Grace Ch. 20

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Spring Break takes an unexpected twist.
4.5k words

Part 20 of the 20 part series

Updated 03/13/2024
Created 12/20/2021
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On the Monday of April break, I ended up at Grace's house and we had some fast, satisfying sex in the kitchen before getting down to actual work. Tuesday I was free and caught up on house stuff and some leftover grading while she went to a lacrosse camp and then out with her friends. On Wednesday, though, Grace texted me and asked if I could come over after dinner on Thursday. She added that she had a project she needed help with. I sighed and agreed. As much as I didn't want to give up precious vacation days, the money was great, I actually felt good about helping her get her act together academically, and there was always the possibility of finding myself alone and naked with a luscious teenager! To me, those things outweighed the lost free time.

That night, I spent a long time sitting in the living room sipping a bourbon on the rocks and thinking back over the last few months. I knew I was being an idiot. It's NOT okay to be having sex with a student. Even back when her mom pushed her into it, I could have said no. I SHOULD have said no. No amount of rationalizing could make that series of transgressions okay.

I also admitted to myself that seeing Lindsey the way I was had no future. She was clearly happy to have me around, but I knew that I was a diversion, not a potential husband. As much as I was not in the market for marriage, I didn't want to be someone else's escape--there was a strange dynamic there that I wrestled with but couldn't articulate. There was also some professional conflict lurking in the background: "Teacher Sleeping with Married Parent" is a headline I had to avoid at all costs.

However much I knew what the right thing was, though, I kept running into the fact that I didn't want to stop with either one. For the months Grace had remaining in school, I hoped to enjoy the occasional lucky hour with her. When she graduated, I felt like I should also cool things off with Lindsey and we could all move on with our lives. As with Grace, I was forced to admit that the sex was great, the companionship was an unexpected pleasure, and I was too hedonistic to do what was right, so I might as well enjoy it while it lasted!

Once I got over that mental hurdle, I felt myself relax. Besides, reviewing our three tangled lives together was getting me turned on. I had flashes of passionate moments from the last few months: Grace spread out on her mother's bed, Lindsey in the sauna, and many, many more. I found myself stroking my cock almost idly as the images came and went and when I could stand no more, I left my bourbon behind and went to take care of the pent-up lust I was feeling. My memory of Grace grinding herself on my lap was what sent me over the edge that night. After that, I fell asleep easily.

Thursday was a perfect spring day that stayed sunny with temperatures in the 70's. I worked out, shopped, and did chores in the morning. We had agreed on 6:00, so I ate lunch at home, worked all afternoon, and grabbed dinner on the patio of a new sandwich shop in town before I headed over to Grace's. Since things were way past casual, I wore shorts, a polo shirt, and bright running shoes with new Bombas socks. She had texted during the afternoon that she'd be in the sunroom and that I should just come on in. Although we had worked there on occasion, my heart beat a little faster thinking about the first time I saw that room. It was a cold weekend day in February. Snow lay in a thick blanket across the back yard and Grace was laid out on the wide cushions of the couch. God, I could still remember that first sweet taste of her! I was grinning to myself when I opened the door.

A Taylor Swift song was throbbing through the incredible speakers in the living room. I looked around quickly, but didn't see anyone in the kitchen or living room, so I kicked off my shoes and headed into the sunroom. Just before I reached the door, I heard a murmur, so I slowed down to eavesdrop for a moment. It was definitely Grace's voice, and I figured she was on the phone, so I backtracked and went to the fridge to avoid interrupting her. After stalling for a minute, a bottle of water in hand, I walked slowly through the living room, listening intently.

Through the music I heard a noise from Grace and then an echo from another voice. Dammit! She was still on the phone. I decided to let her know I was there this time, so I kept right on going and stepped quietly through the wide open doors. Oh, what a sight!

Grace was almost entirely nude, sprawled out with her head resting on a pillow propped against the arm of the couch. Her eyes were scrunched shut. Her dark hair was a tangled, sweaty mess and her chest was flushed with exertion and maybe even a recent orgasm. Her breasts stood up proudly thanks to her arms being flung over her head, elbows high, so that she was gripping the fabric at the edge of the pillow. I said almost entirely nude because she wore a tank top that was pulled down so that it covered her waist in a wadded band. Her knees were bent and splayed wide, exposing her slick pussy and the quivering muscles of her thighs.

As much as I wanted to drink in the sight, though, my gut began churning violently. Lying beside Grace and snuggled against her was another girl. What the fuck? Her eyes went wide and locked onto mine as soon as I walked through the door. As I stood there gaping, a smile crept across her lips and her eyelids lowered halfway. One hand was propping up her head as she lay on her side facing Grace. The other hand was draped across Grace's belly and her fingers were busy making tiny circles around Grace's clit.

While I stood there speechless for a long moment, my brain was racing. "I'm so busted! Holy shit!" I thought to myself. "Who the fuck is that??" came quickly behind, along with "God, she's hot!"

That all happened in an instant, but whoever she was kept right on circling and smiling at me.

"Grace..." she murmured without taking her eyes off of mine.

"Mmm?" came the response.

"I think your guest is here."

Grace's eyes flew open and for a second a look of panic crossed her face. Amazingly, though, she caught herself and slumped back onto the pillow, her eyes on mine as a slow smile crept across her lips as well.

"Hi Mr. Robertson!" she chirped in a happy, tired voice.

Something about the totally ordinary greeting snapped me out of my daze. I snorted out a laugh and stepped to the end of the couch where both girls were smiling up at me.

"Hi, Grace!" I said pleasantly. "Who's your friend?"

Grace turned her head with a slightly guilty smile, but the friend spoke up before she could answer: "I'm Jess," she said, her smile widening.

My eyes traveled from her smiling lips up to her bright green eyes, over the dark blonde ponytail that fell to her shoulder, and then down her long, lithe body. She was faintly tanned all over, the smooth tone only accented by traces of tan lines. Her breasts were small and firm. Since she was on her side, I could only see one breast, an enticing curve of hip and ass, and a long, tan leg that led down to brightly-painted blue toenails. When my eyes traveled back up to her face, her eyes sparkled with laughter and she flicked a glance at Grace, who was grinning as well.

"Hi, Jess," I said with a polite nod. "Am I interrupting?"

"A little bit," she replied archly, raising one eyebrow. "But I guess I'm the one who's not supposed to be here..." she added.

I must have looked as stumped as I felt about how to reply. My gaze went back and forth between the two grinning faces while I struggled to grasp the situation. Fortunately, Grace came to my rescue.

"It's okay, Mr. Robertson. It's totally okay. Jess isn't a student or anything. And you're not interrupting...I kinda planned it like this!"

"Okay..." I said, still puzzled.

"We met at camp," Jess interjected. "I'm from Long Island. And I graduated last year. We just kind of...hit it camp and we were telling each other stuff."

"So I told her she should come and visit!" Grace added with innocent pleasure.

"While I'm here? Really?" I asked at last, my anger rising. "Is that really a good idea?"

I must have sounded a little put out because Grace's face fell into more serious lines. With a quick pivot, she moved over Jess's lean body, planted her feet on the floor, and whirled to face me. Somehow, while she did that, she tugged her tank top back into position-a strange choice since she was otherwise naked! Anyway, Grace quickly grabbed my water bottle and put it on the table beside her, then grabbed both of my hands and tugged me down to sit on the couch. Jess curled her feet up to make room for me, still grinning at my discomfiture.

Standing above me, Grace looked down and smiled once more.

"Yes," she said simply. "It's a very good idea!"

With that statement of confidence, she crossed her arms and tugged her tank top off over her head, then threw it aside. Setting one knee on either side of my legs, she dropped into my lap and draped her arms around my neck. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jess watching.

"Jess and I kind of...we got together and talked after camp yesterday. She's got this amazing hotel room between the highway and the beach and we went there after. So we were talking and having some drinks and we kind of ended up in the shower because we had to get clean for dinner."

I heard a chuckle from Jess and turned to look at her, raising my own eyebrow.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it!" she said with a nod. "Just two sweaty naked lax girls drinking and showering. And telling secrets."

"And so of course you told her all about US!" I stated emphatically, turning back to Grace.

"After she told me about sleeping with her coach while she was still in high school!" Grace said defensively.

"Fair's fair!" Jess said with a challenging tilt of her head.

"And now you got us here at the same time because..." I asked leadingly.

"Don't be mad!" Grace burst out, throwing her arms more tightly around me and pulling my head against her. "Jess was telling me about how she felt kind of used by her coach and I was telling her how this was different."

That sounded pretty childish to me, and it must have to Jess as well because she suddenly sat up and moved to sit beside me. Even in the grip of panic, anger, and discomfort, I had to admire the languid grace of her body and savor the glimpse I got of her flat stomach and neatly trimmed mound. It struck me once again that Grace was not very bright, even though she had made a lot of progress academically in the time we had been working together. That, however, was more about responsibility than brains. I pulled back from Grace and looked between their faces.

"I told Grace what an asshole he was," Jess said quietly, taking my hand and just holding it. "It was kind of fun at first, but then it was like 'If you want to keep playing then you better keep letting me do this' and it was really creepy, but I couldn't stop without telling everyone what happened."

"Jesus!" I muttered.

"I think Grace was trying to make me feel better when she told me about you guys," Jess went on. "You know...not all men are scumbags. That kind of thing."

"I get it," I said tersely. "It's just that neither one of us should be saying anything to anyone!"

Grace sat down on the edge of the coffee table, her hands clasped between her knees, and looked at me seriously.

"I'm really sorry I told our secret," she whispered quietly.

"It seems like this will be okay, Grace, but you really could have put me in a lot of trouble!"

Another chuckle came from Jess as she sat beside us, so I turned to look at her again.

"Something to add?" I asked, sarcasm edging into my voice.

"'s just doesn't seem like THAT much of a secret if Grace's mom is the one who set it up!" Jess blurted out. "I're getting with Grace AND her mom and nobody else knows about it but me. And I'm the one sitting here naked with a total stranger!"

"Did you know what Grace was planning here?" I asked her seriously.

"Yup. She said if you walked in on us, you'd be cool."

"And what do you think is going to happen next?" I went on as I looked into her eyes.

"Well, I'm kind of hoping to find out what Grace was so happy about!" she said more shyly.

"So fooling around with sweaty lacrosse girls is just..."

"Fun," she said simply. "I like guys, but every now and then I meet someone like Grace and I just feel like we should...have some fun."

She paused and her grin returned before she added, "Know what I mean?" with a tinge of sarcasm.

That broke the ice and the serious mood. I laughed out loud, smacked Grace on the knee, and grinned back at Jess.

"I guess I can't say 'no' with a naked high school girl in front of me and a naked college girl beside me!"

Jess came back with the perfect response: "The only problem, then, MISTER Robertson, is that you're wearing clothes and we're not. Do you want us to get dressed?"

"Not now that we've settled all our problems!" I grinned.

Since the air was cleared, I stepped back into confident mode. I stood up and pulled Grace to her feet, pivoted her slim body around me, and then dropped her onto the wide cushion beside Jess. She bounced and giggled, coming to rest with her feet drawn up and her chin on her knees, her eyes sparkling. Jess drew back on the couch as well and pulled her feet up in similar fashion so that they were both looking at me.

"So listen..." I began as I kicked off my sneakers and cast my socks aside. "I know I walked in on you girls in the middle of something, and I'm sorry I interrupted. But what did I miss?"

They both giggled as I whipped my shirt up over my head and threw it aside to join Grace's tank.

"Well," Jess began in teasing tones, "we already took a shower, so you missed that!"


"And we smoked some weed and came down here and Grace was looking so cute in her tank top and panties that I couldn't help myself!"

"So what happened?" I asked as I shucked my shorts down, carefully keeping my boxer briefs in place to hold back my swelling cock, smiling to myself as Jess's eyes focused on the bulge.

"You saw what happened!" Grace blurted. "We were kissing and Jess was playing with me!"

I looked over at Jess and she nodded happily.

"So Jess hasn't had a turn that what you're saying, Grace?"

" came in right after I was finished."

"So, Jess..." I said as I turned back to the slim blonde before me, "it seems like I interrupted things before you got what you were after!"

"It's okay!" she said with a laugh. "I don't mind waiting for my turn!"

"That's very considerate," I replied. "But I have a question for you. Do you want to finish what you started with Grace, or do you want to move onto something else?"

Her eyes flicked back to my cock for a moment before she answered.

"I think I'd like to move on," she said quietly.

"Well, as much as I'd like to watch that next step, I'm glad to hear that!" I assured her with a smile. "Will you two make room for me in the middle?"

Both girls giggled and scooted themselves apart a few feet. As nonchalantly as I could, I pushed my underwear down and stepped out of it, then turned and sat down suddenly between them. The jolt of my arrival bounced them both a little bit, but they didn't seem to notice. Grace was giggling and looking at me affectionately, and Jess's eyes were locked onto my cock as it stood against my stomach. I leaned back far enough to drape and arm around each of their shoulders and grinned, turning my head back and forth between them.

"Hi, Grace," I said quietly, turning my face to hers and giving her a soft kiss on the lips.

"Hi!" she murmured back.

"Hi, Jess," I said as I turned toward the newcomer.

After a moment's hesitation, she kissed me softly in response, pulled back, and whispered "Hi!" with a slight smile.

"Jess," I said quietly, "it sounds like you had a bad experience with your coach. Nothing is going to happen here that you don't want, and there's no pressure. Okay?"

She looked into my eyes for a long second and then nodded.

"Okay," she said firmly.

Her smile broadened and she lunged forward to kiss me passionately, her lips parting and her tongue darting out to tease my lips. Her hand, meanwhile, dropped to my lap and wrapped itself around my cock, squeezing experimentally and rubbing the tip with her thumb.

"Hey!" said Grace, 'Don't be greedy!"

I broke our kiss to laugh and turn her way.

"You set it up, Grace...but don't worry. I'm sure we can figure out a way to share!"

To seal the deal, I leaned in and gave her a real kiss as well. Her arms came up and wrapped around my neck and our tongues slipped past each other and explored. She sighed happily in my arms and dropped her knees out of the way so that her breasts pressed against my side. Jess, meanwhile, was not one to wait in the wings. Her knees dropped as well and she turned to face me as she lowered her head. My cock was already rock hard and drooling from her firm strokes, and seconds after I felt her move I felt the swipe of her tongue as it swirled around the crown. To make things easier, I leaned back on the couch, pulling Grace along with me. Jess settled herself more comfortably, her breasts pressing into my thigh, her right hand sliding along to cup my balls and her left continuing to stroke the base of my shaft as her tongue made circles around the tip. I groaned happily deep inside and Grace giggled against my lips. Breaking our kiss for a moment, she glanced down to see what her friend was up to and smiled.

"Oh, my god!" she whispered. "That's so hot! Does it feel good?"

I groaned again as Jess began to apply suction to the head of cock and nodded.

"It feels amazing!" I replied, stroking Jess's shoulder to show my appreciation.

"I've never seen this up close..." Grace whispered.

With a chuckle, I kissed the side of her head and whispered, "Get closer!" in her ear.

With a wicked smile, Grace glanced at me and then pulled herself away so that she could lay in a pose similar to Jess's. I leaned back and spread my arms along the back of the couch, feeling like the king of the world. In just a moment or two, Grace's hair brushed my thigh as she nestled in to watch Jess's oral skills. Jess flicked her a glance and a smile and kept right on with what she was doing.

Clearly, though, having an audience made Jess want to show off her talents. As soon as she was sure Grace was watching closely, she slid her hand down so that it lay flat against my belly, her thumb and forefinger holding me upright. She licked all the way up from the base to the tip repeatedly, moving her head to get to every part of my cock. When I was nice and slick, she sucked the tip again to collect my precum, made a little show of tasting it, and then smiled at Grace's attentive face.

"He tastes SO good!" she murmured.

"Uh-huh!" Grace agreed, her eyes wide.

Jess went back to work then, squeezing my shaft tightly and taking me halfway into her mouth with one easy swoop. Her tongue darted past her lips and teased around my shaft, then she slowly withdrew upward, sucking hard all the way. I groaned happily and almost closed my eyes, but I desperately wanted to enjoy the sight of two nude teens surrounding me!

Several minutes of bliss passed by before I felt Grace stirring on my left. Jess paused in her sucking and released my cock from its warm captivity.

"Do you want a turn?" she asked slyly, looking into Grace's hungry eyes.

Grace nodded wordlessly. Jess grinned and pointed my cock away from herself invitingly. As Grace lowered her head and took me readily into her mouth, Jess gathered herself, sat up, and slid down to kneel between my feet. I spread my thighs to make room for her and she settled lower, laying her head against my thigh and stroking my balls with her right thumb to stay out of Grace's way. I rumbled happily once more as they found a rhythm between them and Jess grinned happily as she watched my reactions. After a minute, though, she decided to add more fun. Moving her hand away, she sank lower and replaced it with her tongue, swirling its tip around each testicle and tracing the line between them up and down. That made my cock throb convulsively and Grace, I'm sure, noticed the sudden rush of precum.