Girlfriend becomes Sister

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His mom marries gf's dad.
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All characters are over 18.

This is fiction.


Angie seemed really nice and two days after meeting her I took her out on a date. Two weeks after taking her out every other night we had the talk and were officially dating. Two months after first meeting her we started having sex and we both came to the conclusion that this was going to be a very serious relationship.

Being in a serious relationship meant that we were looking at eventually moving in together, maybe getting married, and maybe having kids. So we started talking about it. We were a modern couple and we didn't feel a huge rush to make all those things happen right away. We could take our time and build up our relationship. We could go slow and do it right.

So three months after having first met her I was very happy to introduce Angie to my family as my girlfriend. When I was in high school I was eager to introduce any girl to my family but now that I was an adult I only introduced women to them if it was serious. Things between me and Angie looked like they were going to be very serious.

Six months after meeting her we were officially living together. After a month of living together we got some very, very bad news.

My parents were divorced. Angie's parents were divorced. In fact, of everyone I knew, all their parents were divorced. It seemed like divorce was the inevitable and unavoidable outcome of marriage. It was no longer till death do us part but until divorce court do us part. I don't care what the statistics say, literally every married couple I knew of consisted of people who were already in their third or fourth marriage.

That was why Angie and I wanted to go slow and make sure. We both agreed that divorce just seemed like a waste of money. We also started to question if it was even worth it to get married in the first place. Maybe it would be better to just live together, keep all our money separate from the beginning, and if we had kids just focus on being good parents instead of trying to force each other to stay in a marriage.

We had a plan. We were reasonable, mature adults who were going to do it right.

And then our parents pulled the rug out from under us. My mother and Angie's father had met through us. It was only because of our relationship that they even knew the other one existed. That was why Angie and I were not only surprised but very upset when the aforementioned parents came and told us that they had gotten married with one another.

I'll save you the details of what exactly was said but I remember calling my mom a selfish teenager. How could she do this to me? She knew I cared about Angie but she treated marriage like just a fun thing to go do and she wasn't going to worry about what other people thought of her.

I was in shock. Angie was in shock. That night when we were in bed together I can't say why but we sort of felt like we didn't want to have sex. In fact, we didn't want to even touch each other.

I went to my computer and spent a big part of the night leveling my character on a Japanese RPG. Once I thought Angie was all the way asleep I went to sleep on the sofa.

I remember laying there trying to figure out what all this meant. It was a huge mind fuck. Our parents getting married made us step brother and sister. But we were already adults so it didn't count. we were not brother and sister. Our parents had only met because we were already dating. We were first so it didn't count. But we were now legally brother and sister. But we weren't blood related so it didn't count. But we were brother and sister.

I felt like I wanted to gag.

I needed perspective. I needed a better way of looking at this. I called up my actual sister who was actually blood related to me. By comparing Angie to her I'd be able to see clearly that my feelings for Angie were nothing like my feelings for Isabella.

As soon as she answered the phone she started laughing at me.

"What? What's so funny?"

"You're fucking your sister."

"Don't rub it in."

"I can't help it. You're a fucking nasty pervert."

"Why did I even call you?"

"Which one of us is sexier, me or your other sister."

"Stop it. It's not funny."

"Yes, it is. You're a sister fucker."

"I'm trying to be serious here. This is a big problem."

"Only because you're making it a big problem."

"I'm not making it anything."

"You and Angie sitting in a tree I - N - C - E.S.T - I - N - G."

"Fuck you."

She went into her movie trailer voice "When one sister wasn't enough this brother ..."

"Will you please cut it out? I didn't call for this."

"Oh, I bet you want me to talk sexy to you. I know I should be supportive of your unnatural desires but I just don't think I can go there. That's just too nasty for me."

"Anyway, I have to go. Bye."

"Are you going to fuck our sister tonight?"

"Bye, Izzy."

The next few days proved to be the death nail for my relationship with Angie. We drifted further and further apart. We stopped talking to each other. We stopped wanting to touch each other or even let the other see each other. We couldn't go out anywhere together anymore. The whole thing just shut down. There were no more smiles between us.

One day I came home from work and all of Angie's things were gone. She'd moved out without even telling me anything. Instead of feeling a loss like I should have or wanting to go out and look for her to convince her to come back, I actually felt deep relief. She was gone and I didn't have to look at her anymore. I didn't have to think about the fact that I'd had sex with her anymore. I didn't have to feel like I was some reviling monster anymore.

The next thing I remember I was drunk off my ass and near the point of vomiting when my father pulled me from the bar and tried to give me a lecture about something. All his words were muffled in my ear and I just tried to stumble away from him and back to my car.

Now, normally I'd never even consider drinking and driving. But when you're drunk you're not exactly thinking right which is the reason I guess a lot of people still do that even though it's a good way to get killed. But my dad wouldn't let me. He took my keys and then physically forced me into the backseat of his own car. Instead of driving me home he drove me back to his house to sober up.

In the middle of the night as I was sitting there half asleep and feeling sick, my sister came and sat next to me. She was 19 but she stilled lived with our father while she was going through votech school. Or maybe it was community college. I was so drunk at the time I couldn't remember which it was. Or maybe I'd just never cared enough to ask.

"So, where's the brother fucker?" she asked in reference to Angie.

I didn't say anything but I tried to tell her with just a facial expression that I was not in the mood for her bullshit. But no sooner had I turned to her to look angry than the alcohol started coming up. Izzy put a bucket to my face and out it all came.

"Yuck. You're so gross. But we already knew that didn't we. Fucking your sister and all."

I swear I really felt like punching her. I'd never hit a woman and there were times that people said that made me a sexist but that was my code and I didn't apologize for it. Yet, I didn't really feel like my sister counted. I could punch her if I wanted, especially if she was being a brat. This was a really sensitive thing for me. Why couldn't she give me a break or do the proper thing and help me through this difficult situation?

I tried to make a show of raising my hand in a fist but that movement of my body brought up more from below and I was back to the bucket barfing up chunks. As I was bent over my sister sang into my ear.

♫You're a sister fucker. She's a brother fucker. You two doing incest All Night Long.♫

I think after I puked that time I was able to actually sleep. Granted I was inebriated to the point where I didn't exactly trust my memory. It seemed like as soon as I closed my eyes the dark on the outside of the windows of the living room suddenly lit up. Instead of my sister singing in my ear a blast of sound surrounded me and then made my clothing vibrate.

♫All Night Long

All NightAll Night

All Night Long

All NightYeah

All Night Long

All NightAll Night

All Night Long

All Night Yeah♫

"What the fuck?" My hangover was pretty bad and the music was not helping.

My sister came over to the sofa, brought her right foot up to the back of the sofa and then lowered her crotch over my face all while dancing to the music and gyrating her hips.

"Get the fuck off of me."

"Don't you like it."

"No, Now get the fuck. Damn."

She did get off of me but her antics weren't done. She bent over in front of me and started trying to put her ass in my face. The only way to avoid it was to sit up which I regretted because that gave me a better view of her ass and also made my head hurt worse than it already did.

I was saved when my father came into the living room to complain about the loud music. My father grabbed me, made me drink a whole pitcher of water, and then put me in the bathroom so I could carry out his order of taking a shower.

I think the alcohol was wearing off enough that some of his words were actually starting to reach me. He was saying things like it wasn't my fault, I didn't have to feel guilty because I hadn't done anything wrong. There was no reason for me and Angie to break up since the law would let us get married if we established ... Never mind. As soon as he started talking about the law I tuned him out.

By lunchtime I was home, back at my house with no Angie there. I thought about calling her but she probably didn't want to talk to me. For some reason I decided to open up my contacts and look at her picture. It was over. I should have been smart enough to figure that out. I didn't want it to be over. I didn't want some outside thing coming in and messing with us. But I knew it was over. There was no other outcome. There was nothing I could do.

Then my phone rang. My actual sister was calling me. I hesitated but then answered the phone.

♫ Oh Brother Brother

B - Brother Brother

Oh Brother Brother

B - Brother Brother♫

"Izzy, would you please knock it off? Please!"

♫ Come on Brother push it like I wish you would♫

"Are you finished?"

♫Brother, you really got me going

You got me so I don't ... ♫

"I'm going to block you from calling me."

"Don't do that. Lighten up."

'This is not something to joke about."

♫Brother oo-oo-oo-oo. I didn't mean to make you cry♫

"Your sad devotion to that ancient music hasn't helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes."

"There we go. Come on. Smile."

"Fine. You win. I'm smiling."

"Knowing you, you'll go to one part of the house and be all like -sob I remember when me and Angie stood over here. Sob."

"I wasn't doing that."

"No. You were looking at her picture that you've got framed up on the wall. -Sob what did I do wrong. Sob."

"No. I was not doing that. No. For your information I was actually just now formally and officially moving my furniture to suit a ..."

"It wasn't your fault."

"I know that."

"I know but you remember that girl you dated who had a last name for a first name."


"That was totally your fault. All the way on you."

"No it was not."

"Oh, yes it was."

"I'm not going to argue with you about it."

"Cause I'm right."

"Whatever. Just no more singing about incest. Ok?"

"Don't be such a prude. It's not even that big a deal. You know Cleopatra was married to her brother."

"I thought she was married to Caesar."

"No. Gah. You don't know your history at all."

"Well, Cleopatra aside ..."

"Ben, you weren't even related to her. You're just getting mental over an idea."

"But it's creepy. Come on. It's creepy."

"Not really. If real brothers and sisters can get it on then surely pretend brothers and sisters have no problem."

"We're not pretend ..."

"You actually think that because mom went and said some words in Las Vegas and signed a piece of paper that now you can't be with Angie."

"Well ... When you put it like that ... I don't know."

"Mom will be divorced from that guy before the season changes. Come on. Grow up. If you love Angie then call her up and talk about it. Stop being a wimp."

"You're right."

"Hold on."


"Just, hold on a sec. There. Now say that again."

"Say what again?"

"What you just said."

"You're right?"

"Louder and with more conviction. You aren't going to win her back with half a heart, are you?"

"You're right."

"Awesome. And now I have it recorded."


Then I heard my own voice coming back to me over the phone. "You're right."

"You can be such a troll sometimes."

I drove out to the place I figured Angie would move to. Her car was there. I was about to go up to the front door and knock but I thought I heard talking in the back yard.

I went to the six foot high wooden fence. The side gate was open. I wondered if it would be ok. I'd been back there before. I'd been welcomed into this house so many times and no one had ever told me I wasn't allowed there anymore. I tried to make as little sound as possible as I stepped over the garden hose that was in my way and avoided the child's play house that had been put outside and then neglected.

On a swinging bench in the backyard I saw Angie and some guy. I could see clear as day that it was Angie but the guy was turned away from me so I didn't see his face. They were kissing, and touching each other.

I wasn't there very long but it was long enough for me to realize that it was over. She'd already moved on. There was no getting her back.

I went back to my car and drove away. When I got to the first red light I deleted her information from my phone. I tell myself that I just did that because I figured there'd be no need for it. She probably had already done the same thing and wouldn't even answer my call.

That night as I sat awake wondering what I would do with the next day a knock came to my door. It was eleven at night. Who could it be? I got to my feet and I was about to look through the peep hole when a key went in and the person outside started to open the door.

I thought that it had to be Angie. She'd come home to me. But did I want her? I felt despair as I thought of asking her how far she'd gone with that other guy. Then she'd want to know how I knew about it. Then I'd wonder if she was even telling me the truth.

The door opened but it wasn't Angie. It was my sister and one of her friends. They were laughing and talking and it was clear that they'd been drinking but certainly not as much as I had the night before.

"And here he is." my sister said and then pushed her friend at me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

My sister popped her head to look one way and then the other. "Angie not here?"


"Great, because Maddie here has been dying for you to be single."

"Don't say it like that." the other girl said.

"And you know, Ben, her mother was married to a guy, who was married to a girl, who was married to a guy, who was married to Stella who was married to Dad for two years."


"So, she's practically our sister." my sister said with a huge smile.

"Ha, ha."

"That's what you meant?" the other girl said.

I tried to be a good host if I was going to have company. It was clear that Maddie was interested in me and my sister hinted that I could probably fuck her if I wanted. It wasn't my way to bed a girl the first time I met them, especially if alcohol was involved. And there was also the far fetched incest thing my sister brought up five times and only stopped when Maddie complained.

Even though I had an extra bedroom in the house, in case me and Angie decided to have kids ... Anyway, I had that extra room in the house but we didn't use it. The two women slept on my bed and I slept on my sofa. At least it was more comfortable than my dad's couch.

In the morning, Maddie didn't stay very long. She thanked me for having her over and said she'd love to come and hang out again. However, even as I was thinking I'd just watch the game on tv my sister was walking around the house in one of my shirts and I think nothing else save a pair of panties.

We had a small conversation about Angie's status and as soon as Izzy realized I was resolved to not go after her for a different reason than the incest thing she was finally willing to let it go. But that didn't mean she was just going to let me mope because of a failed relationship. In her own words, she intended to "ride me" until I got back on top in life.

We watched the game together with chips, pizza, and beer. It was ok but there weren't any really spectacular plays. As expected, our team lost. They didn't even get close to winning. We watched really just to support the team in the hope of them getting better in the future because there was no way they were getting to the playoffs this time around.

Nothing else really happened that day, at least nothing of note. It started getting late and I expected Izzy to leave but she was acting like she was going to spend the night again. So, I tried to politely drop the hint that she needed to go ahead and hit the road.

"Oh, I'll just sleep here."

"I have work tomorrow."

"And I have school tomorrow."

"All the more reason for you to go."

"Why? You're place is closer."

"What about your books?"

"They're in my car."

"Izzy, you can't just decide to move in with me without asking."

"You're asking me to move in with you? Great. I accept."

"Wait. That's ..."

"And this is perfect timing too because dad was wanting to spend more time with Martha, you know, alone." She could see that I was uncomfortable so she tried to come off sweet. "Ben, I won't get in the way. I'll even help you. I'll find you another girlfriend ..."

"In case you haven't noticed I'm perfectly capable of finding ..."

"That reminds me; if dad married Martha that means that you dated one of our ..."

"I know. I know. Don't say another word about it."

"Did you have sex with her? I forgot."


"But you did have sex with ..."

"One more word and I'll throw you out."

"So, I can stay? Cause if you're throwing me out that means I get to stay first."

"Ok, fine. You can stay but on one condition. No more talking about me having incest with anyone. Drop it."

It was dropped for that day and the week got off to a good start as she didn't mention it again for the next several days. On Monday I came home to her taking a shower with the door open. I figured I knew what she was doing so I didn't try to divert my eyes or act grossed out. I just went and closed the door. On Tuesday she was getting a bed put into my extra room and she was standing there in her gym shorts from high school and very obviously no panties on underneath. I can't remember if anything happened on Wednesday. I came home very tired on Thursday and she had rented a movie for us to watch.

The film got started and it was some stupid old movie from either the 70s or 80s. Right off the bat there were jumps in time and then a kiss happened. I paused the movie.

"Ok. I'm lost. What's supposed to be happening."

"They're kissing." my sister said with a huge smile. "Isn't it romantic?"

"It doesn't really look romantic. They both look a little disturbed by it."

"You just don't get romance." She took the controller and pressed play.

The movie continued but the next couple of lines of dialogue revealed what I missed. The two characters in the film were supposed to be siblings. Fuck. I grabbed at the controller and got it away from my sister.

"What the fuck is this?"

"It's a movie. It won all kinds of awards and stuff."