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"Jacko? What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Well, I tried to talk to you at your house but I was redirected here." His face sunk when he looked at me.

"Barry got to you didn't he? Damn it I should have warned you before. Come in man. Hell I should have risked jail to fully warn you in front of Barry."

I walked into the room that served as Walt's domicile. There was a saggy single bed in the middle of the room, flanked by a threadbare couch on one side and a small table and two rickety chairs on the other.

"Jacko, part of what is happening to you is my fault."

"How the hell can it be your fault Walt? You left before Barry started his shit with me."

"Well, let me tell you a story Jacko. I knew from the first time that Barry met my Marion he wanted to fuck her. It's just something about the guy; he has to do shit like that. The woman doesn't even have to be hot.

"I worked for Barry for twelve years. When I first got there a guy named Jarvis was in your position. Jarvis and I were pretty much the team along with Jane. Jarvis got married to a gal from Humble. She wasn't all that much to look at, but Jarvis loved her.

"One year at the bank Christmas party Barry tried to make the moves on Jarvis' wife. I left before the whole thing started, but I heard all about it. Jarvis nearly hospitalized Barry. When we got back to work that following Monday, Jarvis was gone and Barry was still wearing bruises.

"Barry brought Hank Shaw in and then he replaced Jarvis with some college kid. I can't remember the name of the guy who replaced Jarvis, but I know Barry got to his wife and the guy quit. He was replaced a guy named Steve Harkin.

"A year later Steve left and you replaced Steve. I had heard that Barry had gotten to Steve's wife. Barry had somehow figured out a way to get guys' wives to fuck him without them beating his ass like Jarvis did. Unfortunately I soon found out how he was doing it.

"Just after Hank quit, Barry called me into his office and told me I had fucked up on an ad. He'd spent all morning long talking our client into not firing us and making it right with them. He told me he'd discuss my future later over dinner. I was to bring my wife and meet him at a local hotel."

"Bastard invited himself to my house for dinner. What ad did you fuck up by the way?"

"A. M. Motors. I accidently put the wrong price on a car in the ad. Funny thing is; I don't even remember modifying the ad." Again the alarm bells were going off in my head.

"Any way. Barry told Marion he wouldn't fire me if she'd consent to cuckolding me. He told her that there was no way we'd survive without my working for him.

"For three God damned years he fucked her three times a week. One night I happened to run into Joan. I told her that Barry was fucking my wife. I didn't know they were swingers. Barry came over the following evening and informed me that his wife had told him about our meeting.

"He then told Marion to stop taking her birth control. He said my punishment for trying to break his marriage up was going to be me raising his bastard child. The other option he said would be sucking his cum out of her cunt after he left.

"That morning in his office I told him his bullshit had gone on long enough. He told me he'd decide when it was over. He told me that once he knocked Marion up he'd go after your wife. You know the rest. I'm living in this shit hole while I divorce my wife. I don't know where I go from here though."

"Did you divorce Marion?" I asked.

"Not yet. I think I can hurt her more by not divorcing her and never paying her a dime in alimony. I wish I had evidence to support an adultery claim."

When I left Walt ten minutes later, he was a happier man. I told him I'd be in touch. I had told him enough of my plan to cheer him up, but not enough to derail it should Barry get wind of it.

I felt pretty good as I drove a random pattern toward my home. It was early afternoon and I had no desire to be home when Lynne got there. As I turned onto a main thoroughfare I saw a familiar sight. I say "familiar" even though I had never been ther before in my life. I had, however, seen the picture of the place for as long as I had worked for Barry. A big cartoonish sign that read "A.M. Motors beckoned to me."

I pulled onto the lot and was instantly set on by four eager salesmen. A tall guy with a handle bar moustache and a ridiculous ten gallon hat had the lead and easily outpaced the other flopping ties.

"What can I do you for?" he asked with an accent so thick it had to be fake. "Name's Sam Colt. Which of these beauties can I put you in today?"

"Sam Colt? Are you fucking kidding me? No wonder people think Texans are idiots."I thought as he shook my hand. "Well Sam, I wanted to know what I had to do to get my name in the drawing for the five hundred bucks."

"Aw heck son. We don't give away five hundred; we never draw for less than five thousand dollars. You can enter for free just by agreeing to listen to a phone pitch, receive e-mailings, and to be on our mailing list. Or you can buy a car and get one entry for every thousand you spend."

At 5:30 I found myself walking into my office. I now knew I had been railroaded. I was pissed off and I was looking for evidence to bury Barry. I wanted to contact the previous two guys that Barry had done this to.

I went through all of the personnel files and found the two I was looking for. Steve Embree and Kenny Lawrence were easily located by accessing their colleges' alumni data groups. I didn't care if I was leaving an electronic trail, because I was using Barry's computer.

I glanced at my watch and saw that it was just after six. I knew the cleaning people came in at nine so I had time. I opened some financial files and got into Barry's book keeping. I began looking for receipts from A.M. Motors. I found entries where every other client had paid us, but no A.M. Motors.

I was intently looking through Barry's computer for information when I heard someone ask, "Find anything good?"

I spun around and found myself looking into the ice blue eyes of Amy Stewart. I had been busted red handed. I was in the office after business hours, I was in the boss' computer and I had confidential files lying around. I was completely lost for words.

The look on Amy's face was inscrutable. I had no clue if she was going to rat me out or fuck me right there on Barry's desk. Then without realizing I was doing it I opened up and spilled my guts to her. I told her all about Barry cuckolding me and how he'd ruined a few other marriages.

As I struggled to calm down, she rephrased her question. "Did you find anything to bury this bastard?"

Amy and I left the office before the cleaning crew got there and went to have dinner at a small place near her place. We compared notes and she told me her life story. By the time she was done I knew things that changed the scope of what I was planning. I also now had a partner in crime.

BM and Sons didn't mean what I thought it meant. It meant Berkhardt, Markowitz and Sons. Jefferson Berkhardt and Jacob Markowitz had opened the ad agency in the seventies. Jefferson's son and Jacob's two sons worked for them when they were of working age.

After graduating college, Dennis Berkhard decided he didn't want to be in the ad game and joined the Air Force. Jacob's eldest son joined the firm and his youngest decided to try other ventures.

Five years later Jacobs' youngest son was incarcerated for trafficking cocaine. During the court sessions Jacob's health began to fail. He soon stepped down from BM and Sons and his eldest son took his place. Meanwhile after some dirty politics and some greasing of judicial palms, Jacob's youngest son was free to return to his legitimate business that he'd allegedly used as a cover for moving cocaine into the Houston area.

Now Jefferson was running the agency with Jacob's son Barry. Barry had his name change from Markowitz to Masters to avoid publicity from his drug dealing brother. One day Barry approached Jefferson and told him that he had messed an ad up and that he'd spent two days kissing ass and making things right to avoid losing a big client and he used the mistake as leverage to push Jefferson out of the business.

Jefferson's daughter Margie married a man name Peter Stewart. Margie and Peter had a daughter named Amy. "So Barry has been pulling this shit for a long time huh?"

"Yeah he has. My grandfather admitted he messed up on the ad, but that was still not reason for Barry to pull that shit on him."

"Let me guess. The ad was for A.M. Motors."

"Yes it was. Do you know who owns A.M. Motors?"

"Alan Markowitz," I said. "I didn't know until your story that he and Barry were brothers, but I knew they were in cahoots. A.M. doesn't pay anything but material costs for their advertising."

Amy went on to tell me how often Barry had been asking her on dates, or asking her to lunch. She had turned him down flat every time and she could tell he was getting pissed off. "I think that's the reason he made me stop working so close with you Billy."

After we had shared all of our information with each other, we made our plan and called it a night. I got home after midnight and looked in at Lynne. She was sleeping with my old pillow pulled in tight as if she were spooning it. I felt no pity at all for her.

I did feel better knowing I wasn't going against Barry alone. Amy had been grateful that I had uncovered so much and that there was a way to strike back at him. She had envisioned putting up with his crap for a few years before she had enough to take him down.

I ended up getting a reprieve for Thursday night. Barry told me to tell Lynne he was sorry but he had a big meeting to attend and would be gone all weekend."Call her yourself, asswipe,"I thought to myself as he left the office.

I went home that night and mowed my yard and messed around in the garage for a while. When I went in to shower, Lynne was wearing a new negligee. "Do you like?" she asked me.

I chuckled and said, "You're wasting your time. Lover boy had a meeting and canceled tonight."

"You could take advantage then," she said without missing a beat.

I just laughed. "What's so funny?" she asked.

"You thinking I want someone else's leftovers. That's a fucking riot."

"What do you mean 'Someone else's leftovers'? I am still your wife so this is your pussy."

"Aren't you forgetting the creepy piece of shit who is supposed to be fucking you tonight? The same creep that you decided to fuck because humiliating me was so much damn fun? Fuck off and die. I want nothing to do with your festering hole."

She stomped off to the bedroom and I took a shower. I grabbed my pillow and hit the couch. She must have been pissed off because I didn't hear her toy until almost midnight.

The next morning Amy approached me at work. She smiled evilly and said, "Guess who has to work on the A.M. Motors ad today."

"Is she bigger than a bread box?"

"Funny. I want you to check it over when I am done. I am sure Barry has a plan for me. Did you know that he asked me to go to Florida with him this weekend?" I shook my head. "Yeah. I told him I had plans, then he got upset and then told me the A. M. Motors account was mine."

"Well the jerk off couldn't bed you any other way so he has to lord some power. He just has to hope you don't quit."

"Oh, I won't quit. I have plans," she said as she winked and went back to her cubicle.

After everyone else left for the day I looked Amy's work over as she requested. It looked like every other A.M. Motors ad we had printed. I made copies of the information sheets and took a picture of her ad.

"So do you have plans for the weekend?" she asked me.

"Just avoiding the wife," I said. "You?"

"No plans. I do have extra room if you want to avoid her completely. I'm not offering my body, but we could have a fun weekend."

We did have fun. My fun began with ignoring Lynne's protests as I packed a bag. I even included work clothes for Monday in case I decided to not come home until Monday evening. It sounded like an echo in our house.

"Where are you going to be?"

"Not here."

If I could speak any other languages I would have said more to her, well as long as she didn't speak them as well. My grandfather had taught me a few swear words in Polish, but I didn't feel like swearing at her.

She was crying as I walked out the door. I know some would call me an asshole, but I could not be with a woman who took pride in humiliating me. I did plan on watching all of the surveillance video; I wanted to see the look on her face when she called my cell phone and discovered it was on the couch.

Amy and I had a great weekend. When I got to her place she came out with an overnight bag and told me to drive. After I had gone a few blocks I said, "Do we have a destination, or are we just running away?"

She laughed, "Oh yeah. We're going to a friend's house. They have a home on Lake Conroe."

Her friends had a beautiful home. I knew if Lynne had seen it she'd want to sell our house and buy one like it. She had griped a time or two that we didn't live in The Woodlands, or in The Heights but we did have a nice home so she'd finally stopped wishing so much.

We spent Saturday on their boat. I drank several beers with Tony as we tried no to stare openly at Amy and Kathy lounging in their bikinis. When Amy wanted to water ski, I think we were both hoping for a suit mishap.

That evening Tony did up the quintessential Texas Bar-b-que. We had plenty of food and beer. They had several other friends come, and everyone seemed to have a wonderful time.

Amy introduced me as "a friend" to everyone she knew. Tony and Kathy introduced me as "Amy's friend." I was pleased at one point when one of the gals took Amy aside and told her she shouldn't let me get away, because I was a keeper. I caught a thoughtful look on her face and then made sure she didn't see me looking her way.

On Friday night we each had a room. Since Tony and Kathy had another couple who'd driven from Baytown they asked if I minded sleeping on the sofa so that they wouldn't have the long drive back. I didn't mind. If I had been at home I would have been on the sofa anyway.

Kathy left me to find me a pillow and blanket. I looked at the couch and realized it was the same one that had taken up residence in my own living room. I could hear Kathy talking to someone.

I couldn't tell what she was saying or to whom she was speaking, but I definitely heard her say "OK. Well good night then." I heard a bedroom door close. I sat and waited for Kathy to return but instead Amy came out.

"Hey, I have a full size bed. No reason for you to sleep on the couch Billy. I trust you to be a gentleman."

I took one look at her and realized that arguing would be futile, so I accompanied her to the bedroom. She wore a long t-shirt to bed, and I didn't know if she had panties or shorts on underneath. I wore a pair of shorts so I wasn't too worried about inappropriate contact.

"I trust you to be a gentleman."Those words rang through my head when I awoke in the morning with Amy spooning me and my hand very casually holding her right breast. My cock was hard enough to cut diamonds and her ass was pushed back into me so hard that I was afraid that the material of my shorts would fail to keep us chaste.

I moved to extricate my hand and she gripped it. "Not yet Billy," she said sleepily. She sighed and pushed into me further. "I can't wait."

"Can't wait? Can't wait for what?"I wanted to ask, but she'd resumed her light snoring.

I awoke later alone in bed. My cock ached like mad. For a few minutes I lay there reveling in her smell on the pillow next to me. I got up and took a shower. I took care of my raging boner as well.

I found everyone on the deck enjoying bacon and eggs and coffee. I saw a huge smile on Amy's face as I sat across from her. We all made small talk as we ate. I was slightly embarrassed and I kept catching Amy looking at me.

Amy and I left in the early afternoon. I thanked Tony and Kathy for their hospitality, and Kathy said she was sure we'd see more of each other. I wrote it off to them being good people and thought nothing more of it.

We chatted lightly as we drove back home. We went back over our plan. I was sure Barry was going to make his play on Monday and we talked over contingencies. "If he tries to make me have sex with him one on one I'll just make him fire me."

"At that point I'll drop my bombs as well. I won't make you stand alone."

"I know you won't Billy."

I glanced sideways as she said that. She wore a smile that I couldn't quite read. Then it dawned on me that she had been calling me Billy. I searched my memory and found that I couldn't recall the first time she'd called me that, but I loved the sound of it.

We got back to Amy's apartment and I carried her bag to the door for her. "You can stay here tonight if you want to Billy. I promise not to bite."

Choosing between staying with Amy and going home to hear Lynne's bullshit wasn't hard at all. Amy did give me a curious look when I brought my work clothes in. "Were we a bit confident that I'd let you spend Sunday night too," she asked.

I chuckled. "Well I had hoped, but I was also ready to get a hotel room instead of listening to Lynne's crap."

I had planned on sleeping on Amy's couch but she wouldn't hear of it. "I have a queen size bed and I only use half of it. We slept together last night and nothing happened, so we can do it again."

A funny look passed over her face, but when she caught me looking at her she smiled. "I know you're still married and I don't want you to stoop to her levels. You are too good of a person Billy. But I also admit that I loved waking up in your arms this morning."

We slept in pretty much the same attire as the night before; I in shorts and her in a long t-shirt, but we woke in a different position. I woke up to find she had her face in my chest and her leg was thrown over my hip. One hand was on my chest and the other arm was wrapped around me. My arms fully encircled her, and I was glad that there was a little breathing room at our crotch areas because I once again had a raging hard on.

I was in heaven. I wished that I could hold her like that forever, with the scent of her hair filling my nose, and her warm soft body fitting so well with mine. I realized that Barry had taken a lot more from me than just my wife. She had been my friend and my companion.

I wasn't sure what I would do next but I knew my life with Lynne was done. I would never be able to look at her again and not feel humiliation and betrayal. Amy was great, but I didn't think she'd have any interest in a guy seven years older and un-employed.

I dozed until Amy's alarm went off. We got up and took turns in the bathroom. I showered first and then got dressed while she was in the shower. I had planned on getting to the office before Jane, or anyone else.

I was about to leave when Amy came out of the bathroom with a towel around her hair and wearing a large bathrobe. I felt a bit awkward telling her that I'd see her at work. There was something behind her look but I wasn't sure what it was. She smiled and told me to hurry.

I was in the office fifteen minutes before anyone else and had my task completed in five minutes. I then started the coffee and went to my desk. Within half an hour everyone was there. Amy gave me an odd look as she walked to her cubical.

Barry of course was last to arrive. He didn't say anything to anybody as he went straight into his office. After lunch, he called Amy in. From my desk I couldn't see or hear anything from Barry's office.

Twenty minutes later, Amy came back out and went to her desk. I didn't get a look at her so I had no clue as to her mood. I did see that Barry had a spring in his step when he left at four. Everyone else was gone by five and I stayed ten more minutes before I did a couple of things and went home.