Dangerous at Night Pt. 02

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Sarah Becomes an Agent.
8.8k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/25/2023
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Chapter Five - Sarah Gets Advice About Her Future

There were eighteen men and women in Sarah's training class, of whom six were women. For months, they had spent weekdays in class in the East End, and weekends at the house in Devon. The pressure for performance was intense, and caused several dropouts. Sarah summoned reserves of emotional strength from her days as a small, bullied schoolgirl and toughed it out. In addition to the ordinary stress of such hard work, they were required to keep absolutely quiet about every aspect of the training.

After a particularly hard spell, she got to cry on Alan's shoulder after an hour of his working on her sore body. "You are going to throw me out because I am too beat up for sex."

He kissed and licked the back of her neck and grumbled, "I'm not throwing you anywhere, except into the drawing room carpet after chasing you naked around the house!"

She had a sudden change of heart and dashed that instant to the drawing room, falling to the deep Persian carpet with legs spread and a beckoning finger.

He roared and pounced, using his best daddy bear attack. When they first were lovers, he worried about the size discrepancy, but discovered all over body strength that few women had. As for his big cock, she praised it frequently, whispering lustily that she deserved a good seeing to. That evening, on the Persian carpet, she howled for more, letting all her pent up frustrations loose at once.

Alan, seeing his beloved in wildcat mode, returned her aggression, roaring and promising terrible attacks on every orifice. His climax was enormous, fountaining in and on her. Gasping for breath, she wailed, "The carpet! Get us a towel, please. Your mother will never forgive me."

He brought her a towel and rolled her into his arms. "Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, because I just got the best stress relief sex of my life, but in the latest report to cross my desk, you are at the top in almost every category. Not for the first time, either. How did I hook up with someone who is so talented and so motivated?"

She liked the way they fit together when she was on top. It didn't matter whether he was in her or not. She giggled and snuggled close.

He mumbled, "Not another giggle? I thought you swore off?"

She blew in his ear and giggled again. "Take me to your bed, we need to talk."

With a detour through the shower, they were quickly in each other's arms again.

"My graduation is just a couple of weeks away. What happens then? The proctor for our class is as silent as can be."

"There is method in their madness, tiger. You've noticed there are only scraps of paper confirming your acceptance into the program. And no employment information. And strictly cash payments for your living and honorarium expenses.

"This accomplishes two things. First, it gives you and the ministry deniability if you should wash out for any reason. The outside world will know only that you took an extended leave for self enhancement at some undisclosed location.

"Second, it keeps a wall between this recruitment program and our regular hiring of college graduates. When you finish, there will be a day or two when you sit with a panel of senior agents and go through the process of matching your talents to the current needs of the service. The covert service, that is.

"We haven't talked about this, but very few people are allowed to know the extent of this program for which I recruit. Reggie knows, because he has been a high level consultant to and confidant of HMG for years. But Carolyn doesn't, which is why I was careful to ask that you provide her as little information about your recent activities as possible."

"She thinks I am training for service as a diplomatic bodyguard for women."

He leaned for a kiss and pinched her prominent nipple. "What if you happen to be assigned to a diplomat who is also an agent, and also lesbian?"

She kissed back, her tongue exploring his mouth. "You'll never know, since I am sworn to secrecy under the Official Secrets Act!"

He was hard again, and she wanted more. Quickly sitting on him, she said, "Since you are receiving benefits this very moment, I want a promise that you will promote my candidacy for the best possible appointment in the service!"

He groaned and closed his eyes. She bounced and clenched and drove him mad, until another fountain erupted and she climaxed, closing her own eyes. They each had a silent thought that the other was an amazing, wonderful lover and person, but said nothing and fell together in a deep sleep.

Over a quick coffee in the morning, he said, "I guess you meant that business about my sorting a good assignment?"

"I do, but know it may be painful for both of us. It could be a long way away from London, couldn't it?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so," and they went out the door in a hurry to work.

Too soon, Sarah thought, as she arrived with the rest of the class at their last week of training. Most of it, they found out, was a series of graduation tests. The instructor was quick to tell them that no one failed these tests. "You are all going to be offered positions with the Security Service. The purpose of the tests is to establish a baseline, at the end of this phase of training, of your capabilities. Think of it as measuring your strengths across a wide spectrum of activities. When you sit down with the billeting people, the profile of results will be right before you and enable a better match."

The conclusion of the tests was on a Wednesday, after which they had a free day. A discreet little card they were handed at the last class invited them to attend a graduation ceremony at Thames House, the Security Service headquarters on the south bank. There were directions, with a notice that security was tight and please leave cell phones behind, and a further note to please arrive promptly at ten am. Attire was to be coat and tie for men, and cocktail style dresses for women.

As it happened, Alan was away for several days in Scotland, so Sarah decided to keep company with Sir Reginald and Carolyn, who fortunately were at home. When Reggie discovered Sarah had made it to graduation in her usual fine style, he was overjoyed, and insisted on a Thursday private lunch.

"I would love to take you to my club, Sarah, but today we will talk of private things and so I propose an al fresco lunch in the park near LSE?"

Walking from his office, a basket under his arm, they held hands and smiled at each other. "You've done it again, Sarah. Alan tells me your instructors are impressed that such a small package has accomplished such great results in the training program."

She gave him her best stare, and said, "It's all your fault, Sir Reginald. Without that dinner, I never would have known about this opportunity!"

He squeezed her shoulder, "And I'm damn glad I mentioned it to you. And glad to have pointed you in Alan's direction. He tells me you have rejected all his offers of marriage, saying agents do not marry and female agents do not find themselves pregnant!"

Soberly, she said, "That is true, although I am pained to say it. There is a part of me that keeps insisting I am fated for more than housewife's duty. I feel rotten about poor Alan."

Reggie laughed, "Poor Alan my foot! He's got the sexiest, smartest woman in creation in his bed most nights, and without entanglements!"

She squeezed his hand and reached into the basket for two sandwiches, handing one to him. With her mouth full, she smiled and asked, "I am permitted to suggest that Distinguished Professor of Economics, Sir Reginald Anthony, in his imperial wisdom, opined that a bright young man with good prospects and a hot thing in his bed should welcome the notion of no entanglements?"

Reggie completely broke up. "Sarah! You are too too much. No, you may NOT say any such thing to Alan. My god, he wouldn't speak to me for weeks!"

She leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Reggie, I owe you so much. You took in a confused girl of fourteen and made me into what I am today, an almost secret agent. I hope you have more good advice, because in a week or so, I must sit with the billeting officers and decide on a first assignment."

Reggie finished his sandwich, took a drink of juice and settled back on the bench in unusual warm sunshine. "Sarah, things are about to get much more complicated. One reason Alan does his special recruiting job is that a successful agent must be able to juggle multiple plans and personalities and keep them all straight. Failure can easily be life threatening. Covert agents are seldom treated kindly by their opponents. Alan has to scrutinize his prospects for those special qualities."

Sarah spoke in response, "Reggie, I realized several years ago, after the Regency Scholarship business, that I should not be modest about my talents. The point is, I said to myself, to develop those talents. To stretch your capacities."

She was silent a moment, but continued, "UCL and the last year have stretched me. I am ready to put myself to good use, so to speak. Do you have advice for an aspiring agent person?" She squeezed the hand she held.

"Sarah," he said softly, "you are easily in the top five or ten percent of your peers in almost anything you want to do. You can undoubtedly reach the top one percent if you apply yourself. So the real question, when you go to the interviews next week, is to ask yourself, looking at the options you are presented, which ones attract me, which ones will draw out my competitive juices to reach for one percent performance."

He continued, "There is a competitive angle here, you know. Many individuals in your position decide they want it all. Perhaps a bit of megalomania. A fascination with power and a hot desire to possess it."

He paused and went on, "Can lead one badly astray if not checked in time."

Sarah interrupted, "But I don't feel that way. There is a streak of altruism in me. A dumb streak perhaps. How can I stretch myself in the Security Service and accomplish something good at the same time?"

Reggie took a long sip of juice and pondered her question. "That is a difficult question. I hope you will keep bringing it back to me as your career progresses. In the meantime, look for an assignment that will allow you to achieve tangible results. Agents get a formal review once a year, and informal reviews more often. When choice assignments are made, your agent resume is scrutinized closely. They aren't looking for evidence of ego, they are looking for accomplishments that aided a mission or benefitted the government in a substantial way."

Their eyes gazed at each other, still holding hands. "Is that enough advice for today?"

Chapter Six - The First Assignment

With a week off to decompress, which she and Carolyn spent hiking from the Harrogate lodge, Sarah sat nervously in the anteroom of an anonymous office in Thames House. She had spent two hours that morning receiving her formal appointment papers and an official ID that gained her entrance to the Headquarters Building.

Reggie had cautioned her, one evening, that "nothing is as it seems," in covert operations. She was rapidly discovering this to be true, since the meagre information on office suite placards was not at all what was going on inside.

She was first after lunch, with others waiting. Alan had teased her last evening, after happy, ferocious sex, "How would you like to learn Arabic and let your gorgeous head of hair grow out?"

He wouldn't say more, even though she beat on him as hard as she could. His mighty cock sprouted up beneath her and they had more loud sex.

She lay on him, wilted and out of breath. "You will suffer if this turns out badly," she whispered as sleep took her.

The officer heading the panel, who had gray in his hair and an impressive mustache, welcomed her. "Sarah, we are pleased to make your acquaintance. Do you happen to know what this means?"

He showed her a printout of her resume, to which had been affixed, in the upper right corner, a small blue star.

"No sir, I don't."

Everyone across the table smiled. "It tells us you were at the top of your training class. Congratulations."

"That's very kind of you, sir. The class was difficult and I struggled many days. Does this mean we don't need to discuss my test profile?"

"Indeed. Not only are you high on all the tests, but you excelled before coming to us. Your scholarship is impressive."

"Thank you for the compliments. I hope that you will offer me an assignment with challenges."

"We have an idea to share with you, but first allow me to describe some options."

He looked at his colleagues and continued, "We don't have a formal tracking system, but usually people sort themselves by interest and inclination. Some opt for analyst positions and use special language skills. Some dive into engineering work, providing tools to the field agents. And some want the hardest work, taking everything into strange locations to carry out missions."

She didn't hesitate, "I would prefer a field position, if possible. Perhaps you could pair me with an experienced team to learn the ropes."

She found herself across the table from three smiles. "We suspected as much, Sarah, but needed to be sure."

He paused to let the suspense in the room build. "It so happens that we have a requirement for an individual to join two others headed for Lebanon. There is skill needed, and some danger involved. Not the sort of thing we ordinarily would assign to a new graduate. But inquiries of your instructors and of Sir Reginald have indicated we should offer the opportunity."

Her eyes sparkled, knowing that Alan had been involved as well. She had no idea how he was keeping their relationship a secret. Or maybe he wasn't? Discreetly, of course. He would need a reward this evening, wouldn't he?

"Sir, I am honored and pleased to accept. When will my familiarization begin?"

Since there were others waiting, the head of the panel gave her a number to call and said she might begin today, if she wished. Sarah felt several inches off the ground as she left the room.

Nodding at the other new officers in the anteroom, she continued into the corridor before belatedly realizing that the phone number in her hand was Alan's work number!

He answered on the second ring. "You rat," she accused. "This was a terrible set up!"

She could hear him laughing hard at the other end. His soft voice said, "I knew you would be pleased, Mouse. We can't talk about it over the phone, but let's have dinner together at my place."

"I hate you, but perhaps the menu should include Scottish salmon, vegetable souffle, and an elegant dessert?"

"You are truly the love of my life. I will bring a special wine, and should be able to get there by eight."

"Fine. Dinner will be served promptly at eight-thirty. Do not embarrass the chef with tardiness."

Her mind awhirl, Sarah scurried around gathering dinner ingredients and making her way to Alan's apartment, to which she had long since gained a key. When he arrived, shortly after seven-thirty, she had been through the shower and was wearing naught but a large apron tied around her waist, leaving a lot of skin showing. The salmon was ready to go in the oven, but he protested.

"Your boyfriend needs a cleanup. Will you join me? Even though I can tell you have already been in the shower?"

She smiled and allowed him to divest the apron and carry her to the bathroom. Arms around his neck, her kisses were incendiary. By the time he set her down, there was a prong poking her belly.

"Anxious, are we? You must wait, as punishment for messing with my assignment."

He growled and hissed, "I'm having you woman, ready or not!"

Letting her go without an attack, he stepped into the shower, "This apartment is checked frequently, but we must be careful what we say this evening."

Nodding her head, she sat naked on the vanity, legs askew, and stared through the curtain. He couldn't take it and pulled back the curtain for a view.

"Any normal male would rush you in an instant." She flipped a boob at him and grinned, knowing this would incite him further. With a roar, and not bothering to use a towel, he ran with her to the bed, making loud male noises. She sat on top, pounding his chest and raining kisses down. Sliding back, she grabbed his hard shaft and cooed, "Not yet, darling."

The dinner was fabulous. He felt seduced all over again. It was going to be hard, watching her leave on a dangerous foreign assignment.

The dishes went in the sink and they headed to the sofa for chocolate layer cake dessert. Sarah felt rewards for her man were necessary and sat down on the big, hard cock. He fed her bites of cake and small teasing thrusts. She chased his tongue with hers and squeezed now and then.

He said, "Your team leader is Geoff Thomaston. We worked together when I was a field officer and he is very good. The mission involves activities of Hezbollah and does not have an urgent timeline. Usually, this would be an MI6 job, but there is a sensitive reason why we are handling it."

Sitting on him with her slippery passage being entertained was an unusual way to discuss a mission, she thought, but was not about to leave his lap. In fact, in one minute or less, she was going to come and scream...

She leaned into a kiss and froze in place, everything going wild at once. "Oh, Alan!"

He walked them, tightly coupled, to his bed, where more thrusting sent him quickly to his own release in a loud explosion. "Sarah!"

After they caught their breath, to his incredible surprise, she whispered, "I might need to marry you."

But there was more. "You worked field missions out of your blood in four or five years. How long do I get before we marry and you impregnate me?"

He was in such shock that there was no immediate answer. He pulled up the sheet and tucked her head into the crook of his shoulder.

After several minutes of allowing twitching and shudders to die out, she wrapped fingers around his big slimy tool and asked, "Well?"

His own fingers explored down her spine, loving the feel of her tough, curvy bottom at the end of it.

"Is this a formal negotiation? Will there be a written protocol?"

He was joking but there was hint of worry in his quiet voice. An agent's life could be so easily forfeit to an opponent's bullet. But she had finally given him an honest response to his repeated requests to marry. This diminutive woman, now a trained agent, was showing both her strength of character and her capacity for loving him.

She spoke slowly, "What there will be, lover, is me coming back from a mission and finding this." She squeezed him as hard as she could, "Yes, coming back to my strong, solid sexy man, who looks after his woman so well."

He responded, "We are tough enough to hold the threat of your not coming back at bay?"

She wiped her hand on his stomach with a small giggle. "This afternoon, with a first assignment in my pocket, I realized that nothing is forever, and our love might survive a few years of field duty. Do you think that could happen?"

He pulled her tight and kissed her neck. "I do, but we are both crazy with wine and lust. Let's see if commitment is still there in the morning."

Sarah smiled as her eyes closed, thinking wine and lust was a good combination.

In the morning, she was barely awake and feeling dim witted from all of yesterday's drama when Alan walked in with the phone. "It's Reggie."

"Sarah! I haven't been this excited in an age. A wonderful assignment and a terrific team leader in Geoff Thomaston. We must get together as soon as you have more details. I will secure permission to discuss them with you. I am owed a favor here and there, you know."

She tried her best agent voice, "Sir, I am so happy. But scared at the same time. You will instruct me as you always do?"