Everybody Loves Raymond-Debra Acts

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Debra Does Porno.
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Everybody Loves Raymond-Debra Acts

Debra Does Porno

(a fictional story about fictional characters)

When the phone rang, Debra hesitated before answering it, sure it was more bad news from a creditor...it was. Wally, their long-time mechanic, was calling to inform her that their car had blown the engine, and they either needed a replacement engine, or a different car. "Damn Ray," she thought. He had driven all the way to Newark for a job interview, and on the way back the car overheated. Instead of stopping, he had kept right on driving until the engine seized up, and forced him to stop. Not that she should have expected much more of him: he had absolutely no mechanical knowledge whatsoever. She still loved him, but now that he no longer was a good provider; he didn't bring much to the table.

Just then, as if she wasn't in a bad enough mood, her overbearing mother-in-law, Marie, blew in through the kitchen door with, "oh hello Debra, where's Raymond?"

Debra replied sarcastically, "nice to see you too, Marie. Robert (his brother) treated him to a day at the driving range. Since he doesn't have a job, he doesn't get to golf much anymore." She knew that last part would crank Marie up...implying that her favorite son was not providing for his family. Debra was not in a good mood, and she had no patience for her know-it-all nemesis. Marie always seemed to pick the most annoying and inopportune times to come barging in. The twins, Michael and Geoffrey, had just been to the dentist's office and they both were going to need braces in the near future. In vain, Debra had been pouring over her budget, attempting to find the funds necessary for everything. Until Ray had been "downsized" (a fancy term for "laid-off") by New York Newsday where he had been employed as a sports columnist; money had never been a problem. Actually, she guessed that she had always taken their financial well being for granted. What was the old saying, "you never really appreciate something until it's gone."

"Oh, that's nice," replied the oblivious Marie, "he's such a good boy, and he's been under so much stress lately."

"He's not the only one," muttered Debra as she began to put the checkbook and bills away in the kitchen drawer, knowing that with Marie there she would never get it done. "Was there something you wanted, Marie," Debra inquired.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot," Marie told her, "I wanted to treat the kids to a day at Coney Island. Frank won free tickets at the lodge, and I wanted to ask Raymond."

"You know, you can ask me Marie; I'm their mother," replied an agitated Debra, " and I think that would be a wonderful idea, I'm sure they would love it."

"Well, OK dear," Marie answered as she left through the kitchen door, "I'll ask Raymond when he gets home."

An exasperated Debra grabbed the nearest object, a cereal box, and threw it at the closed door. "I swear one of these days I am going to strangle that woman," she hissed under her breath. She reminded herself that it was actually her idea to buy the house directly across the street from her in-laws. Their daughter Ally was just a baby and when she found out she was pregnant with the twins, she and Ray knew they had to move out of her little apartment. Frank, Marie's husband, had mentioned that this house was available and she had jumped at the opportunity to be so close to her in-laws. Ray had tried to dissuade her, but Debra had insisted that it would be great to have the extra help, and a handy babysitter. Debra felt like banging her head against the wall, as she remembered how excited she had been. Why hadn't she recognized how exasperatingly pushy and meddlesome Marie really was? Why didn't she ever lock their back door?

Remembering what she had been doing when Marie blew in like a tornado, Debra knew she had to call her friend Sheila and ask about any available employment opportunities. Ally was at a friend's for a play-date, and Michael and Geoffrey were in the living room playing video games (which they seemed to do constantly); so she went upstairs to her bedroom to make the phone call. Sheila was a professional photographer who Debra had met when she had some "boudoir" photos taken as a gift for Ray on their tenth wedding anniversary. That photo session had evolved into an erotic encounter involving Sheila, her husband, and his friend. The encounter had actually changed Debra's life. Sheila revealed that she often took erotic photos for "niche" magazines, and had developed many contacts in the adult entertainment field. Since that initial meeting, Debra had taken several jobs of an x-rated nature after being referred by Sheila. Every time Debra desperately needed extra income, she contacted Sheila.

When she punched Sheila's number she got the answering machine, and left a short missive. Not sixty seconds later her phone rang and it was Sheila returning her call, "sorry Deb, I was busy with a model, but I am so glad you called because I have a job that would be perfect for you. One of my contacts is a producer of adult films and he is looking for a mature actress to play a housewife. No offense about the "mature" label, he just meant someone not in their twenties. I hope you don't mind that I showed him some of your photos; but he thought you would be perfect for the role. The only drawback is that, I guess, the movie has a Summer theme and they are filming this week so that they can get the film into production immediately. I'll give you the director's number and you can call him if you're interested...just make it quick."

Debra thanked her friend, "no offense taken...I am mature. You know by now that I trust your judgement. I'll make a decision and call him today if I decide to take it. Thanks for thinking of me."

After mulling it over for several minutes, Debra decided to call the number Sheila had given her. She wasn't entirely sure about appearing in a commercially released x-rated film, but she didn't think any of their close friends (or relatives) watched that type of movie. If she accepted the job, she would make sure her picture didn't appear on the box cover; and she reasoned she should be safe. Just making the call didn't mean she had accepted the job, just that she was interested. After making sure the boys were still occupied, Debra once again retreated to her bedroom and placed the call to the film's director.

He remembered immediately seeing her pictures at Sheila's, and sounded relieved she had called. His name was Mark, and he admitted he was the writer, director, main cameraman, production manager, and film distributor of the project. He said that the only thing he didn't do was act. The producers, who financed the film, wished to remain anonymous, so he honored their wishes. Mark explained that he had an actress all lined up for the part, but she had backed out at the last minute. He was desperate because filming had already begun, and they wanted the DVD to be in stores before the end of Summer.

Mark went on to explain the plot: "the film is a take-off on another main-stream movie; you will probably recognize the similarities. It takes place in the Summer on a small tourist driven New England island called Harmony. The police chief is Martin Brady and you will play his wife Ellen Brady. The only access to the island is by water, small plane or helicopter. The auto ferry doubles its schedule to the island in Summer to four round trips daily. One day a small motorcycle gang, made up solely of ten black bikers, comes over on the ferry; and no one is shocked that they remain on the island after the last ferry leaves. It isn't unusual to have tourists spend the night in one of the Bed & Breakfast houses on the island."

"Their motive is far more sinister though," he explained, " they intend to take over the island and make it their own personal vacation club for a few days. Their plan is to call the mainland marina and tell them that due to a large oil spill, the harbor and docking facilities will be closed for a few days during the cleanup. They plan to cut the power to the only cell-tower on the island, and to the switching-station for land-line phone service. This should ensure that they have complete control of the island for a few days."

"The script calls for the gang to take over the police department, which consists of the chief and one deputy, and make the police station their headquarters," Mark continued, "here's the familiar part: the name of the biker gang is JAWZ, spelled J-A-W-Z. The logo on the back of their leather vests is the outline of a toothy shark's mouth with a motorcycle in the middle...like it was swallowing the bike. You would be required to have sex with the actors playing the gang's members...a lot of sex. Well, what do you think, Debra? I really need your answer now, because you would have to film the day after tomorrow. Also, I envisioned Ellen Brady to be a blond...do you have any objections to dying your hair?"

Thinking about all the sex was turning Debra on, so it was difficult for her to think clearly, but she knew she was desperate for the cash. She reasoned that dying her hair blond would make it more difficult for anyone to recognize her if they watched the movie. "OK, I'll do it," she heard herself blurt out on the phone. Mark enthusiastically gave her the directions to the warehouse where the film was being shot, and it was only about a half-hour from her home. He assured her that she wouldn't be needed for any outdoor scenes, and they would be added later when the editing took place anyway. After hanging up, Debra checked the bathroom to see if she still had some blond hair dye left over from a previous job...she did.

That evening, over a dinner of salad and lemon-chicken, Debra explained to Ray that she had another product-modeling job with Sheila the day after tomorrow and since it involved necklaces and earrings, the sponsor wanted to see blond hair in the background. "Oh, I'm going to bed with a blond again," Ray rejoiced. Debra knew it was exciting to him because it was like sleeping with another woman, so she just rolled her eyes. She explained that the kids would be going with Marie and Frank to Coney Island for the day, and if the kids were exhausted they would probably just crash at his parents house all night. "I am playing golf with Robert, Gianni, and Doug that day, and if I win they are treating me to dinner," Ray informed her, "and I better win because I can't afford to chip in for their dinner." Debra was annoyed that he had scheduled another golf outing, knowing their financial situation, but was relieved to know he would be occupied all day.

She spent the next day preparing herself for her role: dying and putting waves in her hair, shaving everything that needed it (she decided it would be easier to totally shave her pubic area than to dye her "landing-strip"), and painting her toenails a bright red. Assuming they would provide a costume, she didn't bother selecting any particular clothes; she just picked a plain white blouse which buttoned up the front and a dark, knee-length skirt with a slit up the side. Tiny black thong panties and a matching lace bra would make her feel sexy and a pair of sensible flats (she tossed a pair of black five inch heels in her handbag, just in case she needed them).

She was actually the last person to leave the house the next morning, and she was more excited about the imminent sex, than she was nervous. Upon arriving at the warehouse( thank heaven for the GPS device), she applied some cherry-red lipstick and made her way to the door marked indiscreetly "Entrance." There was a couple dozen cars in the parking lot, so she assumed almost everyone else must be waiting for her. Inside, a tall, handsome man was pacing the floor and immediately introduced himself as Mark, the director. He told her that he was afraid she had second thoughts and wasn't coming, which would have meant delaying the shoot until a replacement could be found. He consciously looked her up and down, and whistled his approval, "the pictures don't do you justice, Debra, you are ravishing...exactly what I had in mind."

She actually blushed as he continued, "I'm sorry to rush you, but we would like to start shooting right away; but first I need you to sing the requisite forms: your acting contract with the salary specified; the consent form acknowledging that you agree to the sex scenes; and the release form so that we can release the finished production with your images included. Then I will introduce you to the other actors. I'll just introduce them by the names they will be using in the film, that way you won't inadvertently call them something else on camera."

Mark showed her into a small office where the aforementioned paperwork was waiting on a desk. She perused and signed them before he beckoned her into a large area of the warehouse where a set resembling a small jail had been erected. There were, of course, multiple cameras and lighting equipment set up, and it was crowded with large black men adorned in black leather biker outfits. Debra thought it looked like a football team assembled in the room. She again blushed as she heard several whistles and catcalls when she entered. "OK Debra, or should I say Ellen, since I may as well introduce you by your script name," Mark began. "This is Dirk, I guess you could say he is the male star since he plays the leader of the biker gang."

Dirk was an enormous black man with a smoothly shaved head. He must have been about six feet eight inches tall (about the same height as Robert), and when they shook hands, her hand was like a doll's hand compared to his. He was an imposing figure, but smiled warmly at Debra, making her feel very sensuous. The next black actor Mark introduced was Duke, and his hair was done in long dreadlocks. The most distinguishing characteristic of Duke was that he was wearing biker's chaps, and nothing under them. She hadn't noticed before because they had all been crowded together talking, but several of the men were similarly attired. Since there was nothing to contain it, his incredibly long black cock hung down between his legs like a pepperoni stick and swung like a pendulum as he walked toward her. She had a difficult time not staring as they shook hands.

Another huge black man with cornrows on his head was the next actor introduced. Debra could swear that he was as wide as he was tall; not fat, just solid, and his name was Hacksaw. She met Thomas next and he also had on the leather chaps, revealing a long slender foot-long hot dog, with a head the size and color of a plum. Henry was a tall, slender black man with the start of an old fashioned "afro" style haircut. He was wearing the chaps, but also had on black bikini underwear that was bulging obscenely while trying to contain his obviously ample penis. Mark stopped introducing the men, saying that they were the only ones she would be calling by name according to the script. He informed her that she would be able to study the script before shooting, but wanted to introduce the only other female cast members.

A short brunette came around the corner and screamed at Debra, oh my God, Debra, is that really you?"

Mark seemed genuinely surprised and asked, " this is Angie,do you two know each other?"

Debra recognized Angie immediately as her friend Carrie Heffernan, and replied, "I'll say we do, our husbands are playing golf together right now."

Carrie/Angie threw her arms around Debra and hugged her tightly, exclaiming, "you are literally the last person in the world I expected to see...what brings you here?"

Debra answered, "desperately needed the money since Ray is still out of work...and you."

"Oh, the usual; been burning a hole in the Visa buying clothes, and don't want Doug to find out," Carrie/Angie admitted.

"Is it going to be a problem working together," Mark inquired.

"Are you kidding," Angie replied, "there is no pussy I would rather lick."

Debra was not quite as enthusiastic about the prospect. She hadn't counted on lesbian sex, and especially not with a close friend. Angie/Carrie was wearing black leather crotch less hot-pants and a leather vest that was secured by a single button, leaving her tremendous breasts almost completely exposed. Debra bet that if she had bent forward, they would have flopped out. Her pale skin against the black leather drew your attention to her crotch, where she exhibited a tiny brown landing-strip which acted like an arrow pointing to her slit. Debra couldn't help notice that Carrie/Angie had unbelievably long pussy lips hanging between her legs.

Mark handed Debra a printed script with several handwritten corrections and she quickly perused the paper. As could be expected, there was not a lot of dialog; it was more like printed choreography of the sex scenes. Mark informed her, "don't worry if you can't memorize everything; you can pretty much ad-lib since you know the plot. when we get into the sex scenes, don't worry about the dialog at all...just say whatever comes to mind. Just try to get the names correct, and we can dub the dialog later. Now if you don't mind, we have a pair of summer shorts we would like you to wear. That blouse you have on would be perfect if you lose the bra and tie it in a knot just under your breasts, so your bare midriff is showing. You will look like the perfect island wife. We have a changing room if you would like some privacy."

Realizing that pretty soon she would be naked and having sex with the whole room, Debra declined and began to unbutton her blouse. She removed it, reached behind her and unhooked her lacy bra, then shrugged it down her arms and off. Again the room was filled with whistles and catcalls as her incredible breasts were revealed. "Wow, Debra, your pictures don't do you justice," Mark exclaimed. Her breasts had been a full 38 D since the twins were born and she really was quite proud of them. As her breasts wobbled, Debra put her blouse back on, only buttoning two buttons, and tied it around her waist leaving her still relatively taut belly exposed. She unzipped her skirt and let it drift to the floor amid muttering approval of her ass and panties. Her black thong had virtually disappeared up her ass crack totally baring her cellulite-free ass cheeks. Even at her age, there was barely a trace of sag in her ass and she was proud of that. Mark assured her, "I gotta tell you Debra, these guys are all professional adult performers and they are all impressed with your body."

As she donned the khaki colored shorts, she thanked him and produced the heels from her handbag. "I know I'm supposed to be a housewife, but this is a porno. Do you think these would be just the right touch for a sexy housewife?"

"Perfect," was all Mark needed to say. "OK, here's the scene," Mark began, "your husband, the chief, hasn't come home from work and the phone service is down, so you have come down to the station looking for him. Dirk is the only one in the station, quickly takes you hostage, and brings you down to the jail in the basement to show you that your husband is locked up and still alive. The entire gang is down here and things just kind of progress from there.... OK everyone...action."

The "gang" all gathered around a desk in front of the two jail cells and Dirk and Ellen/Debra went to the other side of the room where the staircase supposedly ended. He grabbed her supposedly roughly by the upper arm and they advanced toward the others, Debra's wonderful breasts bobbing and wobbling inside her shirt. Her legs looked marvelously long and taut in the heels. "Look what we have here," Dirk announced," whitey's wife came looking for him."

"Well, looks like she found him," Duke proclaimed, as the gang all separated to allow her a view into the nearest jail cell where a white man in a cop's uniform was laying on the cell's cot, his face made up to resemble bruises and blood.