I Remember Mama

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The crash that saved a relationship.
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The organ music played sadly in the background. I looked down into the coffin at my mother. I touched her cold, dead hands. The tears were flowed freely and unashamedly from my eyes.

She was eighty five just last month. Now a stroke had taken her from the world and from me. A seventy year old man shouldn't weep so hard, but I already missed her terribly. The procession to the cemetery was a trial in itself. By the time we got to the grave site, I was completely distraught. My son and daughter saved me from total collapse. The preacher spoke the well rehearsed words and then she was gone, buried. I felt that part of me had died. My kids drove me home.

I sat in the TV room drinking a brandy and remembered what we had when I was quite young. Mother had become pregnant at fifteen. Dad, the rat, left right after conception. I have never met him. By the time I was eighteen, she was only thirty three and she was drop dead gorgeous.

I was kind of a wild kid and, with no dad, I was left to my own devices. Hot rods and young girls were my passion. Since I was fairly good looking, at six foot two and two hundred pounds, I never wanted for female companionship.

My world came crashing down during my nineteenth summer. The car I was street dragging suddenly lost control and flipped across the road right in front of me. I was doing close to a hundred and had no where to go. I slammed into the other car, killing the driver and sending me end over end down a steep embankment. It took the emergency crew an hour to dig me out of the wreck.

I woke up in the emergency ward. I knew the situation wasn't good, because there was a priest by my bed. He was giving me the last rites. I saw my mother weeping her heart out by my side. As I slipped from worldly awareness, I thought, "This is it. I'm done."

I woke up thirty days later in the intensive care ward. I heard my mother call for a doctor as soon as my eyes opened. "What happened? Where am I?" I tried to ask, but nothing came out of my mouth..

"You're in the hospital, son," the doctor said. "You've had a really nasty crash. We didn't think you were going to make it."

My mother's arms worked their way through the myriad tubes and wires to embrace me. "We thought we lost you, Alan. I love you, son."

I tried to talk some more, but my mouth didn't seem to work right. I just lay there like a gutted trout, unmoving and unable to perform even small everyday deeds. I tried to pee, but I couldn't. I noticed the catheter sticking out of my cock. How did that get there? Two tubes came from my thorax. What were they for? I couldn't even ask these questions. My mind went numb and once again, I passed out.

After that, I would wake up occasionally. Performance was not in my lexicon. There was an oxygen tube under my nose. I tried to get up and rip out all the invading tubes, but my arms didn't want to work. Time drifted on. I found I could speak a couple of days later.

"What happened mom?"

"You totaled your car drag racing with Merl Peterson. He didn't make it. You almost didn't. You've been on the edge of death for almost two months."

Merl dead? Car gone? It was like listening to a foreign language. Nothing made sense. I looked around the room for the first time. There were no windows. I had a great view of the nurse's station. The walls were all white and there was no telephone. My mother sat in a chair beside my bed. She was holding my hand and crying softly.

"I can't move very well mom."

"You will be able to after a while. The intravenous tubes are feeding you and supplying medicine. The tubes in your chest are for drainage. The doctors say you will recover but it'll be a long time. It will be two weeks before you leave the intensive care, if all goes well. You have some big hurdles ahead of you son. I'll be right here with you to help you, but you've got to try hard."

"Mom, I'm so sorry. You warned me about this but I was too stupid to listen. That won't be a problem from now on!"

Sure enough, in two weeks they wheeled me out of the ICU and got me a bed in the high risk ward. I had to learn how to eat. My arms still didn't work right so mom had to feed me. On the tenth day, they removed the catheter, took me away to an operating room and plugged all the holes. All I had left was one intravenous tube attached to my right hand.

My favorite nurse, Jessica, appeared one day and told me it was time to learn how to walk again. She summoned a couple of big physical therapists and together they got me on my feet.

"Well, it looks like your legs have healed nicely," Jessica remarked.

"What do you mean? There was nothing wrong with my legs!"

"Aside from both of them being broken and full of glass slivers, there was nothing wrong," Jessica laughed. "You must have slept through most of that. I thought you would remember the casts for sure."

I looked down at my weakened legs and sure enough, there were scars all over them. Live and learn.

It took two more weeks of daily exercise before I could walk again. I learned to feed myself, although I did miss letting mom do it for me. At last, they led me to a departure ward. "Just one more week and if you do well, we'll let you go home." The doctor said.

A week went by with me working harder than ever. Then one day the doctor had a little chat with me. "You're going home tomorrow. Pay close attention to what your mom tells you. We have given her some training on how to handle you. If you stray from what she tells you, you could wind up back here."

"Don't worry, doc, I appreciate all you've done for me, but I can't wait to get home."

The next day they wheeled me down to the loading zone and I got into mom's car. After seeing only hospital walls for months, watching the normal things of life seemed strange. I was fascinated by everyday stuff along the way.

Mom helped me into the house. She escorted me to the living room. It felt so good to be home.

"Okay Alan, here's how it's going to be. I have to escort you to the bathroom. I also have to help you with your showers. I'll help you with your clothes. Don't go anywhere unless I am with you. Do you understand?"

"Yes maam."

"Now, let me help you off with your shoes and you can watch TV while I cook dinner. If you need anything, and I mean anything, just call me."

"Okay mom."

She shuffled off to the kitchen while I flipped on the TV remote. I had forgotten that we had 150 channels. The hospital had only 8. I found a sports program and settle into it.

Twenty minutes later, I had to pee. "Mom," I yelled, "I gotta go pee."

She appeared immediately and helped me to the bathroom. I found that I could aim it, but my hands didn't work well enough to shake it off.

"Mom can you help me with this?"

She casually grasped my cock and shook it hard. As she shook it, it started to swell. "Uh oh, we'll have to take care of that later," she said. "Let's get you back to the living room."

I stumbled towards the living room. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. 'Take care of it?' What did that mean? My imagination ran amok.

After dinner, she said, "Go watch some more TV while I clean up and then we'll take a shower."

After hearing that, I couldn't concentrate on the TV anymore. I suddenly remembered my computer. It's funny how things like that desert your mind when you're in bad shape. "Mom, I'm going to turn on the computer," I called.

"Okay, I'll be up in a few minutes."

I dragged myself off to the bedroom. Turning on the computer, I was soon up on AIM. Several of my buddies were on, but I signed off before they could engage me. I shut the computer down just as mom came through the door.

"Let's get your clothes off," she said. She stripped off my shirt and pants. Next came the boxers. Finally, the socks.

I stood there on wobbly legs completely nude. My cock started to rise again.

She looked at it. "Follow me," she commanded.

I followed her to the bathroom.

She turned on the hot water and waited for it to warm up. She turned around and smiled at me. "The doctors told me to make sure you were completely clean every day. I decided that this is how I would do it. They agreed."

My cock was now fully erect as I watched my mother strip off her clothes. Nude, she turned to me. "Well, what do you think? Am I as pretty as those little girls you've been with?"

"Mom, you're the hottest female I've ever seen. What are you going to do now?"

"First, I'm going to make sure you are sparking clean. Then I'm gonna take care of that cock for you."

I got so hard I thought the end of it was going to explode.

She led me to the shower. As soon as I was under the spray, she started washing me. I soon realized the wisdom of this because it was apparent to me that I could never have reached all the places she was reaching. My hands just weren't responding well enough yet. She held my arms over my head and scrubbed out my pits. She washed my hair and my neck. Lower, ever lower, she rubbed my body soaping me completely. She slid her soapy hand over my cock and made sure it was clean. My balls were next and by the time she got through with them, I was close to cumming. As she washed my ass, a big glob of precum oozed out of the cock.

"Hmm," she said. She leaned over and licked it off. "We don't wanna waste any of that."

I watched as she washed herself. I had never watched a woman cleanse herself before. It was one of the most erotic things I had ever seen, porn included.

Finally satisfied, she led me out of the shower and toweled us off. My cock was now leaking a solid stream of precum.

We went to my bedroom. She sat me down on the bed and squeezed my cock. She had me lie down and give her some room. Then her mouth enveloped my entire dick in one plunge. She sucked hard. I could feel it in my balls. "I'm gonna cum mom!" I squeaked. She didn't seem to care, she just sucked harder. I squirted into her throat. She drank it all.

She curled up beside me and snuggled into my chest. Her hand dropped to my flaccid cock. She played with my balls, rubbing them and letting her fingers gently squeeze them.

"You're gonna make me cum again," I whispered.

"Yeah, but it'll take a lot longer this time. That's what I've been waiting for."

She played with it for five minutes or so. Soon it began to swell again. She stroked it gently. As soon as it was at full mast, she bent down and kissed it. She got up on her knees straddling my hips and lowered her pussy down over my cock. "Ahhh," she sighed as my dick penetrated her. "I haven't had any of this for years," she confessed. "You're gonna make me cum a thousand times before you're well." She started pumping up and down on my rigid member.

It only took her five minutes to start moaning, "OHHHHh, OHHHHh. God I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" Her scream pierced the air as she shot her cum down my cock. I tried to gyrate my hips to help her, but the pain was too much for me. "Don't do that," she exclaimed, "Just let me do it all. You'll be well enough to help me soon. Aaaahhh!! I'm cumming again!" Her pussy was going into spasms around my cock.

I couldn't help it. I shot a load into her. She felt it squirting in her cunt. It was too late to do anything about it, so she just let it happen and enjoyed the feeling of hot cum in her hot pussy.

As she lay there beside me, I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"I was just thinking that out of all those doctors and therapists, you have the best cure of all." I smiled.

We continued to fuck each other's brains out. Even after I fully recovered we still came to each other. We were now sharing a bed. I didn't want it to ever end.

"I'm pregnant," she announced.

Wow, that took me by surprise. "Do you want to keep the baby/" I asked.

"Of course. I couldn't abort your child."

"Good," I replied, "I've always wanted children. This will give me a positive excuse to stay with you forever."

Tears came to her eyes as she realized I was serious. "Oh, Alan, I was so afraid that you would just reject me like your father did. I can't believe you want our baby."

"That's not the only baby I want. We'll make another one next year."

She was openly weeping as I took her in my arms. "I love you. I always have. Let's go somewhere else and get married."

So we sold the house and moved to North Dakota. We were married in Butte, Montana after performing a few name tricks. The next year, Caroline conceived again. A daughter followed our son into the world. Our children grew up, not knowing that their mother was also their grandmother. I never told them. I never will.

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Jeremykyle01Jeremykyle01almost 2 years ago

Story moved way too fast, and not including the other things people were saying (about how the year made no sense considering what was said later or the minor details that weren't nessecary to the story at any point) I am morso going to focus on the actual deficiencies of the story.

Starting off with the pace, which is the main thing I disliked. A mother wouldn't just up and fuck her son or give a blowjob just like that, it's completely unrealistic as there was no conflicting emotions between the two at all. It also skipped to pregnancy very quickly, and nothing after needed to be said and should have been explored if it was a plot point in the first place. Secondly, to do with details missing that needed to be in there. Such as having a reaction to her touching his cock for the first time, or to her licking the head of his dick without warning. It was brushed off as if nothing special had happened when that was not the case at all. Thirdly, I will be talking a bit about the useless details.

"I dragged myself off to the bedroom. Turning on the computer, I was soon up on AIM. Several of my buddies were on, but I signed off before they could engage me. I shut the computer down just as mom came through the door."

This while setnence is completely irrelevant and if it is just to show that the story was in the past it s a horrible way to do it and there are many other ways for this to be done while actually including it in the story. This includes things like mentioning the lack of TV channels (hint: not a lot) and mentioning details that were specific to that time period which you should, and would, know if you'd done any research before sitting this story.

Although the overall writing isn't terrible, the composition of the story, the way It's told, the missing details, the useless details, the lack of reaction and inner thought, the fact that there is mostly dialogue and action, rather than contemplation all make this story an overall terrible read.

Motherlessone77Motherlessone77almost 3 years ago

lovely story, but the kids should have been told. I would hate going to my grave and leaving something that huge from them.

doug_noughtdoug_noughtover 6 years ago
Great story!!

Great story, easy 5 stars from me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I am confused

Seventy years old man recalls the memories of his mother but were there computers seventy years ago?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
who cares

Who gives a shit about minor details such as having so many tv channels back in the fifties. The fucking is all that matters, that's why we read these stories isn't it? Well that's why I do to see if they are as good as mine, which one day i will get round to writing, my story is fairly simple really I just as if I could fuck my mother and she said yes ,so I did often tell you one day.

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