Houston Ch. 02: The Intervention

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Houston learns the truth.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/07/2020
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To fully understand what is happening here, I suggest you first read "Houston Ch. 01: The Problem."

Many thanks to those who offered comments and constructive criticism on my previous stories. For those who want to say this or that would never happen, remember this is my universe, a place where nearly anything can, and often does, happen. At least on paper...

Please refer to my profile for more on my personal policy regarding comments, feedback, follows, etc. (And yes, I DO moderate comments) And please remember, this is a work of fiction, not a docu-drama...

End of "Houston Ch. 01: The Problem"

"There's a lot about me you don't know," he said. "And it's about time you did. You think that lasagna is still good?"

"Yeah," she said. "It's just staying warm in the oven."

"Good," he said. "Why don't we have some lasagna and I'll tell you a little story."

"Does this mean you forgive me?" she asked.

"We'll see," he said, standing up. "Care to join me for dinner?" he asked, extending his hand. She smiled, took his hand and stood up.


And now, "Houston Ch. 02: The Intervention"

Houston sat in silence and listened as her husband, John, told her his story - the one he had kept hidden for the last five years or so. She barely touched her lasagna as he told her about his childhood as Herman Muenster, his time in the service, including two combat tours overseas.

He, on the other hand, wolfed down his food as he talked about how he was recruited to join an outfit called "Alpha Sector," a government intelligence-gathering agency that she had never heard of before. He explained the reason for his name change and assured her that it was all legal and above-board.

"But you don't look like a secret agent type of person," she said quietly. He chuckled.

"What, you think we're all supposed to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger or the latest guy playing James Bond?" he asked.

"Well, that's what I thought," she said. He laughed again.

"Trust me, you've been watching way too many movies," he said. "The last thing the Company wants is someone who stands out in a crowd. The more nondescript and average, the better. And no, I don't wear tuxedos and frolic in ritzy casinos in Monaco or anything like that. Hell, most of my work is really rather boring. All I do is collect information. That's it. I bring it back and others do the hard analysis. Most of the time, I don't even know what the case is all about."

"What about what happened with Greg?" she asked. "Did they train you to do that?" He nodded his head.

"Yeah, most of it," he said. "I already had some martial arts training, so they just built on what I already knew. Fortunately, I don't have to use it very often, but it's nice to know I can defend myself if I have to."

"What belt do you have?" she asked. "Greg said he has a 5th degree black belt."

"Mine is leather," he said with a smile.

"Leather?" she asked. "I never heard of that one."

"That's what the tag said, anyway," he told her, showing her his work belt.

"You brat," she said with a smile, slapping his arm in jest. Her face turned serious after a few moments. "What's going to happen now? To us?" He stopped chewing for a moment and thought before answering.

"That depends on you, I guess," he told her. "Tomorrow morning, we're going to see my boss. If you think I'm a hard-ass, wait till you meet him."

"What time do we have to be there?" she asked.

"He said 7:00 am sharp, which means we'd better get there at 6:45," he said. "Regis hates to be kept waiting. And since it takes about an hour or so to get there, we need to be out of the house at 5:30. So we probably should get to bed a bit early." She took his hand in hers.

"I'm serious, John, I never meant to hurt you," she said.

"Well, you did," he said. "And it's going to take a lot of work to deal with that. Trust me, the only reason you're still here is that you never got a chance to go through with what you planned to do. I just want to know why. What in God's name ever possessed you to think I'd want something like that? This didn't come about overnight. How long did they work on you?"

"A little more than a couple months, total," she said. "But the big push came about in the last couple weeks. Greg and the other girls showed me some stories online that made it sound like every guy loves that kind of thing. They kept pushing, making it sound like it was so wonderful. At first, I told them no, but they kept pushing. Then I spoke to the head of that team, and she made it sound like it was the best thing to happen to her marriage."

"But you never spoke directly to the spouses yourself," he said. "So you really don't know if they were telling you the truth. Worse yet, you never spoke to me about any of this. I just can't believe you were gullible enough to fall for this."

"They told me not to tell you," she said. "They were just going to spring it on you. That's what Greg was going to do tonight."

"Yeah, well, that didn't work out too well for him, did it?" John asked.

"No, it didn't," she said quietly.

"You said earlier that they threatened to do something if I didn't go along with their plan," he said. "What, exactly, did they threaten to do?"

"I was told they would send the enforcers after you," she said.

"Enforcers?" John asked. "What is that?"

"It's the firm's private security force," she said. "Greg was the one responsible for them. They provide security for the executives and their support staff."

"I see," he told her. "And I take it they're all former military?" She nodded her head.

"Yeah," she said. "They're basically hired gorillas. Big, mean, ugly, you name it. Just thinking about them scares me."

"Which means they're not going to be very happy about what happened to their boss," John said.

"Probably not," she said.

"Did they tell you what, specifically, might happen to me?" he asked her.

"They suggested you might have an accident, or the brakes on your car might malfunction, or that you may get mugged," she said. "They said a lot of bad things could very easily happen to you."

"I see," he said. "Well, we'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen, won't we?"

"It would kill me if anything happened to you," she said.

"It'll be okay," he said in an attempt to ease her fears. In truth, John was just as concerned, but he didn't want to let her know. "Why don't we go to bed now and deal with this tomorrow?" She smiled.

"Okay," she said. "I'll take care of the dishes." He watched as she stood up to clear the table. While she put everything away, he double-checked the security on the house to make sure everything was good for the night. Then he went into his office and opened his gun safe, pulling out a .45 caliber handgun. He made sure the magazine was loaded to capacity and placed it in his nightstand where he could get to it easily.

Then he went upstairs and prepared to go to bed. He remembered what Regis had told him: "... Let her fuck your brains out tonight..." He intended to do just that. He laid in bed and watched as his wife slipped under the covers, naked. He loved he way she felt against him, and instantly got hard. She smiled as she took him in her hands.

"I see this still works," she said, before taking him in her mouth. He loved the feeling of his cock in her mouth and let her suck him off to completion. She got him hard again and climbed on top of him, taking his erection between her legs. He let her ride him until he exploded inside her and held her as her own orgasm swept over her.

"I love you so much," she said. "You're the only man I've ever had and the only man I ever will have. I hope you believe me."

"Of course," he said. He didn't want to think about the other option at that point. They held each other close and slept soundly.

They woke up early the next morning and got ready to leave. John took a quick shower and shaved as Houston went downstairs to make coffee. She came back up and took a shower as he got dressed. He went downstairs and double-checked the security system and made sure everything was set. If anyone did try to get in the house, it would be captured on his video surveillance system.

He poured a cup of coffee for each of them and warmed up a couple of breakfast rolls for the road. By that time, Houston was downstairs and ready to leave. They grabbed their coffee and rolls and headed out. Houston had no idea where her husband's office was, and was shocked when they pulled into what looked like a salvage yard in the middle of nowhere.

"You work in a junk yard?" she asked, surprised. He smiled as he responded.

"Not everything is as it seems," he said, pulling up to what looked like a portable toilet. She looked at him, even more confused.

"Oh please, don't tell me you work in a porta-potty," she said. He laughed and turned the car off.

"Remember what I just said," he told her. "By the way, give me your cell phone." She took it out of her purse and handed it to him. He opened it up and after a few swipes of his fingers, handed it back to her. "I nearly screwed up big time," he told her. "I disabled the tracking software they put on your phone. Hopefully, they won't be able to track us here."

"They were tracking me?" she asked.

"Yep," he said. "C'mon, get out. Regis is waiting for us." She got out and watched as he walked to the portable toilet and unlocked the door. He opened the door and motioned for her to enter. She stepped inside and looked around as he joined her.

"At least it doesn't smell in here," she said. He smiled and locked the door from the inside. Soon, they felt the tiny room begin to descend. That's when she realized they were in an elevator. They descended for quite some time before the elevator stopped and the door automatically opened.

John motioned for her to step out first and as she did, a security guard in a green camouflage uniform stepped up to her and demanded to see her identification. She pulled out her driver's license and handed it to him. He scanned the code and looked at his screen for a second, then held a device to her eye.

"Stand still," he said, as a red light scanned her retina. He looked at his screen for a moment before nodding his head. He repeated the procedure with John. "Go ahead. Alpha One is waiting for both of you," he said. John motioned for Houston to follow him as he walked down a long empty corridor. When they got to the end, another door slid open and they passed through.

They stood in a large marble foyer with an emblem on the floor. "Alpha Sector," it read. "The First Line of Defense," the caption read. On one wall, she saw, "Our enemies never sleep. Neither do we." John motioned for her to join him on the large round emblem. As she did so, the emblem seemed to descend and they found themselves in another large room, this one filled with monitors and people talking quietly into microphones.

As they looked, a large man with a scarred face, an eye patch and a flat-top haircut walked toward them.

"Regis Carlisle," he said as he extended a hand to Houston. "Everyone here calls me 'Alpha One,' but you can call me Mr. Carlisle or Regis. You must be Houston. Good to meet you."

"I am," she said. "Good to meet you as well."

"That's an interesting name for a woman - Houston," he said.

"My parents named me that because they said that's where I was conceived," she said. He nodded his head.

"Well then, I guess you're fortunate they didn't conceive you in Toad Suck, Arkansas, aren't you?" he asked with a smile.

"I guess so," she said.

"Please, join me in my office," he said, turning away. They followed him into a glassed-in office. The door slid silently closed behind them and the glass instantly darkened so no one from the outside could see them.

"I'm sorry, Regis, but I've never heard of Alpha Sector before," Houston said.

"And that's a good thing," Regis said. "If you had, that would mean we have a mole, and someone would have to die."

"Oh," she said. "So, what do you guys do?"

"We collect information from all over the world, analyze it, and either pass it on or take action as needed," Regis said. "Your husband is just one of our many information collection specialists." He looked at John before continuing. "By the way, Mr. Wilson is still consuming oxygen, although he's in a medically induced coma. I saw the way you handled him last night. Impressive."

"Thank you," John said.

"But it was stupid of you to get on your knees," Regis added.

"I'm sorry, Regis, it just seemed like the thing to do at the time," John said. Regis nodded his head.

"Well, just don't do it again," he said. "So, how long have you known about this Executive Support Team?" he asked Houston.

"I guess about two or three months now," she said.

"What did they tell you about it in the beginning?" he asked.

"Well, they said it was a prestigious team within the firm that supports the executives and the senior partners," she said. "They told me that they only selected certain people from the firm and that it would mean a lot of travel for me, but I would get a big raise and bonuses. And John would also get a bonus from the company."

"When did you learn about the sexual aspect of the work?" Regis asked, his one good eye narrowing.

"About two weeks ago," she said.

"While John was on his last assignment, right?" Regis asked. She nodded her head.

"Yes," she said. "The lady who heads it up, Linda Wharton, called me into her private conference room and told me about it."

"Yes, she did," Regis said, clicking icons on his computer. "Watch," he added. Soon, they were looking at a large image on a monitor behind Regis. It was an image of a nicely-appointed conference room. The camera appeared to be placed somewhere high on the wall. Houston gasped as she saw the image.

"How did you get this?" she asked. "That's Linda's private conference room."

"Through a camera in the wall-mounted television," Regis said, calmly. "Surely, you've heard stories about that. It's been all over the Internet for some time."

"I thought that was just a conspiracy theory," she said. He smiled.

"That's what you're supposed to think," he told her. "Now, watch." He clicked a button and the video began playing. As they watched, Houston entered the room, with Linda behind her.

"Why don't you take a seat, Houston," Linda said. "Would you care for some coffee?"

"Oh that would be great, please," Houston said. They watched her sit down, as Linda turned to pour a cup of coffee. She looked back at Houston for a second, then dumped something into the hot liquid.

"Stop right there," John said. Regis paused the video. "What is Linda doing there?" John asked.

"Good catch," Regis said. "It looks to me as if she's putting some kind of a drug in Houston's drink. We'll come back to that in a minute." He clicked a button and the video resumed.

"You take sugar in your coffee, don't you, Houston?" Linda asked.

"Yes, please, just a little bit," Houston said. Linda poured in two small spoonfuls of sugar and mixed it into the coffe before handing it to Houston, who took a sip. "That's perfect," she said. "Thanks." Linda sat down across from Houston.

"So, Houston," she began. "I just spoke to the senior partners, and they're excited to have you on the team."

"Oh, great," Houston said, excitement in her voice.

"I just need to talk to you about a couple things first, before we go any farther," Linda said. "First off, how are things between you and your husband, John?"

"Oh, things are great between us," Houston said.

"He's on an assignment right now, isn't he?" Linda asked. Houston nodded her head.

"Yeah, he just left last night and he'll be gone for about two weeks or so," Houston said.

"Does he know that you're being considered for the team?" Linda asked.

"Yes, and he's glad to see that I'll get a chance to grow in the firm," Houston told her.

"So, he's basically supportive of you, then?" Linda asked.

"Oh, yes, he's the most supportive and loving husband a girl could ever want," Houston said, smiling.

"I'm glad to hear that," Linda told her. "Now, what I'm going to tell you may come as a bit of a shock to you at first, but trust me, you'll come to appreciate it. And it helps that your husband is supportive because that's crucial."

"Oh, yes, he's very supportive of me," Houston said. "All he wants is for me to be happy."

"That's even better," Linda said. "Because there's an element of the job that we haven't told you about yet."

"What's that?" Houston said.

"Well, all the members of the team are expected to provide, shall we say, personal, services to the executives and the senior partners," Linda said. "And sometimes to clients or potential clients." Houston took a sip of her coffee before answering.

"What do you mean by 'personal'?" she asked.

"Well, to be blunt, sexual," Linda said in a calm voice. "That's why it's so important that you have a good relationship with your husband."

"You mean, I'll be expected to cheat on my husband?" Houston asked, shocked.

"Not exactly," Linda said. "Because by the time you go active on the team, your husband will be all for it, and we'll help him make the necessary adjustments. That's part of the reason he'll be getting bonus checks from the firm as well as you."

"I don't know if I can do that," Houston said.

"I know it's a shock," Linda said. "It shocks every new team member at first. But trust me, it'll be just fine. By the time we explain it to him, he'll be more than happy to see you get the satisfaction you deserve. Besides, did you know that every married man wants to see his wife have sex with other men?"

"I didn't know that," Houston said.

"It's true," Linda said. "Most of them are just too embarrassed to admit it, but deep inside, it's one of their biggest fantasies."

"John's never said anything about wanting to see me with another man," Houston said.

"Of course not," Linda said. "He's probably afraid you'd think he was a wimp or something if he did. But believe me, guys love the thought of their wives getting fucked by a huge cock. Or two. I'll send you some links to stories that'll just blow your mind. You DO want to be part of this team, don't you?"

"Yes, of course I do," Houston said. "I just don't want to do anything that'll hurt my marriage or hurt John."

"Listen, don't worry about your husband," Linda said. "We'll take care of that. You just focus on your job and read the stuff I'll be sending you."

"What about the others?" Houston said. "What do their husbands think?"

"They're more than fine with it," Linda said. "They get a nice check every month, plus their wives love to show them all the new things they've learned. You'll be amazed at the difference in your sex life with John. Trust me."

"What do I tell him?" Houston asked.

"Don't tell him anything," Linda said. "At least not yet. Like I said, we'll take care of that for you."

"Well, okay," Houston said. "If you say so."

"That's my girl," Linda said. "Now, go on back to what you were doing and we'll talk later, okay?"

"Okay, Linda," Houston said. "Thanks for the coffee." She finished the cup and left the room. Linda watched her leave, a smirk on her face. Regis stopped the video and looked at Houston.

"How did you feel after that meeting?" he asked her.

"At first, I was shocked and confused," she said. "But something happened. I don't know what."

"You began to feel a bit excited, didn't you?" he asked. "You started thinking about what she said and it got you hot. Isn't that right?" She slowly nodded her head.

"Yeah," she said, her face turning red. "I had to go to the ladies room to relieve myself."

"You masturbated in the ladies room?" John asked her. She nodded her head.

"Yeah," she told him. "I've never done that before."