Damn Dress: A Love Story Ch. 06


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Brandon placed his hand underneath her body and began fingering her clit. She was already warm and slick. He had to get inside her instantly.

He placed his head of his dick at her soaking entrance and pushed. Sienna moaned. He felt so good. Always.

Brandon started to slowly fuck her at first. Savoring the feeling of her tight pussy wrapped around his dick. He loved the way she was always willing for him. Even their first time together, she was willing. Her hot sex seemed like it was made just for him. Belonged to him.

Sienna grabbed his sheets and bent her head down and screamed when he began to move faster and faster within her. Her mind couldn't think of anything else at this moment. Just this earth shattering feeling.

She began to push back against his dick and roll her hips.

"Fuck," she heard him whisper behind her. His hands were so warm and sturdy on her hips. Every stroke began to torture her.

"Uh--Brandon. Ooh, baby," was all her mouth could function to say. She felt her head get lighter and her eyes roll back. Damn, this man was going to have her speaking in tongues one day. She could feel herself vibrating and her body jerking from the force of her orgasm. Could you die of pleasure?

Once Sienna had come, Brandon pulled her up so that her back was tightly pressed against his chest. One of his hands was wrapped around her waist and the other was draped around her chest with his hand lightly caressing her neck.

He slowed his pace and begun to penetrate slowly and deeply. Sienna leaned her head back against him and closed her eyes. It was torture the way he made love to her.

"I love you, baby," he whispered into her ear, as he lightly bit and kissed her neck.

"I love you more," she gasped.

With those words, he couldn't hold it any longer. He stilled within her, bursting his essence into the condom. Both of them slumped to the bed, breathing hard and holding on to one another, wanting this moment to last.

Afterwards, as they laid in bed together, Sienna was lightly brushing her hands over his chest. He had one arm wrapped around her and the other behind his head.

"You want to know something creepy?" Sienna asked him with a smile.


"I know so much about you, it's scary. Lori had to hear all of this stuff for years, but I kinda feel like telling you now."

Brandon chuckled, and Sienna laughed as his chest gently bounced her up and down.

"Okay baby, tell me about myself."

"Okay. You asked for it. But don't think I'm weird. Your favorite color is green. Your favorite food is Chicken Marsala. Your favorite movie is Scarface followed closely by Saving Private Ryan. You don't like to talk a lot, and prefer to keep only a handful of people in your life. You love old school hip hop and know the lyrics to every single Naughty By Nature and Tribe Called Quest song that exist. But you also like to listen to old Alternative music every now and then." Sienna stopped for a second to let Brandon register all of that.

Then she continued, "You say 'Fuck' a lot. You smoke when you're upset. You like looking at the pictures in National Geograhic in your spare time. Darren is your best friend. You're allergic to mushrooms. Your middle name is Caleb. You have a scar on your left shoulder from when an older kid stabbed you when you were in 8th grade, and my dad was the coolest man you know."

She was afraid to look up at him, and since he hadn't said anything yet, she feared she had said too much.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have--" was all she got out before he slid her up his chest and kissed her hard. He couldn't help it. He felt he didn't deserve her.

Finally, Brandon released her and she could breathe again. She always got so lightheaded around him.

"That was so fucking scary and sexy all at the same time baby," he laughed.

Sienna laughed too. "Oh, I can tell you much more lover. But can you tell me something I might not know?"

Brandon thought for awhile. "Hmm...do you know what the tattoo on the back of my left shoulder stands for?"

Sienna smiled up at him. "It's warrior in Latin."

"Damn! Okay, here's a hard one. What was my favorite TV show as a boy?"

"Oh, crap, you stumped me on that one."

"The Hulk," Brandon said, remembering some of the few times he wasn't being punished, and was allowed to watch the show.

Sienna laughed out loud. "That's it!!"

"What?" Brandon asked, turning his attention back to her.

"That's who you remind me of! Except when you get mad, you don't turn green, you turn red," she choked out.

She jumped up from the bed and hunched her shoulders.

"I'm BT aka the Boston Terror, and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry!" she mimicked, with a perfect impersonation of Brandon's thick accent. "Aahh, I'll kill you!" she said as she flexed her tiny arms, reminiscent of the Hulk.

Brandon burst into a loud laugh. Sienna was cracking him up. He had to grab his stomach from laughing so hard.

"Boston Terror?" he said, when he finally could speak.

"Seems appropriate," she giggled.

He leaned up from the bed and jerked her back towards him. "Little bitch," he muttered, still chuckling from her performance.

Sienna fell on top of him and began showering him with kisses. Hulk or not, she loved him and figured she always would. That's just how it was for her.


Brandon and Darren sat beside each other completely engrossed in Madden Football. When no one was around, they played video games. Yes, they were embarrassed by it, but it was so fun.

"Damn, take that, bitch!" Darren yelled at the screen.

Both men sat clicking away at the controllers.

"Eat. Shit. Pussy." Brandon said as his running back blew past Darren's defense to score a touchdown.

"Shit. So.." Darren said, while keeping his eyes glued to the TV, "have you spoken to the Commander yet?"

Brandon pressed pause and leaned back against the couch. "No."

"Are you going to? I mean, isn't Sienna at her dad's place now?"

"Yeah. Fuck, I don't know what to do."

"Can I suggest something?" Darren asked.

Brandon rested his arm over his face and nodded.

"Why don't you go talk to him and tell him how you feel about her."

"That's easier said than done."

"I don't think it will be hard. How about this, 'Sir, I know I've been fucking your daughter in every way imaginable for the past couple of months, but I do love her, sir. And she loves me. And with your permission, I'd like to continue dating and fucking her. Thanks,'" Darren said, laughing hard at the end when Brandon punched him in the shoulder.

"Asshole," Brandon muttered.

"You know..." Darren stated thoughtfully when he finished laughing.


"Your life is like a fucking episode of As the World Turns or something."

"Fuck you," Brandon stated as he un-paused the game.

"I'm serious. I feel like I should get a shirt made that says, 'I hold BT back'," Darren laughed. "Because, shit, that's all I do. And I have the fucking bruises to prove it."

"Yeah, okay, well while you're making jokes, your ass is losing this game," Brandon said, scoring another touchdown.

Darren stared over at his friend. He chuckled to himself and shook his head. Would he ever change? Probably not, but Darren had to admit to himself, being Brandon's friend was never boring.


Sienna paused for a moment when she walked back into her house. She had only been gone for a little over a week, but it felt like months with all that had happened.

She looked around the large empty house and immediately felt guilty. Her father who had watched over and protected her, was all alone in this house. Sure, Chris was there, but it wasn't the same.

She remembered her father and Brandon's laughs coming from his study, no doubt due to some dirty joke Brandon had told her dad. Or how when her father was explaining something to him, Brandon would always give him his complete undivided attention, no matter if it was a serious game plan for a mission or perfect temperature for cooking a steak. Brandon was like a sponge when it came to her dad.

God, Sienna felt so guilty. Brandon would never admit it, but she knew this was hurting him. And her father wasn't the most emotional man, but she knew it was painful for him as well. She wished she could get them to sit down and talk. But right now, she had to suck it up, and talk to her father first.

The house seemed empty, but she knew her father was there. She had seen his car in the driveway.

She walked through the kitchen and looked out onto the deck. Her father was sitting in a lawn chair reading a book. He was always reading. Her earliest memories were of her father leaning over his large desk, eyes plastered to a thick book, making notes in the margin with a pencil. She would interrupt him, dragging in her elementary school books for him to read to her. He would pick her up and read a few pages and make silly voices to accompany the book.

Sienna would giggle and clap her hands and want him to read more. She and her father never really talked much, but she knew he was always there in her corner. She started thinking about her mother also. She really didn't know much about her. Sienna had been so young when she left.

She remembered her father and mother arguing all the time. It was just bits and pieces of memory that she glued together over the years to make sense of their relationship. Only thing she knew was that she looked a lot like her mom, which she was sure pained her father even more.

Sienna walked out into the backyard.

"Hi daddy," she quietly said, as she approached him.

Jackson looked up from his book and smiled. He was happy to see her.

"Hey darling, how have you been?" he asked, while standing to hug her.

She hugged him back. She had missed his hugs. "I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm alright."

The both of them sat down, and stared out into the backyard. The same beautiful backyard Brandon helped create one summer.


"Yes, baby?" Jackson said, while deep in thought.

"I, I just wanted to tell you I'm so sorry about everything that has happened. I'm sorry I blamed you, and I'm sorry that I caused all of this," she said, as she begun to tear up.

The Commander reached over and embraced his daughter. "Sienna, I'm sorry all of this happened too. Are you okay?"

Sienna nodded her head into her father's chest. "Yes, I'm okay. I just want to make sure you are," she said in a small voice.

"I can't lie Sienna. I don't like the two of you together. It's just so hard for me to wrap my head around it."

"I know daddy, but I'm 18 now, and he loves me. He's so wonderful."

The Commander was quiet for a moment. His daughter really did look so happy. But he wasn't convinced just yet. He didn't want to upset her, but he had to get it off his chest.

"He's wonderful, huh? Sienna, in two short months, Brandon has managed to steal you right from under me, get arrested for disturbing the peace, bust our door down, break an SP Officer's car window, steal you from the dance--a dance that he had brought another woman to, get caught up in some sick scheme with Terry about rape, and have the cops called again for threatening to kill someone."

"The rape thing was not his fault," Sienna interjected.

"Even still, that's a lot for me to take in, and you have to understand he has you. My only child. My daughter who is barely legal, living with him now," Jackson stated, getting upset.

"Daddy, I chose to live with him! And I don't understand you," she said, getting emotional again. "Since you met him all those years ago, all I ever heard was 'Brandon this, and Brandon that' from you. You made him seem like the son you never had. You trusted him and made me think he was the most special person. And I believed you."

Jackson looked away from his daughter. He knew she was right about that.

"And you may not want to hear this, but Brandon never came on to me. It was always me wanting him. Trying to seduce him, and--"

"You're right, I don't want to hear this, so let's just drop it," Jackson said, interrupting her. He stood and walked toward the house. He opened the door, and waited for her to follow.

Sienna slowly got up and followed her father into the house. She knew she hadn't changed his mind, but maybe in time, he and Brandon could be in the same room without hating each other.


When Sienna got home, she noticed that Darren's car was still there. She walked in and instantly knew something was wrong. Darren was on his cell phone saying, "Yes sir," while Brandon listened closely.

When Darren snapped the phone shut, he turned to Brandon.

"Hell, I should just stay here and then we can swing by my place to get my stuff. That cool?"

Sienna stood looking between the two men waiting for someone to clue her in. She walked over to Brandon, stood on her tip toes and put her arms around his neck and kissed him. When she released his lips, he smiled down at her, but then quickly looked over her head at Darren.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"That was your dad," Brandon stated plainly.

For a moment Sienna's hopes went up. Finally, they can talk and resolve this battle between them.

"We have a mission and have to leave in three hours," he said, looking back down at her.

Her heart dropped right there. "What?!" Her emotions couldn't deal with this right now. Could they ever just have a moment where something wasn't pulling them apart? One fucking moment.

He grabbed her around the waist and kissed her forehead. "I don't think I'll be gone for long. A week, maybe less," he said, trying to comfort her.

"But why do you have to go?!" Sienna pouted against his chest.

"Our team was asked, baby."

"Where are you going?"

"Sienna, you know I can't tell you that," Brandon whispered, kissing her lips again.

Sienna felt sick. She had been so caught up in their relationship over the past few months, that she had completely forgot that at any moments notice he could leave her without any explanation. God, that scared her so much.

Brandon could see the worry in her eyes. She had always hated when her father and he left for missions, but now it was different. Usually, before he'd be bored as hell, praying they would get called for duty, but now...with her in his life, he really didn't want to go. But the Commander had specifically asked for his team.

Sienna didn't know what the hell was happening, but her hormones kicked into overdrive. She grabbed Brandon around the neck again and started attacking his mouth. She licked the roof of his mouth, and swirled her tongue over his teeth and tongue trying to burn into her memory how his mouth felt. At times, she could hear their teeth clicking against each other.

Brandon reached down and squeezed her ass. Sienna lightly moaned and kissed him harder.

"Okaaayy," a voice said, interrupting them.

Brandon pulled his face away from Sienna's, only to have her lower her sweet kisses to his chest.

"Fuck, sorry man, can you just give me 15--no, 30 minutes, I'll be packed and ready to go," he said to Darren, through heavy breaths, while Sienna continued to lovingly assualt his body.

"But we probably need to get there early to find out who's taking Terry's place," Darren reminded him.

Sienna let go of Brandon's body, and proceeded to pull him toward the bedroom by the back of his jeans. He grabbed the hallway frame on both sides to avoid her pulling him any further, so he could finish his conversation with Darren.

"Yeah, I guess we'll have to talk to him about the replacement. Actually, you'll have to talk to him," he said in between tugs and grunts from Sienna behind him.

"Alright, alright, go before she rips your pants off and shows me way too much of you," Darren muttered as he walked back to the couch and turned the video game back on.

As soon as Brandon let go of the frame and turned around, his emerald eyes pierced through Sienna. "Bossy little bitch," Brandon whispered as he bent down and quickly slung her over his shoulder and smacked her ass.

Inside his bedroom, he slammed the door shut and lightly tossed her on to the bed. Sienna was already so wet and turned on, she knew she had to have him right then. She quickly tossed off her clothes and stared at him hungrily.

She crawled on her hands and knees to the edge of the bed and started to unbutton his jeans and slide them down along with his underwear. There it was, in all its glory. What she had been wanting.

She lightly carressed his hard dick in her right hand and started to massage it. Brandon leaned his head back. Everything about her always felt so fucking good.

After a few more strokes, Sienna wanted him in her mouth. She playfully licked and swirled her tongue around the head, flicking her tongue at the V shaped area under the tip.

Brandon jerked, "Oh fuck."

Sienna was glad he liked that little move. She had learned it from Cosmo. She put her mouth completely over the head and began bobbing up and down, her saliva coating his head. She heard Brandon moan and felt his hands tightly grip her hair.

Sienna started to suck harder and began teasing his balls with her hands. Massaging both of them while placing her mouth further down his shaft, much to Brandon's encouragement.

Little sparks were going off in Brandon's head. Both heads. If he could bottle this feeling and sell it, he'd be a fucking billionaire. Goddamn, her mouth felt so good. Hot, wet and tight. He could feel his balls start to swell, but he didn't want it to end like this.

He gently pushed her face away from his cock and he chuckled as she made a pouting face.

"Slide back to the middle of the bed and open your legs," he said to her, while removing his shirt.

Sienna quickly obeyed, anxiously awaiting his next move.

Like a predator stalking his prey, Brandon narrowed his eyes on her and slowly crawled up the bed. He began kissing and licking her legs as his tongue traveled North. When he reached the apex of her smooth legs he licked her slit.

Sienna shivered. His tongue felt so good.

"Can I give you a french kiss?" he asked her, his eyes penetrating hers, as his tongue would soon be doing below.

"Yes," Sienna gasped.

Brandon proceeded to give Sienna a deep, hard, long french kiss, as his tongue invaded her sex. She reached out and grabbed the sheets beside her. She wished she could find the fucking pillow so she could bite into it. She knew Darren was out there, but in a minute, she was going to start screaming.

Brandon loved the taste of her. He continued to lick and kiss her 'other lips' while she thrashed and moaned. But then he felt her legs clamp around his neck as she began to come. Brandon continued to taste her until she couldn't take anymore and started pushing him away.

"Please, I can't--," she breathlessly uttered, as she tried to close her legs.

"Not so fast, baby," Brandon said, as he leaned over her and pushed her legs back open.

Sienna couldn't think at this moment. Her eyes could barely focus. She felt his weight shift and hover above her. She could feel his hard cock waiting at her entrance. She felt him lean down to kiss her, but she could barely kiss back.

"Open your eyes," he whispered to her. When she did, he slowly and fluidly plunged all the way inside her tight pussy, while his stare pinned her eyes. She tried to hold his gaze as long as she could, but the feeling was so intense, she closed her eyes from pleasure.

"Does it feel good, Sienna?" Brandon asked while stroking deeper into her eager pussy.

"Mmm," was all Sienna could think of to say.

"Tell me how it feels," Brandon commanded, while one of his hands yanked her hair.

"Ohh, damn. It feels so good baby. I can't--uh, I can't think."

Sienna loved this position. She knew many people thought that missionary was boring, but with someone you are insanely in love with, feeling their weight on top of you, and being able to look them in the face while they made love to you...there was nothing more sexual or romantic than that.