Den of Iniquity Ch. 10


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I stopped by one such scene, where a hooded, scantily clad young submissive girl was in the process of being tied to a 'horse'. So called because of its similarity in shape to a saw-horse, the girl was having her slender ankles tied with thick rope to a leg on either side, before another thick rope was wound up her wrists to her elbows.

The audience watched agape as her body bowed and her breasts thrust forward against her tight black crop top. A light blue ball-gag was pressed gently into her smiling, lipsticked mouth, before being buckled behind her head. Next, a blindfold came over her eyes, and the dominant stood back satisfied.

A few in the audience began clapping and I found myself joining them.

Grins broke out amongst those watching as the dominant withdrew a long peacock feather from a low black box and began teasing the helpless submissive, who appeared to be writhing to the beat.

Someone slapped my back.

"This is fantastic, Roger. I can't believe it!"

I smiled and shook hands again with Mike, my boss. His wife was among those staring past me at the sight of the girl being tied and teased with a feather.

"Glad you're having fun, Mike," I said loudly over the music.

"Any chance of getting my girl on there?" he asked, only half kidding and elbowing me with glee.

Emma shook her head and blushed.

I took another look at the scene and its audience, and shook my head, smiling.

"I don't think so buddy. Maybe it would be more fun at home!"

Mike's eyes got as big as saucers as he considered the possibilities.

Emma blushed scarlet and waved her finger at her husband.

We all cracked up.

Mike was right.

This was great!

We clinked champagne glasses and I told them I'd catch up with them and turned to go. I almost ran headlong into a hooded submissive girl. I frowned as she rushed past, not watching where she was going.

"Oh, sorry Sir..." she mumbled, head down.

"It's all ri..."

I never got to finish my sentence before she'd rushed off. I chuckled. She probably needed to pee.

I walked around the hall with my hands clasped behind my back and a permanent smile plastered across my face. I listened to gasps and cries of "No way!" as the various scenes were played out and the audiences were amazed.

The music pulsed louder.

I stopped and watched a rather large, very good-looking Mistress flogging a male submissive across his ass. He was a very muscular man and stretched as he was across a spanking bench, wearing a black leather hood and black lycra gym shorts, squeals of delight came from some of the women in the crowd.

"Harder! Harder!" one laughed.

"What a beautiful butt!" another cried.

"Jeez, that's gotta hurt," mumbled a male voice.

I slipped to the front of the gathering and leaned into the Mistress' ear.

"Take it easy," I whispered.

She winked at me like she knew me.

"Don't worry, Roger. It's all in fun."


I turned back to the crowd who were all looking at me like I was spoiling their fun. Still smiling, I shook my head again and made my way back through the crowd to continue mingling.

At the back of the hall there was a grinning, bare-chested dominant that I thought I recognised, standing and chatting with a number of onlookers, explaining how a set of steel stocks worked, and that he would be demonstrating a paddling, as soon as his submissive returned from the bathroom.

"The sub in a rush," I thought to myself, moving closer.

"With that? God, that must hurt!" said a concerned female voice.

"No, no. It won't hurt TOO much," the familiar dominant chuckled, turning the paddle in his hands.

I knew him, but couldn't put my finger on it.

I watched and listened over a secretary's shoulder as he explained how a kneeling sub kneeled and bent down with her forehead on the ground, and reached back to allow her ankles and wrists to be locked into the hinged stocks.

I wanted to see that. I promised myself I would return later.

I started heading back towards the front of the main hall and as I passed the open doors leading out, I saw Claudio making like a traffic policeman. He was directing waiters and waitresses carrying platters to all points of the hall. He noticed me and gave a few instructions before heading over.

"How are things, Roger?"

"Great, I think."

"Excellent. Once all this finger food is out, my job will be finished and I'll be able to relax and join you."

"Have you seen Josephine?"

"No, but I saw her sister."

"Me too."

"She won't be far away, I can assure you."

I nodded.

"Don't worry, Roger. Chantelle has everything under control."

I looked out across the crowd.

"If you say so."

Claudio chuckled.

"It's a great party, Roger! Relax!"

I got yet another slap on the back before he laughed again and turned on his heel.

Before long, I found myself back at our table, chatting with Chantelle and looking through the dancing bodies for a glimpse of Annie.

Chantelle informed me they had been back to the table and were now dancing for the second time.

"The music is good. Not really my style though," she said.

I smiled at her watching the dancers.

"It's a wonderful party, Chantelle. I can't thank you enough. For everything."

She turned to me and smiled back.

"Roger, dear boy, you are most welcome."

We grinned at each other and I sensed a moment.

"What's Josephine's story?" I asked. "Is everything okay?"

"She was just a little late. Apparently she and her damned sister got a bit drunk... and Adrian too. I'm glad all 'he' has to do is operate the music."

"Where's Josephine now?"

"Relax Roger. She's taking a paddling at the back of the hall. It'll do her good. She's been concealing something from me about her and Sylvia. She wouldn't tell me what it was. She wasn't too pleased when I told her she was to be paddled instead of flogged. Don't worry. Johnson will go easy on her."

"Johnson? The bartender? I thought I recognised him."

"Didn't you think a bartender could be a dominant, Roger?"

"Um, I just meant..."

She winked.

"I'm teasing."

I sighed and shrugged, then smiled hopefully back at her. The moment had clearly passed.

"Honestly Roger, everything's under control. No need to be concerned."

"Okay, if you say so."

"Oh, I just remembered something! Adrian asked to speak with you urgently, though I chastised him for making it sound so important. The poor dear is drunk as a skunk and is hardly making any sense at all. Anyway, when you get a moment, you'd better go see him. Jonathan will show you the entrance to the control room, though I'm sure Adrian just wants to break up the boredom up there."

I glanced up at the two holes high on the back wall.

"I'll go and see him now, just in case," I said.

"Suit yourself. I'll be witnessing Josephine getting her paddling. Should be fun!"

I chuckled at Chantelle's gregarious manner. She seemed so young sometimes. I watched as she bounced away, stopping and chatting at the various tables, ensuring people were enjoying the food and entertainment.

I shook my head for the tenth time that night and smiled.

On the way to find Adrian, I passed a submissive tightly tied in a contraption not unlike a rectangular prism of thin, tubular steel. A dominant was alternating between using a flogger in one hand and a vibrator in the other.

She writhed as the vibrator skimmed over her skin, down her arms and up the insides of her thighs. Her eyes were closed and a dreamy smile played around her full lips. Then as the dominant changed tactics and began to flog her, small shudders ran through her body each time the tails gently lashed her skin, causing her long blonde hair to shimmer under the spotlight. He concentrated mainly on her thighs and stomach. Mesmerised, I watched as he changed back to the vibrator and she began writhing again. It was an erotic scene, and I was pleased to note it wasn't too lurid.

I suddenly remembered I had to go see Adrian.

Reluctantly I turned away and headed out through the doors to find Jonathan relaxing and talking on the phone to someone. He hung up as I approached.

"Hello, Sir. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Hi, Jonathan. Yes, please. You can show me the way to the control room."

"Certainly, Sir. Right this way."

I followed Jonathan beside a fire extinguisher to a door I hadn't noticed before. We paused as he found the key.

"Adrian keeps calling down to see if you are on your way, Sir. May I alert him?"

"I'll beat you to it, won't I?"

"It's two and a half stories of circular stairway, Sir."

"Okay. Sure. I don't mind."

"Thank you, Sir."

He found the right key and opened the door.

"All the way to the top, Sir. Mind your step. It's dark."

"Thanks, Jonathan."

With a hooked arm swinging around the central pillar, I bounded up the stairs, two at a time. I wanted to see if I could beat Jonathan's phone call.

I took a break almost at the top.

As a child, I had a circular staircase that led to my loft. Taking the steps wasn't hard. I'd done it before. But taking so many was almost impossible.

I needed to catch my breath.

Right at that moment I realised I wasn't as young as I used to be.

Gasping for breath and hunched over, I was leaning with my hands on the tops of my thighs, just above my knees and feeling faint.

I needed to get to the gym.

The music in the stairwell suddenly went quiet.

The pulsing beat from the hall could still be heard through the walls.

A door opened above me and a column of light illuminated the staircase.

"Sir? Roger?"

"I'm here, Adrian. Just taking a breather," I said, from right below his feet.

I walked up the remaining steps and Adrian held the door open for me.

"Thank goodness you're here, Sir. I need to talk to you."

"Chantelle said you were drunk. You don't seem drunk."

"Just a little tipsy, Sir. I've been dancing it off up here."

I smiled.

"Okay. What's this all about then?"

"I need about five minutes, Sir. Do you have time?"

"You don't actually think I'm going to leave and come back up those bloody steps all over again, do you?"

Adrian chuckled.

"No, Sir. I'll be quick. Please, take a seat."

I looked around at the small room with various notes stuck to one wall and a large bank of compact disks along another. A single chair was half turned around in front of a control panel covered in switches and blinking lights. Above the panel were the two offset windows looking down into the main hall. Up close they were much larger than they appeared from down below.

I turned the chair the rest of the way around and sat down, facing Adrian.

Adrian paced back and forth.

I waited patiently.

Finally, he found the nerve to speak.

"I'm worried about Chantelle."

I almost spoke but Adrian held his hand up, and I stopped myself.

"I'm worried because she's more than a boss to me. I've known her a long time..."

"You're in love with her?"

"Yes," he sighed. "I know. Which excuses some of the things I've done, and renders others inexcusable... I don't know what to do."

"Why don't you start from the start?"

"I'm just so worried. I mean look, I started carrying this!"

Adrian pulled the revolver from behind his back, and waved it around. He apparently had it stuck down the back of his pants.


He realised my concern immediately and placed the firearm on the control panel in front of me.

"Sorry, Roger. Guns freak me out too."

I moved the cold black steel out of his reach.

"Not much of a hero, am I?"

"Adrian, what's going on?"

"I'm in over my head, Sir. I thought I knew what I was doing. A couple of months ago, Chantelle and Josephine had a tiff. It was a quarrel about Josephine's status. Chantelle made it clear, according to Josephine, that she had no long-term plans for her. Josephine was livid, muttering about plans going awry and that she thought Chantelle loved her. I'm sorry, Sir. I'm rambling. Anyway, when I heard there were death threats against Chantelle, I was sure Josephine was behind them. I'd been thinking about it, and I wanted to find out if I was right. So when the opportunity came along, I went along with her and stole that envelope. She said it was hers to give to you, Sir. I didn't see the harm. I thought she would trust me more if I did as she'd asked. So I kept my knowledge from Chantelle, and from you, Sir. I'm so sorry."

"It's all right, Adrian. Go on."

"Well, Sir, she 'did' trust me. I don't know why, but she did! She wanted me there this morning to drive with her to your house. It was only then that I realised something else entirely was going on. She told me a few things that didn't make sense, and it was then that I was sure she was coming unglued, and was no threat to Chantelle."

"Yeah, Josephine hides her craziness well."

"Her lucid periods are frequent, Sir. Which partly explains why I haven't told you, or Chantelle, what is going on. I mean, I really thought she was capable of injury, Sir. Perhaps serious injury. I wasn't sure, and I needed to find out... I mean I... I wanted to be... be the hero, Sir. I wanted to rescue her."


"Yes! Oh, God... I know it's ridiculous... I know she would never want me..."

"You are a fine man, Adrian. Don't sell yourself short. So, Josephine is not behind the death threats?"

"I don't think so, Sir. I mean I'm pretty sure she isn't."

"Then what is she up to? What's so urgent?"

"We returned to Josephine's place after dropping off your toy box, and Josephine told me to wait while she went to get her sister. They returned with three bottles of champagne and we all proceeded to get drunk. Except I poured a couple of mine down the sink, Sir."

I looked at my watch. Where was this going?

"I'm sorry, Sir. I get carried away. I should have told you all this earlier."

"It's all right, Adrian. I have a few more minutes."

I wanted to find Josephine and Sylvia, NOW.

"Yes, Sir. Anyway, while Josephine was picking up her sister, I rummaged around her apartment and found her journal."

"Her journal?"

"Yes, Sir. I was interrupted from reading it by their return, but basically it says that Josephine wants to get back at Sylvia for rejecting her. I think it has something to do with Josephine coming out of the closet, Sir. But there are no references to physically harming Chantelle."

"Do you know her plan?"

"Only that she wants to ruin Sylvia. She really wants to hurt her. And there's a reference in there to Chantelle too. Something about 'it would serve the bitch right to have it all over the papers.' And one other thing, Sir. Josephine has a spare hood!"

"She's going to do it tonight, isn't she?"

"It stands to reason, Sir. Sylvia is in front of her work colleagues, and she's already drunk. I think Josephine plans to humiliate her."

"Anything else you can tell me, Adrian?"

"Just one thing, Sir."

He went over by the wall and searched inside a carry bag.

"Just... THIS!"

He spun around holding the envelope up like a prize.

"The picture?" I asked.

"The one and only!"

"You're a saint, Adrian. We can stop all this right now!"

"I thought you'd be pleased. At least I did something right."

"You've done well, Adrian. Let's take a look."

I tore open the envelope and pulled out the photo. Adrian and I pored over it in the yellow light of the control room. A girl with a hood over her head was looking into the camera and smiling like she was drunk. She had cum all over her face, a cock in her hand near her mouth and a cock up her ass. In the poor light, it looked like Sylvia.

"There's something wrong with this," I said, moving the photo under the hanging globe.

"Not much left to the imagination, Sir."

"You're right about that. But what I mean is... I don't know... wait a minute.... the eyes! The eyes are brown, not blue!! This isn't Sylvia. This is Josephine!!! I gotta get back down there!"

"You'll tell Chantelle I'm sorry, won't you, Sir?"

"We'll see if it's necessary, Adrian. I have to find out where everyone is."

"Yes, Sir. Go! Go!"

"Thanks, Adrian."

"And Sir?" he asked, as I reached the door.

"Yes, Adrian?"

"Thank you for listening, Sir."

"It's okay, Adrian. You did well."

I slipped the photo into my jacket pocket. Deciding to get moving, I glanced out the small glassless windows at the writhing masses partying down below.

"What's that?" I pointed.


I walked back over to the lower window and pointed again.

"Down there, right below us."

"You mean the sub struggling?"

"Yes, it looks like Josephine."

"And there's Chantelle, talking to the dominant."

"I think she's going to get that spanking Chantelle promised."

"It's not like she doesn't deserve it. I bet she's struggling 'cause she's seen Chantelle out of the corner of her eye. Is she wearing a gag?"

"I can't tell from up here. I'm going to take a look. I'll talk with you later if I get a chance, Adrian."

"Yes, Sir. Thanks again, Sir."

"You're welcome."

With that, I bounded down the stairs and found the door handle and tried it, to no avail. It was locked. I banged my fist against the door and waited for someone to open it but no one came. Just then the music volume peaked and the stairwell was filled with pounding house music.

"Adrian and his bloody dancing!" I thought.

I got the fright of my life as hands caressed the front of my pants in the inky blackness of the stairwell.

"Mmmmmm... this is perfect, isn't it, Sir?"

"Jesus, Annie. You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"Awww... I just wanted to surprise you, Sir. You could fuck my mouth and cum down my throat. It wouldn't take long would it? I really want it, Sir," she whined.


I can't believe I considered it for only a moment.

"Annie, this really isn't a good time..."

She kissed me hotly and snaked her fingers around my once more growing cock.

I brushed her fingers away.

"Annie, I mean it!"

I pounded harder on the door and it was suddenly flung open and I was greeted with a rush of light and Jonathan's smiling face.

"That was qui..."

"Not now, Jonathan!" I interrupted, escaping into the light of the entranceway. I turned around and grabbed Annie's hand.

"Come on!"

We composed ourselves at the double doors and I straightened my jacket. I was sweating and worried about something going wrong.

"Jeez, I could lose my job."

I took Annie's hand again and strode through the double doors, en route to the back of the hall.

I must have said, "I'll be back!" five times as we were interrupted, making our way to the back of the hall, where I had a sneaking suspicion it wasn't Josephine getting a paddling at all.

When we arrived, Chantelle was leading the crowd in a count, "TEN... SLAP!!! NINE... SLAP!!! EIGHT... SLAP!!!"

The hooded submissive sensually writhing while locked in the stocks was clearly enjoying her treatment, as the position she was in, with her ass raised skyward, allowed a clear view between her legs. The tight, high-cut pair of black leather shorts she wore, revealing half her ass, did little to hide the sheen of juice running down the insides of her thighs.

It sure looked like Josephine. But her ass was facing the crowd and I couldn't see her face. I wasn't sure if anyone could.

What was I going to do now?

It looked like she'd already been thoroughly spanked. What could be seen of her ass was a blazing red, and she was straining upwards towards each coming blow from the paddle wielded by the dominant standing over her.

"God, if I stop it now and it's Sylvia, Josephine's plan will have worked! If it's Josephine, I'll just look like a fool!"

The chant continued unabated!

"SEVEN... SLAP!!! SIX... SLAP!!! All right STOP!"