Flirting With The Visitor, Ch. 01


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"Come on, Mel, it's just a little fun!" He said charmingly, and he smiled at her.

Just a smile, but those eyes of his held a deep appreciation for her. But it was that smile, from such a beautiful face, with all the laughter that they had had, that made Melody shyly and coyly not struggle as he pulled her to her feet.

Oh, she still LOOKED like she didn't want to get up, but she stood with no resistance as he helped her up to her feet, and she stood at arms-length from him, her fingers in his hands.

"I knew you were more fun than grumpy guts over there." He said deliberately, and Melody laughed softly again. Lincoln was just be around.

"James can be a bit of a square." She replied with a meaningful glance at her boyfriend.

Lincoln chuckled at that.

"So, you'll dance with me?" He asked playfully and jovially.

Melody nodded.

"I will. Even if SOME people won't." She answered with a deliberate emphasis for her boyfriend.

James just chuckled and sipped his beer as he watched the pair.

"I've got to warn you though, when you've seen me dance you may fall in love with me!" Lincoln said, and Melody laughed again, as did Lincoln and James. "Just a fair warning!"

"I'm sure I can contain myself." Melody replied good-humouredly.

Lincoln gave her a disbelieving look, and a grin, before he launched into what were perhaps the worst dance moves Melody had ever seen.

For a moment, all the beautiful brunette girlfriend could do was stand there and stare at him. James was chuckling to himself in a 'I told you so' kind of way as he watched his best friend. But for a moment all Melody could do was stand there and stare at him in utter disbelief that someone could be that bad at dancing.

Lincoln didn't care though; he went off on one confidently dancing and not worrying about how stupid he looked. And stupid he did look.

For a short while Melody just watched him, and then suddenly she burst out laughing as her hands moved in his. Lincoln looked at her and grinned, proud as punch and not caring about how silly he was being. For a few minutes all Melody could do was laugh, with James saying, 'I told you!'.

But then something else hit the gorgeous 20-year-old. Lincoln knew he couldn't dance, but he was doing it anyway. He was doing it confidently. He was out-going enough to dance in front of people even when he must know he was terrible and looked silly. And he did it deliberately to bring a laugh to himself and the situation. To entertain.

Just then Melody felt a warmness towards him. There was something...attractive, about a guy who was not only physically good-looking, but who was confident and out-going enough to not mind looking silly if it made his friends happy. There was something inspiring about him.

That was Melody stopped laughing. Just grinning and chuckling softly - after all he DID look stupid! - she began to move with him, just as stupidly, and matched his terrible dance moves, even though she - and James - knew she could dance a lot better. She just wanted to be a part of his fun.

James just laughed, thinking that she was humouring his best friend, but Melody felt a genuine affinity for the guy. Something about how confident he was, it was just compelling, and she wanted to have a laugh with him. She wanted to be in his circle.

So, Melody danced with Lincoln stupidly, and the two laughed at themselves and each other as they moved to no music and just enjoyed themselves. They danced for what seemed like ten minutes but could only have been a few, and then Lincoln was backing up and bowing in front of her, still holding her hands, as he smiled down at her with those eyes of his glistening where her boyfriend couldn't see.

"Thank you, Mel, for humouring me and being a good sport." Lincoln said chivalrously.

Melody smiled back warmly and curtsied a little even though she was in jeans.

"You're welcome, Lincoln." She replied good-humouredly.

"May I say I've never seen such elegant moves from a woman before." He said, and Melody laughed at that.

"I've never danced with someone quite like you." She replied, and this time it was Lincoln's turn to chuckle.

"I hope it's not the last time." Her boyfriend's friend said, and he kissed her hand.

For a moment Melody felt a shock rush through her as his lips met her slender fingers. It was only a peck, but it was still a kiss from this beautiful guy who kept looking at her with flirty eyes and giving her flirty comments!

The moment passed as quickly as it came and Melody was smiling back at Lincoln as he straightened and sat back down, taking up his beer. Melody took that time to sit down herself, her cheeks blushing from the kissed hand - his lips had felt so soft! - but in a good way. She was feeling pretty damn good about herself, and closer to Lincoln. She respected him more too. And felt somehow a little intoxicated and in awe of his self-confidence and out-going nature.

"You should have danced with us, Jamie. It was fun. Your girl really knows how to have a good time." Lincoln said - and not for the last time...but that's getting ahead of the story!

"You two looked like you had fun. You didn't need me spoiling your epic moves." James replied, and Lincoln grinned.

Melody smiled at her boyfriend's best friend.

"He's just sorry he's not as blessed as us." She said to Lincoln, "Nor as fun."

Lincoln laughed at that, and so did James.

"Well, any time you want to have fun, you let me know. Boring old sod over there can do something else." Lincoln said with that look in his eyes again.

This time Melody just accepted it. So, he was flirty with her. That was just who he was. He was a fun, confident, out-going guy who likely was used to flirting with every woman he saw! Besides, it was a compliment to have such a beautiful guy be this way with her. And it was harmless fun. That and she wasn't OWNED by James. She could have fun too. And that's what Lincoln was all about - fun.

Melody responded to that. And she felt good about it.

So, she smiled broadly and eyed her boyfriend before looking back to his best friend.

"Sounds good to me. James can occupy himself while we have fun." She replied in a little flirty tone herself - only a little mind, she just meant it good-humouredly.

Lincoln grinned deeper and his eyes flashed with amused playfulness.

That sparked James on to pretend he was hard done by. He did the 'poor me' routine only to get roasted by his best friend and girlfriend, who laughed together at his amused defensiveness. He tried to turn it around by talking about their dancing again, but that didn't work, they just ganged up on him again with more jokes about him not being fun. So, her boyfriend quickly changed the subject, and soon the conversation eased on him and began to light-heartedly turn to mutual jokes and funny things they all shared. It was a good time, and Melody was having a lot of fun.

Time passed, and the trio enjoyed their night, joking, talking, laughing, having fun. The jibes involved all three of them, rather than anyone in particular, and Melody found herself smiling warmly at her boyfriend more and more often. He was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. And he had a good friend in Lincoln. Even if the latter did keep looking at her with those searching, sparkling eyes of his. There was definitely something implied flirtily about those eyes, but it was all in good fun.

Then Lincoln began to joke with Melody.

"...James came around the corner and he was like, 'what happened to your hair, man?'!..." Lincoln drew the punchline of one joke at himself, and Melody laughed at what she imagined.

That and she smiled beautifully at her boyfriend, blowing him a kiss as he grinned at her and his friend.

"I bet you looked right silly." She replied when the boys stopped laughing, and Lincoln, tears in his eyes, nodded alongside James.

Lincoln was so easy to get along with, she thought. Melody would never have guessed, if she were an onlooker, that she had just met this guy tonight. They were like life-long friends. And Lincoln was just so down-to-earth. Funny. And humble. She could see why James and he were best friends.

"I bet you've never looked that silly. I bet you always look this good, don't you?" Lincoln asked as he turned towards Melody, his eyes flickering with that interested light as he smiled warmly at her. A little too warmly if James had seen, but Melody's boyfriend was too busy looking at her proudly.

Melody blushed slightly at the compliment and shyly smiled back at her boyfriend's best friend.

"That she does." James said, and Melody blew him a kiss.

"How you scored yourself such a beautiful girlfriend, I'll still never know, mate." Lincoln said as he looked between Melody and James.

Melody's boyfriend just nodded in agreement, though Melody didn't understand why because James was a good looking and amazing guy! That is why she had fallen in love with him!

"She's a right catch. Though I would love to see her with her hair standing on end like mine had!" Lincoln joked flirtily, and Melody laughed out loud.

The sound was louder because of her previous shy silence but she couldn't help herself. The image, and Lincoln's amused face at it, was just hilarious. Melody couldn't take offense at it though because the look in Lincoln's eyes smoothed over any transgression. That and the compliment he had given her too. But those eyes devoured her still.

"If you keep it up, we may see what you look like with a bucket of water tipped over you!" Melody jibed good-humouredly, and Lincoln laughed.

"I wouldn't look half as good as you drenched in water and wearing wet clothes! But I may just get a static electric ball to see it. But then I'd have to touch it and I don't want to look like that again!" Lincoln replied happily, and once more Melody laughed at the image of her boyfriend's friend.

She also blushed a little at the compliment this time. It was more than a hint at what his eyes hid as they looked at her. But she couldn't be mad at him. She was beautiful, she knew that, and Lincoln was an attractive guy, who was probably used to all the women coming after him. He was just a flirty guy. And he was funny with it. And he joked about himself. So how could she be mad about a flirty compliment? Even if it was a touch inappropriate?

More importantly, her and James could be flirty people too when around friends. It was all in good nature. To Melody it was just a sign you were comfortable with people and secure in your relationship. James had certainly never given her any reason to worry. And Melody loved her boyfriend with all of her heart. So, she never even thought anything of Lincoln's flirting. She just noticed his eyes, that's all. And he had pretty eyes.

"I think my hair is a little long to stand on end." Melody light-heartedly said back.

"That's the beauty of static electricity. It'll make you look like you're a punk!" Lincoln said, and Melody laughed again at the image of herself.

"Maybe I could go as a punk to next Halloween." She said cheerily.

"You'd look great in tight, ripped clothes!" Lincoln complimented her again, and Melody smiled coyly, "Don't you think, Jamie?" He asked her boyfriend, and as the latter nodded enthusiastically at that image Lincoln spoke up again, "We could even dye your hair bright colours! We could even draw some stubble on you. You'd be the cutest guy I've ever seen!"

Melody's curved lips broke out into a laugh at THAT image of herself, and James did too. Once again, the flirty compliment that went along with it wasn't missed by the hot girlfriend, and she felt more relaxed than ever because of it. It was flattering to be such a focus of such a hot guy, but especially one that made her feel so at ease as Lincoln did. He wasn't just physically attractive, clearly.

"Well, maybe I'd turn you gay." Melody quipped with a touch of flirtiness in her voice. She felt relaxed and friendly enough with her boyfriend's friend to play a little back. And he was attractive to her. And she was still feeling that horniness from earlier. But it was more the friendly banter that made her say it.

If her flirty response had taken him aback, Lincoln didn't show it. Instead, he just laughed again.

"You could turn me gay any time." He said, and then seemed to realise how that could be taken offensively, so he added quickly and defensively, "I mean if you looked like a guy. Which you don't. Definitely not. You'd definitely not turn me gay unless you did..."

Cutting off as he realised he was babbling, Lincoln blushed slightly as James laughed at his awkwardness. Melody thought it was cute, but she laughed too. And soon Lincoln was joining in.

"It's ok, I get what you mean." She said teasingly, then added, "Though if you call me a guy again, I may just have to come over and sit on you!"

Lincoln's eyes oddly shot open in surprise, then looked at her defensively as if he would never call her a guy, and then they sparkled with flirty thoughts running through his mind.

"While I wouldn't ever call you a guy, I may just be tempted too now!" He flirted back with her, and Melody laughed this time and she smiled at him.

And so, the night went on, with Lincoln flirting with her and Melody flirting back a little as she laughed at him. It was all in good fun, but she just felt so good and chilled out. She even flirted with her boyfriend from time to time, though most of the time she teased him good-humouredly, and Lincoln joined in as any best friend would. James gave as good as he got, and the room rang with their amusement.

A little while later James spoke up...and Melody's night was about to hit a small incident that would set her on a path she never thought possible. But one she would not regret.

"Hell no! We can't be out of beers already?" Melody's boyfriend exclaimed, as he lifted his empty beer up and looked at it.

Melody looked at hers, which had a little left in the bottom, and noticed Lincoln holding his on his leg, not touching it because there was nothing left in it.

"We can't have this. Something needs to be done!" James said dramatically.

Looking to each of them for agreement, James made as if to stand up. Melody downed her last bit of beer and stood up before him though.

"It's alright, I'll get some, babe." Melody said lovingly, "You sit and chat with your friend."

Lincoln smiled at her kindly, and James adjusted how he sat and looked at her warmly.

"You sure?" He asked sweetly.

"Yeah, I need to stretch my legs anyway." Melody replied.

Melody took the empties from Lincoln and James as she walked over and smiled heartfeltly at her boyfriend as she did.

"Love you." She said as she came close to her boyfriend and leaned down and kissed him softly.

Then she was making her way into the kitchen.

Once inside, Melody made sure the beers were empty that she was carrying before she walked over to the fridge to grab another three. Placing them on the counter she opened another cupboard and took out a couple of small bowls. Then she opened yet another cupboard and pulled out some chips. Pouring some into each bowl she screwed up the bag and placed it back into the cupboard she had gotten it from.

Then she found some chocolate covered little snacks and contemplated putting them on little plates for each of them, but instead she decided that everyone could just eat from the packet and pass it around.

She was just about to figure how she would carry all of this when she felt a ticklish jab in each of her sides. Laughing at the funny feeling she half-turned around and saw Lincoln standing behind her.

"Got you." He said playfully, in a soft but teasing tone, and Melody laughed.

"You surprised me!" She said emphatically, "And made me almost knock everything over!"

"Well, we can't have that, can we?" Lincoln replied jovially as he placed his hands on her waist.

Melody suddenly became very aware of the familiar way he held onto her, even though it could have been platonic. His eyes hinted at a playfulness.

She didn't move. It was harmless flirting after all, and he hadn't done anything wrong. She was just very aware of his hands holding her. And how strong and big they felt. Not to mention how good looking he was this close up.

"No, we can't. James wouldn't be happy if he didn't get his beer." She said nicely, and turned to look back at the counter so she didn't have to catch her breath looking at such a handsome man.

"I'd be more concerned with you, and in case you hurt yourself." Lincoln responded caringly, not even seeming to notice he held her by the waist. "That and I wouldn't want you cleaning up a mess that was my fault."

The sweetness in his voice and words was only tinged a little by his flirting affection, but Melody was flattered by his concern for her, more than James would have been. Not that there would have been anything to be concerned over, but he WAS trying to be the white knight.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm not that ticklish then." She said as she glanced over her shoulder once more.

For a second their eyes met and the two of them stood looking at each other.

"Is that so?" Lincoln said into the silence, "Let's see about that." He added playfully before his fingers began to dally on her curved sides.

The feeling instantly sent electric bolts of laughter running through her as she was tickled, and Melody began giggling and squirming as the delightful feeling rushed through every nerve of her body.

"Stop! Stop!" She tittered, as she snaked to and fro in his grip.

"I thought you weren't ticklish?" Lincoln asked mischievously, as he beamed down at her.

Melody laughed and squirmed and tried to speak.

"Ok, ok, I am. I am!" She said desperately, and only then did Lincoln stop tickling her.

His hands rested on her waist a moment longer, and then they slowly scraped off her body and hung beside his muscular frame.

Melody felt a loss, and then was shocked to think of it that way. That only lasted a second though as his smile made all else vanish from her mind.

"I knew it." Lincoln said playfully and proudly, and Melody poked him in his rather solid chest.

"That was unfair." She replied and beamed up at him. "I wasn't ready."

"If you have to get ready then you're ticklish." He replied smugly, and Melody hmphed as she couldn't really say anything to that!

It then suddenly hit her that Lincoln was there with her. Where was James?

She asked the same to her boyfriend's best friend and Lincoln nodded back towards the lounge.

"He got a phone call. So, I thought I'd come in and see if you needed any help. Looks like I was right to." He said in a friendly tone. No flirting in his eyes or voice this time. Just the truth.

Melody turned around to look at the bowls, snacks, and beers on the counter, then half-turned back to look at him again.

"You may be right. You grab the beers; I'll grab the snacks." She announced as she took hold of the bowls and packets of snacks.

"Just the beers I'm to take a hold of?" Lincoln asked her as he slipped one hand onto her waist again briefly.

The look in his eyes was clearly flirting this time, and his smile was definitely playful, but he didn't keep his hand there long enough for her to reply as he reached for the three beers, perhaps a little too closely around her with his arms, but still.

Melody felt a flutter pass through her at his face, and the feel of him against her sides, that was just a little mischievous nervousness. And a pleasant feeling of being flirted with that she was flattered by, especially by such a guy as Lincoln.

"Just the beers. This time." She flirted back gently, and this time saw a glimmer of surprise in Lincoln's eyes. It was there and gone in a flash, but he definitely hadn't expected her to play back, even if it was only a little, and in a friendly way.