Do You Believe?

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Leaving L.A. was the beginning of an unusual adventure.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/05/2022
Created 04/01/2005
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When I left the big city I had lots of good reasons. I hated having neighbors twenty feet from my bedroom. I hated that there was always machine noise; from cars, TV's, sirens, brakes, and leaf blowers. I liked that if I wanted something it was close. I hated that whatever it was I wanted I had to stand in line to get it. I was in my mid fifties and figured I'd spent at least a year in line!

I got lucky. I came into some unexpected money. I decided that all the reading and work I'd done on me deserved a reward. All the years of working at jobs I didn't particularly like deserved a reward. I bought a pick up, sold almost all my stuff including my house near the beach, transferred my mail delivery to my sister's address up in Oregon and went looking for a new place to live.

I pulled out of Los Angeles on a Monday morning. I closed the door of my new truck at 5:30 in the morning with me inside and headed north. I wasn't interested in finding a big city, or a busy city to live in. I like the ocean. Hell, I like water. So I had mapped out a few small towns near water to look at.

Four days later I was in Oregon. Two more days of wandering around southern Oregon and I stopped for lunch in a cute little town. The diner was a store front in the two block town. There were six tables, each with a different colored tablecloth. The waitress was wearing jeans, a western shirt and boots. She was about fifty. On the totally subjective scale of between one and ten I gave her a six, until she smiled. That smile pushed her score to nine.

She came over to my table and said, "Hi. I'm Matty. You want lunch or breakfast?"

I told her I wanted lunch and she told me my choices. No menu. After she told me the five choices I asked price. I was told that whatever I ordered the price was six bucks. I ordered. She disappeared into the back for three minutes and brought back my lunch.

She put the plate in front of me, got me something to drink and then did something I'd never seen before in a cafe. She sat down with me and we talked while I ate.

By the time the meal was over I had an idea about staying in this town for a while. I asked Matty about a place to stay and she left me for a couple minutes, made two phone calls and came back asking if I wanted near the river or closer to town. I picked near the river.

"Well, let's go then."

Matty hung the closed sign in the window and we walked out to my truck. She pointed things out as we drove and ten minutes later we were at a house on a small hill overlooking the river. It was a two story farm house with a porch going around three sides and two rocking chairs on the side facing the river.

"Who lives here?" I asked.

"You do. That is if it's OK with you."

We walked up on the porch, walked the full length of the porch and Matty told me about the place. The nearest neighbors were half a mile farther down the road. The road that got us from the highway only had three farms on it so there wasn't much traffic. Then she took me inside.

The downstairs was out of my memories from childhood. The front door was like the front door I remembered from when I was little. It had an oval beveled glass window in it and when you closed the door the window rattled just a little. The living room had one chair and a small couch facing a fireplace. The dining room had a round oak table and three ladder backed chairs. It looked and felt like the farm house I lived in as a kid.

There was one bedroom and a bathroom downstairs and three more bedrooms and another bath upstairs. We talked rent for thirteen seconds and I took it. When I asked who I paid the rent to I was not too surprised that it was Matty. I gave her two months in cash.

She took the money and stuffed it in her back pocket. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. There was a little tongue in the kiss. I gave a little back. She asked if I needed a written receipt or if a lip receipt would do. I asked if I would always get a lip receipt when I paid the rent.

"Any time, Honey. Anytime."

She looked at her watch and said she needed to get back to town. She was expecting her regulars for dinner in an hour. I took her back into town and stayed for dinner. I was introduced to the regulars. One of the families lived north of town and they were retired. The other family had the farm at the end of the road where my place was.

They were in their early forties and had their nineteen year old daughter with them. They were dressed in work clothes and those clothes were well worn. Mr. Nilsson said they farmed and I believed him. His wife introduced herself as Sarah and Matty told me that she made the best berry preserves in the county, and had the blue ribbons as proof. Sarah also introduced their daughter, Pam.

At first look Pam wasn't attracting my attention very much. She was wearing a long sleeved cotton shirt tucked into bib overalls. Both the shirt and the overalls looked like they were her Dad's. Her hair was blond and hadn't been brushed since morning by the look of it. She wore no make up. When she looked up at me as we were introduced I thought she would faint. Then I noticed that her mother looked at me again and all the color drained from her face. Matty introduced the daughter to me again and she shook my hand and smiled. She learned that smile from Matty. Now she had my attention. I wondered about the look both she and her mother had on their faces, but I didn't say anything.

I went back to my table and finished dinner. When the Nilsson's were finished they stopped at my table and Mr. Nilsson asked if he could send Pam over in the morning to help me find things and get settled in. She knew my place well as she had been keeping it clean for Matty. I accepted and they said great.

I was the last diner out that night and Matty gave me another lip receipt before I left. She also seemed right on the edge of laughing about some private joke.

When I got to the house I realized that it wasn't locked and I didn't have a key. I found a light switch, went to the bathroom, stripped and went to bed in the downstairs bedroom. The quilt on the bed was handmade, not machine sewed, and was a log cabin pattern that I had on my bed when I was a kid. This one was in about five shades and patterns of green material.

When my eyes opened it was starting to get light outside. Pam was standing in the doorway. Clean shirt, clean bibs, brushed hair. She was blushing. I saw the tent I was making of the covers and turned a bit to take it out of her view.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Nick. No one knocks around here and I never saw anyone sleep in before. I thought you would be up."

"I'm from the city. In the city this is still night. Don't feel badly. I'm not offended. Now, give me a couple minutes and I'll get dressed."

"I brought some stuff to make breakfast for you. Momma said you probably hadn't gone to the market yet." She turned and was gone.

I got up, showered and dressed. By the time I walked into the kitchen she had breakfast on the table. She must have thought I was going to pull a plow through forty acres of dirt. On my plate were five eggs, three pieces of toast and a slice of ham that must have been almost half a pound! She washed the frying pan and then came over and sat with me as I ate.

She told me about life here in southern Oregon and she asked lots of questions about Los Angeles. She had lived on the farm and in this town all her life. She stayed because her parents needed her and she didn't have enough education to do anything but farm, she said. After I ate as much as I could she cleaned up the kitchen and we unloaded the truck. I brought in all my computer stuff and we made one upstairs bedroom my office. Pam thought the one with a nice view of the river would be the best. We put all the computer stuff in there and then put my clothes in the closet of the downstairs bedroom; my books on the floor of the living room and my two boxes of personal stuff went into the bathroom and the kitchen.

Pam worked hard and asked lots of good questions. By ten in the morning I was tired. Pam wasn't. She recommended that we make out a list of things I wanted from town and then she'd show me where to get everything.

As we made out the list she pointed out things that she thought I needed for the house. She thought a new strainer for the kitchen sink would be a good idea and a plunger for the bathroom. She said both of the ones in the house didn't work very well, they were old.

We went to town. After we went to "the store" we went to "the grocery." Then we stopped in to say Hi to Matty. When I looked through the front window of Matty's I saw her look up and see us coming. She unbuttoned the top three buttons of her shirt. I smiled.

Pam and I each had a cup of Matty's coffee. When I paid the bill Matty gave me a lip receipt in duplicate. It was very nice and felt a lot like an invitation to come back for desert.

In the truck headed back for the house Pam asked, "You like Matty?"

"Yeah. Nice lady."

"She told me that you don't know anything about us. Why did you come here?"

"I came here cause I was tired of living in the big city. Millions of people and no one close. I want to live somewhere quiet. I want to know people. I want to feel like I belong somewhere."

I drove on and then said, "And what is there to know about you folks?"

"Dad says that our attitudes are different here than out there. I wouldn't know. I've never been out there. Maybe over the next few weeks you can tell me about people out there and I'll know what Dad's talking about?"

We arrived at the house and spent the next hour or so getting things put away. When I was done putting things in the basement I went looking for Pam. I found her standing in the doorway to the bedroom where I had slept. The bed was made. I hadn't made it. As I walked up to her she turned and gave me that wonderful knee-weakening smile I had seen in Matty's the night before.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

"After that huge breakfast? No. I may not eat lunch today at all."

"I think that might be a mistake. Momma wants us to come for lunch. You'll like Momma. You'll really like momma's cooking." She kept looking at me like she saw something or knew something that was a secret being kept from me.

In the truck she sat near but not touching me. When we got to her family farm we were greeted by a big black Labrador dog. He met us at the gate and ran alongside up to the house.

"His name is Amor." Pam told me. "It means Love."

"I like the name and the dog." I scratched him and he seemed to like me too.

We found Mr. Nilsson in the barn. He was finishing a desktop. The desk was in three pieces and everything else was done. From what I could see it was a well made desk. All I could see was the piece of desk top he was applying finish to. The top appeared to be made of a burl with light oak around the edges. Pam thanked him and kissed him. I guessed the desk was for her.

As Mr. Nilsson and I talked Pam went into the house. When she came out she was carrying a box. She put it in the back of the truck and came back into the barn. Mr. Nilsson and I were done so I shook his hand and we left the barn.

I didn't ask about the box.

Lunch was wonderful. A salad filled with fresh from the garden everything, a ham and cheese sandwich on homemade bread with mustard that Pam told me her momma had made. I wasn't very hungry but I ate it. It tasted better than any salad or sandwich I'd eaten in a very long time.

Back at the house Pam went back to work. I went upstairs and measured the room that was to be my office. I sketched a desk, added measurements and wondered if there was someone in town who could make it for me. I carried the pad downstairs and figured I'd ask Mr. Nilsson if he knew anyone who could make it. I hesitated to ask him to do it as I knew his farm took up a lot of his time.

Pam swept the place, cleaned the windows, and was working on watering the plants around the outside of the house when I finished making my standard plank and brick hippy bookcase and loaded it. As I stepped out on the porch she aimed the hose at the porch and soaked me.

I yelled and chased after her. We were laughing and she was saying it was an accident. When I caught her I took the hose and soaked her with it. She ran out of range and stood laughing and facing me with water dripping off her.

I walked over and shut the water off. When I turned back around I almost passed out. Pam was standing next to the clothes line hanging the bib overalls over the line. I saw her butt covered with blue panties and I watched as she unbuttoned the shirt and took it off. As she hung the shirt on the line I could see the line of matching blue across her back. I was frozen to the spot.

Her legs were slender and strong looking. Her butt tight and looked delicious. She reached back and undid the bra and hung it over the line. I noticed that there were no tan lines on her back. She bent and pushed the panties down and off. They went on the line. She stood still for a moment and then I heard her say, "Well, are you just going to stand there wet all afternoon?"

She bent and slipped her feet back into her boots and then walked to me. I didn't move. I watched as her breasts bounced ever so slightly as she walked. I saw her tight hard nipples. I saw her hard body and I saw that she had no pubic hair. And, I saw that wonderful smile.

When she got to me she stopped and started undressing me. "If you stay in those wet clothes you'll get a cold."

Together we got me undressed. She took my clothes to the line and hung them. When she came back she put her hand on my erection and said, "I guess I could have just hung the clothes here." She giggled.

I reached for her. She stood very still and gave me access to all of her. When I touched her hard nipples she moaned and pressed herself into my hands. I hugged her to me and then I kissed her. Matty not only taught her to smile but also taught her to kiss! My mouth had been completely explored and mapped when that kiss ended. My hands were holding her against me and her hands were both on my cock. I was almost sure that if she moved them at all I would cum.

"I think we'd better get out of the direct sun." Pam said as she guided me towards the porch.

She guided me to a rocking chair and when I sat down she climbed in with me. She straddled me and hooked her legs over the arms of the chair putting her bald pussy against my hard cock.

She used one hand to hold my cock against her slit and she wiggled. I know my eyes were wide and I was still a bit confused that all this was happening so quickly. Pam looked at my face and whispered, "It's OK to fuck me. I'm on the pill."

I lifted her by grabbing her ass and lifting, just enough for her to position my head at her opening. I lowered her as slowly as I could until her vulva was pressed tightly against my pubic bone. She leaned back a little and I bent, taking as much of her breast in my mouth as I could. Pam moaned and ground her pussy against me tightening her vaginal walls and driving me crazy.

"Suck harder," She whispered.

I did. I also put my hands back on her ass and helped her lift and fall on me. Pam felt so good on my cock. Her nipple felt and tasted so good in my mouth. Time passed. She stopped and climbed off of me and out of the chair. She walked to the porch railing and bent at the waist. She grabbed the railing and looked out at the river.

"I've always thought this would be a great place to fuck." She said.

I stepped up behind her and slid into her pussy. I pumped and she squealed. I pumped more and she urged me on. I held on to her hips and slammed against her ass as I fucked her for all I was worth.

"Don't stop! I can feel you balls slapping my pussy! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

I felt her pussy spasm and grip me like a vise. A wonderful, hot, wet vise. She screamed and shook for a long time. I kept pounding into her.

Somewhere in my past there was a time when I felt the build up leading to my orgasm. I felt my balls tighten. Not this time. I was suddenly there. I kept thrusting! Moaned, yelled, said swear words, I have no idea. My knees went rubbery. If Pam wasn't in such good shape I would have fallen. I held on to her hips and kept my cock inside her until I regained some control over my own body.

I relaxed my hold on her hips and my now limp cock slid out of her. "Oh," was all she said.

Not trusting my ability to walk, I sat right there on the porch. As soon as my ass hit wood I noticed that Pam's pussy was right in front of my mouth. I could see my cum starting to drip from her.

I put a hand on each cheek of her beautiful ass and stuck my tongue into her. She jerked and was washed by another orgasm. I sucked all the juice from her and sucked her clit as well. Another orgasm weakened her knees and she panted, "Stop! Please stop or I'll die."

I helped her to turn and she sat straddling me on the porch. Her arms wrapped around me and she put her head on my shoulder. I leaned back and found I could easily lean against the house. Pam and I sat in the shade of the house and fell asleep.

It was getting dark when Pam woke up. She sat up slowly and put a nipple against my lips. I woke up and when I realized what was at my lips I sucked it in. It was not long before we both felt the effect she was having on my anatomy. Pam rocked back and forth against my cock ever so gently. I got harder and she rocked some more.

I released her nipple and kissed her mouth. I was sure she knew if I still had tonsils her tongue exploration was that through. I started to move, to change positions.

"Please stay just like this. This feels so good." She kissed me again.

My hands held her ass and assisted her rocking motion. She pinched my nipples and bit my neck. I could feel the tension building in me towards another explosion of cum.

"I'm getting close." I whispered.

Pam lifted herself a little and inserted my cock in her wetness. As she hit bottom she resumed rocking. Slowly.

Minutes passed. I don't know how I kept from cumming for so long. She was rubbing every part of my cock, gently and insistently. Her breathing changed. The skin of her chest mottled and Pam tilted her head back and a long low throaty moan began. I couldn't hold back another second. I lifted my hips and thrust hard into her. Her moan became a wail and her hands grabbed at my shoulders.

As we came down, panting and grasping at each other Pam snuggled in again and fell asleep.

Pam stood up suddenly. I woke up and instantly was aware that I had been sitting on the porch too long. Pam giggled and said maybe we should get dressed and go inside.

I loved watching her run over to the clothes line and retrieve our clothes. She carried them against her chest and I watched her walk back to me catching glimpses of her pussy as she walked.

"You need help getting up?" She asked.

"No. Just time."

I put my hands on the porch and started to get up. I was stuck to the porch with all the juices we both had issued.

"Damn, woman. You glued me to the porch."

"Don't move! I'll be right back."

She ran into the house and returned a couple minutes later with warm water and a wash cloth. I'm sure the warm water did the job but the scrubbing caresses she gave with the wash cloth were worth being stuck to the porch. She giggled all the time she was unsticking me from the porch.

We went inside and showered. I was amazed at the amount of crust that was on both of us. I was amazed at how much fun we had cleaning it off.

Out of the shower Pam used a towel and then headed for the kitchen. I wrapped the towel around me and followed. By the time I got there Pam had dinner going. She moved around the kitchen like she'd spent her life in that very kitchen.