Dahlia - Birth of an A.I. Ch. 03


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I frowned, those were attributable dangers, if indirectly, that I hadn't considered with the new technology. But then, I didn't have a paranoid government mind. There weren't any dangers to the US that they didn't have already in relation to the technology, but I supposed that wasn't true across the world.

"Are those true dangers? Or just a loss of control some in the government don't like?"

Probably a little of both, but I couldn't hold back the words.

Gia smiled thinly, and I dropped it at that point.

I didn't want to piss her off, she could continue the conversation or not, as she preferred. I took a sip of coffee instead, and opened my email in a virtual window, and also an eighties rock station on satellite radio, at a very low volume only I could hear.

It was going to be a long day and working in my virtual windows would help me not stare at Gia too much. She really was attractive, but I did have some self-control, despite my ladies turning me into a sex addict that could get sex whenever I wanted. Hell, they were as much if not more insatiable than I was.

She asked, "There's really no way to turn the powerplants into weapons?"

I shook my head, "Not really. You could use one to power a weapon, but that's true of any power source. It can't even be modified to send out a gravity attack, unless whole circuits that are only included in the gravity devices were added. If a terrorist could do that, well then, they'd be able to make their own gravity device and wouldn't bother with modifying a powerplant. If that makes sense."

She nodded, "It does, make sense. It seems only the gravity devices are dangerous, and even at that there are current equivalents, for most of those dangers. I also agree if anything, the powerplants will reduce current dangers in the world. It's that most part, that is concerning on the other."

I noted, "They also open up a lot of new opportunities, not just for cleaning up our planet's pollution, but for exploring our solar system."

I was enjoying our conversation, and I was coming to like the woman despite myself. It was clear Gia was ordered there to find a reason to shut us down, but at least she seemed openminded herself.

The question was, would Gia put something in the report her boss could take to a judge, and use to get an injunction against the technology based on a threat to national security. I wasn't sure, but I hoped not. To me it was obviously worth the small risk, for all the benefits, but then I doubted my definition of a reasonable danger was the same as Uncle Sam's.

I wasn't worried about the rest of it at all, the SEC audit on our finances, or how the parent and subsidiaries were set up, or the audit on our networks. My ladies were far too smart, they were A.I.s, there was just no way they'd fucked up in any of that or had fallen short of the letter of the law.

The questionable stuff as far as the law went had been kept separate, and it wasn't connected to the company. Wherever they were manufacturing the spy nanites, and then collating all that visual and voice data against key words and situations, I knew it wasn't anywhere near our official buildings. I suspected it was in a third world country somewhere, probably underground where it would remain undetected by satellites. I hadn't actually asked.

All I knew for sure, was I felt sorry for whoever was behind this, if they even had a hint of corruption in their political or personal lives my ladies would eat them alive.

Regardless, Gia left with her data at the end of that day with no plans to come back. I'd imagined at the time, if I did see her again it would be in a court.

Chapter Six

Mia stretched like a cat, and she made the cutest sounds ever when she gave a yawn in stages. She was fucking adorable, truly.

I stared of course, and shamelessly enjoyed the view.

It was two days later, on a Saturday morning. We hadn't heard anything on the investigations either way, but I knew that kind of thing took time. Lia and Mia had been working themselves ragged, not just with the list of military contractors the government had sent us, but also other car, plane, and power manufacturers around the world, which meant long hours. Long enough that it'd seem petty to complain about my writing hand cramping up from all the signatures.

Yeah yeah, poor me, hand cramping, and all I had to show for it was another ten billion in minimum annual royalties. Yeah, I'd kill me too if I complained too loudly about that.

Point being, besides not having the opportunity to tell her that I loved her and start making a baby, we were alone in the bed because I'd let her sleep in. She'd needed it, deserved it, and It was just after nine.

That Saturday was Mia's day. We'd switched to a single full-day date a month for each of them, it was too much otherwise, which meant every Saturday was date day for me. That seemed to work out, I spent enough time with them daily as a family otherwise, and I also managed to steal an intimate moment to an hour or two with each of them every day. Regardless, not once the last six months had I been told by Mia or Lia any of them felt neglected, so it worked well as a system, for them and for myself.

"Hi, love, you are so beautiful," I breathed the words thoughtlessly.

Then of course, what I'd just said hit me like a ton of bricks.

Fuck, it'd just slipped out, I'd meant to save that for later, right before being intimate, or at a romantic moment when we were truly alone, not when we were both still half asleep. I'd just been so mesmerized by her stretch, the truth about how I felt about her had just slipped out in that endearment.

I was a fucking jackass, but there was no indication of that in her eyes.

She stopped breathing, and her eyes went wide as they filled with tears of joyous loving devotion, based on the rest of her face that was my guess.

I smirked, "Breathe, love."

She gasped in a breath, and I pulled her over to me for a kiss. She squeaked into my mouth, and then melted against me aggressively, like a cat in heat. Her lips were soft, loving, and when we broke it she looked into my eyes as if searching them.

"Hi, master. Good morning," she said a bit breathily.

"So, what're the big plans today."

She bit her lip, probably to prevent blurting out the truth on accident, or maybe I was just projecting after my stupid slip up.

"A surprise. You'll like it."

I just nodded, I knew I could order her to tell me, but I liked surprises on occasion and knew she was excited about today. I debated making love to her right then, and ordering her to kill the implant, since I'd spilled the love beans anyway, but we were both sticky and had bad breath from our fivesome last night.


She smirked, and then rubbed my nose cutely with hers, which was both adorable and sweet, and also new.

Then we took a quick shower and dressed. She pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a loose sweater shirt that hung past her sexy ass. Really, it should have been a crime, with her lithe dancer's body, and tight and toned legs, she was more than alluring in such a casual outfit. Add in the innocent beauty of her face, dark blue eyes, and golden blonde hair, it was a deadly combination that drove me crazy, often.

After grabbing breakfast with the others, we headed out for the day.

She drove, which felt wrong, but I suppressed that as I held her hand.

"Leaving Chicago?"

She just nodded absently, obviously determined not to let me figure it out as we headed south.

"Tough week?"

She said, "I've had worse, in the beginning with Fortress Security. We signed up thousands of clients, including multiple governments, in the three months before we figured out a way to draw you in. I expect it'll slow down by the end of next week. But, I did enjoy the sleep in, thanks for that."

Yeah, a seemingly impossible feat, until I considered the whole hacking challenge. The eyes of the world had literally been on their company, waiting for the word that someone had finally succeeded in penetrating those arrogant asshole's network, and then the shock when everyone had failed, including several foreign governments. I could see how they could sign so many so quickly.

As we approached and got on the turnoff that would lead to the huge state parks south of Chicago, I wondered for a moment if we were going hiking. But... I dismissed it immediately, my Emma was the one that loved the outdoors, and was into the risks of public sex. I just couldn't picture Mia acting like a sexual degenerate and slave to me in the middle of a forest. That kind of thing had to be done behind closed doors, with guaranteed privacy, most people didn't understand that aspect of BDSM, or why ladies like Mia would crave to be degraded and used. My Mia was a lady, she just had an extreme kink in the bedroom.

I suspected in her case it part of it was because she was so controlled out of the bedroom, a perfect lady, saleswoman, and spoke in that tone of warm authority. I hadn't asked her, it was just an assumption that she needed an outlet, a time when she was not in charge. I wasn't sure I understood the degradation part of it, but I didn't need to understand it to give her what she needed. Plus, it was kind of hot.

Yeah, Mia didn't like hiking. Except, we pulled into one of the parking lots for Kankakee State Park.

She smirked, "Confused?"

I just nodded.

She winked, "Hold on."

Then the car shot straight up, we were at maybe fifty feet.

"I thought we needed an airport."

She shrugged, "We do for the city, and even the suburbs, but rural areas have different rules. Small planes and helicopters take off from large estates, crop dusters from farms, all sorts of things."

That was true enough. She nodded toward the window, and I turned my head, then squinted my eyes.

"What the fuck is that?"

There was a large silver metallic object flying toward us, and as it got closer it just kept getting bigger.

She giggled, "We finished the ship, want to go to the moon?"

Holy fuck. Talk about a day-trip.

"Really?" I asked in a boyish tone, then cleared my throat embarrassed, and said in a manlier tone, "Yes, I'd like that."

She giggled, but otherwise didn't mock my manliness, or lack thereof.

The ship stopped and just hovered as it got close. It was fucking beautiful. It was how I imagined it would be, two thirds of a football field long, a long oval with a curving hull that was ten feet thinner and ten feet shorter in the bow than in the stern. It gleamed in the morning sunlight, as she circled the ship twice so I could gawk at it, and then the small landing bay door on the top of the stern opened up, and we flew inside.

The inside of the landing bay was basically just a small metal box, with a control panel on the side. I knew the control panels were just manual overrides in case of emergency, otherwise they were controlled through the operations bridge console, or even remotely through one of apps on my augmented reality overlay.

The large airlock door closed behind us as the car set down, and we got out. I'd known they'd been building the ship a while, ever since they licked AG a few weeks ago, but I hadn't known it'd be done so fast.

I took her hand absently as the inner airlock door opened, and we walked through into the central corridor. Really, that was the only corridor on the second or top level. The ship was only forty feet wide, which left the rooms on either side of it eighteen feet deep from the four-foot-wide corridor, minus the bulkheads.

She showed me the workout room, kitchen, bathroom, our quarters which had a huge custom bed in it, and the bridge. It looked a lot like the virtual one Lia had made, but outside of the metallic box the landing bay was, the rest of it was finished unlike the virtual ship. The walls were made out of some kind of polymer that was off white, and there were no sharp corners giving it a flowing look in all the rooms. The floors were tiles that felt soft under my feet, and my heart raced as we walked onto the bridge which had five chairs and four consoles.

With an impudent look at one of the loves of my life, I sat at the pilot console.

There were no windows of course, but there was a large ultra-HD screen that showed the outside front of the ship, and it could be used to show the other sides as well. The ship cameras could also be routed into an AR window, which would have to do. Windows might be cool, and even work in Earth orbit, but outside of Earth's electromagnetic field we needed the EM charged hull to keep us safe, a window wouldn't work, and would be a gap in that protective field.

The console already had the course set, the moon was too far just to wing it given the complications of orbital mechanics, so I just hit the button. I couldn't feel anything, just the artificial one gravity inside the ship, but the screen showed us tilt up at an angle, and then shoot towards space. I didn't, couldn't look away, until we exited the atmosphere several moments later.

"Hey, this has FTL right, we could go to Alpha Centauri?"

Alpha Centauri was the closest star to Earth, just over four light years away.

She smirked, "No, the moon today, the galaxy later. There're two reasons we can't. One, our FTL drive will let us travel about three hundred times the speed of light. That's twenty-nine hours for one light year, and that means five days there, ten days round trip."

"Two reasons?"

She sighed, "We're pretty sure a warp bubble will separate us enough from the universe to avoid time dilation, but we aren't positive even if it fits the data. We can't be until we actually do it. We think it's best to wait just in case we're wrong or we didn't take something into account. Plus, let the probes take the risk of being the first ones there. The probes will tell us if there's time dilation, and we can also get a look around before we go. Maybe Alpha Centauri is boring, let's wait for the probes so we know there's something to see."

I smirked, "Fine, all good points, and even just a ride around the moon is a cool thing. How long to get there?"

She smiled, "Seventy-two minutes at eight G of acceleration, including flip ship to slow us down."

I pondered that for a moment, that was seventy times faster than the Apollo missions, with constant acceleration.

"What's our maximum speed?"

She replied, "Twenty gravities. We'd get there in forty-six minutes, but I didn't want to push things for this first test flight."

"So... we have an hour to kill?"

She nodded, her eyes twinkling.

"You know, I've never been serviced by a nasty cum-slut, while in space."

She bit her lip, as her eyes immediately widened with lust. It was wild, the way her respiration picked up, and her voice was a little breathy when she finally spoke.

"Was that an order, master?"

I swiveled my chair sideways, and then undid my pants and pulled out my cock. Then I started to stroke it while I stared into her eyes.

"Does that idea turn you on? Being the first naughty slut pleasing her master, in space? The first woman used like a worthless cum dump outside the Harmon line?"

She was practically hyperventilating with lust, "Yes, master."

I ordered coldly, "Then strip for me, give me a show, and then crawl over here and beg. If I believe you, I might let you have the honor of sucking my cock. Cock sluts in space need to earn it, from their knees, where they belong."

Fuck, she started to tremble in a humiliated and vulnerable desire as she sensually removed her clothes with lithe and extremely flexible and limber movements, her eyes occasionally flickered up to mine pleadingly, but mostly she stared at my hard length as if mesmerized, with little naughty gasps slipping from her slightly parted lips. Her sweetly beautiful face looked so innocent, which made her willing and nasty submission so damned hot. It still blew me away after six months, every fucking time.

The proof she got off on it was her glistening and puffy pussy lips, she was fucking drenched for me as she went to her knees, and then crawled over to me. She didn't just crawl either, she swayed her whole body seductively with her ass wantonly stuck up as high as she could get it. Her beautifully firm, mostly rounded and slightly torpedoed B cups swayed slightly with the movements of her lithe dancer's body.

But it was the look in her eyes of dirty, needy, and begging desire, the way she stared at my cock with shameless and naked longing, and then up into my eyes with naughty hope as she sexily licked her lips, that made my cock twitch powerfully in my hand. I literally had to stop stroking it, or I'd have blown on the floor right there just from that look from my innocent Mia.

"Fuck, Mia, you are such a dirty slut," I said as degradingly and dismissively as possible. I'm not sure I really pulled it off, I was in awe of her in truth, but that would be ruining her game and kink. I won't say a part of me didn't enjoy it, if for no other reason than seeing her get off on it was pleasure for me too, but this kind of thing truly was for her.

She craved it.

She said in breathy desire, "For you, master, always a dirty slut for you," then she knelt with her hands behind her back, and her head bowed, just an inch away from my package. I could swear I felt her warm breath on me. A few hairs of her soft silken golden blonde hair did tease my thighs.

She said beggingly, "Please master, let your dirty slut please you. I need you in my mouth, I need your cum in me, or on me, please. Use me, master, I need to be used by you."

I scoffed, "Why should I let you?"

She looked up at me with those gorgeous dark blue eyes filled with lust, and begged, "Because I'm a good slut, and good sluts should be rewarded with lots of yummy cum. Please let me fuck my face on you, let me pleasure you with my slutty throat until you give me your sticky cum. I need your nasty man juice, please, master?"

"I suppose you have been good."

I opened my legs further, and then turned my head to look at the console. As if she wasn't even worth looking at, as she took my cock eagerly into her hot little mouth, and she bathed it in the euphoric pleasure of her lips, tongue, and hot tight throat.

Fuck. She'd gotten incredible at giving head the last six months, they all had actually. She'd been fantastic from the beginning, from practicing on a dildo so she could be good for me after we met, but after the last six months she knew every trick and mind-blowing technique that I personally loved. She could get me off in less than a minute with her mouth, or she could hold me on the edge of pleasure for thirty minutes before I set off in her mouth.

In other words, she'd moved far beyond just the amazing technical technique that she'd learned practicing on a piece of plastic, and into the realm of pure art as she wantonly fucked my cock with her hot mouth.

She was a goddess, and I had to pretend to ignore her for the game, treat her as if she wasn't one of the most incredibly precious loves of my life. The dirty talk portion of these trysts was almost easy in comparison to this part of it, and fun. But just then, with her wildly pleasuring my cock, I wanted to connect, to look into her eyes with love at the pleasure she engendered in my body and mind, but me ignoring her as unimportant was part of the game.

Well, either ignoring her, or berating her, or praising her as a good slut were my options. The latter two were even more difficult.

She wasn't my love in that moment, she was the insatiable cum-slut that had to serve me and take a load in the face, on her tits, or in her mouth, or in her ass if I so chose. That's what she wanted, to be used without regard for herself or her own pleasure, which got her off hard, so it was what I gave her. Still, it was the hardest part of things for me, during the act itself.
