Interviewing for a New Wife


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Once again, there was no doubt that Heather and I were sexually compatible.

Over the next several weeks -- long after the one month time period we all had agreed to -- I had eminently enjoyable sex with each of my interviewees either once or twice a week. During this time Josie was also on a crusade to reduce me to ashes so as to alleviate any suspicions that I might have about her extramarital activities. I was by far the most sexually satisfied that I ever was in my life. However, I was coming to the point that I wanted things to conclude; I wanted to have a loving wife again and it wasn't fair to anyone to draw the process out any longer.


Despite my clear sexual compatibility with Heather, and despite the fact that I really liked her, I didn't feel a spark with her. Fortunately, we were able to end things on really good terms. After another fabulous bedroom session when Larry was out of town I could tell that something was on her mind.

"Why so pensive, sexy?" I inquired.

"I have something I really need to talk with you about. I don't know where you are in your process of interviewing for a new wife, but I thought that I should lay my cards on the table," Heater sighed.

"Honesty is the best policy," I genuinely replied.

"OK -- here goes," she continued. "Overall, sex with you is the best I've ever had. However, I'm not in love with you -- but after you exposed me to Larry's cheating I had a come-to-Jesus talk with myself. I've never admitted this to myself until your first meeting with me, but I've come to recognize that I'm bi-sexual. While the sex with you is the best, I now have a female lover and the sex with her is almost as good -- plus I'm in love with her," Heather continued, a tear forming in her left eye.

I wiped the tear away, smiled at her, and said "You can't deny yourself your true feelings. Who's the lucky woman?"

"She's one of the co-owners with me of the dance studio, and also a dance instructor, by the name of Vivian."

"Is she the one that was performing with you at the recital I went to?" I excitedly asked.

"Yes -- you noticed her?"

"Hell yeah; she's almost as beautiful as you are, and if her personality and character are half what her beauty is it's no wonder that you fell in love with her," I smiled.

"Then you're not mad at me for withdrawing from you list of candidates for your next wife?" she cautiously inquired.

"Hell no, I'm happy for you," I replied, getting a big smile from Heater.

Then Heather got a diabolical smile on her face. "I'm going to tell Vivian tomorrow that I want to be exclusive with her -- she's been hinting at that ever since we became intimate. However, I haven't committed yet, so if you don't mind I'd like to ride your cock one more glorious time before we break off our sexual affair -- though not our friendship."

"Sounds like a plan," I chuckled as I kissed her and started finger fucking her.

Heather rode and abused me like I was a rented mule, almost ripping my dick off with her sexual enthusiasm, causing me to discharge into her pussy probably the largest second charge of my life, which caused her to pass out and me to almost completely lose awareness.

Once we showered -- no more fucking -- together and got dressed we rationally planned out when to expose Larry and Josie's relationship, and agreed to use the same divorce lawyer. I had given Heather copies of all of the information that I had about the Larry-Josie liaisons and would also be suppling copies to the divorce lawyer I had chosen shortly after I found out about Josie's activities. We kissed goodbye and promised to attend each other's weddings and to remain friends.


I had become very fond of Caroline -- and I think she, me -- and she had one ability that no other interviewee had; titty fucking. I had really come to enjoy titty fucking, and any sex with Caroline was top notch. Plus, she really was a talented and warm person, and I would be getting art work from her for years to come -- and if we married it would be free. However, I didn't feel the intense love for her that I had felt for Josie when we first got married.

I was looking for an opportunity to test her interest in being the second Mrs. Brett Burns and to fully evaluate and then express my feelings, when serendipity struck again.

After Caroline and I had maybe the best oral, pussy, and tit sex ever one Saturday afternoon when Tim was at yet again another car show she sat up in the bed in their largest guest room and said "Brett, we need to be frank with each other. It's been well over a month since you told me about the Tim-Josie relationship and we need to come to some conclusion."

I sat up too, held her hands, and said "You're completely right."

"Before you tell me what you feel, let me tell you where I'm at; and I don't want you to get mad at me," she said.

I chuckled and replied "Do you think I could possibly get angry about anything while looking at your exquisite bare boobs?"

"Good point," she laughed, and then seriously continued.

"First, I need to tell you that you're a wonderful guy and my best fuck ever -- both titty and pussy. However, I don't feel the love for you I had for Tim when we got married."

I hoped that she was being serious because though I'll always remember titty fucking her, and my feelings about how wonderful she is, I didn't have the love spark either. "I understand," I smiled.

"Second, since the one month has long ago passed since you advised me of the Josie-Tim relationship, last week I confronted Tim with the information you gave me with the admonition that if he told Josie about it that I'd divorce him immediately and take him to the cleaners since we have a morals provision in our prenup. But the problem is I still love the bastard, and I note in none of the materials you gave me did he ever say anything bad about me. I believe -- and it may be just because I want to believe it -- that he's simply weak and when a hot chick like Josie came onto him he thought with his dick instead of his brain."

"Likely," I somberly responded.

"Therefore, I made it clear to him that things are going to change if we are to stay together. I gave him an ultimatum; we divorce now and I enforce the prenup, or we sign a post nup that has completely draconian consequences if either of us ever cheat again, so egregious that the only choice we have is to get divorced first before any fooling around with anyone else. He begged me to agree to the second option," Caroline said.

"Are you going to?" I asked.

"Yes -- in fact our lawyer has already drafted the post-nup and we've reviewed it and are both willing to sign," she replied. Then she got an evil look on her face and continued "Of course I intentionally haven't signed it yet so that I could have this last session with you without violating it. Without our relationship it would not have been possible for me to take the approach that I have; however, my rewarding sexual relationship with you has allowed me to get the necessary revenge that I needed -- even though he will never know about it -- and made it possible for me to move on. I hope that you understand," she sighed.

I got a big smile on my face. "OK -- so your post-nup doesn't go into effect until tomorrow, huh; that means I get one more shot at you today, doesn't it."

"You bastard," she laughed. "You've already had two ejaculations today -- what are you, some sort of sex machine."

"No, I'm not; but just the thought of fucking you one more time has caused my little soldier to salute and I'm sure as hell going to give it a try," I snickered.

After some faked reluctance on her part I put her on her hands and knees and entered her moist pussy from behind. I latched onto the marvels on her chest had gave her the best doggy fuck that I was capable of. My mind's joy at being snugly inside her while simultaneously mauling her marvelous tits must have ordered my testicles to get to work because for the first time in my life I had a third ejaculation in a short period of time -- and it wasn't any dud volume, either. I deposited a full load as we grunted and wailed in simultaneous orgasm.

A half hour later when we were fully dressed and had kissed goodbye Caroline said "Part of the deal is that Tim must avoid Josie in the future. Therefore, I'm afraid that we'll never have interactions again, which will hurt me, but is necessary for me as well as Tim."

"Does that mean that I can't buy any artwork from you again?" I moaned.

"No -- it just has to be over the Internet," she chuckled as she gave me one more quick kiss and then closed the door.


Unless I was going to expand my pool of candidates for wife #2 that left only one more option -- Denise. The good news (at least I hoped that it was good news) was that I had fallen madly in love with Denise. I definitely loved her as much as I had loved Josie when we got married, maybe more so. I hoped that she felt the same way -- at least I had no doubt that I was her best sex partner ever.

Two days after I concluded matters with Caroline, Denise and I were able to take our first overnight together. Both John and Josie were out of town the same Friday night, and I was able to confirm via my surveillance that they hadn't spoken since their last burner phone conversation -- except when four couples including John and Denise and me and Josie -- went out to dinner together a week earlier. I also was able to confirm via both phone GPS and plane records that I hacked that they were in cities 1200 miles apart that Friday night.

In order not to be seen Denise and I -- after dinner and dancing -- checked into a hotel the next suburb over, using a great fake ID that I had manufactured and backed up electronically. That night there was no fucking. There was no doubt in my mind that it was pure unadulterated love making, including a glorious session when we woke each other up about 3:30 a. m.

After yet another love making session the next morning it was time to get real.

As Denise and I lay in bed almost nose to nose (after brushing our teeth) I opened the conversation with "I know without a doubt who I want the next Mrs. Brett Burns to be."

"You do, do you," Denise smirked. "Are you sure that this woman wants to be the next Mrs. Brett Burns?"

"No, I'm not sure, but I hope to find out shortly. I do know that I love her -- and making love to her is the most fun I've ever had in life -- and I want her to bear my children."

"You do, huh," she slyly grinned.

" Fuller, will you change your last name again, and make me the happiest man alive, by becoming my second wife after you and I dump the cheaters we're presently married to?"

"Hmmm...let me think about it," she giggled, putting her chin on her fist like she was Rodin's "The Thinker" statue.

"You bitch," I laughed and started tickling her, "You made me fall in love with you but now you're torturing me," I repeated over and over while tickling her. After about thirty seconds she said "Will you stop tickling me if I agree to marry you?'

"Yes," I growled.

"OK, OK, I'll marry you when our divorces are final," she laughed.

I kissed her deeply; no more laughing; "I love you with all my heart and body and soul," I mumbled between kisses."

"I love you too Bret," was the last thing that she mumbled before I entered her again.


I coordinated with Heather and she, Denise, and I all laid our evidence on Larry, John, and Josie at the same time. We all had the same attorney who arranged for three process servers to come to our houses almost simultaneously to serve the papers.

Surprisingly, John and Josie were wrecks when served and begged us not to pull the plug but to work things out. Larry was more sanguine since I think that he had sensed for quite a while that Heather was unhappy, and he seemed resigned when Heather told him that his cheating had caused her to re-examiner herself and conclude that she had feelings for Vivian and was leaving him to go to her.

Larry didn't fight the divorce.

After she regained her composure Josie tried her version of rational thinking. "Brett, I know that you're hurt, but my sexual liaisons never adversely affected you in any way. You were the only one I gave my love to. My liaisons were merely the cherry on top of the wonderful banana split that our life was."

"Doesn't help, Josie; I am only interested in monogamy, and you well knew that."

"I was very careful and never threw it in your face; I never wanted you to find out, Brett."

"Oh, but I did -- most cheaters get caught," I replied; actually that's not true, but I wasn't under oath.

"You're making too big a deal of this, Bret. Even the Pope -- you used to be Catholic and respect him -- says that adultery isn't that bad."

"That's funny," I laughed thinking that she was being ridiculous in pulling out all stops.

"No, it's true," she said, desperately looking for her phone. After she fished it out of her purse she clicked a few times and then paraphrased the text on her screen. "This is what the Pope said when supporting the Paris archbishop whose resignation people were calling for: 'sins of the flesh are not the most serious;' the Pope referenced a breach of the sixth commandment -- a ban on adultery -- saying it was 'not total'...adultery it is not the most serious because sins of the flesh are not the most serious.'"

She handed me the phone. I smiled a wicked grin as I read -- she had accurately interpreted what the Pope said. I handed the phone back to her and said "Then marry the Pope since he apparently wouldn't mind you fucking around on him; but I do." With that I got up and walked out with her cries and moans providing background noise that I interpreted to be the Hallelujah Chorus.

Denise and I had already moved all of the things that we wanted to take to a condo that we rented together. We thoroughly enjoyed pre-marital life with each other. We let John and Josie try to reclaim their relationships with us until it started costing us big money. Then -- since the state that we live in is a "no-fault" divorce state -- we let them know that we were living together, were in love, and would be getting married as soon as our divorces were final. That took the starch out of them, and soon after that settlements were reached in both divorces and they became final within three months.



Denise and I did get married within two months after our divorces became final. Heather and her new wife Vivian were the only friends who attended our simple ceremony and reception, the rest of the attendees were simply family.

Denise was hot to have kids, so she stopped her birth control after we had been married only six months. By that time we both had determined, and told the other, that we were more in love with each other than we ever had been with our exes. Denise got pregnant soon after she stopped birth control. We now have two girls and a boy, who are the lights of our life.

Denise and I thought that John and Josie might get together. As far as we know it never happened at all, and it doesn't seem that it ever will since within a couple of months of our divorces they both moved from our area and to places more than 1000 miles remote from each other.

We have had no contact with Larry and don't expect to.

I have purchased three pieces of art from Caroline over the Internet. She put "GF Discount of 50%" on the invoices when she shipped them to me. I hope that "GF" means "Great Fuck," but I'm not about to ask her although I gleefully accepted the discount.

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imhaplessimhaplessabout 1 month agoAuthor

Wow, Smugglerjim, you are easily ticked off, aren't you. Since this story is written about people in America and uses American language you need to develop a tolerance for that. As England's own Oxford Reference makes clear "In Britain and in most other English-speaking areas the standard past tense is invariably dived, but dove /dәʊv/ has been noted in regional use in North American English since the mid-19c. and continues to turn up in fairly standard North American sources today." If you write a story and spell "color" with a "u" I promise not to let it upset me.

SmugglerjimSmugglerjimabout 1 month ago

I find and it's probably my simple mind that the long description of each person in the story is totally forgotten after the first paragraph.

There is also this weird "English" She dove into the pool for instance.. one Dives into a pool a "dove" is a feathered creature related to pigeons.

Dive Dives Dived Diving etc

Americanism at it's worst

whateverittakeswhateverittakesover 1 year ago

He's looking for a one man woman with a bunch of cheating wives. Sure, that makes sense.

nixroxnixroxabout 2 years ago

3 stars - given your MC played the cheating game with 3 wives - before he was divorced. He is no better than she.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2over 2 years ago

No justifcation or reasons why she cheated, or why the husbands cheated with her. Seemed like something was off emotionally.

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