, let me help."

She made me sit on the bed, knealt, and she slid them off.

"Do you want to...?"

She lifted one of my feet to her cleavage and wrapped if in her more than ample boobage.

I showed willing and wiggled my toes.

She flinched.

"A bit of a toenail there."

She crossed the room, returned and started at the offending nail with an emery board."

"Save scratches later eh?"

She opened another door, and I could see a largish shower room. She turned the water on.

"Let it warm up a bit."

She sat beside me on the bed. We both sipped our tea.

"So what is it you fancy?" She put an arm around me and pulled us together. She smelled warm and perfumed."

"That's nice," I said.

"What's that?"

"Your perfume."

"Dont worry about it luvie, after a shower you won't smell it, and neither will your wife." She paused.

"You are married aren't you."

I nodded.

"Oh, but it doesn't matter, she knows that I am here."

For the first time she was at a loss for words. She sipped some more tea while she thought about this.

"You see, it was her idea, well sort of. We have been married for, oh, she would tell you how many years."

She smiled.

"And things have been a bit, you know, in bed, a bit..."

"A bit quiet? A bit samey?"

"Yes. We had the idea that someone like you might help us to... to give us some new ideas. Something new."

She looked worried.

"I'm sorry, I should not have rushed you. Are you saying that you just want to talk about it."

She put her hands over her boobs as if she did not want to offend me.

"Oh no, you see, at our age we're both a bit stiff and achey. Its just so that we can find what we can do."

She giggled.

"Well we'll see what we can do then, won't we."

"Please don't take this wrong, but we both thought that if something goes a bit wrong here, now, then it won't matter. If it happened at home, then perhaps we would not want to try it again."

"So I'm your guinea pig then?"

"I've offended you, I'm sorry."

I made as if to get dressed again.

"Sit down, silly. This is going to be fun for me. I do hope it will be for you."

She stripped off her skirt, pants, and stockings.

"Come along."

She guided me into the shower, lifted the gown off me, and urged me into the hot water and steam. Moments later she was beside me.

"That's all unscented."

She indicated a row of bottles on a shelf. She handed me one of those loofa mitts.

"You wash my back, I'll wash yours."

What could be more natural. Soon we were soaping, rubbing and rinsing, first backs, and then more. She encouraged me to enjoy washing her boobs. She gave me a look, and then she was soaping and fondling me down there. My nerves had, until then, prevented reactions, but nerves were gone and her ministrations were making me grow.

"How about this then?"

She knealt and kissed it.

"Woops, its still soapy."

She held her face under the water and then spat out a few bubbles.

"Damb, I shouldn't have done that, It's ruined my hair."

It hadn't. Yes her hair was damp, but it was still beautiful, long and slinky. I passed my hands through it.

"No, It's lovely."

"Ta, luv. Just don't look too close."

We rinsed, and she passed me a fluffy towel.

"Why me?"


"Why did you choose me?"

"Well, we looked on the interweb thingy, and we saw some sites with lists. We read your's, and thought you seemed nice."

"Thanks darling. And thank your wife for me." She winked.

We dried ourselves, and she insisted that we help each other to dry each others bits and pieces. Moments later, she had lifted the duvet and we were enveloped in each other's arms in the bed.

"So you'll have to tell me about yourselves. What do you do?"

"I'm retired. Before that I used to run a ..."

"No silly. What do you and your Mrs do in bed?"

I didn't know how to start.

"Good old misch?"


"Missionary. She lies back, you crawl on top, do your stuff, and then crawl off again."

"Well I suppose that that more or less describes it, yes."


"No, of course not, just the two of us."

"No, lovey." She hugged and kissed me. Her breasts were so warm and soft against me. "What I mean is, do you stroke and tickle her? Play with her titties?" She moved one of my hands onto a nipple. "Do you have any toys?"

"She still has a teddy bear she had as a kid." I knew that this was not what she meant, and she saw my expression. I ventured to give her nipple a gentle tweak.

"That's the idea, sweetie."

"Well, its difficult." My mood drooped again. You see, we have always had to wear stuff in bed, pajamas and nighty. We always had to share a bathroom with other folk. We've only just got a place of our own. We used to work in hotels. She's never wanted to be seen with nothing on."

"But now?"

"It's the same. I think she might have a scar, or a birthmark or something."

"Oh you poor thing. You've never kissed her titties. Here, kiss mine."

My hand was removed, and my face replaced it. She encouraged me to kiss, lick, suck, and nibble. The nipple hardened, and she urged me to do more.

"Don't stop. That nice."

I was transferred to the other side, and another nipple engorged itself. She moaned gently.

"Feel me here."

My hand was re-employed between her thighs.

"Hang on a mo."

I thought I was doing something wrong, but she rolled to her side of the bed and came back with a small bottle.

"Put some of this on your fingers."

She squeezed a glob of clear gel onto my finger ends, grasped my wrist, and plunged my fingers into her intimate folds.

"So the pair of you have never..."

"No. If I tried, she said it was dirty. She sometimes let me put my finger inside, but I don't think she enjoyed it much."

Her hand guided mine, and my fingers were soon sliding around her hard little nub.

My nail caught it, and she gasped.

"Gentle dear, gentle."

Her hand moved to my parts, and she stroked and squeezed. I think I was harder than I had ever been before.

"Can I?

"In a moment, lovie, and let me do it.

"Before I knew it, she had rolled a condom onto me, she had pushed me onto my back, and was straddling me. Her breasts were swaying. She saw me looking at them.

"Of course you can sweetie."

As she lowered herself onto me - I gasped as I slid inside her – my hands went up to those hard, dark nipples.

"Squeeze them. Go on, they can take it."

She didn't just pump herself up and down on me. She engulfed as much of me as she could, and then gently rocked herself, and tensed and relaxed herself. She shifted her weight slightly. I felt extra pressure against the upper surface of my old man.

"There! Feel that? It's rubbing my spot."

If she was acting, then she was good.

There was no rush. She moved slowly. She showed me how she liked her nipples treated - sometimes gently, sometimes almost visciously. She encouraged me to feel between us, to feel her clitty rubbing itself against me.

I heard her murmur something under her breath. "Oh, I do love doing virgins." I think it was.

I was somewhat taken aback. Did she think that we had never done it at all?

"I'm not a virgin," I spluttered.

"She still swayed and squeezed as she told me that she knew that, but that I was as good as a virgin to her. There was her laugh and smile again.

She moved slightly. The feelings inside her changed. They were so intense. I lost it. I could not last. I started bucking and panting. I opened my eyes a moment and glimpsed her smiling down at me. It was the look of someone who knew what they were doing, and that they were doing it well, and enjoying doing it. True job satisfaction.

I pulsed, pulsed, pulsed, and she squeezed me dry.

Without hurry she carefully held the condom in place while she raised herself off my rapidly drooping self.

"There, luvie. Good? "

"I didn't know it could be like that."

She dropped the condom into a bin by the bedside, grabbed a couple of tissues, and gently wiped me dry.

"Now we are both a bit sweaty. We had better clean up again."

I was alone on the bed, still panting. I heard the shower start again.

"I'm sorry, love, but I have another friend coming soon, and he likes me to dress up special for him."

I staggered off the bed, and she almost sleepwalked me into the shower.

"Do you want to come here again?"

I wanted nothing more, but would I be able to?

"I'll tell you what? Why don't you both come?"

"I'll ask her. Yes, I'll ask her."

She left me standing there under the shower while she dabbed herself dry, and then donned another of the towelling gowns.

"You get yourself organised, while I make another cuppa." She picked up our cold tea mugs.

I turned off the shower, and heard her go down the stairs.

My tea was waiting for me in the kitchen. Beside it were a couple of bank notes.

"Your wife put a bit extra into the envelope, in case you wanted anything expensive."

"You keep it."

"No, put it towards your next visit."

"OK. Ta."

"For both of you?"


We sat quietly.

She looked at the clock. You'll have to go. She guided me to the front door. She kissed my cheek.

"Bye luvie. Thanks for coming. See you soon."

"Yes, thanks Liz."


When I got home she had our supper ready and waiting. I had quite an appetite. I knew she wanted to ask how it had gone. What an amazing woman, my wife, that is. She wanted to ask, but she was happy for me to tell her in my own way.



"How long is it we've been married now?"

"Thirty five years."

"Well, Darling, we are both going to have a shower, and then our marriage is going to start properly."


"And I want us to visit a friend of mine."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

that was different. Very competent writer. I'll read more of them.

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