Dex and the Twins at College Ch. 24


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Sandy was completely exposed to the cold and she pulled away from my tongue and stepped back over me and sat down in the hot water. Her mother cuddled up to her and they kissed. Sarah took longer to stop quaking on my cock. Her pussy clenched on my cock long after I had finished. I admit that I was teasing her a little by flexing my cock. Sarah groaned each time and her entire body shuddered.

When all was still other than the swirling water, a man's voice broke the silence. He was close on the other side of the hedge. He said, "Is everything okay over there. It sounded like someone was getting killed over there. Woke me up out of sound sleep." I motioned for Grace to answer him.

She shook her head and whispered, "That's my next-door neighbor. He'll recognize my voice."

The guy waited for an answer but he didn't wait long, "I'm dialing the police right now."

Grace yelled out, "We're fine over here. Just having a little hot tub magic and got a little carried away. We're done. You can go back to bed."

The guy chuckled and said, "Okay Grace. You sure?" Sarah and Sandy giggled into their covering hands and Grace shhh'd them with a finger to her lips.

Grace said, "I'm sure, Steve. Sorry to disturb you. It won't happen again." We heard Steve tromping through the crusty snow and then he was gone. Grace giggled and said, "Great. Steve and his wife have the biggest mouths in the neighborhood. This will be everywhere before noon.

Sandy laughed and said, "Yeah. You'll have the neighborhood husbands knocking on your door constantly." Sarah laughed but Grace didn't. Sarah stood up with her hand buried in her sex to prevent a leak. As soon as she was on the ground she let it go and cum drooled down her thighs. She used her towel to clean herself off and then pulled on her robe. Sandy followed.

Grace moved over to kiss me passionately and said, "If there are going to be post-reception parties, we'd like to come."

I smiled and said, "I'll be sure to let you know when and where." Grace pulled herself out of the hot water and grabbed her robe. I heard the rustle of the hedge as they passed through to their yard and then a "Good night, Dex."

I was overheated from the hot water and the exertion. I grabbed my towel and robe and slid the cover back in place before returning to the completely dark and silent house. I showered and crawled under my sheets. I laid there thinking about tomorrow. I had no second thoughts. I wanted this. All of it. I hadn't thought of much, other than Mandy for weeks. After Sylvia and Reece, I knew the peace I felt with Mandy was what I wanted. I finally drifted off to sleep and dreamed of Mandy, with a baby-tummy and big milk engorged boobs.

I woke to darkness with a morning woody, but it was after five. Time to get up. I stood at the toilet trying to piss through my hard-on. I couldn't go. I went to the kitchen with my cock poking through the front of my robe and made a breakfast of butter and peanut butter toast and coffee. My woody was gone before I sat down on a barstool. I slid onto the stool and right back off the other side and went back to stand in front of the toilet. I was successful and my toast was cold by the time I got back. The coffee cleared the cobwebs. I heard the 'paper women's' car accelerate from in front of the house and I went out and retrieved it from the driveway. The weather was warmer than yesterday. The wind was non-existent. It was a perfect day for the wedding.

With another cup of coffee in hand, I sat back in the recliner in the family room and read the paper until daylight made its first appearance. I would miss this house. It's bigger than Mandy's small two-bedroom - Cape-style house. The décor was all Mandy and I loved being there.

It would be an early morning at the Hotel as the hairdresser had five heads to style. Mom and Aunt Mary had appointments with the Hotel hairstylist. A photographer/videographer would be there to document it all. I wished that I was him, photographing five extremely attractive women in various stages of undress as everyone was working out of the same suite.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as I sat there alone in the big house. Finally, it was time to start getting dressed in my rented tuxedo. It was dark gray with black satin lapels and black satin stripes down the legs. The bowtie was a clip-on. I had no clue how to tie a proper bowtie. The black patent leather shoes with dark brown patent leather toe box gleamed. I checked myself out in the bathroom mirror and couldn't help the smile. I cleaned up nicely. I had shaved, twice, and dabbed on a little of Mandy's favorite aftershave.

I hardly remember the drive to the Hotel. I went up to Mom and Dad's room to see how everyone was doing. It was less than an hour to game-time. Dad answered the door. He was dressed in the same tuxedo as mine and he was ready to go. Mom, as expected, was not. She was in the bathroom futzing with her hair that she had just had styled. She yelled for me to come in so she could see how I looked. When I came in, tears boiled up in her eyes. Thankfully, she hadn't put her eye makeup on yet. She grabbed me and pushed her naked tits to my ribs and hugged me as tight as she could. I hugged her back. She was making me tear up too.

As she pulled back, I let my hands brush over her boobs. She laughed and said, "Not now. Those are for later." I smiled and turned and left the bathroom to let her get back to work. Dad had a real bowtie on and he stepped up to me and unclipped mine. He pulled an untied satin tie off the dresser and proceeded to tie it on my neck. When he finished, it was easy to see the difference from what I had on before.

When Mom came out of the bathroom dressed, with her hair done and with full makeup, she looked spectacular. Dad and I looked at each other and smiled. I knew what he was thinking and I'm sure he knew what I was thinking. She was gorgeous.

Mom went to Mandy's suite and Dad, as my best man, and I went down in the elevator to the Chapel Room. Guests were already arriving. A hotel employee, dressed in a tuxedo, was escorting arrivals to their seats. I didn't have guy friends that I was close enough to ask if they would be Groomsmen. The Bride's Maids, June, Julie, and Vivian would come down the aisle alone in front of Jackie, the Maid of Honor. They would all be followed by Mandy in her wedding dress, that I was anxious to see, on her father's arm.

Dad and I stood off to the right of the podium as the minister took his place in his black robe with sash. Mom was escorted down the aisle to her seat. Everything was ready to go and the organ player started playing a version of 'Halo' by Beyonce. I had a sudden surge of nerves but I got them under control as Vivian, the last of the three Bride's Maids, took her spot to the left of the podium. I smiled at June and Julie as they stood at their marks in off-the-shoulder, mid-calf dresses. Their big breasts strained against the formed cups. Jackie followed in a Champagne colored off-the-shoulder dress that, other than the color was the same as the twins and Vivian wore. There was silence for a few moments and Julie took the opportunity to hoist her dress up higher on her boobs. Then the organist started playing the Wedding Chorus song, known as 'Here Comes the Bride'. The double doors at the end of the aisle opened and John and Mandy appeared. She was stunning and she grinned at me. The dress was amazing. It was also off the shoulder, displaying her new-found cleavage. There was a lot of satin, lace, and pearls. I felt that familiar tingle in my groin and I silently pleaded with my dick to heel. Mandy's hand was on her father's left arm as they slowly approached the podium. Dad and I stepped forward even with the Minister like we had the night before in rehearsal. For some reason, a thought about why the father was to Mandy's right flashed through my mind: 'In old times, the man always was to the right of a woman so he was free to use his sword in his right hand to protect her.' John didn't have a sword but Mandy was a traditionalist.

The ceremony was traditional and it seemed to be over in seconds. It was a blur. We said our vows, the minister blathered on before he pronounced us Man and Wife and I kissed the Bride. The suddenness of it all smacked me in the head. One moment I was single and the next moment I was married. We turned together to face the small crowd and the applause started as they all rose to give us a standing ovation. I kissed Mandy again and we went down the aisle to strobes of flashes from everyone's cellphones.

The reception was only a few doors down and it started with the introduction of the wedding party starting with my mother and John. Mandy and I came in, to a thundering roar of approval. We mingled for a while and then everyone sat for a prime-rib dinner. The booze was flowing heavily and Aunt Mary started to make a spectacle of herself until Jennifer and Jillian took command.

Mom was seated with John, who couldn't take his eyes off her, again. The Wedding party sat at the head table. June and Julie were to my right and Vivian and Jackie to Mandy's left. Dad opted to sit with Mom. After the meal, people started mingling again and the DJ played some dance music. The small Wedding Cake was cut ceremoniously as is tradition and the cake was sliced and distributed. It was delicious and besides the cake that Mandy mashed in my face in her version of tradition, I had two pieces. I refrained from returning the favor.

Dancing started in earnest with the traditional Bride and Grooms First Dance followed by father and Bride and Groom and mother and Bride with the Groom's father. Mom took every opportunity to discreetly brush her hands across my crotch and others giggled and spoke into their hands before joining us on the dance floor. There weren't enough guys to go around but that didn't deter any of the women from hitting the dance floor and other than John, we all knew the score.

As the afternoon wore into the evening, Jackie and Mandy escorted their father to his room so we could get the real party started. He was reluctant to leave his flirting with Mom. The dancing and drinking continued as the DJ announced: "Last Call" and everyone headed for the bar. Aunt Mary and Vivian were pretty bad off. Aunt Mary was humping her pelvis on Dad's thigh in her version of Dirty Dancing. Her daughters let her go but giggled at her antics.

The DJ announced the last dance and everyone moved to the dance floor. The song was 'Forever' by Chris Brown. It's high energy beat got everyone going. The DJ decided that the energy was so high that he relented to cries of 'encore'. He laughed as he already had the Bob Seger song, 'Old Time Rock & Roll' cued up and he followed that up with 'YMCA'.

Mandy elbowed me and pointed toward the head table. I looked to see that Jennifer, Jill, and Molly, who had all hit it off pretty well, were grinding on three young guys in Tuxedoes. They were obviously Hotel employees. They were wearing white cotton gloves. Two of them hadn't even been working this event. I would later get the story that they had figured that with a ten-to-one ratio of women to men, they were unlikely to get any cock. So, they went around the facility and started flirty with guys from the lobby or anywhere else they found them. It turns out that Molly knew one of the guys from the College and she enlisted him to bring others to our party, which was getting pretty nuts by then.

The music stopped to the displeasure of everyone. The bar was closed down and stood dark in the far corner of the room. The lure of booze stocked in several of the rooms pulled everyone upstairs and the party after the party started. I noticed that Grace and her daughters drifted along with the crowd. Doors were left open for everyone to freely go from room to room. Mandy grabbed my hand and pulled me to her suite. She had that sultry look in her eyes and I played dumb just to tease her a little. That effort turned out to be a waste. She pushed me through the open door and closed it behind her and aggressively pushed me down the hallway and against the door to the bedroom. She pushed her body against mine and kissed me while she was unzipping my pants. She giggled as my hard cock flopped out into her waiting hand. She laughed and said, "You are so predictable." I let her slide down my body to her knees and while looking up at me with those lust-filled eyes, she lashed her tongue around my knob and flicked the tip on my 'spot'. I groaned as I looked down at her. Her wedding dress was a mound of white satin, lace, and pearls and she sat back on her heels in the middle of it. She was impossibly gorgeous at that moment.

I groaned hard as my head tipped back against the door as she cork-screwed her lips onto my rock-hard cock. She stopped with just the knob in her mouth and double-fisted my cock at a furious pace. She pushed her lips further down my shaft and gagged as usual at the three-quarter mark. She coughed and heaved up her bare shoulders. She pulled back and I noticed that her right breast had come free of her dress. She noticed too and after clearing her throat, she came up to her knees and dragged my cock over her exposed breast and then pulled down the other side and did the same. She looked up at me and said, "Make love to me Dex? Don't cum. There are an awful lot of women here who want their shot at this 'monster-cock' of yours." She held up my cock as is if to identify which 'monster-cock' she was referring to.

I took her hand and pulled her to her feet and then lifted her easily into my arms and carried her over the threshold of the bedroom door. She laughed and buried her face in my neck and kissed me there. I laid her back on the bed and then removed my tuxedo coat and the bow tie. Mandy was lying back on her elbows watching with a huge grin on her face. After the strip show, I crawled toward her as I pawed my way through the layers of her wedding dress and petty-coats to find that she was dressed commando. Her blonde pubic hair was gone. She grinned at me when she saw the look on my face. She said, "Your sisters did that for me last night. Smooth as a baby's ass."

I slid back off the foot of the bed and buried my face in her bare pussy. She was sopping wet. She couldn't see anything except the mound of wedding dress over my head but she knew when I flicked my tongue across her clitoris and then drilled my curled tongue deep in her pussy. She screeched and dropped off her elbows and launched her hips up at my face. "Oh, God. Oh, God," she chanted. I was so completely engrossed in working Mandy with my tongue that I hadn't noticed that Linda and Molly had joined us. They hadn't said a word or made their presence known until Mandy groaned into an orgasm. She didn't squirt but she flooded her pussy and I was furiously slurping her juices when I felt a hand on my forgotten cock. Then lips pushed on.

I pulled my lips back from Mandy's sex to see who was there. Linda was on her knees to my right holding my cock for her daughter, Molly on my left. There wasn't a lot of room between my body and the bedframe but she was doing just fine. Linda grinned up at me and said, "We figured we'd better get it early." Molly giggled around my cock. Linda's hand got in sync with Molly's blow job and started jerking me off. That deep tingling sensation revealed my orgasm, but it was way off.

When Mandy recovered from her orgasm she heard the tell-tale sounds of a blow job and she spun around on the bed to her stomach and looked down over the edge of the bed to see Molly and Linda in the process of switching up on my cock. Linda buried my cock in her face leaving no room for Molly to get her hand on it. Molly said, "Go Mom. Suck that cock." Linda giggled with my cock deep in her mouth and then coughed and gagged. Mandy and Molly both laughed as Linda quickly pulled up my shaft and coughed a huge wad of saliva on my cock. Molly rubbed it in.

Before Linda could go back down, I said, "Pardon me ladies, but I have to make love to my lovely wife first. I promise I'll find you after."

Linda frowned and kissed my knob and said, "You'd better." She and Molly got to their feet and left. Mandy and I were alone again. I heard the front door open again and then Linda's voice saying, "Give them a minute Ladies, but we're next." As expected, we were getting a dance card.

I climbed back on the bed, Mandy rolled back on her back and scooched back to the middle of the bed as she pulled the layers of her wedding dress up to her waist as I climbed up between her spread legs. The top of her dress was pulled down to her waist too. Her nipples were on high-beams. She lifted her head trying to see over the mound of the dress as I moved into position. I laid my long cock on her bald sex and leaned down and suckled gently on her tender boobs. She grabbed the sides of my face and moved me around her boobs where she wanted the attention. I offered no resistance until I pulled back and used one hand to guide my raging hard cock into her. She emitted a short shriek and then pushed her hips up at me as I lowered myself. She groaned out, "Oh ggawwdd. I love you." I grinned down at her lust-filled eyes and started sawing my cock in and out. She was moving her hips up and down counter to my moves. Mandy was in-heat.

We hadn't been going for very long when a deep, guttural, and demonic voice erupted from Mandy's throat. "Oh ggawwd, Dex. I'm cumming. Fuck. Cum with me." It was pretty short notice, especially after she told me not to cum. I had been frantically trying to hold back. I had even taken some short breaks to let it recede. Now I had to make a sudden change of course. I quickened my pace to catch up and it just heightened her orgasm. She was halfway through hers before I humped up and rocketed cum deep in her vagina. She was humping her hips. I was launching my hips with each power spasm. Her eyes went wide when she felt my blasts of cum. She chanted, "Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus." She continued her chant until she just collapsed under me. No more hip thrusts, No more groaning or chanting. Just frantic gasps for air as her tits rode her chest up and down.

When I was done, I pulled my cock slowly from her sex. Mandy groaned hard as I slid out of her. She fumbled through the layers of dress to feel if I was still hard. I flexed my hardness in her hand and she grinned up at me and said, "I think Linda and Molly are next. I'm going to just lay here for a minute and enjoy this rush. Okay?"

When I stood up, I noticed Jackie standing near the bedroom door. She had her hand up under her dress diddling herself. She looked at my hard cock pointing at her face, then she looked up at my face. She said, "I know. You have a long list. Linda and Molly are waiting in the hall. Those guys that Molly got are filling the void." She giggled as she realized her pun and continued, "So to speak." She nodded for me to go.

I walked down the hall with my cock pointing the way and opened the door enough to look out in the hall. Molly noticed and motioned for her mother. I led them down the hall to the suite's living room. It wasn't much of a sexy start but as soon as they were naked, thing's picked up quickly. As I went past the bedroom door I noticed that Jackie was face down in her sister's pussy licking my cum from her so she wouldn't stain her dress. Mandy was moaning steadily from Jackie's attack.

Linda's first effort was to lick the post cum from the 'eye'. She savored the taste while Molly stroked her right hand from the knob to my balls in a long and steady motion. Then Linda pushed me back to lie on the floor. She wasted no time crawling over my torso, in a reverse cowgirl position, and slide her ass down to my hips, guiding my cock into her wet pussy as she went. We both groaned as she slid down my shaft as far as she could. Once Linda was in motion, Molly threw her left leg over my head facing her mother's back, and slid her sex onto my waiting tongue. She groaned as I flicked my tongue across her erect clitoris before directing my attack at her vagina. Molly was fondling Linda's big tits and I was fondling Molly's big tits. The passion rose steadily until Linda exploded into an orgasm and her screeches pushed Molly into hers.