D-DAY - Destruction of a Family

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Something so simple can cause so much trouble.
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D-DAY, June 6, 1944, a day that was the beginning of the end for Germany and Adolf Hitler's vision of the perfect Aryan society according to his distorted beliefs. Can you imagine that Nazi officer's eyes as he spied a thousand Allied ships approaching the Normandy coast from his bunker on the cliff? I hope to have a similar reaction from my wife of twenty-five years coincidentally on that same day years later. My story begins.

Chapter One

My name is Jason Dixon, I'm a mid level manager in a nationwide manufacturing company. I'm 46 years old, 6' 1" tall with weight proportionate for my height. My wife Lauren is now a 45 year old beauty. She's a bottle blonde but with those blue eyes she's turns heads everywhere she goes. She's a Pharmacist for one of our local pharmacies. We married just before she started pharmacy school. We scrimped, saved and managed to get her through those four years. Two years into graduate school Lauren became pregnant with Anna who was born in June while Lauren was out of school. Anna was and is the "Apple of My Eye" as they say until Dana came along two years later making me a proud father again. I have two intelligent, beautiful daughters. Anna favors her mother more than Dana who has some of my physical features and temperament.

We are not financially wealthy by any stretch of the imagination but we are comfortable with stable jobs. We raised our girls to be responsible young ladies and to stay true to the values we taught them. Anna is about to turn twenty-one years old in June and just received her Bachelors degree in Nursing. Dana is nineteen.

About a month ago, Anna called me at work.

The conversation went like this.

"Hi, Dad. How are you?"

"Hi, Sweetheart. In the words of the infamous Dave Ramsey, better than I deserve. What can I do for you, Honey?"

"Dad, Jack and I were talking and just so you know, yes we're getting serious. I love him and he loves me, No, I'm not pregnant if that's what you're thinking but just for future reference I was inquiring as to your blood type? Jack and I are going to get typed to make sure we are RH compatible if we were to have children."

"Anna, I don't know that I've ever been blood typed. Really never had a need, I guess."

"Ok, Dad. I was just wondering. No big deal."

Your mom and I are expecting y'all for lunch Sunday. Will you be able to make it?"

"We'll be there. Love you, Dad."

"Love you too, Baby. Bye."

Later that evening, I was already home when Lauren drove in from work. Damn, that woman looks like she's on her way to a beauty pageant and she just worked a ten hour shift at the pharmacy.

I greeted her at the door with a hug and a kiss which she returned with a kiss and a little squeeze of my soldier through my pants leg.

She said, "Wow, Sailor, I think I have just the medication to help you with that swelling. I'm a Pharmacist, you know."

I unbuttoned her blouse as she dropped her lab coat to the floor. I lifted her right breast from its cup and sucked her distended pink nipple into my mouth.

"Oh God, Jason, that feels so good. Suck my nipple, Baby."

She was moaning and unbuckling my pants as I continued to bathe her erect nipple with my tongue. She reached inside my boxers and wrapped her long fingers around my rapidly swelling penis. I let go of her nipple, picked her up and sat her on the kitchen table. I slipped the ballet flats off her feet that she loves to wear at work. I stripped her pantyhose and panties down her legs and off her feet in one smooth motion. I spread her legs and sent my tongue into her now very wet vagina.

"Oh, Jason, No, Baby, I need a shower before...Oh My God, you're gonna make me cum. I'm gonna cum, Baby. Don't stop! I'm there. Oh GOOOODDD!"

After twenty-five years, I knew my baby's orgasms were on a hair trigger. She flooded my face with her juices. Her body trembled and she arched her back forcing my tongue deeper into her as she orgasmed. Before she could catch her breath, I stood up at the edge of the table with her bare feet on my shoulders and plunged my penis into her. I began a steady rhythm in and out of her. Her bright red toes were caressing my face. I gave her one more deep thrust into her and and held it against her cervix, sending my semen into her womb.

"Oh Yes, Jason, fill me up, Baby. I feel you squirting in me. Leave me full of you."

She looked into my eyes and said, "I love you, Jason. I love it when you take me like that. I'll be turned on the rest of the evening feeling you inside me. Damn, Baby, you curled my toes with that one."

I gently pulled out of her and kissed her sensually. Her hands were behind my head pulling my lips into hers as we tried to come down from our orgasmic highs.

We both got off the table and kissed again. I looked at this woman that I loved with all my heart. There was a stringer of my sticky cum clinging to her labia. It finally broke free and dripped onto her toes. We both began laughing.

She raised her foot up to me with her pretty toes pointed straight at me and said, "You made this mess in me. Clean my toes, Stud"

I said, "Ewwww, Baby. That's nasty but I like the thought."

"You mean you'll lick my pussy after you've cum in it but you won't lick it off my toes?"

She reached down, swiped the big glob of cum off of her toes with her fingers and put them in her mouth.

"Ummm. If you won't partake, I will. I love how you taste, Honey."

I said, "Baby, you are every man's dream woman."

She said, "Just yours, Jason. Only yours."

Later as were preparing dinner, I mentioned to Lauren that Anna had called today.

"Honey, Anna called me inquiring about her blood type. Apparently she and Jack are going to be typed for RH compatibility should they get married and start a family. I thought that was interesting. I don't know my blood type. You think I should be typed?"

She replied, "I don't guess it could hurt anything in case you ever

needed to give blood to one of us, you would know. I know I'm type AB."

"Good to know, Honey."

Chapter Two

The next day I made an appointment with my Primary Care Physician and told him I wanted a blood type included in my lab work.

A few days after my appointment, my doctors office called me with the report. It turns out that I'm also type AB so Lauren and I would not have a problem with donating blood to each other.

Sunday, Jack and Anna showed up for lunch. Jack, Anna, Dana and I were on the back patio talking about everything going on here and there when Anna said, "Dad, Jack and I had the blood test done and we're both type O positive. So we are glad to say we are compatible as far as blood line goes."

Dana said, "I had mine typed for a Biology class last year. I'm type A positive."

I said, "That's great girls." I was typed last week and your mother and I are both type AB."

Dana looked at me kind of strange and said, " Dad, that must be a mistake. I learned a lot about blood types in that class. Two type AB's can't have a type O offspring. The lab must have blown that one."

I said, "Yeah, they probably made a mistake. I'll call tomorrow morning and get a copy of my lab results."

Lauren called us into eat. The girls were busy chit chatting about girl stuff while Jack and I talked. He's twenty-four years old and a rookie State Trooper having just graduated from their academy six months ago. He's head over heels in love with my Anna as she is with him. I watched them together thinking how great young love is. My mind wandered off to Dana's information regarding our blood types. How could that be? Surely there's been an error somewhere.

The next morning I called my doctor.

Dr. Jackson said, "Jason, I'm looking at your lab results and there was no mistake. You're type AB. Is there an issue with that?"

"No, Doctor, I'm just confirming some information. Can a mother and father who are both type AB have a type O child."

He said, "The short answer is no but stranger things have happened. Genetically, it's not possible."

"Ok, thanks, Doctor."

I sat there musing over the information I had. I was rapidly coming to a devastating possibility. I'm not Anna's biological father. It can't be. Lauren would never have cheated on me? Would she?

Later that day, Dana came to my office after class. She sat down in the chair across from me.

She said, "You think Mom cheated on you all those years ago, don't you?"

"Dana, you're a very perceptive young lady. I don't know. I've been sitting here thinking about that very question. I can't let myself believe it." A tear ran down my face.

Dana got up and hugged me.

"Dad, I'm here for you. Just tell me what you need me to do. I love you, Mom and Anna. If this is true, it could destroy our family."

"Dana, I'm going to ask you to keep quiet about this before I go making any accusations. Do not let on to your mother, sister or anyone until I have proof one way or the other. Please do that for me. I know the subject was brought up in front of Anna Sunday but let's try not to say any more about it if we can help it."

"Sure, Dad. I understand. I'm sorry."

"Me too Baby. Me too. Dana, there is one thing you can do for me. Get some strands of Anna's hair. I think a DNA test is in order. Also get a DNA kit for yourself and swab your mouth. I feel certain that you are mine but I want to make sure."

"Will do, Dad. I'll have them for you by tomorrow evening."

She wiped the tears from my face that now began to drip on my shirt.

Two days later, I sent Anna's hair along with Dana's and my DNA swabs to the lab. I knew it would take a few weeks to get results. I fought with myself during that waiting period. Do I really want to know? What will happen to my family? Then I thought, Anna will soon be twenty-one. If it's not me, she deserves to know who her sperm donor is.

Three weeks later, a courier delivered the dreaded envelope to my office. It sat on my desk all day. I watched it like it was a snake about to strike, afraid to open it. Dana called and said she would be right there and asked me not to open it until she was present.

When she arrived, we both were now looking at it like that proverbial snake.

She picked it up and handed it to me. I opened the seal and pulled the paperwork out.

The moment of truth...

These are the DNA test results for Father subject A and daughters B (Anna) and C (Dana).

The results are that Subject C is 99.8% biologically related to subject A.

The results show that Subject A and Subject B are NOT biologically related.

"Dad, I don't know what to say. I'm furious with Mom. How could she? Who's Anna's father? I'm sorry Dad, I didn't mean that the way it sounded. YOU are Anna's father. You raised her from birth in every way except this one. YOU are OUR father."

I was in shock. Just staring at the wall. I still don't believe it and I'm looking at the proof. The blood type, the DNA results are overwhelming evidence that Lauren had an affair and became pregnant by her lover. It's in black and white.

"Dad. Dad! Are you ok?"

"No, Dana, I may never be ok again."

"What are you going to do?" she asked.

I said, "First, I want to know the identity of Anna's bio-father. Then, I'll go from there."

"Dana, it seems I remember back when she was in college, she was very much taken with her tutor in Microbiology. She never stopped talking about how smart and sexy he was. We were young and stupid. I let it go in one ear and out the other thinking we were rock solid. I wonder...what was his name...Todd something...Todd...Todd...Mathews. That's it, Todd Mathews."

Dana and I began searching for a Todd Mathews locally and then through the University that would be about Lauren's age.

"Dad, I found one that might be him."

I wrote the phone number down that the internet had for him.

I called the number and a man's voice answered.

"This is Todd."

"Mr. Mathews, my name is Roger Daltrey and I'm putting a little something together for the University. Are you the Todd Mathews that graduated at the top of your class in 1997."

"Yes, Sir, that's me."

"Great. Could we meet somewhere over a beer and let me get some information from you?"

He said, "I work for a law firm as a paralegal. Never quite got through with the law degree. I think I can I can break free for a bit."

I said, "No problem. How about The Golden Spur in about an hour. I'll be wearing a blue suit drinking an IPA at the bar."

"I'll see you there. Hey, catchy name. Did you play with..."

I finished his thought, "Nope, no relation to The Who."

Chapter Three

I was sitting at the bar when a man I would describe as ruggedly handsome walked up to me and said, "Mr. Daltrey?"

I said, "Yes, that's me, Mr. Mathews?"

We shook hands and sat down.

I said, "You mind if we move to a booth?"

He agreed. I asked him what he was drinking and bought him a beer.

I started by saying, "Todd, if I may call you Todd. I'm doing a piece on love, sex and college in the 90's compared to today. Some of the people I've talked to said you were The Man, if you know what I mean, in that category back in the day. We're you the one the ladies were lined up to get into bed with?"

We laughed. He said, "I wouldn't go that far but I did have my pick of the litter, so to speak. I did some tutoring and I made sure it was mostly the ladies that needed my brain and my body, if you know what I mean."

He smirked letting me know he was pretty much full of himself.

"Anyone special without mentioning any full names?"

"Oh yeah. There were several special ladies but there was this one. Damn! She was hot and married. We carried on an exclusive relationship for about six or seven months. We met at my apartment or any place else where we could make love. We would study for an hour or so and fuck like minks the rest of the time. Many times she went home to her husband full of my sperm. We always used condoms when she was fertile but during her safe time I filled her up but we had an "oops" and I knocked her up. She was in Pharmacy school at the time, if I remember correctly. Her name was Lauren. A lot of them came and went but I'll never forget her. Being she was married and having sex with me and her old man too, she said she would tell him it was his baby and life would go on. That woman rode me like a stallion. She loved the feel of my cum shooting inside her. It gave her the most intense orgasms. We fucked for another couple of months without protection being she was already pregnant. We fucked until her baby bump was noticeable then she said as much as she loved the sex we had to stop. She never let me have her ass though. She said that was for her husband. But that was the end of us. I haven't seen her since."

I said, "Well, I don't think they'll let me write all your explicit sex for publication but I get the idea." I was barely holding it together. My worst case scenario was confirmed.

I was on the verge of breaking down. My heart broke in a million pieces as he droned on about his and Lauren's sexcapades.

I turned my phone recording off in my pocket and looked at him.

"Are you married, Todd?"

"Yes, sir. Fifteen years and two kids."


He said, "What?"

I said, "You have three kids including the one you left in Lauren's belly that night. I'm Jason Dixon, Lauren's husband of twenty-five years. The one you were cuckolding back then. I just found out that Anna, YOUR twenty-one year old daughter, is not mine."

"Oh, Shit! What do you want from me?"

I said, "Nothing, Todd. You took the only thing I loved in this world from me twenty plus years ago. As long as you do what I ask you to do, your wife and kids will never know you have another child unless you or Anna tell them. These are the divorce papers you will serve on Lauren at my house at two o'clock on June 6th. That is your daughter's 21st birthday and we are having a party. She deserves to know who her bio dad is. Whether you have a relationship or not is up to her. At that time, you will show up and serve the divorce papers on Lauren and meet your daughter. Anything you don't understand about what I said?"

"No, Sir, I understand. Mr. Dixon, but please. That was a long time ago. We both were young and horny. She loved to fuck. I'm sorry. It should have never happened. I beg you, don't do this."

I said, "Well, it did happen. By the way, she still loves to fuck. Maybe after the divorce, you two can hook up again. She's still as hot and beautiful as she was then."

I handed him the divorce paperwork and walked away.


June 6th, D-Day arrived. Lauren, Anna, Jack, Dana, and myself were present. The house was decorated nicely with the appropriate decorations for a twenty-one year old birthday party.

Dana said, "You're going to do something, aren't you? Oh, Dad. Not now. Please."

I said, "Baby, the wheels are in motion and will be coming off soon. This train wreck can't be stopped."

I walked over to Anna and said, "Anna, Sweetheart, I love you with everything that's in me. Never forget that. You are about to learn some information that is important to you. I hope you don't hate me but I felt you needed to know. Our family will never be the same afterwards."

Lauren said, "Jason, what's the matter? What are you talking about?"

Precisely at two o'clock, the doorbell rang.

I sadly said, "Lauren, that's for you."

She opened the door and there stood Todd Mathews, her lover of twenty plus years ago.

Lauren cried, "Oh My God! Todd? What are you doing here? NO! NO! You can't be here!"

"Hello, Lauren, I'm here at the request of your husband to serve you divorce papers and to meet my daughter."

Todd handed her the envelope and said, "Lauren Dixon, you've been served."

I said, "Hi, Mr. Mathews, please come in. I'm so glad you could make it to Anna's birthday party. I see my wife is so thrilled to see you that she has fainted."

Lauren fainted and dropped to the floor. Jack caught her before she could hurt herself. Her world had just exploded. Jack picked her up and laid her on the sofa. She awoke quickly and looked around.

She said, "No, this can't be happening. Jason, please don't do this."

Anna said, "Dad, I don't understand. Why does this man say he's my father?"

"It's simple, Anna. Your mother and Mr. Mathews had an ongoing affair while she was in Pharmacy school. Bottom line is you are the result of their affair. He impregnated your mother. Remember when we had the conversation about blood types? Well, it seems that your mother and I are both AB. Dana was correct. AB parents cannot have a type O child. DNA tests confirmed it. Mr. Mathews is your biological father. I don't know who else your mom was screwing back then but I am Dana's bio-dad.

Lauren was back with us crying, openly and loudly.

She said, "You were never suppose to know. I fell for Todd's bullshit hook, line and sinker. I'm so sorry, Jason. I've tried to make up for my betrayal all these years. I love you more now than the day we married. When I found out I was pregnant, I was so scared. I knew you weren't her bio father but you have raised her. She's yours in every way. You and I made her the person she is today.."

I said, "Lauren, you say you fell for Todd's line of bullshit. You must have gotten quite a bit on you while he was slinging it because you kept fucking him and bringing his semen home to me for over six months. Even after you knew you were pregnant, you kept fucking him. Really? Make it light on both of us, Lauren. Sign and let me move on. My heart is in a million pieces. Oh, and you are right about one thing. We made her the person she is today."

Anna looked at Todd, then me and broke down. I walked over to her, kissed her and Dana on the cheek.

"Girls, I love you both with all my heart. I always will. Your mother has some decisions to make. You both are adults but I will always be just a phone call away. Anna, I'm sorry I did it this way but you deserved to know. Take care of your mother. I'll be in touch. I left a recording of my initial conversation with Mr. Mathews on the kitchen table along with my ring. When you listen to it, you'll know why I have to go. My attorney's card is there also. Lauren, he will have all the information you need when you retain your attorney. Good Bye."