Florida Trip

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Woman next door needs attention.
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"Welcome to Tampa," the flight attendant announced, "where the local time is 2:30 pm. The current temperature is 85 degrees Fahrenheit."

Josh smiled. First, he thought it was funny that the flight attendant said it was "the local time", since Florida is in the same time zone as New York, where the flight originated. But he also smiled because 85 degrees sounded a whole lot better than the 42 degrees they left in New York.

"You know," he said to his wife, Emily, "we should visit your parents a whole lot more in the winter."

"Oh, really?" she replied. "I assume that's STRICTLY because you miss my parents, and it has nothing to do with the weather, right?"

"Weather?" Josh said. "Why did you mention weather? Is it nice here?" trying as hard as possible to look sincere.

Emily whacked him on the shoulder. "Please don't play high-stakes poker with our mortgage money. You're a terrible liar."

They both laughed as Emily took her cell phone out of airplane mode and called her dad.

"We just landed, Dad, but aren't at the gate yet. We should probably be outside in 30 minutes or so, so you can figure out when to leave." After her father said something, she finished with, "okay, see you in a bit. Bye." She hit the red 'End" button.

"Do you want to go straight to the hospital?" Josh asked.

"No, probably not. We can go home and drop the luggage first."

Emily's mother was having some surgery the next day and was expected to be in the hospital for a few days. It wasn't major surgery, but Emily always got nervous whenever her parents had any medical procedure. The mother of one of her friends had major complications after a supposedly-simple procedure, so Emily, always a glass-half-empty kind of person, got nervous for ANY surgery. That was half the reason she flew down. Also, she didn't want her dad to be alone.

The plane taxied to the gate and they walked to get their luggage. As soon as their bag came out on the carousel, Emily called her dad. He said it was perfect timing - he'd be at the terminal in five minutes. Emily and Josh walked out into the warm air, and Josh quickly rolled up his shirtsleeves. Yep, he thought, this weather was way better than New York was this morning.

Three minutes later, Emily's dad drove up. He popped the trunk, and Josh put their bag and carry-on in the trunk as Emily got in the back seat.

"Hi, Daddy."

"Hi, sweetheart. How was the flight?"

"It was fine. How's Mom doing?"

"She's fine," he said. "You and I are the nervous ones. She could be going in for open heart surgery and she'd say, 'it's just a procedure.' "

After closing the trunk, Josh got in the front passenger seat.

"Hi, Earl," he said, reaching across to extend his hand.

"Hi, Josh," he said, shaking Josh's hand. "Nice to see you guys."

"How's Barbara doing?" Josh asked.

"It's like I just told Emily -- she's feeling fine and not worried at all. I'm a nervous wreck."

"The doctors know what they're doing. They told you it's not a complicated procedure. She'll be fine," Josh said, trying to reassure him.

"Intellectually, I know that's true. But I still get nervous."

They arrived at the house in no time at all. Josh grabbed the bags and wheeled them back to the guest bedroom. Emily asked her dad what they had for lunch; she wanted to eat quickly and get to the hospital to see her mother. She made some sandwiches, they ate quickly, and they left for the hospital.

Her mother was all smiles when they walked in. She had put on make-up (of course) and looked great. She was happy to see Emily and Josh, both because she was truly happy to see them but also because she didn't want her husband to be alone.

After an hour, Emily pulled Josh out into the hallway.

"Look," she said, "I'm going to want to stay a while longer. Take the car, go home, and sit by the pool. I know you love being outside in this weather, and you don't have to sit here with us. You've put in your time today."

"Are you sure?" Josh asked, hoping Emily didn't change her mind. He didn't want to sound too anxious to leave, but he could only sit in the small room for so long.

"Yes. Go home. I love you."

She gave him a kiss. "I'll call you when we're ready to be picked up."

"Yes, Ma'am, we will come get you promptly. I think you'll be very happy with our limo service."

Emily laughed. They both walked back in the room, and Josh said goodbye to Barbara.

Josh drove back to the house and took Emily's advice. He put on his bathing suit and walked out onto the patio by the pool. He really liked the house his in-laws recently bought. The house itself was nice, but it was the backyard that really excited Josh. There was a large overhang providing shade, except very early in the morning. There was a nice pool with a hot tub at one end. Beyond the pool was more patio space which was in the sun most of the day. Beyond that was a little grass and then a lake.

The houses had fences between them that extended almost to the lake. Most people had planted large bushes to provide privacy, as the fences were not solid. Sitting on the patio, looking out over the pool and into the lake was very restful.

Josh heard some laughter and splashing at the pool next door. He had never met the neighbors; he wasn't even sure if Earl and Barbara had met the neighbors, although Barbara, being incredibly friendly, probably had.

As Josh was listening to some music and surfing the internet on his tablet, he suddenly heard a shrill scream next door followed by loud crying. He quickly ran around the fence to see if everything was okay. A young boy was laying on the patio holding his leg and crying. There was some blood on the patio. His mother was kneeling next to him trying to see how badly he was hurt.

"Do you need some help?" he asked.

"Yes, please," the mother replied, clearly nervous and frustrated.

Josh got the boy to roll over so he could find the source of the blood.

"Okay, not a big problem," he said, trying to reassure the mother. "He just cut his knee on the brick, but it's not too deep."

Then he turned toward the boy.

"What's your name?"

"Eric," the boy replied through his tears.

"Wow, I'll bet that really hurts. You're very brave, Eric. Let me clean up your cut, and you'll be good as new. Okay"

Eric nodded. The mom smiled at Josh's comforting -- and complimentary -- words.

"Is there a sink nearby?" Josh asked.

"Yes, in the pool bathroom," the mom answered, pointing to a door.

"Okay, please get me a wash cloth, some antiseptic cream or liquid and a couple of bandages."

Josh picked up Eric and carried him into the bathroom. The mom brought the supplies, and Josh washed his knee. He applied the ointment and covered it with a bandage.

"Okay, Eric, you're good as new," Josh said. Then he leaned close to the boy's ear and in a stage whisper, loud enough for the mom to hear, he said, "maybe your mom will give you an extra dessert tonight if you say your knee is still hurting. It won't work tomorrow, but maybe tonight. But let's keep that our secret."

Eric looked at Josh and smiled. Then he gave him a thumbs up. The mom smiled, too, since Eric had stopped crying. Eric ran back outside.

"Thank you so much," the mom said. "I am not good with blood, and usually he freaks out. You were really good with him. Thank you."

"Not a big deal," Josh said. "I help coach my nephew's basketball team, so I'm used to dealing with them."

Suddenly the mom grabbed Josh and hugged him very tight.

"It's a big deal to me. Thank you."

Josh felt her bikini-covered breasts smash against his bare chest. He gently wrapped his arms around her, suddenly holding on to her bare back. With the full-body contact and minimal clothes on either of them, Josh realized he was getting hard. He was careful not to pull the woman against his body, but she held on tight for 30 seconds.

Finally, she broke the hug and took a step back.

"I'm sorry," she said. "Blood freaks me out, and I always worry about Eric. You really saved the day."

Up until this point, Josh was concentrating on Eric. For the first time, he actually looked at the woman. She was probably in her young 30's, he thought, just like Emily and him. She had pitch-black wavy hair that fell below her shoulders. She had a very attractive, long face with large, brown eyes. She was fairly tall, maybe 5' 6", he thought. She had small breasts that looked perfect on her lean body. She had a flat stomach and well-toned legs. And she looked really good in her orange bikini.

"No need to apologize," he said, "I understand." Then he held out his hand. "I'm Josh. I'm Earl and Barbara's son-in-law, from next door."

The mom started laughing as she reached out and shook Josh's hand.

"You saved the day, you patched up my son, and I hugged you -- and I never even told you my name. Hello, Josh, I'm Jessica."

"Nice to meet you, Jessica," Josh replied with a chuckle.

Jessica now really looked at Josh for the first time. He was a good-looking man with a muscular chest. He was around 6 feet tall, she figured, with a full head of neatly-trimmed black hair. He had a fair amount of dark hair on his upper chest. She thought she saw a bulge beneath his bathing suit -- the only piece of clothing he was wearing - and realized she felt it when they were hugging.

"I don't really know your in-laws, but I see them, and we wave to each other. I pretty much only know people who have kids Eric's age. Can I offer you a cold drink or some wine for saving my son from his life-threatening knee scrape?" She smiled at her own hyperbole.

Josh was mesmerized by her smile.

"Yes, thank you. Anything cold would be nice," he said.

"How about some lemonade?"

"Thanks. That would be great."

"Okay," she said. "Don't go anywhere."

In five minutes, she returned with a tray holding a pitcher of lemonade and two glasses half-full of ice. She set it on a small redwood table between two chairs.

"Please have a seat," Jessica said, pointing to a chair.

"So where do you live?" Jessica asked.

"New York City."

"Ahhh, visiting the in-laws for some nice Florida weather?" she asked.

Josh chuckled. "Well, that's certainly a benefit. But my wife's mother is having some surgery -- nothing too serious -- so we came down for that. My wife is at the hospital now with her father."

Josh nodded toward Eric, who was splashing around in the pool again, having forgotten about his knee.

"He's terrific. You have other kids?" he asked.

"No, just Eric. And I'm probably a little overprotective, both because he's my only child and because sometimes I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Like when he cut himself."

"Well, whatever you're doing seems to be working," Josh said. "He seems like a normal kid. I'm not worried he's going to sneak in our house at night and murder us."

Jessica let out a loud laugh.

Then Josh continued, "But I'll make sure we turn on the alarm just in case."

This brought another loud laugh from Jessica. She really liked Josh, and she liked the adult company. She explained that her husband traveled a lot for work, often being gone four or five days a week. This was one of the unusual trips where he left earlier today, on a Sunday, because he needed to be at his client first thing in the morning. During the week, when Eric is in school, she liked to see friends because she knew it would be her only interaction with adults. But she didn't see others often, so usually she was alone.

After almost two hours of talking, Josh said he'd better head home. Jessica gave him another tight hug to thank him again for helping. This time, Josh returned the hug. Again, she pressed her body against him and she felt him getting hard. She smiled to herself. Josh was a little embarrassed and hoped she didn't notice.

When they broke the hug, Jessica turned toward Eric.

"Aren't you going to thank Mr...." Then she paused and looked at Josh. "I don't know your last name."

"It's Carter, but Josh is fine."

Jessica continued. "Aren't you going to thank Mr. Carter for fixing your knee?" she said with a smile, ignoring his comment about using his first name.

"Thanks, Mr. Carter!" Eric yelled before he jumped back into the pool.

Josh waved to him. "You're welcome, Eric."

"Enjoy your vacation," Jessica said. "Hope to talk again while you're here."

Josh waved and headed back next door. After sweating in the sun, he peeled off his bathing suit and took a shower. After another two hours, Emily called and asked Josh if he could come get them. Later, they ordered pizza for a quick dinner and went to sleep early since they had to be at the hospital early the next morning in order to see Barbara before her surgery.

In the morning, they spent a little time with Barbara before her surgery. As usual, she was calm as a cucumber, but Earl and Emily were nervous. Josh often made fun of Emily's over-dramatic (in his opinion) concern about lots of things, but not today. He tried to be the supportive, understanding spouse, in spite of his feeling that this wasn't a big deal. He knew any surgery can have complications, but the doctors were not at all concerned.

After they wheeled Barbara out, the three of them went to the surgical waiting room. After two hours, the surgeon came in and told them everything went very smoothly. Barbara was in recovery, and someone would come get them when she was awake and back in her room. He said she'd be in the hospital for a few days just to keep an eye on her.

Emily was relieved and thanked the doctor.

"Feeling better?" Josh asked her.

She smiled, nodded, and gave him a big hug. After thirty minutes, a nurse showed up and said Barbara was back in her room, so they could go there.

After 90 minutes of visiting with a still-groggy Barbara, Emily told Josh he didn't have to sit there all day. She suggested he go home and sit by the pool.

"Are you sure?" he said. "I can stay here with you," he continued, hoping Emily didn't take him up on his offer.

"No, go home. She knows you were here, and I'm fine. Really. We'll call you later to come get us."

Josh didn't protest any more. He said goodbye to Barbara and Earl, and gave Emily a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

It was 85 degrees outside, so Josh changed into his bathing suit, grabbed his iPad, and went out on the patio.

When she heard the door close next door, Jessica peeked through the bushes between their yards and saw only Josh.

"Is that you, Dr. Josh?" she yelled out.

Josh laughed. "Yeah, it's me."

"Wanna' come over and give this lonely mom some adult conversation?"

Josh smiled as he got up and walked over to the gate to enter Jessica's yard. Jessica was wearing a simple one-piece white bathing suit. It hugged her body perfectly, and Josh couldn't help but notice how nicely it outlined her breasts. Jessica walked over to greet him and surprised Josh when she wrapped her arms around him as she said hi.

He returned the hug, and again Jessica pulled him tight against her body. Like yesterday, Josh started to get hard as Jessica's breasts smashed against his bare chest. He felt a little awkward as Jessica held tight a little longer than he expected, but finally she broke the hug.

"How is your mother-in-law doing?" she asked.

"She's fine. Thanks for asking. How's Eric doing?"

"He forgot all about his knee. Except for last night, when he DID sucker me into an extra dessert. Thanks for giving him THAT suggestion!" she said, with mock disgust.

Josh just laughed.

They sat in the same chairs they were in yesterday and talked about everything and nothing. Jessica couldn't help but notice what a good-looking guy Josh was. She thought about him getting hard when she hugged him, and she smiled to herself.

After about a half-hour of talking, Jessica started thinking again about how Josh was a good-looking guy. And she thought about her husband being gone a lot. She loved him, but he rarely complimented her like he did when they were first married. And even when he was home on the weekends, they didn't have a lot of sex. She remembered the old days when her husband couldn't keep his eyes -- or his hands -- off of her.

Suddenly she stood up.

"I need to hop in the water for a second to cool off, she said.

She walked up to the pool, did a perfect racer's dive into the pool, and swam to the other end. She pulled herself out and started walking back.

Josh had been watching her the entire time she was swimming, but when she got out of the pool, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Her white bathing suit had become totally transparent when it got wet. He was looking directly at her beautiful full B-cup breasts with dark red, quarter-sized areolas. Her nipples were thick and pointing straight out. He could also see her one-inch-wide, dense, black landing strip. He immediately got hard and was tenting his bathing suit. He knew he should look away, but he didn't. He couldn't. He hadn't seen a naked woman other than Emily since they started dating, and Jessica was a beautiful one.

Jessica made sure not to look at Josh, not yet wanting to meet his eyes. She walked a little slower than usual along the length of the pool, making sure Josh got ample time to check out her body. She felt a *little* guilty about doing this, but her excitement way exceeded her guilt.

As she kept walking, Josh was totally mesmerized. As Jessica finally reached the end of the pool near where Josh was sitting, she turned her head toward him and saw a look on his face that made her smile to herself, but she kept a straight face.

"What's wrong, Josh?" she asked so innocently.

He didn't say anything, but then Jessica looked down and saw her nearly-bare breast.

"Oh my god!" she said, sounding like a bad actress overplaying her line. It would have been obvious to any rational person that she wasn't really shocked, but, at that moment, looking at this almost-naked beauty, Josh was not a rational person. She held one hand and arm across her breasts to cover them and placed her other hand over her mound.

"I totally forgot this bathing suit was just for sunbathing, as it lets the sun through the thin material. I'm so embarrassed!" she said, again not really sounding very convincing.

Jessica walked between the chairs and turned toward the one where she had been sitting, turning away from Josh. This meant her near-naked ass was now just inches from his face. It had a nice, small curve, and her turning away did little to reduce his excitement. But when Jessica bent at the waist to pick up her towel, Josh almost lost it. Her pussy lips came into view, and Josh audibly groaned at the beautiful sight. Her lips were slightly open, as she, too, was incredibly excited by her actions.

Jessica smiled when she heard Josh groan. She had never been one to openly put her body on view, but now that she had, she was really enjoying it. After taking as long as possible to pick up her towel, she stood up and wrapped it around herself, finally ending her show.

"I'm so sorry, Josh," she said, not meaning a word of it, as she sat down. She made sure to check out his obvious erection before she looked in his eyes.

Josh wasn't sure how to respond. He decided NOT to go with, "I loved it, and when you bent over, I almost pulled your swimsuit to the side and fucked you silly."

"No, it's okay," he said. "No harm, no foul," whatever that meant.

"How about some lemonade?" Jessica said, getting up without waiting for an answer.

When she came back outside with the drinks, they continued talking as if nothing had happened. But Jessica was feeling really good about herself. It was nice to know her body could still get a guy excited.

After a half-hour, Josh's phone rang. He looked at the screen. "It's Emily," he said.

While Josh was talking on the phone, Jessica discreetly unwrapped her towel to look at her swimsuit; it was dry and no longer transparent. So, she unwrapped the towel and let it lie against the chair.