Heart Is Where the Home Is Ch. 01


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Mom looked at Ken and said, “That’s probably another reporter. Help us handle this, Ken. What do we say?”

Ken calmingly touched her shoulder and said, “You have two options. First, you can say ‘no comment’ and hang up on them. Second, you can tell them the truth. That we are friends and have been on exactly one date.”

“Two,” I said.

“Option two?” Ken asked.

“No dummy, we’ve been on two dates. We went to breakfast this morning.”

My parents laughed.

Ken said, “Okay, the new second choice is to tell them we’re dating and are madly in love.”

His smile didn’t last long after I punched him in the shoulder.

“Ken, this is serious,” I chided as he rubbed his shoulder.

In a moment of spontaneous affection, Ken pulled me into him and kissed me. My knees were about to give out when Dad grunted.

“This ain’t Hollywood, movie star. Keep your lips to yourself.”

“Oh, Daddy!” Melanie sighed as I finally broke the kiss.

“I’m gonna have to hit you more often,” I said as Mom rolled her eyes.

We were interrupted by the phone ringing again.

“May I?” Ken asked.

“Be my guest,” Mom said, pointing to the phone.

Ken answered and said, “Hello.”

Ken smiled and said, “Yes.”

Whatever the caller was saying made him smile and wink at me.

“That poof actor? No, he left to meet his boyfriend in the city. That damned jerk used my daughter as a shield last night. Now everyone thinks she’s dating him. What really happened is she got left in the dust so he could go plow Jim Steel’s ass.”

He put his hand over the phone and laughed.

He winked at me again and said to the caller, “Yeah, Jim Steel the actor. I have to go, bye.”

We stared at him with our mouths open in shock.

“What?” Ken asked.

“You just told them you were gay lovers with Jim Steel,” Melanie said.

“It’s payback from seven years ago when he walked into one of my interviews and kissed me. The press had a field day with it and Jim laughed the whole time while I panicked.”

“Oh, I think I remember hearing something about that,” Mom said.

Ken nodded and said, “I’ve been waiting a long time to pay him back. Let’s see if it works. Once they realize Jim’s sitting on his couch holding his newborn daughter back in Malibu, it’ll all die.”

“You’re a bad man, Kinsey Greer,” Dad said.

Ken smiled and said to me, “Tell your folks about the premiere. I’m gonna head over to my mom’s. Come by later.”

“Okay,” He kissed me goodbye and walked to the door.

“Do you think I could get one of those?” Melanie asked.

“Not before me,” Mom said.

Ryan shook his head and said, “Settle down you two. No one’s getting any kisses from him. What’s this about a premiere now?”

“Oh that,” I said, “It’s nothing. I’m just going to be his date for his new movie’s premiere on Wednesday.”

Mom and Melanie squealed.

“What about work,” Dad asked.

“I’m off on Wednesday and Thursday anyway so it works out. I’ll fly out Tuesday after work. Ken said Jen will book me a hotel room in LA.”

Mom said, “Do you really know what you’re getting yourself into, Lainey? I know he’s sexy and rich and—well, perfect, (Dad rolled his eyes) but you’ll never have any privacy. Your life will never be the same.”

“Honestly, Mom, it’s kinda scary. I want to give him a shot though. He’s such a good guy and he’s retiring from acting so maybe it will all die down when he moves out here.”

“I hope so, honey. I really do.”

It was nerve-wracking, but my God, I’ve had two dates with Kinsey Greer. I was going to go with the flow and see where we ended up. Nothing would stop me from enjoying the ride.

Certainly, I worried if he was some kind of playboy man-whore, banging every cute girl he saw. I just had to hope I could be enough for him.

*** Jim and Abby Steel

Jim Steel was sitting in his kitchen eating a sandwich when his wife Abby walked in.

“You’re trending on Twitter, stud. I told you that you’d regret monkeying around and kissing Ken all those years ago.”

“Aw, man. Did that knucklehead do something?”

Just then his cell phone rang.

“Hey, Jackie,” he said, greeting his agent.

“You’re an ass. You better get on the web and show the world you’re not in Chicago with Kinsey Greer. My phone hasn’t stopped ringing.”

“Okay, I don’t know what’s going on yet, but put out a release saying how funny Ken is for paying me back for the prank I pulled on him several years ago. I’ll do an Instagram live video from my house with my kids. That should end it all.”

“It had better, I’m tired of the hassle. I’m getting too old for this.”

“Bye, Jackie.”

“Well, let’s see just what Kinsey did now,” Jim said to his laughing wife.

After spending a few minutes surfing social media, he looked up at his wife smirking at him.

“You’re loving this, aren’t you?” He asked.

“I’m upset with you, honey. I told you last time, I wanted to watch the next time you two hooked up. You’ve disappointed me, Jim.”

He laughed and said, “Come on, you film the live video. I’ll get Bella and have her be the star. She loves hamming it up for the camera.”

“Sounds good.”

She walked off and he made a call.

“Hey, Jim,” Ken answered.

“Ken, we’re even right?” He asked, laughing.

Ken laughed and said, “Yeah, I’ve been waiting for a chance at payback for a long time.”

“Who’s the chick you’re seeing?” Jim asked.

“Oh! You saw that?”

“Yeah, she’s all over Twitter as your new flame.”

“Her name’s Lainey. You’ll meet her Wednesday, she’s a nice girl.”

“She’s cute. Good luck.”

“Thanks, buddy. Kiss Abby and your kids for me and tell ‘em Uncle Ken misses them.”

“You bet.”

“Fucker,” Jim said laughing as he ended the call.

“Payback’s a real bitch sometimes,” Jim said to the empty room as he finished his sandwich.

*** Lainey

Later that day, my parents were still getting phone calls, but there weren’t any news vans or reporters at the house. Dad decided to take Mom to Chicago to get away from it all.

Let me tell you, that made her very happy. Dinner, dancing, and a ritzy hotel stay? Dad was going to have a real good night.

Melanie decided to have a sleepover at Keri’s so I was on my own. I chose to go to Ken’s.

I walked the few blocks to his Mom’s house lost in my emotions. I was falling hard for him and it made me queasy. I knew it could lead to heartache, but he seemed so genuine. Sure, paying for everyone’s dinner the night before may have been showing off for me—but he had no idea I heard him giving the Millers their farm back.

I rang the doorbell and looked around. I saw a man in a blue car looking at me, but he was parked a few houses down so I figured he was waiting for someone.

Ken answered and said, “Hello, beautiful.”

“Hi, Ken.”

“Come in and let’s go out back. Do you want some lemonade? Mom made it fresh.”

“Sure, thanks.”

His mom and Jen were sitting in the kitchen and Ken made the formal introductions.

His mom said, “You can call me Janis, dear. It’s so wonderful to meet you, Lainey. Of course, I’ve seen you around and I know your parents already. I’m glad to finally get to know you.”

Jen said, “I’ve booked your flights and room. My girlfriend is doing our hair and makeup. She’s one of the best in Hollywood.”

“Oh no! She doesn’t have to do that,” I said. I didn’t want to be a burden on them.

“Nonsense. She’s already doing mine and mom’s so it nothing. Mom’s staying at the same hotel as you, so we’ll all meet in Mom’s suite and get ready together.”

I said, “Okay. As long as it’s no trouble.”

“It’s not, trust me. I’ve got two designers that have gowns ready for you to pick from. Give me your measurements and I’ll send them so they can get the dresses ready. Wednesday morning they’ll do the fitting and any final alterations needed will be done right away on the spot.”

I started to panic. I couldn’t afford designer dresses and rush alterations. I was just going to wear my old Prom dress.

“Oh wow! How much will that cost me? I don’t have much money.”

Jen laughed and said, “Nothing. They’ve been waiting for Ken to get off his ass and get a date for this. It’s free, honey. It’s like advertising for them. When you’re asked who you’re wearing, tell them who made the dress and they will get a shit load of business out of it.”

“Wow, okay.”

Janis said, “Dear, we’re going to have a late dinner on Tuesday together. Please join us.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

My head was starting to spin. I couldn’t help but think I was too far in front of my skis with the whole thing.

Ken handed me a glass of lemonade and said, “Okay, now that you’ve got her head all twisted, we’re going out back.”

I smiled as he read my mind. As we walked through the kitchen and out the back door, Ken asked, “Are you sure you’re up to all of this?”

I took his hand and said, “No, but I’m willing to try. I really like you, Ken. Please remember when I texted you the first time, I was interested in you. I didn’t know you were superstar Kinsey Greer. It’s important to me that you know I’m not chasing a pot of gold with you.”

“I know. Don’t worry about that. I don’t think you’re a gold digger or anything. I like you too and I’m looking forward to what the future brings.”

All of a sudden the fear of his hurting me came rushing up from the pit of my stomach. I looked down and said, “Ken, please don’t hurt me. I’m sure that beautiful women probably throw themselves at you all the time, but I couldn’t stand it if I had to worry about you.”

He took my shoulders and turned me to him. Staring into my soul through my wide eyes, he said, “Don’t worry about that. I’m really just a normal guy with a unique job. I’m not a pussy hound, I’m not out banging fans every night and when I have a girlfriend, I’m a one-woman guy.”

He lifted my chin with his finger and asked, “It seems like you’re saying you want to have a serious relationship. Boyfriend and girlfriend and all that? Don’t you think it’s kind of early for that?”

I walked away to the end of the patio. I looked out at the garden and sighed.

“Ken, I’m not worldly like you. I’m a twenty-two-year-old waitress from a small town in Illinois. I don’t know how this stuff works. Every time I’ve dated somebody, we were boyfriend and girlfriend and exclusively so. If you want to date other people while we see each other, then I’m not your girl.”

He stood and said, “Come on, let’s go for a drive.”

He took my hand and led me around the house to his car.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“A place I used to go before I became worldly.”

He had a grin on his face and I couldn’t tell if it was a good thing or bad.

“Ken, I didn’t mean what I said as a bad thing. I’m sorry.”

“I’m not upset. I just want to show you that you’ve got the wrong perception of who I am.”

He pulled down a secluded road and I had a feeling I knew where he was going.

“Are you taking me to the old airport?” I asked.



“Why do couples go to the old airport, Lainey?”

“To sit on the runway and make out.”

Our town had its own make out point. It was a small abandoned airport.

Ken smiled and said, “That’s right. Do you know why I’m doing this?”

I laughed and said, “Because you want to make out with me?” I swear, my pussy tingled at the thought.

“Well, yeah, but it’s more so to show you that I came from the same roots as you.”

I shivered, not from coolness, but from the anticipation of being alone with him and having his hands on my body.

“Lainey, dating me is going to open you up to a world that is overwhelming at times, it’s overwhelming even for me sometimes.”

I looked out the window and watched a flock of birds flying. One lone bird was lagging. Would I be that bird who gets left outside his circle?

“Going to the abandoned airport to make out with my girl is as fun for me as going to an expensive restaurant and having Champagne and strawberries in bed.”

“We get to have Champagne and strawberries in bed? Screw the airport,” I said laughing.

He squeezed my hand and stopped the car.

He parked in front of the old, rusted fence. We slipped through the hole in the gate and walked hand in hand to what was the old runway.

The tower and most of the hangers were long torn down, but the asphalt runway was still there. It was overtaken by grass and weeds, but there were still places to sit and not be in the grass. The lone hanger had only three walls standing and the roof was caved in.

We sat in an open spot and he pulled me into a kiss. When he broke it, I saw the look of lust in his eyes. I had to decide how far I was going to go with him. I’d only known him for a few days. Could I have sex with him? I certainly wanted to.

“You know, I lost my virginity here,” he said.

“Me too,” I admitted, laughing.

“Sara Arbuckle was her name. She married...”

“Dr. Jameson,” I said.

“That’s right. How’d you know that?”

“He’s my doctor. She’s the nurse for him. It’s still a small town, Ken.”

“Yeah, I suppose it is. That’s why I want to come back. I’m so burnt out on the celebrity bullshit. I just want to settle down, get married, and have kids like Jim.”

“He didn’t settle down though, did he?”

“No, I suppose not. He married his high school sweetheart though, did you know that?”

I shook my head.

“Yeah. She didn’t go to Hollywood with him at first. She set him free and let him go after his dream. Do you know that he never dated a girl out there? Jim fucking Steel, the best-looking man in Hollywood has never dated anyone except his wife Abby. He stayed true to his only love. When he was cast as Colonel Starr, he brought her out to California and married her.”

I smiled and kissed his cheek. “You can have that kind of love, Ken. You don’t have to give up acting to try to find it.”

“No, I think I do. I thought I had real love with Kate, but she never trusted me. She couldn’t believe that I could be faithful to her. Never mind the rumors about her banging every leading man she worked with. It was she who couldn’t trust me. I’ve got small-town values, Lainey. I’m not like what you may hear about me.”

“I see that, Ken. I love that about you.”

I leaned in and kissed him. He took me in his arms and led me to the ground and we kissed deeper. He kissed me like he couldn’t get enough of my lips, and I wanted more of his tongue dancing with mine.

He slid his hand down my side until it rested on my hip. I don’t know if he felt it, but I was trembling. His being famous had nothing to do with it. I wasn’t making out with “The Kinsey Greer,” I was kissing my dream man Ken.

His long fingers rubbed the soft flesh of my butt and I moaned as he massaged it. I wished he wasn’t hindered by the thin layer of Lycra and if he moved his strong hands inside, I wasn’t going to stop him. I was desperate for him.

I moaned into his mouth as he took my breast in his hand. His touch shot bolts of electricity through me and ramped my body up to levels of arousal I’d never felt before.

I was in Heaven. I’d never been so turned on in my life. The boys I dated before couldn’t compare in any way to him. He was all man and I wanted to bathe in his testosterone.

He must have felt my nipple harden for him because he pinched it gently. I shrieked in pleasure. I knew how sensitive my nipples were, I had my first orgasm from nipple-play.

He was killing me with his touch. I had to take it up a notch, I was so close—I felt as if I was going to explode.

I rolled over on top of him and straddled his hips. He smiled as I felt his hard bulge and rested my hungry pussy on it.

I began to circle my hips. Rubbing into him like a stripper needing a twenty, I felt him stiffen even more, my God! The sensations I felt were astonishing. I was in a state of nirvana, in tune with everything around me. I heard the breeze blowing, birds chirping, the squeaking of the rusted fence, and I was dying to cum.

I threw my head back and looked to the sky, mouth open, feeling every inch of his hardening shaft as it snaked down his leg as I rode it.

Rocking, rolling, grinding, I felt myself approaching a strong orgasm and then he grabbed my breasts with both hands. That was it! I shook and screamed, “Yes, Ken, yes!”

I shook and trembled, the jolts of pleasure shot from my core through my fingertips and toes.

Finally spent. I flung myself down to his mouth and kissed him with a hunger I’d never felt before and could get very used to.

“Holy hell! I’ve never cum from doing something like that. It was amazing.”

He smiled and kissed my neck, “You’ve got sensitive breasts, I think.”

“Mm, I do.”

“I can’t wait to suck them and drive you to orgasm just from that.”

My body shuddered and he laughed at me.

“Oh, you like that idea,” he said.

“I do, very much.”

“I’d better check my phone. We left without saying goodbye.”

“We sure did, but we’re not going to your house. We’re going to mine,” I said.

“Oh yeah?”

“Yep. It just so happens I have the place to myself tonight.”

He smiled and kissed me.

“I like the sound of that. Movie and a pizza?”

“I was thinking of something more erotic.”

“I like the sound of that even more.”

He held my hand on the way back to the car and I swung it like a child. I was excited for what was to come, yet nervous about what pitfalls lied ahead.

Neither of us noticed the blue car parked behind a copse of trees.

*** Ken

Once I turned my phone on and saw that there were no issues. I breathed a sigh of relief.

After getting quite the lap dance at the airport, I was looking forward to whatever Lainey was considering more erotic. I wanted to enjoy her sensitive breasts some more.

Driving along her street, she didn’t see any cars that didn’t belong there so I pulled into her driveway. She opened the garage and I pulled in, I figured better safe than sorry.

We were barely in the house when she took my hand and led me into her bedroom. In what seemed like seconds, her clothes were on the floor and she was standing before me in her bra and panties.

I admired her young, tight body as I kicked my shoes off.

I asked, “Are you sure?”

She bit her lower lip in the cutest way and nodded her assent. Walking towards her, she backed up until her legs hit the bed and she fell to her seat.

I followed her down, dropping to my knees. Without breaking away from her amazing eyes, I pushed her knees apart and kissed her inner thigh.

“I’m going to eat your delicious pussy until you beg me to stop.”

“Mm, challenge accepted,” she said.

I gazed at the wet spot spreading along the gusset of her panties, which were sticking to her lips, giving me a wonderful view of the outline of her sex as she lifted herself and slid them off slowly.

I bit the band and slid them the rest of the way with my teeth.

I smelled her desire for me and it drove me wild, calling me in. Of course, I answered her body’s call, but at my pace. I was going to enjoy every second of my first time tasting her.

Her lips were open and inviting, glistening as I licked the edges, tracing along each line, ending at her protruded button. I savored her taste: Salty, sweet, delicious.

Her moans were music to my ears as I led the concerto with my lips and tongue. Sucking, licking, nibbling, and repeating until she shook from her first orgasm.

Her hands were tangled in my hair, she screamed my name interspersed with the profanity that only pleasure creates. She pulled at me, grinding my face through her aftershock smaller orgasm.

Oh, yes! I would have fun with a woman that could roll from one orgasm to the next like that.

She relaxed her grip and I sucked in the air I’d been deprived. Seeing her panting, her chest heaving, her eyes closed, I attacked her again.

Changing to a finger-led assault, I massaged her clit with my thumb and drove two fingers inside her soaking wet glove. I knew I’d found what I was searching for when the sweet profanity of pleasure, “Fuck,” came from her lips and her legs tensed.