Goblin Queen's Plan Ch. 06


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"How will you pleasure me?" she asked.

"With my mouth, my tongue, my touch, my lips, my teeth ..."

She pulled my trousers to the floor.

"Your cock?" she asked.

"If you wish, my queen," I said.

"I do, my king. I want your cock inside of my pussy. It aches to be filled with your prick."

"My body longs for you, my queen," I told her.

She removed my boots, my socks, and then my pants.

She reached up and lightly ran her fingertips along the underside of my sac.

"Oh, Gods!" I moaned.

"Will you fill my filthy twat with your seed, my king?" she asked, looking up at me.

"Gladly, my queen," I groaned, achingly hard from her sensual teasing.

She stood to her feet. She was three or four inches shorter than me. She looked up, into my face, wrapped her hands around my jaw, and pulled my lips to hers.

"I want your mouth, my king."

"Yes, my queen."

"On my neck, my chest, my breasts, my stomach, my mons, my pussy - and then inside me. Will you taste me, my king?"

"Your sweet scent is driving me mad, my queen. I long to taste every tantalizing part of you!"

She gave me a little kiss and then brought my lips to her neck. I devoured her. She moved my face to where she wanted my attention next. My cock was aching to be inside of her. I wanted her so badly!

I devoured her chest, her breasts, her areolas, and her nipples - first one - and then the other. She sent me to her navel next, moaning as I licked, nibbled, and nipped.

Her mons was bare. She moved my mouth all around the womanly bump that crested her slit. Next she gave me a taste of her tender nub - but moved me quickly beyond - to her tight trench. She shoved my lips down - and then up - across her clit once more - and then back down her slippery furrow.

Finally, she brought me to her treasure room. Her musky scent was intoxicating. She took my mouth away before I could get a taste - to her thighs - her mons again - across her clit - and straight to the gateway to paradise once again.

Her taste! It was like honey. I licked, I sucked, I stuck my tongue in as far as it could reach, trying to get more honey from the tender hive.

She took me to her clit again - shrieking as I caught it in my lips and sucked. She pulled me away, gasping.

She held me to her entrance, once more, and humped her cunt against my mouth and nose, fucking my face with her pussy. Back, again, to her clit - which I sucked again. She cursed and pulled me away.

Up, again, to her nipples - one - then the other - back again - and once more. Her mouth! Her tongue battled mine - stealing her taste from my lips and my tongue - moaning in frenzied lust.

She stepped backward, pulling me with her, she tumbled onto the bed and I fell upon her, my cock nudging into her slippery slit.

"Oh! Gods!" she gasped. "Yes! Get it inside me!"

I took my prick in my hand and nudged the head back and forth across her virgin entrance, testing to see if she was open enough to take me inside yet.

As I pressed it into place, she locked her ankles behind my hips and pulled me forward - her pussy opening as she drove my aching prick inside. At first, only the head slipped in. She cursed, once more, but locked her ankles tighter, forcing me farther in.

I groaned in glorious ecstasy as her tightness undid me.

"Oh, Egla. My sweet, sweet girl!" I moaned.

"Fuck me, Zack! Fuck me with your filthy cock!"

"Yes, my love. Yes!"

She grabbed my hands, placed them on her tight breasts, and gripped them with all of her might. When I did as she wanted, fisting her taut tits, she grasped my wrists and held on for dear life.

"Fuck me, Zack!" she ordered.

Her pussy opened a little more and I started working my cock in and out of her.

Egla's bedroom was filled with the feral sounds of wild animals in heat.

Farther and farther I slipped - each time I drove into her - until we were fitted together perfectly - and the nose of my prick kissed her womb. She shuddered into climax. Her tight channel rippled up and down the length of my cock and I ground my teeth, trying to stave off my eruption.

"Cum!" she ordered and I whimpered as my body obeyed her, my cock bucking again and again as my seed blasted into her body - the nozzle of my cock kissing against the entrance to her womb.

"That's one," she cooed.

"One what, my queen?" I asked breathlessly.

"One baby," Egla said, smiling a golden smile, as she looked, lovingly, into my eyes. "Zora told me that my reward - for being patient - as you fucked all of the others - night after night ... She said that I could be the first to carry your children."

I moaned, my cock twitching inside of her.

"I want twins, Zack," she said.

She moaned as I pulled my cock out of her. I leaned down and kissed her belly-button. I looked up, into Egla's loving eyes, and I kissed it again. Then I whispered, "Get ready, you little shit - because I'm about to fuck a little brother or sister up in there with you."

Egla giggled and pulled me up, onto her, my cock resting against her sloppy slit.

"I love you, Zack," Egla said.

"I love you, too. You will be a wonderful mother. I'm so honored that you let me be the one."

"Because you're a mutt?" she asked.

I nodded.

"Zack, you big dumbass! Do you know how lucky I am that you and Zora came along when you did? That you convinced me to join you? That you asked me if I knew of anybody else to rescue? You love so hard that it takes my breath away! Reav was a piece of trash when you healed him. I wasn't much better. Look at us! We fucking kick ass! We marched for two weeks through places most people wouldn't dare to go. We rescued all of those people from Zeka and we brought them home. Home. Do you know how long it's been since I felt like I had a home? Since I felt like I was cared for? My own mother shoved me onto the street so she could use her tattered cunt to guarantee herself a warm bed to sleep in - in the house that my father paid for! You! You and Zora. You took me when I was nothing more than another mouth to feed, an arrogant kid to slow you down."

"I'm sorry I ..."

"Hush! You weren't wrong. I was a kid. But now I'm a woman. I hope I can be YOUR woman."

"My queen," I assured her.

"For tonight and tomorrow - then my reign ends. Zora will be queen again," she said.

"I can still .."

"Little husband ..." she said, smirking.

"Yes? Little wife ...?"

"I don't mind not being queen - not at all - if I can just be one of your wives - and if you will give me babies to love."

"You are such a sweet girl ..."

"Woman ..."

"Yes, you are, my sweet girl. Are you ready for another baby, little wife?"

"Oh, Gods! Yes!"

"Do you think you could carry triplets, my sweet little wife? How big will your stomach be with three of my children growing inside of you?"

I kissed her tummy and belly button as she tousled my hair and moaned.

"Shit!" she gasped.


"Will you still sleep with me when I'm bloated with your babies?"

I crawled up her luscious body and kissed her softly - again - and again. "Until you order me to stop," I whispered.

"That's never happening," she promised. "Now that I can have your cock inside me, I'm never gonna NOT want it."

I reached down and slotted my stiff prick back inside of her.

"Oh! Yes, my king!"

"My sweet queen," I purred, beginning to stroke in and out of her again.


In the end, Egla decided that two was probably more than enough. As I brought her to orgasm yet again, and filled her with my seed, she released a second egg - and my second child began to form in the womb of my newest lover - my sweet Egla.

We slept in the next morning, made love again, ate the breakfast that was left at her door, took a short nap, and made love again. Our breakfast came with a note that said the hot tub was ready for us. The two of us streaked, naked, through the common area, up the stairs, and snuggled together in the tub. It had cooled a little, as we napped, but it was still cozy. We teased and touched each other in the soothing water, dried off, and then Egla rode me through one orgasm. She climaxed a second time, joining me, when I came inside of her - as we laid - splayed out - on the enormous communal bed. We slipped back into the bath and cuddled until we were prunes. We dried off and took our towels with us to return to her room. There we found lunch plates - now cold - on a tray. We ate and talked and then fed each other and giggled. We finished the bites we wanted and laid on Egla's bed to kiss and cuddle. I stroked her tummy and told her how much I was looking forward to being a daddy.

We fell asleep for a couple hours, woke up to have sex once more before dinner, and then joined the others for the evening meal. The girls all wanted Egla to sit by them, but she chose my lap for her seat. I encircled her in my arms, and she fed me small bites as she ate her meal. Reav sat on our right and Zora sat on the left.

"Are you still my sister?" he asked Egla.

"Yes, squirt," she replied, messing up his hair - which wasn't hard because it was always a mess.

"But you and da ... You're his wife now?"

She pulled him up, onto her lap.

"Is that okay?" she asked.

"Yes," he said, hugging her ribs.

"I'm gonna have Zack's babies and you'll have somebody to play with," she told him.

"Really?!" he asked.

I had to focus - not to laugh - at his innocent anticipation - such honest joy!

"Will you be a good big brother and help me teach them how to hunt?" I asked him.

He leapt to his feet, standing on Egla's lap, and hugged both of our necks, promising that he would.


Egla was the only one of my wives or queens to try for twins. Everybody else chose to have them one at a time. Goblin gestation periods are about half that of humans so you could pop out a couple kids a year without even trying too hard.

Egla looked uncomfortably large four months into the pregnancy but goblin bodies - at least female ones - are built to adapt to the temporary changes that come with giving birth. Once the baby (or babies) are out, their bodies snap back in a few days.

Newborns take milk from the mother for about four months - but can begin eating regular food - especially meat, grains, and fruits - after a couple months.

Egla's breast milk was a little more acidic than I liked but she enjoyed it when I sucked her breasts, so I helped get her ready for when the twins arrived. Despite the common belief that goblin twins fight in the womb, Egla's never did - but maybe that was because they knew she didn't want them to - that she wanted two healthy babies - for her and me to cradle in our arms.

Gora and Gack were my first biological children. Reav loved them like he really was related to them by blood. I couldn't have asked for a better big brother - for Egla's twins - or for any of the rest of my kids for that matter.

Egla's twins were a little less green than most goblins. Normally, that shouldn't happen - they should be 100% goblins. Maybe because we had shared blood, that changed it. We weren't sure. It turned out to be true with my other kids as well. Each of them looked like their mothers - with just a little bit that looked like me.

My wives/queens, cooed over them - so I can only hope that they weren't disappointed that I had messed with their lives yet again.

By the end of our first year in the tree village, each of my lovers had given me at least one child. I was surrounded by kids 100% of the time - and I was in heaven. Not that I set out to correct some defect in my biological father's relationship with me, but I just couldn't think of NOT being a part of my kids' lives.

Bish's son, Rawk, was born on the one-year anniversary of us moving into the trees - and of her moving into the cave. Bish spent more and more time in the tree village now - so that I didn't have to choose between spending time with Rawk or spending time with my other kids.

I moved from mom to mom, holding, burping, changing, and cooing at, child after child. Their lusty mothers were already groping my cock, trying to get me to give them another. As much as I loved it - and them - and the kids - I wasn't sure how many more I could handle.

They assured me that they would not require that I share 50/50 in the responsibilities for the kids' care - so I gave them the kids they wanted - whenever they decided they were ready.

Zora ended up having to add some guest rooms to the tree village - along with a nursery. We sent out notices, asking for single women or girls who would be willing to come help with all of the childcare.

My wives finally showed their jealous sides when the helpers started arriving. I was not allowed to be overly-friendly with any of the help. Any of the workers who tried to sneak in some "quiet time" with me were sent packing. Our "royal family" became very protective of their king and queen.

Zora's little girl, Zela, was - don't tell my other wives - my favorite. She had her mother's eyes and her smile. Even her little cries - when she was wet, dirty, or hungry - made my heart ache to pick her up. I wasn't the only one who was enamored with the little angel, either. We'd need to be careful because, otherwise, I'm not sure the little thing's legs would ever know how to work - from being carried everywhere - handed from person to person.

Kia's little devil caused the most consternation. Zia was barely weaned when she started teleporting. Reav was elated. He was already anticipating the two of them going on hunts together. I don't know how many times we had to get Imka to use her tracking skill just so we could figure out where the little devil-girl had taken off to!

Dera's little girl - like her mother - was a little more plump than the rest of my kids. I loved squeezing and kissing her little cheeks. The dreamer told me that she was waiting until she knew our second would be a little boy - and then she'd have me give her another. Zera was crawling everywhere - well ahead of schedule.

Zora ended up having to redo the bannisters on the walkways. Everything had to be childproofed! We talked about moving down to ground-level, but we loved our rooms and none of us wanted to give them up.

Vira's little girl, Zira, came out with red hair. We still don't know how the fuck that happened! The seer said she was done - but still begged me to fuck her often. She was still so tight!

Imka's little hunter, Zik, was a mischievous trickster from birth. You could be in the middle of changing him and he'd shit in your hand - and then giggle. He was going to be a hellion. He was already trying to target Twirp when he threw things.

Awka's little girl, Waza, was already showing signs of her gift as well. Shit just mysteriously moved around that kid! I figured it was telekinesis - but we weren't really sure.

Bish has been trying to convince Gort and Yirk to share gifts with her. I think they were almost ready to be convinced - until all of the kids seemed to start showing signs of their gifts. Now, they're just trying to stay as far from my dangerous brood as they can! They still love spending time - especially double-time - with Bish - but only when Rawk is spending the night with his dad or one of his aunts - and they can have the cave to themselves.

Zora grew a little bird house beside Egla's door for Twirp. He found a lovely little budgie who sings the softest tunes. Egla calls her Twat, the poor little angel. I call her Tweet and she serenades me most mornings in exchange for thistle seeds. My lovely little singer has had to learn to avoid coming around when certain ones of my children are visiting however. They haven't quite learned how to play well with others yet.

The oxen had twins. It's a good thing I'm a healer. The poor heifer had a tough time of it. You'd never know it now. The two calves caper back and forth across the corral - to the delight of all of the kids.


Over the next couple years, we received a few raiders, assassins, and thieves. When none of those ever returned from our quiet, peaceful valley, the trickle of trouble-makers disappeared.

Central City is still growing. So is the valley. A few more people show up every week and apply for a tract of land. Zora's kingdom is getting bigger and bigger.


The end.

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TomNJaxTomNJaxabout 1 month ago

Excellent work, immensely enjoyed it!! Thanks for sharing!

ender2k2kender2k2kabout 1 month ago

Outstanding story. Thanks so much

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Wonderful story!

Mike R

ogiver3ogiver34 months ago

I absolutely loved this story so much, that I just couldn’t stop reading until I finished it. Very well done! I’m hoping you will arc another story out of this.

dontyouwishyouknewdontyouwishyouknew5 months ago

Sad to see it end but i thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this story! As others have mentioned, there are numerous plot hooks available for future stories... Hint Hint!

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