Den of Iniquity Ch. 08


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"Oh, dear," said Annie.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's Father Flanaghan, Sir, he married my mother and father. He's a friend of the family."

"I see."

Father Flanaghan waved and looked right at us through the people gathered around him. Then he beckoned us over.

"Is it okay, Sir?"

I didn't answer. I just turned and headed up the steps in the direction of this priest, with Annie under one arm. I released the remote and took my hand from my pocket.

As we approached, he looked at me with a "you are too old for her" look in his eyes. He turned his attention to Annie.

"Annie, so good to see you."

He took Annie's hand in his and shook it gently.

"And you, Father."

"And who might this fine gentleman be?" he said, turning to me.

"This is Roger Moore, Father. A very good friend. Roger, this is Father Flanaghan."

"Hello Roger, very nice to meet you."

He held out his hand and I shook it firmly.

"Indeed, Father Flanaghan," I replied, "Annie has told me so much about you."

He released my hand and looked back to Annie.

I shoved my hand back in my pocket, grasping the remote.

"Has she also told you she hasn't been to confession in three weeks?" he asked, waggling his finger in her face.

I pressed down the left button on the remote and Annie drew her coat closer around herself.

"Confession is good for the soul," I replied.

Father Flanaghan looked back at me. I winked at him.

We both turned back to Annie.

She had a good blush going.

"Are you all right, my child?"

"Yes, Father. Just a.. aaaooohh..."

Middle button, but just for a moment.

"...aahhchooo!!" Annie exploded.

I almost broke out laughing.

"Bless you, my child."

"Th.. thank you, Father. Um. Tomorrow then?"

"I'll see you then, Annie Wilkinson." Then to me, "Nice to meet you Mr. Moore."

I shook his offered hand and looked him in the eyes as Annie threaded her arm through mine.

"The pleasure is all mine, Father, I assure you."

He nodded with a funny look on his face, and I led Annie back down the steps, holding down the left button firmly.

"What fun that was."

"Oh, Sir! I don't believe it! You are so mean!!" Annie giggled and punched my shoulder.

I zapped her with the middle button and she slumped slightly against me as we reached the bottom of the steps and set off up the Boulevard.


"I bet you are so wet."

She looked up at me, looking like the cat that caught the canary.

"Drenched, Sir."


We'd been at it for over an hour. I'd put all the things I'd bought from the markets on the bed and told Annie she had permission to do what she liked with them. Between the oriental wall hangings and all the black tulle and the few items I directed her to paint, I thought the place was looking pretty different.

I was busy installing strategic eye-bolts around the apartment and a basic pulley system over the bed. I also changed some of the lighting. Apart from admiring Annie from time to time, and reminding her of the egg inside her by zapping her now and then, we had been working pretty solidly.

I'd also been thinking about Josephine's letter. I wondered what kind of 'game' she thought she was playing. Sylvia was fine, so I figured it didn't involve her. I tossed up whether to show it to Annie. I chose not to. It was one of my biggest mistakes.

It was four in the afternoon when we were finally done and we sat on the bed beside each other surveying the place and congratulating ourselves.

"It looks so different. I'm really pleased," I said.

"I like it too, Sir. It's your own little den of iniquity."

I smiled at her.

"Thanks for your help."

"My pleasure, Sir."

I nodded slowly.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel... good, Sir. My cheeks are sore from smiling so much, and my jaw aches from clenching it now and again."

"From when I do this?" I pressed the middle button down for a moment.

"Ohhh..." she gripped my arm.

We looked into each other's eyes.

I took the remote out of my pocket and placed it in her open hand.

"Why don't you hold this for now," I smiled.

"Y.. Yes, Sir."

"Stand up and face me."

With my hands on her hips, I brought her a little closer to me.

I looked up into her eyes.

"I'm going to ask you to take your clothes off now. Is this what you want, Annie?"

She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out.

I swore to myself that I would never grow tired of the way she blushed.

"C'mon, you can do it."

She smiled a tiny smile down at me almost apologetically. Then she took a deep breath. Her hands were shaking. She had long ago discarded her coat.

"P... p.. please y.. you. I.. I mean, I just want t.. to please you... Sir... Ohhh..."

"What is it Annie?"

"I'm just d.. dying here S..Sir... ohh... I'm fucking this up... J... just use m... me as you wish, Sir. I'll do anything y... you want..."

"You are a horny one. Aren't you, Annie?"

"Around you, Sir? Y... yes."

I was very pleased, and I told her so.

"You please me a great deal, Annie."

"Oh, Sir... thank you... thank you so much.. I just... I just don't want to come off as some sort of ...slut... oh ...I'm babbling... I'm sorry, Sir..."

"Hush, Annie," I said firmly. "Press down the left button on the remote and take off your sweater."

I still held her hips lightly in my hands while I watched her fumble with the remote. She started shaking a little as she hooked her fingers under the edge of her sweater, then slowly slid it upwards over her head.

First the smooth whiteness of her slightly curved tummy, then the skin stretched tightly over her ribs was uncovered. Slowly her marvelous breasts came into view. As she revealed their lower curves, I abruptly stopped her.


She made like a statue with her sweater only half removed. It was over her head and she couldn't see anything.

"Hold down the middle button until I say 'release'."

She instantly began moaning and her thighs started to tremble. Still she held her arms aloft with the sweater half off.

I reached up with both hands and trailed my fingernails along the underneath of each breast from the outside inward.


I flattened my palms and slid them under her sweater, holding each of her breasts in my hands, fingers pointing upwards. Her nipples were as hard as any I had had the good fortune to feel, and I marveled as they pressed into my palms.

"Middle button again."

She groaned once as she pressed the button, and then again as I gripped her nipples between fingers and thumbs and rhythmically pinched them gently.


She sighed and her arms trembled overhead.

"Take your sweater the rest of the way off."

"Yes, Sir," she said, her voice muffled behind the fabric.

She slipped the sweater the rest of the way off and tossed it by her feet.

I scanned her torso then back up to her face. She was blushing again and was biting her lip.

"Now the skirt."

"Yes, Sir."

She took another deep breath and reached behind herself to unzip.

"Hand me the remote."

She did and went back to unzipping.

I pressed the middle button and held it down.

She started moaning and whimpering, having trouble grasping the zip.

"Hurry up, Annie. We don't have all day."

I grinned up at her and she tried to smile a little.

I released the button in sympathy and watched as she had success and slid the garment over her hips and let it fall to the floor. She stepped out of the pool of material and kicked it aside.

I put my hands on her hips again and slowly turned her all the way around. She was wearing a pure white g-string and the crotch was drenched, somewhat unsurprisingly.

When she was facing me again, I smiled up at her.

"Hands behind your head. Lace your fingers together. Stand still."

She couldn't. Her thighs trembled uncontrollably, and her breasts would not be still.

"You can't keep still, can you?"

"N.. no, Sir. I'm sorry."

"I'll have to punish you then, won't I?"


I pressed down the middle button again.

"Won't I?" I insisted, smiling up at her.

"Y... yes, Sir."

I stood and leaned into her ear, sliding my fingers over her pubic bone and lower, over the smooth fabric tightly outlining her mound.

I released the button.

"Move your legs apart," I whispered.

She shuffled her feet apart a little. As she did she lowered her pussy further onto my caressing fingers.


She did and the friction was increased.

"That's better," I said.

Rising to my full height, I withdrew my hand and then leaned down and pulled my case out from under the bed.

I placed it on the new quilt cover, undid the latches, and threw it open. I reached for my crop without thinking.

Still holding the remote in my left hand, I took the crop firmly in my right, and turned back to Annie.

She was now breathing hard and I pressed the left button and held it down.

"Now is it 'surreal', Annie?" I asked.

I chuckled and zapped her with the middle button before she could respond.


I released it and reached the tip of the crop for her swollen pussy.

I brushed the tip of it gently over her lips, now so easily seen through the wet fabric.

She shuddered and then moaned all over again as I pressed and held the left button down.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I tapped the tip of the crop against the lips of her pretty cunt.


I admired her. She really was entirely beautiful in my eyes. Her looks turned heads. But it was something about her demureness that made me want to look after her, and make sure she was never hurt. I wondered for a moment if she 'had' been hurt, sometime in the past. I resolved to ask her later.

Tap. Tap. Tap.


Appraising her and telling her how beautiful I thought she was, I walked around her slowly, dragging the crop over her hip, then the top of her ass. I tapped her lightly here and there, keeping her on edge.

Whereas Josephine had the looks and thin, muscular body of a model, Annie was more curved and homely. She was 'the girl next door' type. I particularly liked her ivory skin. She looked so pure and innocent.

But we both knew she wasn't.

"You said before you didn't want me to think of you as a slut."

I zapped her with the middle button.

"N.. no, Sir."

I chuckled.

"What if, on occasions, I think of you as 'my' slut?"

Tap. Tap. Tap.

On her left ass cheek.

"Oohhh... that's.. that's d..different, S.. Sir..."

I'd almost circled her, and was coming back into her view.

"Yes it is, isn't it, Annie?"

Pressing and holding it down, I buzzed her with the middle button again.

"Yes, S... Sir," she replied breathlessly.

"I think it excites you, thinking of yourself as 'my slut'. Doesn't it, Annie?"

"I feel... very naughty... thinking of myself like that, Sir."

I released the button again.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

On her clit, through her g-string.

"You 'are' naughty. Your cunt is wet and you can't keep still..."

I zapped her with the middle button for a few seconds more.

"...can you?"

My eyes burned into hers.


I struck the crop on her right hip.

"Ohhh..., Sir."


Right thigh.

"No, 'what'?"

She hesitated.


Right thigh again.

"No, I mean... no I can't help it, Sir. I can't help being naughty."

"Mmmmmm..." I intoned. "See, that wasn't so hard. I'll expect full sentences and full confessions from you, Annie."

"Y.. yes, Sir."

"Good girl."

I pressed down the left button and held it on for a few moments while I spoke softly, standing in front of her.

"What I want, is a girl who feels confident enough to admit her nature, who feels safe enough to be who she is, and who is strong enough to stand up to me when I am wrong."

I released the button but she continued trembling.

"Can you be her?"

"It... It sounds like what I al.. always wanted, Sir."

I brought the tip of the crop up between her legs again, caressing her through her thong.

"I'm pleased to hear that, Annie."

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Right on her pussy again.

"You want to ask me something, don't you, Annie?"

"S.. Sir?"

"You want to cum, don't you?"

"Yes! ...God, oh yes..."

She blushed scarlet for the fifth or sixth time that afternoon.

"Beg me, Annie. Show me how much you want it, and I'll consider it."

I held down the middle button.

She shuddered.

Tap! Tap!

Right on her clit.

I released the button again.

"Oohhhh... Goddddd....."

"What, Annie?"

"Please... p...please...."

"Hold on, Annie. I'm not done with you yet."


She slumped a little.

"Stand up straight."

"Y... yes, Sir."

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Oohhhh.... S.. Sir... please! ...please let me cum!" she shuddered.

"Yes, Annie," I whispered as I dropped my crop on the bed and took her into my arms, "that's what I wanted to hear."

I slipped the arm with the remote in my hand around her waist, and I pressed down the right button. I started furiously rubbing her clit through her g-string and all hell broke loose.

"Ooooo... ooohhhhhh Godddddd...... uhhh uhhhhhh...."

Her body shook and her knees collapsed. Her hands gripped my arm in a useless attempt to support herself as she began to thrash. I caught her with an arm behind her back and held her tightly to me, my cock caught between us, aching with hardness and desperate to take her.

"Cum for me, pet," I gasped hoarsely into her hair, "cum hard for me."

Wave after wave threw her battered body against me. Fits and spasms rocked her, and she dug her nails into my arm. With her eyes closed and my fingers flying, her moans built to a screaming crescendo before she finally exploded in ecstasy.


Her hips bucked uncontrollably against my fingers. She was gasping and for a moment I wondered if she could breathe. She suddenly slumped in my arms, semi-conscious.

Stunned by the intensity of her orgasm, I finally gave her respite, and released the button. She continued to twitch as I picked her up in my arms and laid her gently on my bed.

I rolled her onto her side and spooned in behind her.

"Mmmmmm, Sirrr..." she whispered as my hands caressed her smooth, warm skin, "you feel so hard against my ass."

I looked up at the ceiling at the pulley system and smiled to myself.

"You'll be feeling more, soon enough, my pet."

* * * * *

Author's note: I know I mention this at the end of every chapter, but it really is great when people take the time to vote and leave comments. It really pleases me when my writing inspires you to do that.

And thank you again to rachel, for the incredible editing job she always manages to do.

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JulielleJuliellealmost 5 years ago
Time Passages

I’m reading this in 2019. I’ve noticed that you haven’t posted anything here in a long time. When this is over I’ll miss Roger. This has been really fun

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Frig Conscious

I don't know ho w it happened- but I just fucking frigged to this story. And I'm still horny af. I know Annie is a fictional character, but I hate that she has Roger instead of me.

Thank you for making my night.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I accidently tapped the screen and rated this story 1 star. My apologies to the writer

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

You're a very good writer, Sir. I love the story

TsubasaCatTsubasaCatabout 11 years ago
Oh, my..

I am loving this story, Sir Nathan. Absolutely lovely!!

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