Dahlia - Birth of an A.I. Ch. 06


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Sally blinked, and looked at the camera and started to report, "I'm here with the government of Cassiopeia on their one manned space ship, surrounded by several automated ones. It appears that a fleet was sent to Earth, there are sixty of them, and they're closing in..." she continued her diatribe, while we waited for the fleet to close.

The Earth ships were reminiscent of a stealth bomber, the same triangular shape. They were about five hundred yards wide, four hundred long, and at least twenty yards high, which I guessed to mean they had about three decks.

I was curious on if they'd just open fire, or if they'd try to talk first. I got the answer to that five minutes later.

Lia said, "We're being hailed."

I said, "Answer it."

A picture of the other bridge came on screen. Their bridge was large, rounded, and there were at least twenty people in there. The man in the center chair had a silver eagle on his collars. That was a captain's rank, perhaps the admiral was hiding under his desk? Or, maybe the captain was just in charge of this fleet. Or, with quantum tech the fleet admiral was probably back on Earth, leading from a command bunker safely under the ground.

Yeah, probably that last one.

"I am Captain James Aaronson. You have been found in breach of treaty, which is now void. You will stand down immediately. If you do stand down, you will not be harmed and will be brought back to Earth to face trial for your crimes. The A.I.s will be shut down. If you do not comply, we will be forced to open fire."

Bellona looked at me with a smirk on her face, and I had to suppress the desire to roll my eyes. Damned if she wasn't right, of course they'd said that. First rule of diplomacy, if you're going to cheat and steal, you need to lie and lie big.

I replied, "We have not abrogated the treaty, but your military presence here has, Captain. Do you have proof, or is that merely the line of bullshit your government handed you, so that they could go back on their world and steal our planet? Besides, you have no jurisdiction here, nor your laws."

The captain narrowed his eyes, "Proof is for the courts, will you comply. You will have the opportunity to defend yourself against the charges."

I held in a snort. Yeah, that would go well, not.

I shook my head, "Captain, it's been a year since we left, and you face the singularity. A.I.s that in the first two years of their existence managed to create AG power and gravity devices, a technology to monitor the world for crimes against humanity, healed every disease and condition known to man, created FTL, created quantum communications, and managed to secure networks and data from hackers for the first time in history. Do you think that maybe, just maybe, they haven't been idle and sucking on their thumbs for the last year?"

I sighed, "This is your warning Captain. Your governments are lying, if we had abrogated the treaty we would be on Earth dictating terms, not here building our own future. Leave now, or we will be forced to embarrass you."

His eyes narrowed, perhaps at my wording, then he seemed to notice the cameraman and Sally standing on our bridge.

"You were warned, if you don't surrender immediately, we will open fire."

I sighed, I hadn't really expected my speech to be effective, but I had to try.

"Not going to happen, captain."

He disconnected on his end.

I said, "Let them fire once, make sure you get good camera shots for Sally. Then shut them down."

Mia smirked, "That's what our other forty-eight ships are doing, plus on ours we can see it from head on."

The Earth fleet opened up on us. They all fired the lasers, and then launched nuclear tipped missiles. I have to admit, that last would've been damned effective a year ago, before my ladies had discovered the EMW, or Electro-Magnetic-Warp shields. The lasers were stopped cold, and the missiles blinded most of our sensors when they exploded, but I imagined the enemies were blinded as well.

When the flashes cleared, we were still there, staring at their fleet.

Our ships raced forward, and fired a bright white light, slightly tinged with blue, one of ours for one of theirs. I remembered being on the other side of that quantum scan beam, and it wasn't a good place to be.


Lia said, "All enemy weapons and propulsion are locked out. They were very secure, but like us, they're about to learn quantum technology doesn't care about linear hardware or software safeguards."

Our ships looked tiny in comparison, at a hundred feet long compared to their very large ships. They lowered themselves and almost landed on the top of the ship they were suppressing and controlling, then they extended a warped FTL subspace bubbled around the ships, and then took off.

Leaving just the command ship facing us, helpless.

We could have used the dimensional drive to send them back immediately, but I figured a fifteen-minute trip back to Sol while being held helplessly in the grip of our control, would be intimidating enough.

I really hoped it worked, because it was a one-time gambit to get Earth's governments to back off and respect the treaty. If those ships or more came back, we would be forced to just erase them from existence. Those ships would just be toast, if we fired our mass acceleration weapon, or the energy subspace beams, and even our eighteen-inch lasers would get them eventually.

Our shields were just too strong, for them to even touch us.

I smiled over at Emma, it was all her idea, to do to them what Asha had done to us. The quantum technology bypassed all the lockouts, security, and just directly interfaced with the hardware. A plan prompted by my reluctance to kill the human puppets of corrupt governments, but not evil men and women in and of themselves.

We were powerful enough, far enough ahead of them, to be gracious.

"Open a channel."

The viewscreen put up a picture of the bridge, as Lia remotely activated their side, and the Captain was in the middle of screaming at his people, demanding they regain control of the ship.

I cleared my throat, and his head snapped around to the viewscreen. I tried to be professional, and not smile, but I really couldn't help it. At least I didn't laugh at him.

"Captain. Understand this. We allowed you to fire once, just to show you that you can't hurt us, and in the hopes your governments will give up this heinous and unjustified attack. If you ever come back to Cassiopeia with a war fleet again, your ships will not be going back home. More than that, the men that sent them? They'll be dead too. They won't sit in their bunkers and offices and be able to hide from the consequences of their actions. Perhaps that will convince them not to send good men and women to their deaths.

"Make no mistake, this was an act of war against a sovereign world, one based on hypocrisy, fear, and lies. And in another year's time, we'll be even farther ahead of you. Make sure your leaders understand that. Have a nice trip home captain, you should make it there by dinner."

I nodded to Lia, and our final ship controlling theirs, surrounded both ships in the more powerful FTL field, and took off toward Earth. They should be back there in fifteen minutes, but by dinner just had a cooler ring to it, didn't it?

Yeah, I was a bit petty at times, but I was also fed up with Earth's governments, holding back their people and trying to destroy us when we just wanted to go our own way.

Sally asked, "You would really do that? Kill heads of state, I mean?"

I shrugged, "The president tried to kill us twice back on Earth, and we let it go. We even started this colony in the hopes to calm things down. We even gave up trillions of dollars in good faith. Still they come after us, not just the president, but other world leaders. Yes, if they send another fleet, it's a declaration of war against a sovereign world that simply wants to live in peace, one that just wants to make all the worlds better, and humans lives better, through our exports. In war, leaders die, it's just that simple.

"I don't want to do it, I want to live in peace, but we won't tolerate them acting like we're just a few of their citizens breaking the law. That isn't reality, at all, we're a sovereign world. We have a responsibility to defend the eight million people on the surface of the planet, and the over twelve million more that are coming in the next two years."

Sally nodded, "I have a lot of work to do."

Lia grinned, "You do, I'll send all the raw footage in the usual way, ready to go home?"

Sally replied, "Yes, I want to get this on the air quickly, before someone tries to suppress it."

We set course for the Earth, and then engaged FTL.

Sally added, "Oh, since we're not on American soil, and technically in another country where it's legal, can I get some of those nanites?"

Emma laughed, "It'd be my pleasure. Want to stay young and beautiful for the cameras?"

Sally grinned, "Show me someone who doesn't?"

Things went about how we suspected they would. The governments lied, covered their asses, and tried to make us out as the bad guys. Despite the fact we hadn't killed one human from Earth, or even harmed their ships, some people actually bought it. Others, pundits and citizens, saw through the bullshit, but at the same time the government was so bloated and corrupt there wasn't much they could about it.

At least, not until the next election.

On the good side, with their lives on the line, the world leaders had no plans to send another fleet to try again. At least, not anytime soon. All bullshit aside, they knew the A.I.s and myself had never broken our word, and they believed the threat I'd made against them. Sure, they still feared we'd break our word one day, and try to take over the world, but that was because that's what they would've done in our place.

People tended to see other people through their own eyes and ambitions. Especially when they were blinded by their own ambition.

Still, I also had hope that Emma's predictions would play out, and that one day the people of earth would prosper and grow alongside us. That was the hope, the dream, and what my ladies really wanted. But, it'd be a while, and the ride would be bumpy as we tried to work around the governments.

Oh, and Sally's ratings went through the roof, the footage she put together of the battle, along with the small human-interest stories and sound bites, made for a great story.

Chapter Fifteen

She sniffed deeply, her nose buried in my neck, and I couldn't help the smile on my face as she let out a contented sigh.

I loved that Asha still did that, my scent was an olfactory drug for her.

Asha giggled.

Her feminine scent was as equally alluring to me, and I pulled her a little tighter against me, which got her to drop another sigh of contentment from her pouty lips.

We were in the living room, sitting on the couch. She had her legs bent and was half sitting on them as she leaned into my side, with her head on my shoulder. She was stunningly beautiful, her face having that heady mixture of exotic eastern beauty, but also at the same time a breathtakingly innocent beauty. The combination evoked conflicted and powerful male instincts, I wanted to hold her close and protect her, while at the same time I wanted to ravish her.

Her body was built for sin, with double D breasts, a whisper thin waist, and sexy hips and a luscious supple ass. She was in shape, limber, supple, and toned, her legs were mouthwatering. She still looked eighteen, as did the rest of my ladies ever since she'd recreated their bodies, and as far as I went, I didn't look a day older than twenty-two, despite being twenty-four at that point.

The rest of my ladies were in the playroom, with our children, giving us some alone time. It was Asha Saturday, and my sexy alien goddess had my complete attention.

Of course, there had been something bothering me, more and more. Children. I'd thought often of the fact that me and Asha didn't have a child, like I had with the others. Unlike my other thoughts, she never responded to those particular thoughts and longings at all either, and I had no idea what she thought of the possibility.

My hand caressed her leg, and up onto her abdomen, I wanted to see it rounded.

She looked up at me dreamily and caressed my leg.

Fuck it, I wasn't a coward, and I had no idea why I'd never just straight out asked. I loved her just as much as the others, completely and deliriously. My Asha wasn't just a goddess of beauty and otherworldly sex, she was so much more than that. She still had that presence too. She had a three-dimensional presence of a complicated woman of course, but she still exuded that hope that made up the core of her being.

She was truly breathtaking, intoxicating, and one of the loves of my life, my existence.

"Would you want to? Have a child with me?"

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "I thought you'd never ask, I'd love to have your children."

My cock twitched at the loving and yearning look in her eyes, that had been echoed in her emotionally throbbing voice. But I was also confused.

I frowned, "Why didn't you say anything, surely you knew I wanted it. Fantasized about it, when we make love, giving you, us, a baby."

She asked gently, "Then why didn't you say it out loud? Like you did just now?"

She leaned up, and I was happy to meet her halfway. Fuck, her lips were so warm, supple, and silky soft as we kissed. She sighed into my mouth in a mixture of contentment and desire, and she deepened the kiss as she sensuously melted against me. Like there was nowhere else she'd rather be, like she belonged in my arms.

She smiled mysteriously when the kiss broke, "I do belong in your arms, with your hands on me, it's where I feel safe, at peace, and at home."

My heart melted at that, I was in awe of her, and the feelings she felt for me.

Her eyes twinkled, "Of course, the closer the better, our bodies connected, intimately, is where I truly belong. With your cock buried inside me."

Her words were half teasing, but there was no doubt in my mind she'd truly meant the words.

She nodded, "Answer the question. Can you? It's not like you to hold back, or be tentative, I love that about you, the way you possess me, call me yours. So why, my love, haven't you asked before now."

I shook my head, "Why don't you tell me?"

She grinned, and swung her left leg out and around, and straddled my legs. Her huge D cups danced and swayed in a mesmerizing fashion for a moment, and they were right in my face, but I managed to keep my eyes looking slightly up, into hers.

She giggled, "You can look, you can play, but only if you answer the question. You've been hiding it even from yourself, why did you ask, finally ask me, now."

Was it important?

She nodded, or at least she seemed to think it was.

I hated self-examination.

Asha giggled, and kissed me softly, "Tell me, my love. You may not be my true master, but you are the master of my heart."

I melted, as I stared up into those stunning light blue eyes, her beauty, the weight of her soft supple body in my lap, and the joyous smile on her face.

Why had I waited? I really thought about it.

I felt a chill, when I finally admitted the truth to myself.

"Because, you can leave me. The others can't. I think a part of me always feared you'd come to your senses one day and leave my shallow perverted ass. I... I don't know, I obviously didn't think it through, maybe I feared asking to start a family would trigger that somehow? Fuck if I know."

She giggled, "But I love that about you, my sweet loving and perverted Paul, one doesn't make the other untrue. Plus, it's kind of my fault you can't keep your hands off me."

I shook my head, "It is?"

She nodded, "Where do you think this body came from? The data your ladies had on you, I designed it to be seductive and distracting, your ultimate fantasy, both innocent and wicked, seductive and sweet, to ensure you accepted me, and let me visit you when I asked that first time. Not just the looks, but also my pheromones are tuned to be particularly effective on you. It's my fault you want to fuck me at the drop of a hat, and I'm happy when you do it. I was mostly clueless back then, about a lot of things, but that wasn't one of them."

I smirked, "Well, you are kind of perfect."

She grinned, and ground down on me, through our clothes, while she kissed me hard. She was a bit breathless when she broke it, and her bountiful breasts were heaving with those quick shallow breaths.

She said sultrily with conviction, "So are you, I've known you in total since the first time we met. I might look, and even act my physical age of eighteen, and like your breathless love slave, because I am both of those things, but I'm also an ancient creature, a creation that is hundreds of thousands of years old. I am not fickle my love, and I'll never leave you, I know you, and I belong to you for eternity. This body belongs to you."

She added in a firmer voice, "And, you belong to me, I'll never let you go."

Maybe that should have been disturbing, but all it did was make me so hard a cat couldn't scratch it.

I nodded, "You've said that before, but I guess I didn't really believe it until now, not in my gut. You're an amazing woman, inside and out, in many ways, both shallow and deep. I love you Asha."

She asked, "Shallow?"

I smirked, "Beautiful beyond belief, fucking incredible in bed, your body's built for sex, and you know how to use it. Plus, you're completely insatiable, at least as much as me, and never say no. Fuck, half the time you jump me. I love you."

She giggled, "Love you too, deep?"

"Don't you already know? You love me, are the sweetest and most gentle being I know, and you love and care for all of us in the family. You exude hope, make me feel steady, when you're nearby, and your heart shines brighter than a star. Lots of little things too, all the things you do, even just sitting here in my lap."

She grinned, "I do know, I've always known how you see me. I wanted you to know, to put it into words. Have faith in your sexy alien goddess, I'll always be here."

"So, baby?," I grinned, "Want to have an alien love child together?"

She laughed, "The implant is already off, carry me upstairs?"

I grabbed her luscious ass, and then launched us off the couch.

She giggled, as I ran for the stairs, her legs tightly wrapped around my waist and her arms tight around my neck. It was a bit silly, but it got my blood pumping, and the way her body was rubbing against mine as I moved up the stairs was pretty damned distracting.

Not to mention the heated look of love and desire in her eyes, she was completely lost in me, which drew me in and I got a little lost in her eyes as well.

I sat her down gently on the bed, and then undid her jeans. She was barefoot already, so I pulled them down her body, and peeled them off her legs.

She took care of her shirt, as I peeled mine off, and she stripped her bra off as I shucked my pants. Then we were both naked, and I just stared for a moment, and admired the view. She was already a little moist, the late morning sunlight glistening on her sex was proof of that, and she lewdly laid back and displayed herself for me with a naughty knowing smile. Her eyes told me, that she adored and appreciated every lovingly wicked thought that was going through my mind.

"So beautiful, exquisitely sexy."

She said breathily, "Shut up and fuck me, I want your baby, I've been longing for it. I've been waiting, for you to truly believe in us first, while your fantasies of my belly rounded with your child haunted my mind."

Fuck, her body was pure alluring sin, with a heart and soul that shone so brightly.