His Pregnant Lover Ch. 02

Story Info
Three pregnant ladies move in with Dave.
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Part 2 of the 16 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 04/23/2003
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Annabelle bustled around the house after her husband left for work; she had never felt so good in months Yesterday with Dave had restored her faith in her self.

Her self esteem which had gradually been destroyed by her husband’s indifference and his insults had been given a tremendous boost by Dave’s attention and loving gentle ways.

“I hope he wasn’t lying when he said he would help me to get to the maternal and child welfare clinic today,” she thought as she liberally applied her favourite perfume.

Dave had promised the doctor that she would be there on time. There was no public transport and taxis were too expensive for her limited budget. She would have told the doctor that she couldn’t make it, but Dave insisted.

Her heart skipped a beat as she thought how important his promise was to her.

Would he turn up to take her, a married woman heavily pregnant to a clinic, or would he wake up this morning and just forget her.

Had he just used her as a cheap screw and would he now disappear. “I’m sure he won’t come back to my ugly bloated body” she moaned to herself.

She was becoming more and more agitated, working herself into a nervous state. Her mind was dreaming up all sorts of dreadful scenarios, when she heard a vehicle turn into her driveway.

She ran to the door as Dave jumped out of his Jeep and ran up the stairs.

“Thank god” she cried.

Dave was stunned to see Annabelle was crying, her eyes were red, tears were running down her face as she pulled him in and closed the door.

It did not take him long to discover that she had worked her self into a highly nervous state worrying whether he would turn up.

He kissed her long and hard, his hands running over her body his voice soothing her nerves, settling her down, finally making her realise how silly it was to get upset.

“I’m here, I’m here,” he whispered, as he led her to the bedroom.

“Your body is not ugly it’s beautiful,” he crooned as he helped her out of her clothes and sat her on the bed. He knelt between her legs and stroked her belly and her full breasts.

When she relaxed he leant her back till she lay on the bed, then placed her legs on his shoulders and proceeded to make love to her wide open cunt with his tongue and fingers.

Within minutes all of Annabelle’s fears and worries had disappeared. She felt her body respond to his tongue. Her legs tightened around his ears, she was lifting her bottom up from the bed arching her back to gain every extra inch of his tongue.

Her breathing was getting heavier; she could feel her cunt getting wetter as she moaned out loud and came all over his face.

Dave raised himself up on his knees and looked up at Annabelle stretched out panting on the bed. “You’ve got nothing to worry about other than preparing for the clinic,” he told her as he leant to take a nipple in his mouth.”

“When the clinic is over I’m taking you back to my houseboat. I’m going to prove that last night was not the last you will see and feel of me,” he said as he swatted her on the bum and helped her into the shower.

They were late at the clinic. Mainly because Dave had decided to join her in the shower, “to make sure everything was ok.”

At the clinic Dave was introduced to two young mothers who had no partners, as well as few accompanied by their mothers and one or two by their husbands.

He could tell he was the topic of conversation as mothers who had attended the clinic previously with Annabelle asked about her new escort.

“Can I tell them who you are and how you have helped me?” she whispered to Dave.

“Of course! Tell them the truth,” he said. We have nothing to hide I’m proud to be here with you.”

“Tell them that I love what pregnancy does to a woman’s body. Pregnancy makes her more beautiful. Tell them they’re so beautiful I would like to take them all home with me.” He laughed.

Throughout the morning Dave while sitting in the waiting room, talked to most of the mothers and some of their escorts. Those attending without any support responded quickly to his warm friendly approach.

By mid morning they were no longer a group of individuals worrying that everything was going well with their pregnancy. They were like a big family. They had all introduced themselves and were swapping stories, comparing the problems of their pregnancy and making friends.

They were laughing and chatting noisily when Matron returned. “You should come here every day,” she said to Dave. “I’ve never seen this place so full of happy smiling mothers to be.”

Dave took the opportunity to study matron. Probably in her mid thirties, she was short about five foot four, with short curly blonde hair. Dave mused to himself “that’s a body that had been cared for.”

He wet his lips as he studied her perky tits. They overfilled her uniform pushing hard against the material. “More than a mouthful,” he thought.

Dave liked long legs but he thought “I could make an exception if matron wants to wrap her short athletic legs around me.”

Matron spied him studying her and slipped him a wink.

“Flirting with Matron?” Annabelle asked as she approached Dave with two young mothers. “I need to talk to you,” she whispered.

“Were you fooling, or did you mean it when you said you would love to take them all home with you?” She asked.

“Well I was fooling when I said all of them.” He joked. “Why, did I do something wrong?”

“No, oh no,” she said quickly, “you have been marvellous, they all love you, especially Matron.”

“A couple of the girl’s live in a hostel; their families dumped them when they discovered they were pregnant,” Annabelle explained.

“I suspect that at least that two or three others are like me living in a shitty flat, with a husband to busy or to stupid to see we need a lot of loving as we go through our pregnancy.”

“Can I offer to help them?” Annabelle asked.

Dave blushed, “Well I really want to get you on your own.” “But if you like, you can invite anyone who needs help or just a little companionship back to my houseboat.”

“I work at nights fishing, but I’m always home after I finish with the markets each morning. I have nothing much to do all day, and would like company especially yours, he said with a grin as he hugged her to him.”

Eventually Dave drove back to the house boat with Annabelle, Donna and Betsy the two girls from the hostel.

They marvelled at his houseboat. It’s so big they cried. “It’s got all the mod cons,” Dave said, as he proudly showed them around. “It has a great front deck and a BBQ area on the roof.”

“With 2 Bedrooms, a good bathroom, a large lounge kitchen area, it’s got a ton of room for a boat. It’s connected to cable TV and power and water from the shore, so it lacks nothing.”

Dave sat back as the three girls bustled around making tea and coffee and discovering where everything was stored.

Eventually they settled in the lounge on the floor at his feet. “We would like to thank you Dave,” Donna said as she moved over to lean against his legs. “Yes what can we do to repay your kindness?” Betsy asked moving to sit on the other side of his legs on the floor.

Annabelle who sat laying along the lounge her back resting on Dave with her legs up on the lounge announced, “He loves a cuddle.”

“He’s great at rubbing cream and oil on you belly to keep your skin soft. He loves big fat pregnant bellies. He loves mother’s milk. He’s also a horny bugger so be careful what you offer,” she laughed as Dave tickled her.

“That’s enough!” he said. “You don’t have to offer anything to thank me.” “Annabelle’s right I do love your pregnant bellies.”

He blushed, when Annabelle cried out, “Don’t deny it you are a horny bugger, I can tell you from personal experience girls; he is a warm and considerate lover.”

“Seriously Dave, she said as she kissed him, “you are a godsend.”

“These girls will come to realise what your friendship and help can mean to a lonely pregnant woman,” she predicted.

Betsy sat up raising her voice to break in over Annabelle. “Just coming here today has made me feel safe and secure.” “Lying in the sun on the carpet is heaven compared with my bed in the dormitory at the Hostel.”

Donna looked at Dave, “Can we stay?” She squealed with delight when Dave answered, “Of course.”

“Maybe you should keep your rooms at the Hostel and use this during the daytime,” he cautioned.

Annabelle could see Dave was overwhelmed at the prospect, of three pregnant women occupying his boat.

She kissed him vigorously, then opened her nursing bra and freed her full breasts, taking his head in her hands she said, “He’s very good at relieving milk pressure.”

Donna and Betsy’s eyes popped as she pushed an enlarged nipple into Dave’s mouth.

Dave was embarrassed at this public exhibition, but his embarrassment quickly disappeared as he went to work seeking a milk flow from her copious breast.

Annabelle laid back her heart beating wildly as Dave’s mouth sucked deep and hard to get her milk flowing. She shuddered as his hand pushed up under her skirt and his finger found its way to stroke her moist hole.

She groaned out loud as his finger stroked her clit, suddenly remembering Donna and Betsy she looked around to find that they were both watching. She pushed Dave’s head back in embarrassment. “What’s up?” Dave stammered as he sat up.

“Oh hell Dave behave, I forgot we had visitors.”

Betsy moved over beside the lounge, “No don’t stop we’ll go if your embarrassed, it was so lovely to watch how Dave was enjoying your breasts and your body.” I have never seen anything like it.”

She gave a little cry, “Dave is so kind, it makes me realise how rough my boyfriend was when he was with me.” “Even though Dave wasn’t touching me, I felt as though I was part of it, a really beautiful feeling had crept over me.”

Donna joined in, “please doesn’t stop, do it some more Dave,” she urged.

Dave didn’t know what to do; he was embarrassed loving Annabelle in front of the others. He was so horny he felt his cock would burst; he didn’t want to stop now that both he and Annabelle were worked up.

Annabelle solved the situation “take us home Dave,” she suggested. “By the time you take us home, you will have to get ready for work.” “We will all join you here in the morning”

Next morning Dave made sure he and Annabelle fucked before he picked up the girls from the hostel.

Donna was suffering from morning sickness, she had been reaching, and her eyes were red and puffy.

“Put her in the bath Dave,” Annabelle ordered, “she needs to get rid of that sick smell or she will not get over it.”

Dave thought how things in his life had changed as he helped Donna undress. It was only a few days since he helped Annabelle at the supermarket. Those few days had changed him from a lonely fisherman to one whose life was full of pregnant women.

“Three pregnant women, to be precise,” he thought. He grinned as he thought how they had taught him to slowly massage and rub oil over their fat stomachs and their stretched skin.

He was off in dreamland recalling the last few days full of young vibrant women who paraded around his house boat in a state of semi nudity, leaving him with a perpetual horn.

He was brought back to reality when Donna asked him to help her stand up so she could wash her hips and rear. “I love you Dave,” Donna told him as he held her and helped her remove any evidence of her morning sickness. “I love you too sweetheart,” he responded for he did love them all.

She stood quiet in his arms as he dried her with a warm towel, “are you horny Dave?” she asked with a sly smile. He blushed and tried to make a joke of it, “I’m always horny nowadays,” he replied, “Why do you ask?” “Well I can see the tent in your shorts and it’s rubbed against me a few times.”

“I’m horny too you know, I watch you with Annabelle and I love it when you oil my belly.” “I want you to suck my breasts,” she ducked her head down to whisper in his ear, “I would love you to fuck me.”

Dave started to stutter a reply when Annabelle who had been standing outside asked, “What’s up Dave?”

“I asked him to fuck me,” Donna said. “Betsy and I hear you two and we can’t help getting horny.” “Remember we were getting regular sex until we fell pregnant and our partners pissed off.”

“Being pregnant has made me all the hornier. My fingers help a little, but I’m frustrated.” Her eyes never left Annabelle’s face as she continued. “I don’t like plastic dicks. So lets be honest, I would love for Dave to fuck me, but I don’t want to cause trouble.”

“What do you think Dave?” Annabelle Asked.

“Oh shit! I love you all but you were my first, I wouldn’t want to do anything to upset you,” He replied.

Annabelle led them out into the lounge where Betsy lay nude on the carpet in the sun.

“Cover up sweetie” she said as she told Dave and Donna to join Betsy on the floor.

“I’m sorry Annabelle I don’t want to cause any trouble,” Donna said as they sat down. “Dave was helping me in the bath when I noticed the lump in his pants, I watched it grow bigger as he helped wash me, I can’t deny it, it made me horny.”

“What’s up is something wrong?” Betsy asked. “No love, nothings wrong, just something that we all knew must eventually come up, has finally happened,” Annabelle said as she settled Betsy down.

“Look you all know I’m married and that I go home to my husband every night. Well I’ve been thinking of leaving him. I was going to ask Dave could I move in with him.”

Dave started to respond but she stopped him. “I haven’t, because of you two. I didn’t want to ruin the wonderful arrangement we have here.”

“You have both blossomed since you came here; all those frowns and worried looks have disappeared.” “You are two very different women now.”

“So I didn’t want to do or say anything to ruin that.” “But now I think its time to confront the issue.” Annabelle turned to Dave.

“I want you to be brutally frank and honest with us.” “I want to move in permanently with you.” “I haven’t asked the other two, but I’m sure they would love to move in too.”

“Do you want three permanent lovers?” she asked. Before Dave could answer Betsy gave a laugh, “oh say yes, please.” Giggling she looked up at Dave “do you want three mothers?”

“Don’t forget me,” Donna announced, “I’m still horny, do you want three sex fiends?”

When the laughter died down they all turned to Dave who was overwhelmed by it all. “Do you think it will work” he asked. As he spoke he thought of life with three lively women as compared with his solitary life in the past.

“We will make it work if you want us?” Annabelle said as she pulled him to her and kissed him.

Dave looked at the three of them they were all looking at him. He could see the hope in their eyes.

“Will you be jealous?” he asked. “You know it might sound ok, but three women sharing a single man may lead to trouble.”

“It won’t be trouble because its you we will share,” Donna argued as she rose and stood looking down at them.

She turned to Dave. “Come on Dave no more foxing do you agree?” “Yes I want you all,” he replied with a sigh. He was swamped by the three of them as they rolled him on the floor and covered him with kisses and hugs.

Afternoon turned into night. Dave didn’t even think of going fishing. Annabelle rang her husband and never went home. Betsy and Donna never returned to the hostel until the next day.

Some time during the night he remembered that the girls pulled the sheets and blankets off the bed to cover him while he rested.

They fucked and sucked and played with each other stroking and admiring their bodies. The boat was filled with laughter as they talked and told the stories of their lives.

Annabelle had sat up early in the night and said lets lay down some ground rules. There are only two bedrooms. The king sized bed is Dave’s, one of us…” “Or more” Donna added with a giggle. Annabelle shushed her and continued, “One of us will share it with him.” “The other two will take the twin beds in the second bedroom.”

“No rules tonight” Betsy sighed as she pulled Dave’s head down so he could try to milk her firm hard tits.

Betsy was right they needed no rules as they loved each other.

Dave found himself being patted stroked and helped as he mounted one then the other. At first he was embarrassed as they lay watching him bring Betsy to a screeching orgasm.

But he quickly learnt that they all wanted him and were prepared to wait, and then work to get his attention. His body and especially his prick had never been so pampered.

At one stage each of the girls dropped off to sleep leaving an amazed Dave to relive the night’s proceedings.

Betsy the youngest was the noisiest lover. Early in the night the others had resorted to muffling her screams lest the people in the apartments on shore thought someone was being murdered.

She was only nineteen and her first boyfriend had got her pregnant before dumping her. She clung to Dave at every opportunity kissing him and cuddling close. “I was scared,” she told him, “but now I’ve got you I’m not worried any more.”

Donna was the ultimate fuck; she rode him and then made him ride her. She told him what to do. She controlled their bodies with her legs and arms and when she was ready her cunt closed on his prick milking it dry.

Dave told her that in another age she would have been a courtesan, or a spy. “Mata Hairi would have nothing on you;” “No man could fail to fall under your spell,” he laughed. When she asked him what he meant.

Then there was Annabelle. Just thinking of her made him feel all soft except between the legs where the sight of Annabelle’s ample charms had an instant reaction. “Oh my god” he thought. “I now know what they mean when they say I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

His thoughts were disturbed by Donna whispering “are you awake?” as she ran her fingers over his bum and started to stroke his ever ready prick.

Donna was insatiable; she led him into the bedroom where she had him lie down. “I’m going to turn you into the most wonderful lover in the world” she told him as she ran her hands down his body. “You’ve got a great body. Those years of fishing in the fresh open air have made you one good looking guy.”

“You’re well hung,” she said as she took his prick and kissed it. “I’m going to teach you how to fuck so a woman will always want more.” “When I’m finished with you they will be queuing up to fuck you,” she said as she lowered her cunt on to his prick.

Dave was astounded when under Donna’s tuition he reached heights of passion that he had never experience in his limited sex life.

What her mouth did to his prick whilst his head was between her legs in a sixty niner made him realise he had a lot to learn. “Lessons will be fun,” he thought.

Next morning they made arrangements to gather their gear and move in permanently.

“This house boat will not be big enough, especially when the babies arrive,” Dave told them as they sat eating breakfast.

“I have a hut on an island up the river where I do most of my netting.” Last year I bought the lease on the little island. It’s very quiet and has its own sandy beach. I have a generator and a spear pump. The drinking water from the pump is beautiful.”

“My hut is really a big shed but we could turn it into a comfortable place to live and use the house boat as our town house.

“Let’s jump in my fishing boat and slip up there.” “If you like it we will do it up and use it.”

“It will be a great place for kids,” he said as he eyed their swollen bodies.

“I am sure it will be a better place to make kids,” Donna said as she hugged him tight.

“You can stay at night by all means, but it may be better if two of you stayed together and arrived before dark.”

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