Different Path


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From what Jon could determine, the natives called their planet Earth also, but he didn't recognize any of the names of the nations or cities. He decided the society roughly corresponded to medieval times on the Earth he knew. There was a rigid class structure with the gentry, royalty and peasants. There was a small class of more well to do merchants as well. The main difference between the two Earths was in the realm of magic. On Jon's home Earth, magic (he assumed but now questioned) was just a superstition while on this Earth, magic actually worked if Be a was to be believed!

It seemed there was several different types or classes of magic and people who practiced it. Wizards were at the top of the heap, Hedge Witches the bottom, least powerful, more like those who used natural remedies at the dawn of time. Wizards could do powerful magic spells such as Bea said Jon did when he killed the two men attacking her with his magic blows. There were alchemists who made concoctions of one type or another and there were witches and sorcerers who, mostly didn't invent new spells or ways to use magic, but used the magic Wizards "invented".

Jon decided if it was OK with Bea, he would hang around her place until he figured out what he could actually do and learned more about the world in which he found himself. He was shocked, however, when he mentioned this to her and she said, "Master, whatever you desire we shall do. This place now belongs to you, not me, so we can stay or go as you see fit. Women cannot own property or animals so if you do not take it, the next male who arrives and wants it will. When you kept those men from raping and killing me, you became my master as well. My father gave my hand to my late husband. Since you killed the man who killed him and rescued me, I have became yours.

"Should you not accept me, I become available for any who wants to take me or, if I am lucky I will starve or the beasts will take me before I can be taken by a cruel master in your absence."

Bea looked scared when Jon muttered, "Well shit. What the fuck do I do now?"

Bea began crying and moaned, "You don't want me? But what will I do now? I would have been better off if they had killed me. When it becomes known you rejected me my life won't be worth living."

"Crap. No, that's not what I mean. I just don't know how to handle all this. I'm sure you're a great person and any man would be glad to have you but I have a life back where I came from. I was working to cure a very bad disease and caught it then when I came home early I found my wife fresh from bed with her new man and packing to leave me. Now I find myself here and I know almost nothing about this land, its people, or how to survive here if I can't get back home. Hell, I'm not even sure I want to go back home after what I came home to."

"Master why don't you take some time and think about everything. I prepared our evening meal. After we eat you can relax and decide what needs to be done next and how to do it. Do you even know how to get back to your old home if you decide that is the place we should go?"

Jon realized she was right. He wasn't sure how he even got here and if he was honest, he hadn't been too happy back there. Maybe this world would be better? It was awfully primitive though. He sat and watched Bea work while he thought. Finally the simple meal was ready and they ate, his mind still going a mile a minute.

After the meal Bea cleaned up and a suddenly exhausted Jon staggered back to the small bed. He was asleep almost before he got laid down. Sometime during the night he woke to go to the bathroom and found Bea snuggled up beside him. He was already out of bed before he realized there was no bathroom to go to. He stood in indecision for a moment then shrugged his shoulders. He really had to go so staggered to the door, opened it and moved several steps into the small yard before letting his urine go.

After he finished Jon went back inside and carefully barred the door once again before climbing back into bed with Bea.

Jon woke to Bea moving around the small kitchen area building up the fire and preparing breakfast. He watched her for a moment then once again felt the need to piss and got out of bed. He walked to the door, opened it and went outside to do his business. This time he walked around the side of the small house and pissed against a tree.

When Jon got back into the house Bea looked to be sure he latched the door then said, "Master, why were you up last night? When I woke I found you on the opposite side of me from when I came to bed. I first thought you made water but the chamber pot was dry."

"I had to uh, make water as you call it. I didn't know where to go so I stepped outside and away from the house to do it."

Bea's face whitened and she gasped, "OH, Master! Do not do that. It is dangerous outdoors after dark. Wild animals and spirits abound in the dark forrest. 'Tis why we have yonder chamber pot," she said pointing at a round object pushed underneath a small table beside the bed.

After a small, plain breakfast of some type cereal Bea said, "Now Master, I will clean up here then go about my work in the fields. Should you need anything, merely call and I will come."

"What can I do to help Bea?"

"Oh, nothing Sire. 'Twould be unseemly for you to dirty your hands on such work as I will be doing this morn. Mayhap you should do whatever wizards such as yourself normally do?"

"Uh, yeah, OK. And for the last time, call me Jon. I've told you over and over to cut out the Master and Sire shit."

"Oh, please Sire, it wouldn't be proper at all."

"Well I don't care. That's what I want and you said you would do whatever I told you to do. If it means that much to you, you can call me Master or Sire in public. That's as far as I will give in."

"Yes, Jon. Now, unless you need something from me I must be off to the fields." She caressed her bosom and gave Jon a sultry look before saying, "Anything at all." Bea watched Jon a moment before she turned and left for the fields.

Jon found a comfortable place beside the nearby stream and sat in the shade watching the water flow past while he thought about his situation. Magic, he thought. Supposedly it works here. I wonder how I can do magic? Something sure smashed those two men yesterday. Hummm. Jon spent several hours thinking about magic and trying different things to see if they worked. To his surprise, he was able to do some "magic". He could move light weight items with a thought and could make small pebbles move with some speed and hit where he wanted to hit. He tried to make things appear and found if he knew the chemical formula of an item he could "conger" something that at least looked like that item part of the time.

The few chemical concoctions he "made" seemed to be items where the components were more readily available. He surmised the raw materials needed to be present before his "magic" could combine them in the proper amounts for the item to be made. It seemed if he visualized the chemical formula and arrangement of the atoms for an item it would form if the ingredients were available. In any event, by the time evening came around his stomach was growling from hunger, his ass was sore from sitting on the hard ground and his head ached once again from the strain of doing what he was now willing to admit was magic.

Jon, being the Geekish Nerd he was, found himself completely immersed in the study of this, new to him, idea of magic. He was so engrossed in this study he completely forgot his desire to return to civilization or even to the nearest town to report the assault and murder of Bea's husband. As he delved further into the new phenomenon he became more adept. Perhaps, naturally, he found his abilities centered on the magic related to chemistry and biology, the areas in which he trained and obtained his Doctorate although he could also form more common items if he was familiar enough with them and had the materials.

By this time, Jon was completely over his bout of Covid 19 and was feeling the needs of a healthy young body. He found himself paying more and more attention to Bea's body and found himself drawn to her personality as well. She seemed to be very caring and was definitely a hard worker. At night, sharing the small bed her touches always left him sexually aroused.

One evening Bea announced it was bathing day and stripped naked then bathed in front of Jon. Afterward, she put on her night gown and crawled into bed with him as normal. This time, instead of backing up to his body and spooning before dropping off to sleep she reached for his cock and began playing with it.

Jon reached down and grabbed her hands before asking, Bea, what are you doing?"

"Surely you know that Jon. A man your age and as handsome as you are has surely bedded more than his share of women. I have waited for you to take me as is your right but, even though I have seen and felt your need, you have not done your duty. Tonight, I am taking you at your word and am asking you for the help you offered me before. I have female needs, needs only a man can satisfy."

"But I meant if you needed help with your work."

"Be that as it may Sire but you did say for me to call on you if I needed your help. Well I do. I desperately need your help soothing the desire in my loins. Now, Sire, should I mount you or will you mount me. I am wet and ready for you."

"But..." Jon said.

Bea sighed and threw the covers back, pulled his cock from his night clothes and climbed over him. After she straddled his body she guided him into her needy cunt. She bit her lower lip and moaned as she settled onto him, driving him as deeply into her as she could. After grinding on him for a moment, she leaned down and gave him a kiss then rose and began rapidly raising up and slamming down, driving him deep into her hungry pussy as hard as she could.

For the next several minutes all that was heard in the small cabin was the slap, slap, slap of their mating interspersed with guttural grunts and sighs from each. When she came, Bea screeched and collapsed onto Jon just as he let out a bellow and thrust upward as he unloaded his seed into her. He smiled to himself as he lay under her enjoying the fluttering and squeezing of her cunt as she worked through her orgasm.

Both the new lovers woke a little later than usual the next morning. Bea looked at Jon with a twinkle in her eye and a smile on her face. She leaned to him and gave him a gentle kiss before throwing the covers off and climbing out of bed. She, like Jon, was completely nude. To save his life he had no idea how or when they managed to get undressed but he sure did like the look.

Bea smiled at Jon when she saw him watching her. She said, "Rest a moment longer Jon. I will prepare our coffee and the meal soon."

Jon and Bea soon fell back into a more normal routine that morning but it was obvious to each that things were not as they had been. Each went out of their way to touch the other and there was even an occasional kiss. After the house was straightened Bea left for her normal day caring for the garden and the few animals she had, Jon returned to his studies.

As Jon's studies progressed he became more comfortable in his current surroundings and less attuned to Bea's daily toils. One day after he had been with her for almost six weeks she looked over her shoulder at him as she prepared their evening meal. Bea said, "Jon, we need to go to town soon. We are running out of spices and many necessities. We will also have some items I can take to market."

"What?" He stopped thinking about his latest problem and parsed her statement then continued, "Oh, yes, that's ok. When will you go? I should be able to cope. How long will you be gone?"

"Jon, we can leave whenever you desire but it should be soon."

"Oh. I need to go with you? Why? I don't know anything about this world or selling whatever you have to sell."

"Jon, you must go or I cannot. You are my protector. True, should we live in the village, I could go to market alone to purchase supplies but you need to at least be present when I sell and to keep brigands at bay during the travels. It is not safe to travel alone My Lord. There will be some danger for the two of us but your magic will serve to keep us safe I am sure."

"Uh, you realize I'm not much of a fighter. I have never really done anything like that. Even when I was in the Army I wasn't a combat soldier. I was a medic. I suppose I can help with the sales somewhat and, maybe, I could help if we're attacked. I have learned some things I can do with the magic to dissuade robbers. If you need me, then sure, I can go. When do you want to leave?"

"I can gather what's needed before we sup and we can leave on the morrow if that meet with your approval."

"Yeah, OK."

Bea pulled the cooking food away from the heat and hurried outside. Jon followed and tried to help but he just seemed to get in her way. Finally she pushed him aside and asked him to just wait. She could do it much faster without his help, she said. Jon's feelings were slightly hurt but after watching for a few moments he had to admit she was progressing faster without him getting in her way.

Soon Bea had two large packs made, hers only partly filled with items she wished to sell and his completely stuffed. She picked up the lighter one and asked Jon to bring the other then she returned to the house. After their delayed meal Bea finished filling her pack with the items she would need to feed them on the trip.

By now, Jon was used to Bea sharing his bed and they soon crawled into it where they quickly dropped off to sleep snuggled closely together. When Jon heard Bea moving around preparing breakfast the next morning, he felt more tired than usual. He finally struggled out of bed, dressed and went outside to take care of his morning toilet. It sure seemed darker than usual.

They finished a quick breakfast and Bea cleaned up before moving to pick up her pack. When Jon saw her settle her pack on her shoulders he reluctantly donned his and followed her from the small house. It was still dark and usually the sun was breaking over the trees by the time they finished breakfast. He commented on this fact and Bea turned to look back at him for a moment before continuing ahead.

As she walked, Bea said, "Of course Sire. 'Tis two long days walk to town and we must leave early in order to make the trip in just two days. I believe we are relatively safe near your home but you should be very cautious and watch the surroundings for wild animals and brigands. And please move as quietly as you can."

Even as active as he had been since he arrived in what he now considered to be his new home, Jon was tired and in pain by noon when they stopped for a quick lunch. Bea had packed some cheese, bread and dry meat for their noon meals and it tasted like a gourmet repast to Jon this day.

Jon's rest felt good and the lunch was better. Unfortunately, the benefit of the rest was outweighed by the pain and stiffness Jon felt upon rising to begin their trek afterward. He wasn't sure the short rest was worth the pain of his stiffened muscles garnered from the short period of inactivity.

As evening approached Bea said, "Jon we are nearing our night's resting place. Normally there is plentiful game available nearby. Saul could sometimes manage to snare a rabbit or even, sometimes, get something with his bow. Might you be able to provide such?"

"Bea, I have never hunted game in my life. I wouldn't know how to even begin. Besides that, as you surely know, I have nothing with which to kill it if we could stumble upon something edible."

"But I have seen you throwing those small stones and moving items without touching them. Couldst you not do the same and hit small game with them? Saul could throw rocks and occasionally obtain a rabbit."

Jon almost stumbled when Bea said that. He had practiced for hours learning magic but had never considered possible uses for what he learned. How many small rocks had he shattered using his mind to throw them against trees and larger rocks? Surely he could use one to hit game with. He would at least try to do so. He found himself more and more wanting to please Bea and make her respect him. Oh, he knew she respected him for being a "Wizard" and her, what—owner? No, she wasn't a slave and he refused to think anything that might indicate she was. To him, master was not much better. Maybe protector? Yes, that sounded better. He strongly hoped she looked at him as a man and wanted to be with him from choice and respect for his manly attributes rather than because of social custom and necessity as he halfway suspected was the case even though she had initially initiated their intimacy.

Unfortunately, after Bea asked him to kill something for their supper, they did not come across any game before they reached the small glenn in which Bea said they would camp. As soon as they arrived in the beautiful glenn, Jon and Bea dropped their packs. Jon collapsed onto the ground beside his pack and leaned against a huge oak tree. Bea moved into the trees and began gathering wood for their fire. After she thought she had enough wood, Bea built a fire then opened her pack and began preparing supper. Jon felt guilty for not at least helping gather the wood but he was just too exhausted to even walk the few steps to the clear brook for a fresh drink of water, much less help with camp chores.

While Jon, embarrassedly, sat in near total exhaustion watching Bea work and move about as if she had just got up recently he saw a flicker of movement on the other side of the brook about 100 feet away. He looked carefully and saw a small deer watching Bea move around. Apparently her movement frightened the deer. Its white tail shot up and it turned to run back into the forrest.

Without thinking, Jon glanced at a thumbnail sized stone that had apparently chipped off one of the rocks surrounding the fire circle. He was super excited from seeing the deer and badly wanted to please Bea with fresh meat for the meal. He willed the stone to rise and hit the deer where he believed its heart to be. He didn't consciously think of a speed with which to hit the deer but was thinking about the speed with which he believed some calibers of rifle rounds moved.

Whatever speed he imparted to the rock, it hit the deer and penetrated deeply. The deer took another step or two and collapsed on the ground. Jon jumped up in excitement and startled Bea. She jumped and turned in the direction Jon was looking. He noticed she was holding her knife in a defensive way.

Jon started running toward his deer and Bea yelled, "Jon. What's wrong? Is something amiss?"

"A deer Bea. I used a rock and killed us a deer."

Bea began running after Jon and said, "A deer? You've killed a deer? But I didn't hear or see...". She came up beside Jon and saw the deer laying in a small pool of blood. She quickly moved to cut its throat and began dressing it.

As Bea worked she said, "You truly are a great Wizard. One small hole in the hide and the deer just dropped. Rarely did Saul ever manage to kill large game and when he did it took two or three arrows. We will eat well and will even have some meat and the hide to sell on the morrow when we arrive in the town.

"I will dress the deer and gather more wood for the fire. While our meal cooks I can cut the choice parts for sale and dry some of the poorer cuts for us to eat while traveling." She looked apprehensively at Jon and continued, "Sire, I cannot carry all by myself. Would you be willing to let me place the meat in the hide and string it on a pole which we can both carry? We will garner a large amount of needed supplies with this meat and what I have brought to trade."

"Yes, I can help carry the meat. Haven't I told you time after time I can help you with your work?"