I Will Be There


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Eric swallowed and said, "Good. The barn's just about done. We just have to move out the stuff the recycling folks are picking up, and then I'll power wash the floor. We'll have the buildings empty before dinner if all goes well."

Emily smirked. She knew what her mother was really asking.

"Things are better, Mom. He isn't disgusted to be in my presence and we're catching up on our lives over the last few years."

Eric shook his head. "Do I have to worry about you ladies ganging up on me?"

"Nope," Julia said. "I'm staying out of it. I was just curious as you seemed to be having fun out there."

Emily couldn't hold her smile back, "It's a work in progress, but we were best friends once. That kind of rapport doesn't go away completely."

"Good. So, anyway, the shed and garage need painting too. I figured while you young ones are working inside on the scrap and junk, I'll work on painting the outside."

"Sounds good. Hey, Mom, since it's Saturday, why don't we have some fun tonight. We can order pizza, listen to some music, dance a little?"

"Dance? Oh, man, I haven't danced in a few years. I like the sound of that," Julia answered.

"Sweet!" Emily squealed. "Hey, how about if we do like an 80's theme?"

"Someone's watching too much Stranger Things," Eric teased. Emily answered by sticking her tongue out at him.

"I love it," Julia smiled. "I even have some things to wear that'll be perfect for it. I'll dig them out later for us."

Eric shook his head. With both women being excited about it, he knew resistance was futile.


Eric washed the garage floor later that afternoon after he and Emily made quick work out of cleaning out the junk. He began to hate Julia's ex-husband for his laziness in not getting rid of anything over the years.

He finished and looked back at the empty floor and smiled at the job well done. Julia had expected to take all weekend getting the three outbuildings emptied out and they finished a day early. He hoped he could convince her to let them have Sunday off.

He saw a car pull up to the house and realized it was the pizza guy. He had no clue it had gotten so late. Emily had disappeared while he washed the floor, and he figured she had gone in to shower and prepare for their dance party.

He shuddered at the thought. He hated dancing to fast songs, and he was sure that's what they wanted to do. He preferred to slow dance and feel his partner in his arms.

He stowed away the power washer, cleaned up some odds and ends, and walked towards the house. Julia met him at the door, "Hey, I was just coming out to get you. I've got the pizza staying warm in the oven. Take a shower and we'll eat when you come back down."

"Okay," he answered and hopped up the stairs.

He couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen that night. He hoped that Julia didn't tease him by dancing close or sexy with him. The last thing he wanted was to give Emily any inkling of his lust for her mother.

Then, he worried about Emily. Julia already told him she wanted to see him and her daughter together if it were possible. He wasn't sure if he wanted that. Sure, she was a beautiful woman, but there was still the specter of the friendship she threw away hanging over her. He sighed when he thought about how her hand on his cock felt.

When he dried off, he struggled with what to wear. He hadn't brought a wide selection of clothes because it was all supposed to be work, but he had a pair of jeans and a collared shirt, it would have to be good enough.

He was floored when he walked into the kitchen. Julia was wearing a leotard with tights and leggings as if she were taping a workout video in 1985. She even had a matching headband. Emily wore a denim miniskirt, nude stockings, and white high heels. They both wore extra blush on their cheeks and blue eyeshadow. They looked great.

"Holy shit!"

They laughed at his reaction.

Emily posed and purred, "Like what you see, Big Guy?"

Julia giggled at how speechless he was.

"You ladies really went all out, huh?" he smiled and sat down at the table.

Julia chirped, "A few years back, I wore this as a Halloween costume."

Emily added, "And she already had the skirt. It didn't take much to 80's up the look.

"I didn't have the hair spray to do our hair up," Julia explained. "I hope you don't mind."

He laughed, "You really look fantastic. Good job!"

As they ate, Emily said, "I made a playlist with all the best songs from the 80's. Mom helped with suggestions, of course. I mean as the only one in the house who was alive back then..."

"Hey, it wasn't that long ago," Julia whined.

We laughed and toasted to the old days.

After dinner, I noticed Emily had a solo cup in her hand as she started the music. Julia came out of the kitchen and handed me one as well. "What's this?"

"It's called a Kamikaze. I used the google machine to see what people drank in the 80s and I had the stuff to make these in my bar in the basement."

Eric sipped it and said, "It's good."

She sipped hers but set it down and started dancing around when Girls Just Wanna Have Fun came over the speakers. He laughed at the sight of mother and daughter jumping around the couches with their hands in the air, singing along and being silly.

It wasn't long before both ganged up on him where they each grabbed an arm to pull him off the couch. He groaned but joined them in their silliness.

Before he knew it, he had Emily grinding on his front and Julia on his back. He knew then he was in for a long night.

After the song ended, Careless Whisper started. Julia said, "My house, my first dance with our resident stud."

She whirled him around and Eric laughed as she twirled herself into position to slow dance. Emily sipped her drink while she watched her mom and Eric twirl around the room to the beat of the sexy ballad. The pang of jealousy Emily felt was jarring. She didn't understand it.

Julia was lost in a haze of Kamikaze's and lust as she looked into Eric's eyes. She knew she had to be careful, but his pull was too strong for her. All she wanted to do was drag him to her room and pick up where they left off. She knew she couldn't. He wasn't for her.

Emily saw the look in her mother's eyes and remembered the 'what we shared' conversation. It was as if Julia felt the look her daughter was giving her and separated from Eric. She certainly didn't see it, her eyes never left Eric's.

Emily grabbed her phone and lined up another slow song in the queue. She was going to have her turn before anything got out of hand between her mother and Eric.

The song ended and Open Arms started. Emily cut in on her mother and Eric and twirled him away. Julia smiled and nodded; she noticed the look her daughter gave her.

Emily looked into his eyes. She wanted him so badly, her desire was palpable. He gazed into her eyes as if she were the only woman in the world and it confused her. Which of them did he want?

Julia watched and felt the joy surge through her body again. Eric looked at Emily as if they'd been in love for decades, and she knew she had to keep them together.

After the song, Emily kissed his cheek and thanked him for the dance. He smiled and bowed with a flourish, in a grandiose gesture.

Tainted Love came on and the ladies danced away.


"Whew! I'm exhausted," Julia complained as she plopped onto the couch. She saw it was after ten and said, "I'm going to bed guys. Don't worry about the noise if you keep going."

Emily said, "No, I think it's time to chill now. Thanks, Mom. This was fun."

She hugged her mother and Julia gave Eric a hug, "Don't think too much and definitely don't worry about my feelings. Go with your gut."

She winked at him and headed up the stairs to her bedroom.

Eric finished the water he was drinking and before he could ask if Emily wanted anything, she said, "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure," Eric answered.

"I'll make popcorn, you pick a movie. It's gotta be from the 80s," she said as she bounced into the kitchen.

He found the old Nightmare on Elm Street and set it up to play. While he waited for Emily to return, he wondered how the anger he felt at Emily disappeared so quickly. Then she bounced into the room, kicked her heels off and curled up on the couch with him. He realized why at that moment. She was acting like her old self, but in the body of a twenty-year-old beautiful woman.

She was acting as if she'd never hurt him, and he fell right into her web. He reasoned she could only do that if she had changed. He would be able to tell if it were an act, or Julia wouldn't be pushing as hard to get them together. Perhaps, the popular girl wasn't who she really was. He hoped that were the case, but he still struggled with what to do. Could he really have a romantic relationship with her. One glance at her stocking covered legs told him he could at least have a sexual one with her. He was rapidly hardening as he stole glances of her body.

She noticed the bulge in his jeans growing and smiled. Eric didn't realize it, but she could see his reflection in the mirror across from them and she could see him looking at her legs. She decided to push and see how far she could go with him.

"Oh, man," she groaned and leaned to her side to rub her foot. "I think those heels are a size too small."

Eric watched as she rubbed her stocking clad foot. His cock was stiffening, and he desperately needed to adjust it to relieve the pressure as it grew.

Suddenly she sat up and spun around. She plopped her feet onto his lap, landing on his erection, and asked, "Eric, I will love you forever if you'll give me a foot rub."

He groaned as she moved her heel along his bulge. He wondered how she couldn't notice he was hard for her. If she did, she wasn't letting him know with her actions.

She knew.

He lifted her right foot off his manhood and began to rub her arch with his thumbs while his fingers rubbed the tops of her white nylon covered foot.

"Wow, you're amazing, Honey," she moaned. Her calling him honey did not get missed. She started to flush and realized she was getting more turned on by the second. His eyes never left her foot as he rubbed, and she was certain he licked his lips three times during the massage. She decided then and there, she would have him that night. She hoped her mother stayed in her room.

She pulled her foot back and stood up. She looked at Eric, who looked like a lost sheep at that moment, and smirked lustfully. She could see the change in his eyes instantly. He looked at her as hungry as she looked at him.

She pulled up the restrictive jean skirt, and straddled his legs, finding his bulge and sliding along its length. Less than a moment later their lips were mashed together. She moaned when he grabbed her ass in both his hands and wanted to cry out to the heavens when he squeezed her hard.

She massaged his tongue with hers and purred when her clit hit the seam of his jeans. The combination of sensations didn't take long to set her off and she threw her head back when she came.

"Oh, Eric!" she whispered and wrapped her arms around him. They hugged and she stopped grinding on him. "That felt so good."

He kissed her cheek, then took her earlobe between his lips. He released it and whispered, "Would you like to see my tent?"

She giggled and said, "Not on your life, Buster. It's too darn hot. Let's go to my bedroom."

"What about your Mom?"

"In case you haven't noticed, my Mom is cool with just about everything."

He knew that Julia wanted them to be together. He didn't want to rub it in her face, however. He couldn't tell Emily that and wasn't sure how to maneuver the situation delicately.

"Okay, I'll make sure to not scream too loudly," he said after some time thinking it over.

She kissed his cheek and said, "You better make me scream though."

She led him to her bedroom by the hand. When she closed and locked the door behind her, he took a deep breath. As much as he felt like he was going to betray Julia, her voice played out in his mind over and over, "there's nothing long-term for us."

As he turned to greet her, she pulled him into a hug from behind.

"Eric, I'm only going to say this one time and we'll never talk about it again."

He turned to look at her, he wondered what it was.

"I know something happened between you and my mom." Eric opened his mouth to object, but she put her mouth on his to stop him. She broke the kiss and continued, "Please let me finish."

"Okay," he said as nervous as he'd ever been. He feared what Julia's reaction to Emily's knowing would be.

She continued, "I don't know exactly what it was that you shared, and I'm not going to ask. Whatever it was, I don't want to know details. I don't care because she's been trying to push us together for the last couple of days. That tells me she's not going to be 'sharing' anything with you anymore. Whatever happens between us after tonight, it won't be a roadblock, and I'm serious, I'm never going to mention it again."

He backed up and sat on the bed. He sighed, "Does she know you overheard our conversation?" He knew she had when she used the word 'shared' to describe whatever they did.

She shook her head no. "I'm never going to tell her what I heard."

"Thank you," he said. "I don't want to embarrass her."

"She's my mom, Big Boy. I don't want her hurt either. I'm sorry if I've ruined the mood, but I wanted to tell you I knew and I don't care. I wasn't going to say anything, but it's been eating me up."

He smiled, "I understand." He stood and took off his shirt. "If you're still in the mood, I'd like to continue where we left off."

She smiled and unbuttoned her blouse. When he slipped his pants and boxers down in one motion, she gasped. "I knew you were big, but damn!"

His hard cock bobbed inches from her face. She stared at it before she reached out and took it in her hands. "I don't think I can fit it in my mouth," she giggled.

"You don't have to do that if you don't want," he said and touched her cheek. "I'd like to taste you though, if that's alright."

She giggled and jumped up to take off her skirt.

"Slow down, Sweetie," he laughed. She smiled and slid the skirt off leaving her in her bra and pantyhose.

"I see you like my pantyhose," she teased.

"Very much. You have perfect legs."

"Oh yeah?"

He nodded. she turned around and slid the hosiery off while bending over giving him a view of her heart-shaped ass.

He pulled her into his face and kissed each cheek. The smell of her arousal turned him on more than he thought possible. His cock throbbed with anticipation.

When he slid her panties halfway down her thighs, he swiped from her clit to her tunnel's opening.

"Eric," she whispered as he lapped up her juices. With her rosebud in front of his eyes, he couldn't resist a swipe across it with his tongue. She jumped forward and almost fell as her hose weren't off yet.

"Holy shit!" she shrieked and spun around. "You went too high."

"No, I didn't," he growled and pulled her mons to his lips.

Her hair was trimmed short and in a landing strip shape as he kissed her all over. He pulled her into him as he licked around the front of her labia, teasing her.

She sat on the bed when he slid down to remove her stockings from around her ankles. She couldn't believe what she was doing. She'd never been that quick to take a man to bed. She knew her history with him made him different than other men, but there was still a question in her mind if she was doing the right thing.

All thoughts of stopping went away when he licked the arch of her foot.

"Oh, my God!" she moaned and fell back onto the bed. Her arousal soared as he licked and kissed his way up her leg. "Please don't tease me," she begged.

He smiled and began to lick her clit, ignoring his usual manner of foreplay. If she wanted it, she was going to get it. She grabbed the sheets, and her mouth flew open. She spoke no words, yet little squeaks slipped out.

He put one then two fingers into her tight channel and felt her grip him as her pussy pulsed. "Oh, Eric!" she grunted. "Huh, huh, huh, ooh!" He almost laughed. She sounded as if she were quarterback for a football team as she came. He wasn't sure if it was because she was trying to be quiet or if that was her usual 'O' moan, but it amused him as he doubled his efforts on her clit.

Suddenly, she pushed his forehead back, "Too sensitive."

He smirked as he slid up her body planting kisses along her stomach, then breasts. He spent time suckling each nipple, loving the whimpers she made as he sucked her sensitive nubs.

"You're so beautiful, Em."

She rubbed his hair and teased, "Thank you, for giving me a second chance. Even if it's just to get between my legs."

Annoyance flashed across his eyes, and she said, "Easy, Baby. I was kidding."

He sighed, "Sorry. I'm just...I don't know." He moved up and kissed her passionately.

She smiled when he broke the kiss, then she said, "Seems like you know to me. Listen, we'll stop right here if you want and reevaluate where we are in the morning when we're more sober and thinking with our big heads."

He smirked, "Sure, you're just afraid I'll want a blowjob."

She slapped his shoulder and giggled, "It's not my fault you've got a scary monster between your legs. How my..." she was about to say, she couldn't imagine her mother taking it, but corrected herself, "kitty will fit it is gonna be a trip."

She took his hard shaft in her hand and stroked him slowly. "Okay, we'll make love, but let me be on top. I've never had anything close to you in me. I have to control the speed until I get used to you."

He kissed her quiet and pinched her nipple. "Oh, Eric," she sighed into his mouth. "I want you so bad."

She made his shaft slick with her juices as she slid along his shaft. "Damn!" she moaned when she placed his crown at her opening. He smiled at how cute she looked as she took a deep breath and blew a stray hair out of her face as she exhaled.

"Oh, God!" she whispered as she slid back on his shaft. Her face buried into his neck. "Eric, oh, man..." She had him halfway in when she slowly rocked forward and back again.

She was so tight, Eric felt slight discomfort, but knew her body would accept him after a few more strokes. Her movements were so slow, so ginger, they were tender in their own way. She wasn't fucking him, he felt something more from her. She was the opposite of her mother. While Julia had pounded into him, Emily took it slow, even after she accepted him into her fully, she was gently riding him.

He watched her shudder while her head flew back. She whipped her hair around as she rode him through her orgasm. "Em, I can't hold back any longer. Is it...?"

"Yes," she hissed as she tried her hardest not to scream his name to the gods. He stopped holding back and released all he had into her deep tunnel. He grunted and thrust up into her which make her shriek and she jumped off him, almost falling off the bed.

"Shit! I'm sorry, Em." Her face was buried in the mattress, and she sounded like she was crying. He slid off the bed and took her hand, "Em, did I hurt you? Oh, crap, I'm..."

She lifted her head and he saw she was laughing uncontrollably.

"You're laughing at me? Jesus, Emily. I thought I hurt you."

"No, Dummy. I got so scared I jumped like I was on fire." She kept laughing and he slid into bed next to her. "I'm sorry, Baby. I didn't expect you to do that."

She kissed his forehead and sighed. "Are we going to be okay, Eric?" she asked as she pulled his arm around her and snuggled into him as the inside spoon.

"Are you worried that I'm just gonna fuck you and bail," he asked without irritation.

"It's not bad of me, is it? Being worried about that?"

"No," he sighed. "Honestly, I'm still confused about my feelings for you. There are times when I feel like you're the old Em, but then I worry about you reverting back and throwing me away again. Now, we've made love and I have no idea how I feel."