Free Use Royalty Ch. 01


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My room looked and smelled disgusting, and I couldn't help but think how well it suited me. Knowing that I was going to be a dirty little slut, just like my mother, made me very happy. I slumped down on the bed and quickly drifted off to sleep -- with a big smile on my face.

That evening, I joined mom and dad for dinner in their section of the castle. Mom acted completely normal and with dad being none the wiser, dinner was pretty much business as usual. After dinner, dad excused himself as he had an appointment with some foreign dignitary.

"Gloria," mom said, addressing the head of her staff, "We'll have tea in the main salon."

"Very good, my queen," Gloria replied as he briefly bowed her head. Mom and I moved into the next room and sat down on opposite lounge chairs. We hardly talked while we waited for our tea.

"See to it that we're not disturbed," mom said as Gloria put down the tray with tea and biscuits.

"Yes ma'am," she replied as she backed out of the room and closed the doors behind her.

"Stand up, Andrea," mom commanded as she picked up her cup of tea and slowly stirred it with her golden spoon. I obeyed.

"Now take off your clothes... all of them," she whispered, as she reached for a book on the tiny side table, right next to her chair.

"Right here?" I asked, confused.

"That's strike one," mom replied, opening her book, "Don't open your mouth unless you're asked a question or expected to suck a cock, understood?"

More than a little aroused, I nodded obediently and started undressing, as ordered. When I was completely naked, I just stood there, waiting for my next command... but none came. Mom simply read her book and occasionally sipped from her tea. I just stood there, watching the ancient clock on the wall, counting the minutes.

Fourteen of them passed as she just made me stand there, butt naked, for no good reason at all. She didn't even look at me. Realizing that me asking another question would result in a second strike, I remained quiet and tried to ignore my increasing wetness.

Then, she finally looked up at me again and said, "Hop up on the table and sit on all fours."

I obeyed. And once again, I was made to just sit there and wait, in that demeaning position. After five or six more minutes, mom closed her book and walked up to the table. She slowly paced back and forth, looking at my naked body from various angles -- as if I was a piece of meat.

Suddenly, when she was standing right behind me, she slowly ran her finger up and down my soaking wet slit a few times, making me gasp. A few seconds later, she walked back around the table and nudged that same finger against my lips. Horny as fuck, I opened my mouth and submissively began sucking and licking my own wetness from her finger.

During the next seven to eight minutes, mom went back and forth between my two holes, using my twat to wet her finger and then jamming it in my piehole, making me taste myself over and over again. She never actually entered my twat -- that would probably have been too pleasurable for a silly little slut in training like me.

"You don't seem to mind the taste of your own cunt," she grinned, "That bodes well!"

When, eventually, I was so horny that I started quivering on my hands and knees, mom turned and walked away from the table, picked up my clothes and headed for the nearest door.

"Meet me in the library," she said as she was about to head out.

"Wait," I reacted, "That's on the other side of the wing... and I am naked!"

"Should make things interesting, don't you think?" she grinned, "If you make it without getting caught, I'll let you lick my pussy."

Dumbfounded, but intrigued by her lewd offer, I didn't know what to say. Mom took advantage of my brief confusion to walk out and close the door behind her. I hopped off the table and headed for one of the other doors. Mom was taking the most direct route, which would lead her through the most populated areas of the wing. I was going to have to make a significant detour.

I was fairly certain that I wasn't going to run into anyone -- especially at this time of day -- but I had an extra ten to twelve rooms to traverse. Most of them weren't even illuminated. That meant finding my way in the dark and opening and closing a lot of doors.

It took me about nine minutes to make it to my destination, but I managed to do so without being detected. I found mom sitting on one of the comfy reading chairs, just waiting for me. When she noticed me sneaking in, she poked her head up and asked, "So... did you get caught?"

"Nope," I said proudly, walking up to her.

"Good," she said, as she lifted her dress and pulled down her panties, "A good slut has to know her way around, as she often has to be sneaky and conniving."

I didn't reply and just stared down at her cunt, now lewdly on display.

"Go ahead," she whispered with a grin, "You've earned it."

Eagerly, I walked up to her, got on my knees and put my face against her twat. I started licking her, kissing her and tonguing her. I had zero experience, but I was eager to learn and horny as fuck.

"By the way," mom whispered as she lovingly caressed my hair, "You made a beautiful center piece. Good to know you're not completely useless!"

God, that insult made me quiver. I reached down in between my legs and jammed two fingers deep into my soaking wet twat. Crazy with lust, I climaxed barely three minutes later. As soon as I started convulsing, mom put her right hand on the back of my head and pushed my face deep into her twat, making it really hard for me to breathe.

That, of course, made me cum a lot harder and I actually screamed and squealed in her hot twat. She giggled amused and kept my head right where it was until I was done, and my body had gone limp. She then took her hand off my head, letting me take a much needed deep breath. I laid my head on her thigh and just snuggled up to her for a minute or two.

"Good night, Andrea," mom suddenly whispered -- signaling that our tender moment was over -- as she got up and pulled her dress back into place.

"I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow at eight. Wear something with a lot of cleavage," she added as she walked out of the library, leaving the door wide open.

"Yes mother," I replied as I quickly picked up my clothes and put them back on. Then, I walked back to my wing of the castle, to my own room to have good night's rest.

The following morning, I put on a long red dress with a plunging cleavage -- as ordered -- and excitedly made my way to the dining room in mom and dad's wing. Gloria was standing next to mom, her head bent down as she was listening to what her queen was whispering in her ear. There was no sign of dad, although his place at the table had been set, and used.

As soon as they noticed me walk in, mom stopped whispering as Gloria poked her head up and immediately stepped away from mom and the breakfast table.

"Morning princess," she smiled, "Would you like some coffee?"

"Morning Gloria. No, thank you. I'll just have some orange juice."

She nodded and slightly bowed her head, then stepped back towards the wall, where she waited next to two other servants for something to do.

"Where's dad?" I asked, pouring myself a glass of orange juice.

"Your father had an early appointment," mom replied, "How did you sleep?"

While I ate my bagel and a piece of French toast and drank my glass of orange juice, we had a relatively normal conversation. We talked about my classes, about upcoming events and some of the parties I was expected to attend. We even shared a laugh or two.

Then, when I had finished my breakfast, mom turned her head slightly, glancing back at the servants, giving them an unspoken command. As Gloria slowly walked back up to mom's seat, the other two quickly shuffled out of the room, closing the door behind them.

"Time for your next lesson, Andrea," mom said, "If you're going to be a slut, you will need to be able to deal with unexpected circumstances. Sluts are never surprised, shocked or overwhelmed. Do you understand?"

"Yes mother," I replied serenely, not letting on that Gloria's presence both greatly surprised and aroused me.

"Are you ready for your lesson... cunt?" mom blurted out, trying to shock me.

"Yes mother," I whispered calmly, ignoring the fact that her insult was making me wet.

Mom then turned her head towards Gloria and nodded, setting in motion a series of well-planned actions. I assumed that's what the whispering had been about when I had entered the room.

Gloria leaned over the table and reached for the bread basket. But instead of picking it or even touching it, she simply put her hands on either side of it.

"Are you sure?" mom asked, looking at me as she placed both hands on Gloria's rack, which was now conveniently close to her. She groped and squeezed them roughly.

"I'm sure," I replied, calmly looking, acting as aloof as I knew how.

"Sometimes, it might be something quite pleasant," mom whispered as she forcefully yanked at Gloria's cleavage, causing three buttons of her blouse to fall down on the table. Another two yanks -- and some more buttons flying around -- and Gloria's blouse was no longer covering anything.

Mom then yanked and ripped Gloria's white, skimpy bra to shreds -- causing her fat tits to be revealed. I stared at them, trying to keep a straight face. Then, right in front of me, mom put her hands on her servant's tits and started tugging at Gloria's hard nipples in a rhythmic fashion, as if she was milking her.

"Moo like a cow," mom whispered. I could only assume that that command wasn't directed at me.

Without hesitation, Gloria started mooing, loudly and unashamed.

Good god, I thought to myself, shocked to my very core. Still, I didn't let on.

"Sometimes, what you see can be quite shocking," mom said, addressing me, as she continued milking the help -- doing her very best to shock and intimidate me.

"I'll have to take your words for it, mother," I whispered passively. After milking her for another minute or so -- and not getting any response from me - mom whispered, slightly annoyed, "That's enough mooing for now, Gloria. Get up."

As Gloria obeyed, mom reached out and put her right middle and index finger in the open jar of strawberry jam, scooping up a big glob of the red syrupy goop. After wiping her fingers on Gloria's left nipple, she went back for another scoop and defiled her right one as well.

"It might get explicit at times," mom whispered as she put her mouth on her servant's right tit and started swirling her tongue around the rock-hard nipple, licking the jam off of it. Gloria just stood there, her eyes closed and her mouth opened wide, clearly enjoying this lewd attack on her fat tit.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, mother, but I am sure I'll manage," I whispered, pretty damn proud of myself that I hadn't at least two fingers up my drenched twat by now. Mom looked at me, more than a little surprised at my restraint and apparent indifference.

"Alright Gloria, you may clear the table," mom said. I realized that this little test wasn't over and that I was expected to stay seated for whatever was coming next. Gloria, her tits still on display, walked over to my side of the table and took my plate in one hand and my knife in her other.

She then held the plate under my chin and used the knife to scrape all the crumbs into my cleavage. I glanced down at my rack, ignoring the twitch in my cunt. She was very thorough and didn't stop until my plate was completely clean. Gloria then grabbed dad's plate, which, aside from a lot of crumbs, also had several globs of jam on it.

I looked down, shivering with lust, as she wiped and scraped everything into my cleavage. Mom's plate was next. There was even more jam and butter on that one. Truth be told, I suspected that mom had spilled a lot of it on purpose, knowing fully well where it was going to end up.

With all the plates clean, Gloria reached for the bread basket. She carefully took out the two remaining bread rolls and three croissants and then gently tipped the basket over, pouring more crumbs into my cleavage.

Then, Gloria used one of the knives to scoop up some strawberry jam out of the jar, only to wipe it on the right flank of my dress. God, I could feel my cunt pounding. Using a different knife, she then did the same thing with some butter and the left side of my beautiful dress, twice.

I shuddered at the continued humiliation, but didn't budge. Mom, impressed by how I was handling the situation, said, "Sometimes, it might seem that you have the situation under control, when in fact, you have no idea of what's coming!"

Determined to show both of them my resolve, I turned my head towards Gloria, my face and mouth now mere inches from her big tits. God, how I wanted to just stick out my tongue and slobber all over them, suck on them and flick her hard nipples with my tongue...

Instead, I simply whispered, "Well, I am sure I'll be able to handle the situation, no matter what."

"God to hear, honey," mom said, looking up at Gloria and signaling her with her eyes, "It's good to hear that you're trying to keep a cool head."

And with that, Gloria reached out, grabbed the glass bottle of orange juice, unscrewed the top and gently started pouring the contents of it over my head. I could feel the cold liquid slowly soaking my hair, then run down my neck and face, shoulders, onto my dress and finally dripping down my legs into my socks and shoes.

The bottle had been pretty full to start with, and because Gloria didn't seem to be in any kind of rush, it took her almost two full minutes to empty it. I closed my eyes and fought my lust. I wanted nothing more than to jam a couple of fingers up my twat and make myself squirt right there and then. But I knew better... and so, I just sat there, waiting for Gloria to finish.

When the bottle was finally empty, everything was quiet for about ten seconds. Then, mom spoke. She was very surprised and highly impressed by my behavior.

"Well done, Andrea," she smiled, "You've demonstrated obedience and restraint. Two extremely important qualities if you're going to be a trashy slut, like me!"

Aroused by that compliment/insult, I quivered and nodded appreciatively.

"Considering how well you're doing, I was thinking that we could move straight on to the next lesson," mom whispered, "Unless you want to go play with your twat somewhere."

"No ma'am," I replied, blinking my eyes, because of the orange juice still dripping down my face, "This slut is ready for her next lesson."

Although I was horny and in need of a good orgasm, I was also determined not to show mom -- or Gloria -- any weakness. And so, I ignored my aching pussy... for now.

"Excellent!" mom grinned as she stood up, "This next lesson is called learning your place."

"Andrea," she whispered as she started undoing her dress, "When you're a slut, you will often find yourself in a group endeavor. Therefor, it is crucial that you know your place around other sluts. Luckily, there is a well-defined and pretty straightforward pecking order."

"For instance, the most important slut undresses first... so everyone, especially the men, can admire her first and longer," mom continued as she stepped out of her dress.

"She also sets the pace and takes the hardest and biggest dicks," she informed me as she slowly took off her bra and panties, shamelessly undressing in front of me and her most trusted servant.

"Then... the less important bitches. In this particular case, Gloria. They usually number only one or two, and never more than three."

Taking that as her cue, Gloria started undressing, while mom stepped out of her shoes.

"Their function is to be eye candy for the men and be a set of extra holes and hands, if the primary slut is... full, or simply not interested in that particular dick," mom whispered as we both watched Gloria take off her underwear.

"And finally, we have the spare cunts... i.e., you," mom said, insulting me once again. Taking the hint, I stood up and started to undress, calm and composed -- although I was horny as fuck.

"By the time they start undressing, the main group is already at it and no one is really paying any attention anymore. They're insignificant, yet necessary to the group dynamic."

"Their function is to get and keep the men hard for their interaction with the more important sluts, clean dicks whenever they're done and perform specific sexual acts which the other sluts don't want to do. Like taking it up the ass, ass-to-mouth, pussy-to-mouth, facials..."

"Understand?" mom asked, as she watched me take off my panties.

"Yes mom," I replied.

"Good, how about some pussy?" she whispered as she hopped onto the table, on all fours, facing away from me. She glanced over her shoulder and waited for me to lean in.

When I did, mom smirked and said, "Uh uh, pecking order, remember? Gloria licks me, and you..."

She paused, giving me time to finish her sentence.

"... lick Gloria," I whispered, with a crackling voice.

"That's a good little whore," mom said, turning her head forward again.

I moved my chair out of the way, giving Gloria room to walk up to the table and stick her face in between mom's ass cheeks. To my mild shock, she didn't seem to mind exactly what she was licking and started darting her tongue in and out of both mom's holes. After waiting patiently for about twenty seconds, I got on my knees behind the help.

I pried Gloria's ass cheeks open with both hands and eagerly stuffed my tongue in there. She smelled absolutely divine, and I assumed mom did to. They'd obviously planned and prepared for this. In between her grunting and moaning, mom continued her lesson.

"Spare [moan] cunts are usually expected to [moan] get themselves off -- as no one else is interested. They masturbate and slap their tits around for the amusement of all."

I got the picture and brought my right hand down to my wet twat. I opened my legs as wide as I could and started masturbating, driving three fingers into my dripping pussy.

All sorts of lewd sopping and slurping noises began filling the room. It took me only a few minutes to finger myself to a finish. I climaxed and screamed loudly in between Gloria's ass cheeks, my mouth and chin wet with her juices.

"Keep going, Andrea," mom grunted.

Realizing I was going to need some explanation, she added, "Spare cunts such [moan] as yourself, need to be able to [moan] cum on command... so, you're going to [moan] keep doing this until you [moan] have another [moan] orgasm. And I'll know if [moan] you fake it."

Still rather horny, I happily obeyed and kept fingering my sensitive little twat, while my tongue continued exploring Gloria's holes. I climaxed again, about eight long minutes later. I screamed and howled at the top of my lunges, eager to let mom know how much I was enjoying myself.

While I started whining and convulsing again, mom looked back over her shoulder and whispered, pleased with my performance, "That's it. That's a good little whore."

As soon as my second orgasm was over and done with, mom wrapped things up by saying, "Thank you Gloria, go wait in my bedroom."

"Yes, my queen," she whispered after pulling her tongue out from between mom's ass cheeks. She then bowed her head slightly, picked up her clothes and scampered out of the room. Mom hopped off the table and walked over to where I was sitting, still on my knees.

"Well," she smirked, looking down at me, "What's the matter? Nothing clever to say?"

"No, my queen," I whispered, calling her by her title -- something I never did -- as I bowed my head down submissively.

"I am very impressed, Andrea," she whispered, "Maybe there's hope for you yet."

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Ilov2fckIlov2fckabout 1 year ago

Eagerly waiting for next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

More please

messalinaslutmessalinaslutover 1 year ago

Reading your story is similar to having good sex. Always leavr me wantinf for more. Reading your story had left me wishing to make my daughter mommy's slut. Keep writing such mother daughter lewd and nasty stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

more, fuck

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