Demon Bitch

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Her dead mother hates men so much it turns her into a demon.
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I just finished my shift at the feed mill and was glad that it was over. This place can get to you after awhile but it pays the bills. I walked over to my Ford F150 POS (piece of shit) and headed for the Flying Pink Pig for a beer. There is a waitress over there I've been trying to tag for about 2 months now. She sure is friendly enough, but just won't go out on a date with any of the guys that try. Phyllis is about 25 years old, brown hair brown eyes, slender with about C cup breasts and a tight little ass, you know, just the girl next door.

Entering the darkened room I saw a couple of my friends sitting at the bar and Phyllis waiting tables. Walking up I made my usual greetings and sat down on the stool close to the end. Phyllis came over and handed me my usual draft and smiled at me. My God she has a wonderful smile.

After a few minutes of pleasant conversation I noticed a happiness in her that wasn't there weeks ago when I started my attempts to get her go out on a date with me. I have been noticing glances from Phyllis every now and then with an innocent low key smile that a girl usually has when she starts liking a guy's attention.

One more try wouldn't hurt so I asked her out again for dinner and a movie. The smile she was sporting slowly faded, her eyes showed a twinge of sadness and she said she could not go on a date with me. I really thought I had finally broken through that wall she put up to keep from getting hit on by every guy in town, but something just didn't feel right about her turning me down, not this time.

I could not hide my disappointment from Phyllis and she noticed it. Her apologies were quick and heart felt, but I could still feel she was hiding something from me. I explained to her that I wasn't after anything more than she was willing to give and I promised to be on my best behavior if she went out for dinner and a movie. I expected nothing else from her except for her to enjoy the evening out.

"Just go out on a date with me and if you don't enjoy yourself, I won't ask you again with no hard feelings, I promise," I said. I could see the hesitation on her face, but she said OK. There was no way the smile was leaving my face for rest of the night. We set up a date for next Friday night, but she wouldn't let me pick her up at her house. She insisted that I meet her here at the bar and leave from there.

We agreed that I get to pick the restaurant and she got to pick the movie. I wasn't going to blow this opportunity with Phyllis. I decided to pick the best Italian restaurant in town. It may cost me a little more than I wanted to spend for a first date, but with maybe one chance to make a great impression on her, it would be worth it.

The work week at the feed mill was killing me slowly as I couldn't wait for my date with Phyllis Friday night. After work, I rushed home and got showered. As I looked in mirror right before I left for the Pink Pig, all I could say was, "it ain't gonna get any better." I'm not catholic, but I crossed myself and headed out the door.

Phyllis and I made plans to meet around 7 o'clock and I got there a little early. 7:00 pm came and Phyllis was a no show. I was beginning to wonder if I was being stood up, but about 15 minutes later she walked into the bar looking nervous. She was dressed for the hot summer evening with a bright colored dress that was just snug enough to show her figure, but not enough to make you think she was slutty. When she caught my eye I noticed an apprehensive smile beginning to show. As I walked over to her her smile lost all apprehension and showed a true gladness I was there.

"You look wonderful Phyllis. Your a little late and I was worried you were going to be a no show," I said.

"I'm sorry John, but it is a girls prerogative to be fashionably late," she replied smiling.

"I really am glad you came. We have plenty of time to eat and make it to the movies."

I kept my restaurant pick a secret so I was coy as to our destination. She was genuinely surprised when we drove into the parking lot of the best Italian place in town. I was a little worried appearances about driving my old pick up to such a nice place, but I was saving my money and why should I spend it on a car when you have a perfectly good POS to drive around in.

"I always wanted to eat here John. I hope the food is as good as I hear it is!"

"I was hoping you liked Italian and I too heard the food was good." Store in memory banks...she likes Italian!

Our conversation during dinner was far more relaxed and fun than I thought it would be. Getting to know Phyllis was a treat and she really did seem to be a down to earth individual grounded to what was important in life. But I could sense a sadness in her. A sadness that was hidden deep down. I didn't want to say anything about it because why ruin the night over something I knew nothing about, especially on a first date.

With our meals finished we made our way to the theater. "What movie did you decide on tonight Phyllis?"

"I thought we would go see that new romantic comedy." "If that's OK with you?" she said shyly.

"We'll go to any movie you choose. Remember our deal for the night, I pick the food and you pick the movie." That brought a big smile to her face even though my mind was screaming, "Not a chick flick!"

I paid for the tickets and took out a loan for drinks and popcorn. Why does that crap cost so much?! The movie was your typical chick flick fair with the girl getting guy, loosing guy and getting guy back. I wasn't crazy about the movie, but this night wasn't just about me...was it?

I wanted to keep this night an innocent affair with no dating pressures that most guys push a girl for. But since I have been trying to talk Phyllis into going out with me for months now I thought I would take one small chance and hold her hand.

Remembering what my grandfather always said to me, "God hates a coward!" I reached over and placed my hand gently on top of hers. She did not flinch nor did she move her hand away. That made me feel good. After a few minutes we were actively squeezing each others hands and it stayed this way for the rest of the movie.

After the movie ended we made our way back to the bar so she could pick up her car and head home. As I drove we didn't talk much, but at the same time it felt natural. When we made it back to the bar it was late enough that both of us called it the night.

"I had a really nice time tonight John," said Phyllis. "This was the first date I've been on in a long time and I was nervous in the beginning, but you were so kind and put me at ease. The food was great and the movie was OK. I'm sorry I made you sit through that mushy chick flick stuff, but thank you. It was very nice of you."

"I was nervous too. I so much didn't want to mess up our first date. It took so long to get you to agree to go out with me, I was worried you wouldn't like me" I replied. "So do you think we could go out again?" Remembering my grandfather's words again.

"John, I really did enjoy our night out and YES I would like to go on another date with you!" Phyllis stepped in and gave me a light kiss on the lips.

"Well then why don't I come by later this week and see you in the bar and we can talk then?" She agreed and got in her car and left to go home. As I got in my truck I was surprised the night turned out as well as it did.

I made it by the Flying Pink Pig on Wednesday. Phyllis was tending bar and when she saw me she smiled that beautiful smile of hers with an extra twinkle in her eye. When she came over and gave me my draft beer she gave me another of her incredible smiles and told me again how much she enjoyed our date.

"I did too. How about we keep our next date simple. Let's go up to Murphy's Hill and have a picnic. I'll pick you up at your house on Saturday at 10:00 am and we can have a day of hiking on the trails and when we're all tired out, we can relax on top of Murphy's Hill and have our picnic."

Phyllis' face lost that beautiful smile and she looked like she was going to be sick with worry. "Phyllis, what's wrong? Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry! Please don't think when I say picnic I mean PICNIC as in sex! I really mean picnic and food!"

"No John, No! It's not that at all. It's just...I...I just don't want you to come to my house, that's all. I'm sorry." she said nervously rubbing the back of her neck.

"But why? I'll just drop by and pick you up and we can be on our way." "Look John, I'm sorry, but you can't come by my house. We can meet here at the bar just like last time and we can go on our picnic, I promise, just like you planned," reaching for my arm giving a loving touch.

"OK Phyllis, I don't understand why I can't come by your place, but I'll do as you ask. I just want us to be together and have a good time."

"So do I John, so do I."

The whole conversation we had felt off to me, like she was hiding something. But what? I didn't let on that it was bothering me so we just talked like old friends. I was lost in that wonderful smile. Phyllis soaked up everything I said. Tomorrow was still a work day so I told Phyllis goodnight. She leaned over and gave me another light kiss on the lips telling me she can't wait until Sunday while throwing another one of those smiles. That smile of hers would definitely be worth the pain of death.

Sunday morning I packed my reliable Ford POS with everything we would need for the day. The picnic basket was filled with fruits, vegetables, fix'ins for sandwiches, potato chips, soda and of course, the blanket. As I drove to the bar I couldn't get Phyllis' and our last conversation out of my mind. I knew I would have to tread softly to get the true story out of her. But first...the picnic.

Phyllis was on time and I could sense the excitement in her. She opened the door and jumped right my truck and said, "Get going! I want a picnic! You better have packed some good shit in that basket!" smiling the whole time.

We found our parking spot at the bottom of Murphy's Hill, grabbed the basket and started our hike up the trails. I'm not out of shape and I can hold my own in most situations, but Phyllis was kicking my ass on those trails. I was putting out a pretty good sweat and I could tell Phyllis was enjoying the fact I was having trouble keeping up. Not much later I begged her for a rest.

"OK you wimp! I'll cut you a little slack, but I want to picnic at the top!"

Those few minutes rest we had was spent talking about everything. Of course I sucked down some liquids and was forced to start for the top again.

We finally made it up the trail and found a nice spot under a tree. We were lucky that there were so few people on the trails, so we had the top of the hill to ourselves. After the blanket was spread out we got to making a couple of sandwiches. She was happy to see I packed fruit and vegetables for her. The consideration was not lost to her and I got a small kiss for it.

We continued talking about everything and getting to know each together. I told her about my younger years and school in the mid-west graduating high school and joining the Marine Corps and seen a little action. After my four years in the Marines I came this direction looking for work. I just happened to stop here in town and found that the feed mill was hiring and have been here since.

She was hesitant to talk about herself the week before. She was holding back on our first date, but I just figured it was first date jitters. This time I learned a little about her. She was a local girl living in the same house since birth being raised by her mother. Her mother's name was Elizabeth who didn't treat her badly, but was demanding and was not affectionate to her or her husband.

Her father's name was James who died when she was a child. She couldn't remember too much about her dad, but what she did was that he was very loving toward her. She was his little angel. Even though she was young when he died, she also remembered a sadness in him where his marriage was concerned.

Another thing she remembered about her father was he told her repeatedly, that when she would need him, truly need him, he would be there for her. He would not allow any harm come to her by anyone or anything! That statement was one of the last things he said to her before his death.

Her Aunt Hazel, her mother's sister, came to help raise her after her father's funeral. Her Aunt Hazel was the opposite of her mother. She was very outgoing, happy, loving to Phyllis and to just about everyone. Aunt Hazel eventually took over daily care of Phyllis while her mother became disconnected. The sadness in Phyllis was showing when she talked about her mother, but I could sense there was more she wasn't telling me.

I listened to her telling the story of her childhood and started to put a thought together that maybe it's not over. There was something I just couldn't put my finger on. Something that was continuing to torment her.

It was time to lighten things up, "OK, Phyllis, enough of this heavy talk, tell me...are you having fun? Have you had fun spending time with me outside the bar?"

"Oh yes, John. Last week's dinner, the movie after and now today has been wonderful! The picnic was a wonderful idea. I feel especially good since I've kicked your cute little butt coming up this hill!"

"OK, I'm a little out of shape, but you didn't kick my butt! Wait, did you say cute?" I didn't know you could see a man's butt when your always in front of him."

"Yes I said cute. But I've looked at your butt many times before today, so I know it's cute." That smile to die for was shining again.

"Then would it be out of place for me to say since you've been in front of me all morning kicking my butt walking up this hill, that I have been looking at your backside and I've really liked the scenery!"

"John, why do you think I was always in front of you? I wanted you to look at me. Now let's get started back down the hill. It's going to be late by the time we get back."

We slowly made our way down the hill holding hands. Not really talking just chatting a little. It seemed neither of us was in a hurry for the day to end. Reaching the truck I held the door open for her. She started to take her seat then hesitated, turned around and gave me a kiss, a hard passionate kiss. I think she knocked my fillings out. After our lips separated I looked in to her eyes and seen the brown in them shine like never before. There was a sparkle there that was only out matched by her smile. She turned around and took her seat. I got in and drove us back to the bar and her car. We had another few minutes of lip tasting before saying good night, agreeing to meet up at the bar later in the week. It was definitely a good day.

Work on Monday was its usually grueling dirtiness, not bad paying, but still a pain in the ass necessity. My mind was also preoccupied with Phyllis and our time together on Sunday. I'm beginning to feel for her like no other women I have ever dated. I know we have only been out on official dates twice, but I have been chasing her for months now. Those two dates cemented my thoughts that I want to know more about this girl.

My mind also drifted to the feelings that Phyllis was hiding something from me. I know its only been two dates and you don't tell your life's story to another person so soon, but I could tell there is something going on, something that was tormenting her. And then there was that absolute fear of me coming by her house. I'll have to go slowly, but eventually I'll get her to tell me.

I made my usual stop by the Flying Pink Pig on Tuesday. I was about to take my normal seat at the bar until Phyllis motioned me over to a booth she reserved and said she will join me in a few minutes. I was surprised by the change, but I wasn't about to argue. I took my seat in the booth waiting for Phyllis when she strolled over with my draft beer in her hand. She set the mug down in front of me and leaned in and gave me a kiss telling me the beer was on the house tonight. "Phyllis if I keep getting beers like this I'm going to fall in love with you!" The smile I got her warmed my heart.

"John I decided if we are going to meet like this between dates I'm going to take my breaks with you and I'm not going to do it up at the bar. We get a booth and we get to talk and make googly eyes at each other, OK?" I was hooked.

"OK, deal. Tomorrow night I buy you dinner. I don't want burgers and fries every night so I will even treat you with some of those fruits and vegetable things you like so much for later in the week, OK"

"Deal!" sealed with a kiss.

So we settled into a routine for a couple weeks meeting in the bar in a far corner dimly lit booth enjoying a few precious minutes during the week having dinner and going out on the weekends. Phyllis turned out to be an outsy kind of girl. The fresh air, hiking, bicycling and sitting by the local lake had become our favorite times together. Our closeness grew. More than just hand holding, more than kissing. I could tell we were falling in love. After so many months of trying to get Phyllis to go out on any kind of a date, I found myself falling in love with her. How did it turn out this way I was wondering. I wasn't looking for love, I just saw a good looking girl I wanted to get to know better. Now I'm thinking long term.

But, I still have been forbidden to come to her house. I still can't shake the feeling Phyllis is hiding something from me. I knew I had to be careful on my approach on the subject, but I think it was time. I could sense a sadness in her and a deep fear, but of what...or whom.

Phyllis has been by my place a few times waiting for me to get our gear together for one of our excursions. Believe it or not, I actually keep my place neat and clean which surprised her quite a bit. Not bad for a single guy. The Marines Corps and my mom would be proud. No we haven't had sex yet. I wanted to go slow. I felt for her like no other girl in my past and would not hurt her in any way. But damn, when I look into her eyes and she would give me that smile of hers, I couldn't help but get excited. Thank goodness for strong zippers! If I was having half as much affect on her as she was having on me, well let's just say she would be walking funny too! She has noticed my condition a few times and her smile would get even bigger. The little tease! She would innocently brush up against me a few times and would press herself into me harder when we made out. We so far have kept our hands in respectable areas, but it was getting difficult for me not to reach up and hold her breasts or to hold her cute little ass.

We have been dating steady for a about 8 weeks now and our relationship was about to take a turn. I thought I would surprise her by inviting her over to my place for a home cooked Italian dinner and maybe a little more. Maybe even spending the night.

I met up with her at the bar for our evening dinner break on Wednesday and I asked her if she wanted to come by for the absolute worse Italian home cooked dinner in town. She giggled at the thought of my cooking for her but accepted my invitation for Sunday dinner. "You do know I'm just a dumb Marine and I work in a feed mill and I'll do my best for you, so don't expect too much, OK?"

"That's all I ask John."

Sunday dinner time came along and I have been preparing food for hours. I wanted it to be perfect. I used an old family recipe for the pasta sauce that my mom gave me. It takes hours of simmering to get it just right and a few Italian seasonings. Pasta was bought off the shelf, but I made the bread from scratch and I got a bottle of wine that was recommended to me from my aunt.

Phyllis showed up right on time. She was taken aback with the effort I put in to dinner. Everything was ready so I sat her down, poured her a glass of wine and presented her with a salad of fresh greens drizzled with a virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing, a penne pasta primavera with my family's secret sauce, fresh baked Italian bread, fresh churned butter and a tiramisu. Phyllis just couldn't believe I went through so much trouble. When I replied she was worth it her eyes got misty. I earned a kiss for that.