Dragons Breath Ch. 03

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A doodler finds his niche.
32.3k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/11/2017
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LEGALESE: Don't read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. This is a work of fiction.

All sexually active characters are above the age of consent on their planet of origin.

Many thanks go to RF-Fast for editing and polishing. Any bad grammar left is wholly on me and my artistic style... and a strong reliance on spell check.

Copyright (c) 2017 by Acup

A word of warning, I write good stories, I hope, with some decent sex in them. If you're looking for a stroker look somewhere else.

The disclaimers have been moved to the end of the story for my ADD readers.



I was really looking forward to this weekend, the four day opening weekend of the renaissance festival. And even though the weather forecast was kind of sketchy, it would be a nice get away from all the recent upheavals in my love life.

I drove out to the Renaissance Festival Friday morning looking forward to the long weekend, and even more so to not having to drive back to the mall to work in between things. This was my third year coming out here, my second as part of the official crew. And having the Rialta was just icing on the cake. I could sleep to AC instead of driving back to park in the service tunnel. I still had to park out a ways, but oh well.

I slipped my 'kilt' on, grabbed my drawing material, and headed inside slipping a rain coat and a trash bag in my pack. The first for me, and the second for my paper and stuff in case those dark clouds decided to open up and pour.

Let the roller coaster begin. But was it going to be the turtle kiddie ride, or the Intimidator this summer?

I made it in with half an hour to spare before the public gates opened under the scornful look of the coordinator. I just grinned, I had just paper and an easel to set up, unlike the shops with boxes of inventory to arrange.

I made my way down, not far from the entrance. My best spot so far and a sure fire way to be one of the first sketch artists they would see. I set the easel up, but left the pad closed with the misty weather, just sitting and 'sketching' on an already finished drawing.

'And the race is on!' You could hear the first wave of people rushing in, like they would miss something. Most of the ladies were heading for the shops just past me, but they would be back around.

The weather cleared a bit, so I set a few of my older sketches out, but not my good ones, it was still a bit damp. Two hours and nothing. The crowds were down, probably due to the weather. I was thinking about packing it up for lunch when a lady and a kid came by, she was taking an interest in a few of my drawings. The kid, having just finished some messy turkey, went for his mother's pants.

"Oh no you don't young man. Find something to wipe your hands on." He stopped for a moment, and then before I could say something he grabbed one of my drawings and wiped his hands off on it. I looked at the kid wanting to reach out and strangle him, his mother just shrugged her shoulder. "Sorry... kids." And then scooted off before I could say something.

I was FURIOUS! Not because of the drawing, it was one of my old Tinkerbelle drawings, but the audacity of her. Like one of my drawings was just... just... just some 'doodling'!

I gathered my stuff and stomped off to 'the kitchen'. I sooo looked forward to this part of the Renaissance Festival. The old world 'kitchen'. Now Maybel had been cooking here for as long as anyone could remember. An open fire old style cookery. It was either in a pot or on a cast iron skillet, but what ever it was, it was always GOOD! And a huge chest swinging free behind a thin top just added to the ambiance.

With the weather being what it was, it was biscuits and gravy. "Mmmmmmm!" She grinned and smiled at me for the simple compliment. I could have eaten several, but it was an 'eat what you need, and donate what you can' kitchen. I know I over paid, but most of us did for what Maybel made, and she appreciated it.

I made my way back to my spot, only to find it taken by one of the other artists. We had an unwritten rule about claiming a spot for the day, but she evidentially didn't care. Well I was looking for an excuse to get away from the food court, so I went wandering. I stopped at the entrance of a few of the theaters, but when the show started I had to move on, festival rules. Actual written rules for the fixed stage areas were followed without question.

Around two o'clock I was going down through all the little shops in the north valley and came across a little gem. There was a covered deck, unused this year. I think there was one of those hanging chair dealers in there last year. Now there was one of those cinnamon roasted pecan vendor carts parked in front of it. But with the afternoon royal parade about to begin and he being parked in a narrows, he had to shift back around the corner.

He was just finishing packing up to move when I stepped under the canopy and set my easel up and began hanging some drawings along the center beam up and protected from the weather. He scowled, I grinned. He was the only food vendor in the area.

I had an enclosed shop on either side of me and some brush not far behind giving me just enough shelter to feel good about hanging my drawings up.

Now I liked this! I was viewed as one of the 'shops'. People wandering through and not trying to walk on top of me. Several of the guys trying not to take an interest in my drawing of Cris nursing Cassandra. My Tinkerbelle hung prominently, but high enough to keep messy little fingers away, and a few of my better drawings displayed here and there.

Within the first half hour I had my first customer, and a few more right up to the early afternoon parade time. Of course everything stopped for the royal parade, but I just sat back sketching various bits and pieces. We had a new 'queen' this year, so I began making a nice sketch. A nice sketch of the 'queen' was what got me in the door in the first place, so it was a good habit to get into.

I also made a few preliminary sketches of the little girl working the pottery shop next door. She had a way about her. She wasn't using the 'traditional' English accent, and she reminded me of someone, but I couldn't think of who.

Shortly after the parade, I was invaded by four women. Two adults, one infant, and a two year old.

"Hey Taylor!" said an obviously braless woman with Cassandra in the carrier. Rene was pushing her little one in a stroller. I was ohhd and ahhhd for about twenty minutes, then Cris batted her eyes and grinned. "Would you mind if I left Cassandra here for a bit while we browse?"

Of course this was asked with a tit hanging on my shoulder and nipple almost ready to pop out the neck line. I groaned, she giggled, kissed my cheek, and scampered off.

I wonder if having a doll in a carrier would work this well. I had several ladies stop in, smile and giggle at Cassandra, then sit for a sketch! I had doubled my usual traffic in just the last hour.

Two hours later the girls showed back up, the stroller so loaded with packages, I had to look to see if there was still a kid in there.

I sat back waiting on the late parade to come by when the young girl next door stepped over to take a look at some of my drawings, coming up beside me to watch me adding to my drawing of the new queen.

"Tha's naught bad."

She stepped back towards the one of Cris and Cassandra. "Ye dawghter is a louvely wee lass."

I almost choked on my drink trying not to spit it all over the drawing of the queen. I pounded on my chest, turning back to see a grinning woman, and finally managed enough breath to speak.

"She's not my daughter. They're just friends."

"Oh," she glanced at the one of Cris and Cassandra again. "I just thought the way you drew the wee one she was your dawghter."

She was looking at my drawings again, and turned back to me to say something but the parade rounded the corner so we watched. Then the usual influx of customers after the parade began so we went back to our duties. What there was of them. Shortly after the parade finished the mist picked up to a light drizzle, then a heavy drizzle. While it wasn't 'raining' it was enough to drive what few people were out to go home.

I stayed and leaned against a post having put my drawing materials in the trash bag to keep them dry. The young girl was keeping busy in her shop, but pretty soon she was down to moving things on display by the quarter of an inch and stepping back to look at it.

Being the big self employed person, I made an executive decision and folded up early. I made my way to the lot, the ground soggy but not too bad. Now this is more like it!

I turned the generator on, and then the AC. I was glad I tested everything last week. I had to put a new thermo couple on the water heater, but it worked just fine now.

Now it wasn't a long hot shower like back at the club, or even a medium hot shower like over at Cris', but it was a hot shower. Wet down and shut off the water, lather, rinse, shut off water again, soap, then rinse one last time quickly before you ran out of hot water. Definitely going to bump it up to max temp for a longer shower!

I kicked back in my bed after the shower and got out my latest green pad, my Tinkerbelle pad. I had all the intentions of drawing something to replace what the kid had ruined, then I grinned remembering my visitors today.

Now there has been plenty of debates on the physique of Tinkerbelle. Most will say that she was petite, as a tiny fairy must be. But Walt Disney for the TV shows of the era had her as a rather busty young lady. Personally I was of the former opinion and had always drawn her fairly slender.

So remembering Rene, I did one of my lustier Tinkerbelle drawings in the back of the book. Something that would have made the red book if it had been a live person. Totally naked, a nice little landing strip, and those nice small tits with prominent nipples! And just for fun I drew her with a dildo instead of a magic wand, although I drew her about to use if for some magic on her self. Legs spread and ready to put it deep between her shaved lips.

I had it pretty much completed when I heard some vehicles leaving. The drizzle had turned to a light rain, and most of the non-RV vehicles were leaving. I waited for the traffic to clear, then pulled up closer to the employee gate. There was quite a collection of vehicles. Some nice busses, but just as many converted school busses, pickup campers, and converted box trucks. I found a nice cozy spot between two box trucks and called it an evening. The dreary gray day taking its toll on me. That and working right up to leaving to come here, my day started about twenty hours ago...


The next morning I looked out the window, and nothing had changed, just the light coming from a different direction. Another gray cloudy day. GREAT. I nuked a sausage biscuit from yesterday and gathered my things also still in the trash bag from yesterday. Donned my rain coat just in case and headed in, hoping to get that covered spot again.

I thought my luck was turning, I got to the covered spot and had just started setting up when the nut vendor rounded the corner. He had to turn back around the corner, but hey, he at lest had an umbrella. Without the roof over my head I was out of business.

But with the light rain, it was just like yesterday afternoon. And since this was the first year I had experienced bad weather at the festival, I was totally unprepared for it. Not only was it a light rain, it was also a cold wind. Damp enough that I kept my sketch pad closed and only put up a few drawings.

I put the bag over my pad and easel and made a run for the food court for something hot around noon. It was a good idea any way. I got there, ordered, and got my burger. I turned to make my way back to my spot, and the sky opened up and poured as I took my first bite.

I managed to get the wrapper around it and inside my shirt as I dashed between little bits of shelter to other little bits of shelter like everyone else. By the time I got back to my shelter, I was soaked. I had a crowd standing around also trying to keep dry and one of the other artists trying to sell off one of my drawings. He made a fuss and still tried to claim it was his. I handed it to the lady wanting to buy it and asked him to describe the hair.

Problem was there was no hair, it was the picture of Cris nursing Cassandra, I had drawn the faces, but not any hair. He huffed off, and I made a decent sale from his puffed up price quote.

By this time I had remembered my burger, now somewhat soggy and lukewarm in my shirt. I tried a few bites, but soggy bun just didn't do it for me.

By late afternoon I was a mess. I was burning up and starving all at the same time. But standing here shivering was infinitely better than staggering up the hill and out to the parking lot on the other side of the festival in the rain. By six thirty I couldn't take it and started trudging toward the lot.

I would go from shop to shop where I could, dashing across the commons if I had to. I made it to the employee gate and was rushed from behind by a crowd heading out and barely kept my feet under me. Staggering in the mud, almost falling on my ass several times, when I felt an arm come around me.

It was my young girl from the pottery booth next door. She swung her cape over me to keep some of the rain off me, and got me across the lot. I got my door unlocked without dropping the keys and she helped me inside. I dropped my drawing bag and was going to turn to thank her when the door slammed and she was gone. I'd just have to say thanks tomorrow.

I managed to strip my clothes off and not fall over, then staggered into the shower like a creaky old man. I just stood there under the hot water until it began to run cold. Stepping out in a towel and wrapping a blanket around me, I started to thaw out while I nuked and ate a can of chicken noodle soup. One more short session in the shower and dropped into bed thankful the day was over.


What a difference a day makes. I wasn't feeling all that chipper, but a bright sunny day does make up for it. After some instant oatmeal I felt almost human again. Of course yesterday when I should have worn my slacks to keep warm, I wore my 'kilt'. Today when it was going to be warm and muggy all I had clean was my slacks. Ya gotta love it.

I trudged off through the mud, thankful that my drawing supplies had made it through yesterday and set up next to the pottery shop again. I was going to step over and say thanks, but the young girl gave me the evil eye and looked like she could kill me. I must have said something yesterday when I was feverish, par for the course for me with women.

If yesterday was slow, a sunny Sunday brought them out in droves. I was doing a fair business in live sketches and sales of what I had already done. And in between I finished the drawing of the young girl next door. I thought I would give it to her as a bit of an apology towards what ever I had said.

I had a fairly busy day, and missed her when she closed up shop, but caught up with her out in the lot.

"Excuse me miss."

She spun on her heals and looked at me with FIRE in her eyes, "You stay away from me you bloody wanker!"

I froze and raised my hands, "Hey, I don't know what I said yesterday, I just wanted to apologize."

"Said my arse, what ye think I am, some young tart that would do with a bloody peepin' tom!"

"A what?"

"Yu deef, I seen what ye've bean hiddin' in there. You're a bloody peeper."

"Lady, I have no idea what you're talking about!" I was all for apologizing for something I did, but this was too much.

"Ye can' deny it. I seen it yesterday when I dumped ye sorry arse in ye bunk!"

"You're full of it."

"I know what I seen!"

"I don't think you do."

"Ye don' do ye? Well prove it. It was sittin' right there!"

"Like hell!"

"Wha, ye to chicken to show me?"

I'd had enough of this, I had nothing to hide. I stepped back and flung the door open, "Look all you want."

She stormed in with me right behind her. I wasn't going to give her a chance to plant something... and she went right for my green sketch pad. Sitting under my bag of stuff I dropped off. And then I realized what she'd seen.

She turned back to me thrusting my latest Tinkerbelle drawing right under my nose... the 'naughty' one with the dildo.

She was getting plenty hot under the collar with me standing there grinning. "Oh, you mean Tinkerbelle."

"Ew the bloody 'ell is tankerbel?"

I couldn't help it, she was gorgeous when she was mad. I smiled even more. "Tinkerbelle, from Peter Pan?" she stood there not saying anything trying to figure out what I was saying. "Just flip to some of the front pages," pointing to the sketch pad in her hands.

She looked at the pad like it would bite her, then flipped to another page, and another, looking between me and the pad.

I shrugged, "She was one of the first charters I could draw. I've just gotten a bit more... creative... lately."

She was standing there with her mouth open a bit, and starting to turn a bit red. She made a noise and said something not in English and ducked out the door. I watched that angry ass wiggle three doors up and disappear around the corner of an old U-Haul truck. She did have some nice movement to those hips!

I turned back to my pads, taking care to close the Tinkerbelle pad, and chuckling at my red pad sitting on the seat. Good thing she didn't get a glance at my copies of some of those, she'd be calling the cops for sure.

I picked up and straightened up a bit, had a sandwich, and was going to kick back and watch some TV, no WiFi out here at the festival and my data plan was the minimal. I saw the drawing rolled up by the sink, and I was going to give it to her as an apology, but maybe it would sooth a few feathers.

So drawing in hand I walked down to the old U-Haul and knocked on the back door. I stood there a moment, then she stepped from around the side. "Um hi," she said quietly, almost guarded.

I smiled at her and she seemed to relax a bit. "Hi, um I drew this earlier, thought you might like it." I handed her the rolled up drawing. She took it, but didn't say anything. "Well, hope you like it," and headed back to the RV.

I kicked back watching TV, and chuckling at my latest Tinkerbelle drawing. It was a bit graphic. I'll just have to blame it on Cris and Rene. Mmmmm, those long sensitive nipples on Rene...


The next morning, the Monday holiday, was a carbon copy of Sunday but with a bit less humidity. Bright and sunny, and since the ground wasn't as soaked from the previous day, Maybel had breakfast on! I got two of the biscuits and gravy, and an extra biscuit to nibble on later. She winked and giggled when I told her that her cooking was a corrupting influence on me.

The good and bad of it being a holiday Monday was the surges. Our first morning rush, then a big lull. Another just after noon, and another lull about parade time. It was just before the parade that the young lady came over a bit cautiously.

I smiled at her, "I don't bite you know."

She began to blush, "I know, I just wanted to... I mean I..."

I stopped her, "No apology necessary. A girl has to be careful now days doesn't she?"

She smiled a million watt smile and was going to say something but a woman walked into her shop so she had to scoot. It was nice to see little smiles instead of the evil looks when I caught her eye.

We had a good laugh a few hours later. She was standing out front looking for someone a bit nervous, like she was desperately hunting for someone to come down the path.

"Looking for someone else to kill?"
