Consequences, Abigail


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I covered us and we slept. When we woke it was daytime but still dark outside. The rain had turned to snow and the world around us was white. I made breakfast after stoking the fire and Abigail put my robe back on. I wore a pair of shorts.

When breakfast was ready she joined me at the table and ate like she had never eaten before. Toast, butter and jam, an omelet with chunks of ham, bell pepper, green onions, mushrooms and cheese in it and hot strong coffee with just a little chicory in it. All of it disappeared into her. She didn't ask for one of those flavored additives for the coffee.

After she ate she wandered around the cabin a little. She looked over the book shelves and picked a book called "Consequences: Intended and Unintended" By Nick Peterson. She thumbed into the book and read a page.

"Have you read this?" She asked.

"Yes. A few times."

"Something about it has me interested. Can I sit and read?"

"Sit by the window. The light is best there." I moved the rocker near the window and she sat. She resumed reading from somewhere near a third of the way through the book. I went to my computer and went back to work. The file I opened was titled, "The Process of Choosing."

Two hours passed and I needed to move around. My legs start to ache if I sit for two hours or more. I pulled on boots and headed out the door. The snow was still falling slowly and silently. I walked the gravel road out past Abigail's car to where the pavement started and then came back. She was standing at the window watching me walk.

On the porch I stamped most of the snow off my boots and then opened the door. I put my boots on the spot where they would dry and went to the kitchen. One more cup of coffee and I was back at my computer.

"This book feels new. Every time I turn a page it's like no one ever turned it before."

"I have never opened that copy of the book. I have others."

She came to where I was sitting. "Why would you have multiple copies of a book?"

"Because the publisher sent me a dozen. I gave one to the high school, one to the city library and put that one on my book shelf. If you like it, you can have that copy."

"I do like it. It's technical and yet I can understand the concepts easily."

"Maybe you're just smart."

Her head shook. "I don't think so. If I was smart I wouldn't have been lost yesterday. I wouldn't have been driving a convertible in the rain or have gotten stuck."

"Ok. You win. A teacher friend of mine used to say anytime you argue for your limitations you get to keep them. You want a list of limitations, their yours."

She sat down on a nearby chair, forgetting that she was nearly naked. When she sat I was treated to a view of her smooth pussy.

"You aren't who you pretend to be, are you?"

"You mean I'm not who my license says I am?"

"No. The name is probably yours, but you show up looking like a cowboy. You walk like John Wayne when he was about fifty. You wear a silver belt buckle and boots. There's probably a horse somewhere nearby. But, you aren't just a cowboy."

"Or, maybe cowboys are a lot more thinkers than lots of folks give them credit for being."


"In the city where you live, how much time do you sit and think?"

"Not much. If I'm at work I'm interacting with clients or co-workers. Working on a project or scheduling some meeting. Why?"

"Riding herd has a man sitting for many hours a day taking care of the herd. Sometimes he's busy and a lot of the time he's waiting for something to demand his attention. During that time he thinks. Some cowboys think of women, some think of beer and some think about getting and staying warm."

"And you?"

"I spent lots of time thinking about the world I want to live in. I thought about why people keep doing things that don't serve them or anyone else. I thought about how I wanted to live the rest of my life."

"Do you live in the world as you want it to be?"

"I'm doing what I can to have that world evolve into being. The book I just gave you is one way."

"Giving me a book helps change the world?"

"If you read it you may choose to make some changes to your life. You may even give a copy of the book to someone as a gift. They may read it and they may make some changes. Poco a poco changes happen."

"You are a strange man."

"Thank you. You are a smart and beautiful woman. In the not too distant future I'm going to want some food. I'll prepare us some lunch and I'd like your input about what you'd like. Feel free to look around the kitchen and let me know what you'd like."

I went back to working at the computer. Abigail went to the kitchen and looked around. The next time I looked up she was curled up in the rocker by the window, reading. I watched her for quite a few minutes. It looked good, seeing a woman in my robe, reading in my home while flakes of snow fell past the window behind her.

The fire needed some attention so I left the computer and built it back up. Then I went out behind the cabin and brought in three arm loads of fresh wood. Back inside I realized Abigail was curled up in the chair to stay warm. In my bedroom I found a good pair of wool socks and a pair of sweat pants. They would be big on her, but this was warmth not fashion.

"Excuse me. I want you to wear these pants and socks, they'll help keep you warm."

She stood and I helped her put on the sweat pants. The waist was way too big but the length was about right. When she sat back down I put the socks on her.

"I remember my Daddy putting socks on me sometimes. I feel taken care of, warm and comfortable. Thanks."

"That's the first time you've said thanks."

"I'm a bitch sometimes. I'm sorry." She looked up at me and then asked, "When we were in bed earlier, you took care of me first. I expected to be fucked and you took care of me first. I don't understand."

"I have a choice. I can live as a reaction to you, the weather, the calendar or I can live my life as cause. What I wanted was to see your face as you came. What I wanted was to feel you surrender your body to me, snuggle against me and sleep in my arms. The way to that is by taking care of you, first and always."



"I could eat."

"Comfort food?"

"I'm not sure what that is but, sure."

I left her to read and went to the kitchen. I made tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

We sat at the table and ate, mostly in silence. She picked up our plates and cleaned up when we were done. I thanked her.

"I just noticed something about me. I ate the sandwich you made and the soup. I wanted more. The feeling I had while I ate was like being a girl again. I didn't want that feeling to end, but I made it end."


"I don't want to get fat. I'm careful about what I eat, how often, and why I'm eating. That sandwich was the first sandwich I've eaten in months. Usually I eat salads. I ate the breakfast you made and then spent an hour yelling at myself for eating it. It tasted good but I didn't enjoy it. I was too busy beating myself up for eating it."

"I think lots of people do that. Do something, knowing they will beat themselves for it, both during and after they do it."

"The book says I can stop doing it."

"Beating yourself up or eating the sandwich?"

"Either. Both. I can choose to just enjoy doing what is in front of me to do. Guilt is a waste of focus and energy."

"So, what would you like to do?"

"I would like to take you to bed and for both of us to fall asleep after."

"You want us to go to bed and snuggle?"

"I want another orgasm from being eaten. I want to feel you inside me. I want to hold you and have you hold me. When we went to bed last night I was angry and feeling like you were making me into a whore. I didn't want to enjoy it. When you went down on me I tried not to let you get to me."

"How long did you last?"

"Not long. My brain isn't as strong as my nerve endings. Most all the men I've ever been with wanted me to suck them but thought there was something gross about licking me. You made me believe you were doing me because you wanted to. When I relaxed and let you do me it was incredible!"

"And you've been thinking about doing it again?"

"You know something. I realized it last night. When I was in your arms and falling asleep I realized that how I felt at that moment was just how you wanted me to feel. Loved, safe and warm. When you helped me put on these giant sweat pants and socks I got the feeling again."

She came into my arms and kissed me. We didn't hurry. Over the next while we made our way to bed. There were intermediate stops, to stoke the fire, use the bathroom, shut down the computer and get two steaks out of the freezer to thaw. By the time we made it to the bed we were both naked and she was in control.

She put me in the middle of my bed, on my back and she explored my body with her hands, mouth and skin. Every time I moved to stimulate her she stopped me and made me accept her being the giver. My memory reminded me that she said no one had ever cum in her mouth.

It reminded me of that as she was sucking me and I was getting close to giving her a load in her mouth.

"Abi, I'm getting pretty close. Where do you want it?"

She rolled me over on top of her while still holding my cock in her mouth. My hips thrust into her face and her hands held my ass as we mated that way. Her tongue touched me perfectly and seconds later I filled her mouth with my seed. She swallowed and sucked harder. Long after I was done she held me in her mouth and made appreciative noises.

I rolled to her side and she released me from her mouth. She turned and presented me with her pussy, near enough for either my mouth or hands to play. I licked her.

No hurry. I licked slowly and deeply, then lightly and along the outer edges of her crease.

"You're doing it again! My whole body is on fire!"

I hugged her hips to my face using both arms. I easily reached around her hips enough that had I wanted to I could have held my own elbows. Instead I put one hand on her back and the other wrapped around her hips. She made noises that let me know she was enjoying what I was doing. As I ministered to her she shuddered and quivered in my arms. When she did I slowed my pace slightly, moved from the edges of her vagina with my tongue to stroking her lips, or to making wide tongue strokes that licked every tender tissue I could reach.

She shifted and once again I found myself on my back. She straddled my shoulders and lowered her slipperiness onto my mouth while she held onto the headboard. My hands found her tits and held them.

"Pinch them! Please!"

I squeezed her breasts in my hands and she grasped my hands in hers showing me exactly what she wanted. I held the entire breast in my hand while I pinched the nipple between the side of my hand and my thumb.

"Yes! Just like that! I can feel it down in my cunt!"

My mouth found the tiny gold ring and tugged on it. Her back arched and she screamed.

"Yes! That's what I wanted! Thank you! Thank you!"

I drank in as much of the wonderful juices she made for me as I could. She tasted so very good.

She moved again and we snuggled together and fell asleep. A little while later she woke and pulled the covers over us. We slept until it was evening and hunger woke me. Hunger and a need to drain my radiator. I started to get up and Abi woke.

"Hurry, Ok? I need to go too."

"You go. I'll step out on the porch and pee there."

"You'll freeze!"

"Not in the one minute it takes to pee."

She dashed into the bathroom and I headed for the front door. It had stopped snowing. It felt like the storm was over. In the morning I'd be able to get her car working and she'd be gone. I felt some sadness and went back inside.

We met back in the bed. She felt like a furnace after being out in the snow for a minute. She was happy to share her warmth. I lay on my back and she draped herself beside and on top of me. Her face was near mine.

"It stopped snowing. In the morning I can get your car working and get you out of here."

She held on a little tighter. "What if I don't want to go?"

"Your life isn't here. Your life is somewhere where people drive convertibles and wear thin sheath dresses and three inch heels."

"I want to come back."

"I'll be here." I leaned and kissed her.

"Five hundred cash for three days?" She smiled when she said it.

"Two hundred per ejaculation?"

"Can we talk about that?"

"The money or the ejaculations?"

"You can cum in me anytime you want. No money. Consider it a gift. I feel more than compensated by how it feels to be with you. I feel like I should be paying you for how good I feel."

"So, if you ever come back, no money. Just a weekend together."

"There is no if. I'll be back."

"There's something you ought to know about me, in case you haven't guessed."

"Let me guess. You wrote the book I've been reading."

I nodded.

"Let me tell you something I lied about earlier. I wasn't on my way to Lake Arrowhead. I was on my way here to meet you. The book I pulled off the shelf I ordered from Amazon last Thursday. I read an article of yours on a blog and it said you lived up here."

"Did your car get stuck?"

"Yes! And the roof wouldn't go up fast enough and I got soaked. I let myself turn into the bitch and almost ruined everything."

"I'm glad you came to visit."

"Forgive me?"

"Promise you won't lie to me again?"

"Yes. I promise."

"Then you're forgiven."

"One more thing. I have clothes in a suitcase in the trunk of my car."

"I like how you've dressed since you arrived."

Her hand found my penis and stroked it slowly until she was holding my engorged cock and I was feeling a desire to fill her. I rolled over on top of her and slid into her as if we had been lovers for many comfortable years.

Her legs wrapped around my hips and she looked into my eyes.

"Sometimes I love the slow, gentle love making and sometimes I want to be taken hard and forcefully. Please take me! I want to feel it hours from now."

My hands brought her legs up by her chest and I slammed into her as hard and fast as my aging body would allow. She urged me on and thrust to meet every thrust I made. When I came inside her I bellowed and she stopped the bellow by kissing me.

When I pulled out of her she turned and sucked me clean. I sucked all our combined juices from her and then we snuggled again.

"Abi, how old are you?"

"Does it matter?"

"Only if you're under eighteen."

"Thanks. I'm thirty-two."

"I'm sixty."

"I know. Born November eighth."

"When is your birthday?"

'November tenth."

"I'll remember."

After a while we got up, stoked the fire, made and ate dinner then went back to bed. I liked how she felt next to me in the bed. I liked the noises she made when she was asleep. In the morning I watched her sleep for a while and when she woke up she looked at me and smiled. Her rent was paid in full.

She made breakfast and I dressed and got her suitcase from her car. We ate and then I set to the task of getting her car drivable. She showered and dressed. When she was ready she came out the car with her purse and suitcase. The engine was running and it was warming up the inside of her car.

"When can I come back?"

"The first weekend of next month?"

"I'll be here that Friday evening. I wrote my phone number and email address on a paper. It's on your desk."

"Thank you. I'm going to miss you."

"I'll be back."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Like your other stories that I've read, I thoroughly enjoy the interactions of the people that you've written about.

Thanks !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago



NoBullAlNoBullAlabout 4 years ago
Good story...

Would have been even better if she had been 45 - 50 but just the same one can dream???

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
A very good story

Enjoyed it, but would like to know more about Abi.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
As usual the mindless cretins who disliked this story really didn't read

or understand it! His book was entitled Consequences: Intended and Unintended! His actions towards her were on purpose to see her responses. He was continually analyzing her actions and reactions to his requests. He never really forced her do anything that she didn't want to do. The author just made it look like that to get a reaction. And he got the reaction he wanted from these mindless cretins! Nick always gave her a choice. So cretins please go back to reading your comic books since stories, like this one, are obviously too intellectual for you to fathom! And don't vote for Trump again and give him a second term! We in the rest of the world couldn't stand that.

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