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Life gets complicated by two women.
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Credit to whom credit is due My team is Girlinthemoon, Norafares, Hal, Pixel the Cat and GeorgeAnderson. Harddaysknight is my mentor and gives me critical review. SBrooks103x also gives me a prepost read.

Warning: This story contains wife sharing and an MFF threesome. If that isn't your bag, this is a good time to quit. If you continue, I warned you. If you make disparaging comments, despite this warning, you will be fair game for deletion. This is a preview of some of the stories you can expect on December 3 from some of the best writers in LW. The theme is sharing, in keeping with the category description. There will be no cuckolding, no humiliation, none of the more objectionable features, just sharing stories with a plot and character development. Bebop3 will be posting another preview story further into the page.


Sometimes a guy needs a two-by-four alongside the head to wake him up. I never thought I'd enjoy the experience. Life surprises you. It had been a pretty bad day. First, Sylvia was not happy with me before I left to go to the job site. We were out of coffee and she's cranky without her morning cup. I had forgotten to get it the night before. I ran down to the convenience store and got us both a cup. One of the cups collapsed when I was putting the lid on and coffee spilled on my pants. It was hot as hell and I skipped around for a minute. The hot chick getting a cappuccino thought it was pretty funny. I was considerably less amused. I got another cup and managed to get the lid on this one.

She was still cranky. After being married to her for 11 years, I knew enough to just stay out of her way. I ran upstairs and changed my pants. Peyton yelled at me that she was going to be late. I came out and nearly ran her over in the hall.

"Daddy, watch where you're going," she complained. I grabbed her up and kissed her while she squealed in protest. Seven-year-old girls only like being kissed when they want to be kissed. She really liked it, though; she just pretended not to like it. I liked it a lot and I felt better.

We went down and I packed her lunch. Sylvia came rushing through and gave me a peck, squeezed Peyton and swirled out the door. I dropped Peyton at school and went to work. I own a waterproofing company. If you want to build a building and don't want water coming in the basement or the parts that touch the earth, you should give me a call. Do it before you build it; I don't clean up other people's mistakes.

Someone, not me, had ordered the supplies and we were short. I would have to scramble around, borrow from another job and try to get some ordered. I left the crew there and went to another job. My foreman there was having some personal problems. I thought I was helping him, but if he didn't get his act together, he was going to find himself back on hourly as just another worker. It's hard to kick a man while he's down, but he needed to get it together. I had a talk with him and went to the last job. They were supposed to have been ready for us two days earlier, but there had been complications. Now I was paying a crew to sit around and watch plumbers and electricians. I told the GC I was going to start charging him for my crew sitting around. He wasn't happy, but neither was I.

When I got to the office, Addie had called in and said she was going to be late. Addie is my partner. She's never late and I needed to talk to her. I got my second cup of coffee and sat in my office to fume a bit. She came breezing in about thirty minutes later. She came in, sat across the desk and smiled at me. I glanced at my watch and she threw back her head and laughed. That always sends a thrill through me. I've been friends with Addie since we were in the fifth grade. I'd just moved to Baton Rouge. It was the middle of the school year, and my father had been transferred there. I was walking across the playground, getting ready for my second day of school. I'd noticed a little redhead that sat behind me. She was stick thin, had freckles and big green eyes. She wore braces and glasses, and seemed really shy. There were two sixth graders talking to her. There was some utility work going on, and they had an open ditch about two feet deep with some muddy water in it going across the playground. She was trying to walk away and the two boys were moving to get in front of her. They were crowding her toward that ditch and she was teetering on the edge. She had a book in one hand and her bag in the other.

She gave one of the guys a hell of a pop in the face with her book and the other one pushed her into the ditch. She fell in the mud and he started laughing. She was crying, and it made my blood boil. I hate bullies. I charged into them, knocking one of them into the ditch with the girl, and the other one down on the ground. I kicked him in the belly and he went flat, his mouth open, sucking wind. I got on top of him and I was beating the hell out of him when two teachers came running up. The girl was crying and trying to get the mud off her legs. We all went to the office.

By the time the story got straight, I got three days of detention, the two boys got suspended for three days and Addison Taylor was my friend for life. She was a late bloomer, but by the time we started college at LSU, she was no longer a stick. The braces had gone away leaving her with a spectacular smile, she was tall; contacts had replaced the glasses, no longer hiding those gorgeous eyes, and she was smoking hot. That flaming hair hung in ropes of fire down to the tightest ass you've ever seen, her breasts got big and firm and she was just a vision.

We'd dated, briefly, our sophomore year of college and it had been pretty steamy for a while. Then we had an argument and didn't speak to each other for a week. She showed up at the house one day after class and we worked it out. We decided that we worked better as best friends and that neither one of us wanted to risk our friendship by becoming something else. We hugged it out, and that was it.

She did our estimating, sold our services and handled the accounting end of things. I handled the crews and all the production side. We were still best friends.

After she was through laughing, she told me that she owned half the company and she would damn well show up any time she pleased. She softened that by coming around and giving me a hug. "I stopped by Friendly Supply and they're going to deliver 200 gallons of water proofing," she said.

I should have known. She stayed on top of things. "Sylvia called," she said. "We're meeting you guys at Parrain's at seven."

"Who's we?" I asked.

"His name is Lucas," she said. "You've never met him."

"Jesus, Addie; don't you ever date the same guy twice?" I asked.

She laughed again. "Sometimes," she said. "You're not going to like him, Calloway."

"Why not?" I asked. "If I'm not going to like him, why are you bringing him?"

"Well, he's a lot like you," she said. "He's tall, dark and handsome and he has kind of an attitude."

"I don't have an attitude," I objected.

"Of course you do," she patted my shoulder. "If you were any more cocky and confident I'd want to murder you. I'm surprised Sylvia hasn't. Anyway, don't start a fight with him, okay?"

"Whatever," I said. "Do you know the last time I was in a fight?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do," she winked at me. "We were juniors in high school and Kayden Rayley said I was a bitch and left me at the prom. You kicked his ass down at the lake the next day."

I hadn't known she was aware of that. I blushed. "Well, he was an asshole," I said.

"You might think that about Lucas, too, so don't get all bent out of shape if he says or does something stupid," she said.

"I'll be on my best behavior," I told her.

I put out brush fires the rest of the day and by the time I went home, I needed a drink. My mom had picked Peyton up and she was spending the weekend with her grandmother. Sylvia came in after a bit. She came over and gave me a kiss. I pulled her down on my lap and she squealed.

Sylvia is this stunning blonde that looks like she just stepped off the plane from some Scandinavian country. She tans well, and she had been spending some time in the sun. Her hair was bleached out nearly white and her smile lit her face up like a camera flash. She's tall and curvy and she was wearing her hair in a big braid that curled around her head. She was so beautiful it made my heart hurt. You'd think she was a stereotypical blonde bimbo by looking at her. She's the perfect picture of a trophy wife. You'd be wrong. She's a spitfire. There is a complex and highly intelligent mind behind those baby blue eyes. She has a temper and she's a dynamo that never runs out of energy. Sylvia is a psychologist with a PhD and she works at a community mental health center.

She pushed her cute little nose up against mine. "Hi, baby," she whispered. She gave me a kiss that made my ears smoke. "Sorry about being a bitch this morning."

"If you come home and kiss me like that I'm going to throw away the coffee I bought," I told her.

"Peyton's not here," she nibbled on my ear. "Want to fool around?"

I pushed her back over on the sofa. "We've only got about an hour," I told her.

"Let's see how many times you can make me cum in an hour," she said. "I'm betting on four for me and two for you."

"Doesn't seem fair," I told her. "How come you get more than me?"

"I'm a woman," she said, as if that explained everything. She did get her four, and maybe five or six before we ran out of time. I was stuck on two. We jumped in the shower and I nearly got going for number three, washing that spectacular Valkyrie body, but she laughed and pushed by me. I watched her dry off and thought about how much I loved this goddess. She snapped me with her towel and told me to get my ass in gear.

I groaned. I wanted to just stay home and fuck her, but Addie would be upset. Addie and Sylvia are as close as sisters in a lot of ways. I had introduced them on our third date. Sylvia was sort of jealous at first, but it's impossible not to love Addie and now they were very close. Sylvia understood our relationship and there really wasn't a jealous bone in her body. I know she felt confident in our marriage and she knew I would never, ever, hurt her by stepping out on her, even with Addie, had we been so inclined.

We met Lucas and Addie at Parrain's. It's this wonderful seafood place and we eat there a good bit. Addie was right; I didn't like Lucas right away. He did look a little like me, but I had nothing like his opinion of myself. I didn't like the way he had his hands all over Addie, although that was none of my business. I've never been much into public displays of affection. She didn't seem to mind. I also didn't like the way his eyes were all over Sylvia and that was my business. He knew I had busted him looking at her cleavage. He just grinned and shrugged, like, "Who can blame me?" I guess he was right about that. I was the only one that caught that.

He made all the right noises over dinner. Addie really seemed to like him and that gave him a big boost in my eyes. He hit it off with Sylvia, too. The food was great and we had a couple of drinks. Addie wanted to go to a club afterward and we decided on Click's. They had a live band called "Better than Ezra" playing. We played a game of darts and shot some pool. Addison wanted to dance and she took Lucas off. Sylvia and I sat and watched for a minute.

"Dance with me, Cal." She turned that absolutely lovely face up toward me and flashed me that million candlepower smile. I pulled her up and we gyrated a bit. The song ended and they started a slow ballad. This was more my speed and Sylvia was all over me. She turned her back and that amazing ass was grinding my, suddenly, rock hard cock. I turned her back around and, surreptitiously, filled my hand with one big breast. Her nipple was rock hard and I felt her hand slide down and grab my ass. She pulled me in so she could grind her pussy against my erection. I nearly came in my pants. The song ended and I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Addie.

"Switch?" she asked Sylvia.

This was going to be awkward. They started another song, and wouldn't you know it, it was another slow one. Addie and Sylvia changed places and I had another beautiful woman molded against me. I tried to keep her from feeling my hard cock, but she was just as aggressive as Silvia had been. She looked up at me and those green eyes blazed. "Hey there, big boy," she said. "I remember you." She forced her pussy against my erection and ground on it a little.

"Jesus, Addison," I said. "Sylvia is going to see you." She grinned very wickedly and one thigh moved between mine. She humped my leg, I swear. I wondered if there would be a wet spot on my pants.

"I think she's too busy to notice," Addie said. She nodded across the floor. It looked like Sylvia was as horny as Addison was. I could see the movements of her hips as she rubbed against Lucas; doing nearly the same thing to him Addie was doing to me. That was like a cold slap in the face. What was I doing? I disengaged and walked back to our booth, Addie trailing behind.

"What the hell, Cal?" she said when we sat down. "You can't just walk off and leave me like that!"

"We were getting a little carried away there, Addie," I said. "Best friends, remember?"

We drank some of our drinks and the next time I looked out at the floor, I saw Lucas' hands on Sylvia's ass, pulling her into him. She didn't seem to be resisting. I started sliding out and Addie jumped up and slid in beside me. "Don't, Cal," she begged. "You said you wouldn't make a scene. They aren't hurting anything. I'll let you feel my ass."

As fun as that sounded, I wondered what the hell was going on. Was Addie wanting to let Lucas play with Sylvia in return for me playing with her? I was confused and feeling very weird. "Are you telling me you're okay with letting your boyfriend feel up my wife?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm okay with it," she said. "Jesus, Calloway, do you imagine that she's going to fuck him out there on the dance floor? I'm pretty sure the silly girl is madly in love with you. Let her play. She'll go home with you in a bit and fuck your eyes out. Plus, you can feel me up." She took my hand and pulled it up to one fantastic breast; leaning into me so what we were doing was hidden to anyone not in our booth. She did have a hell of a point. I slid my hand up inside her loose blouse and into her bra, rolling one very erect nipple between my fingers. She moaned and I felt her hand on my cock. We played with each other's bodies until the song ended. She straightened up and I took my hand out of her blouse. Her fingers didn't leave my cock under the table and she didn't move. Sylvia and Lucas came back to the table. Sylvia just slid in on the other side of the booth and Lucas slid in beside her.

Her eyes were blue fire. "What are you naughty kids up to?" She grinned at me.

"Pretty much the same thing you were," Addie matched her smile. "I'm drunk as hell. No more alcohol for you boys, you're driving." She scooted over a little against me, rubbing one, obviously erect, nipple against my arm. I glanced over at Sylvia and she met my eyes. She made kissy lips at me. Obviously, she didn't care what Addie was doing with her husband. I wondered if she knew that Addison was tugging at my zipper, her reaction would have been any different.

Addie was saying something to me and I looked at her. She winked at me as her hand slid inside my boxers and wrapped around my painful erection. I heard a little gasp from Sylvia and glanced over at her. I couldn't tell for sure what was happing under the table, but from the position of his arm and the look on her face, Lucas had his hand on her pussy. She smiled at me and didn't make any move to stop him, so I didn't do anything. Addie's hand on my cock felt too good for me to think about anything else for a while. When some drunk chick bumped up against our table, I came to my senses. This was going to be awkward at work Monday.

"Addie, stop it," I whispered in her ear. "We're going home. I'll talk to you Monday, okay?" She pulled her hand out of my pants, zipped me up and patted my thigh. "It's okay, Cal," she whispered back. "Don't worry. I've always loved you and I always will. I love Sylvia, too. Trust me, okay?"

I did trust her. I knew she'd never hurt me, or Sylvia, but this was so weirdly erotic and I didn't have a clue. Nothing remotely like this had happened in all the time I'd know her or been married to Sylvia.

"Syl," I prompted her. She started and I saw her hand move under the table, pushing Lucas' hand out from under her dress. "It's getting late," I said. "Time to go."

She nodded and Lucas and Addison slid out. We walked out together and Addie kissed me as we parted to go to our cars. "See you Monday," she said. Sylvia gave Lucas a peck, I shook his hand and we walked away. When we got in the car, I just sat there for a minute.

She looked over at me. "You okay to drive, Calloway?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said. I decided to postpone our talk we were going to have until we got home. We were going to have a talk.

It turns out that we didn't have that talk that night. She attacked me like a tiger the minute the garage door went down. I'd never seen her so on fire and she did try to fuck my eyes out, just as Addie had promised.

She was gone the next morning when I got up. I lounged around until about 10:30, just drinking coffee and reading a book. Silvia came in and she looked gorgeous. She had on a green t-shirt and white shorts and I marveled again at my luck in being married to this amazing woman. She had two bags of groceries and I helped her put them away. She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat on my lap in my chair.

"Cal, you know I love you, right?" she said.

"Uh-oh, is this where you tell me that you're having an affair, but you love only me? It's just sex with the other guy?" I was only half joking.

"Don't be ridiculous," she said. "Just answer the question."

"Yes, I know you love me," I said. "I think I know that. Do you?"

"With all my heart," she said. "I know you love me the same way. But, I know some things that you don't."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" I asked.

"I know you're in love with Addison," she said. "I know she's in love with you. I've always known."

"Well, I hate to tell you this," I said, "but you're mistaken. I love Addie. She's my best friend, but I'm in love with you. She's not in love with me, either."

"Bullshit," she said. "You two have been dancing around each other ever since I've known you. You have this 'We're just best friends' thing going because both of you are cowards."

"Now you're starting to piss me off," I told her.

"Yeah, well the truth hurts," she said. "You are both so afraid of screwing up and losing each other that neither of you would ever admit that you love each other. I told you, Calloway, I know and it doesn't freak me out. I know neither of you are ever going to do anything about it. You'll never leave me and she'll never try to take you away from me. I love her, too, and she loves me. None of us will ever do anything to hurt either of the others. That's so cool and so loving that I love you both for it."

I mulled it over for a minute. "Does this have a point, Syl?"

"Yes, it does." She said. "I'm going to do something outrageous. It isn't risky for me, because it doesn't change anything. You already feel the way you do and so does she. I'm going to do something that I think is going to be very hot, it's going to build a fire under you and me and give someone I love like a sister some relief. I'm going to put you in bed with her."

"Hell, no," I told her. "What makes you think I want that? What makes you think she does?"