Isabelle, My Big Titty Secretary Ch. 06

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Staff BBQ ends on newfound sensations.
9.3k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/13/2021
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I've tried a few different things for that chapter. It's my longest yet, and oh so lewd! The ending is unlike anything I've ever done before. I couldn't carry it further, thinking it would kill the whole climax I was going for. I've thought a lot about it, trying to really immerse the reader into thinking like him, and I still think it's a pretty good ending.

I got a couple of supporting artworks on the way, too.

Feedback is always very welcome! I love knowing that more and more people follow me and, hopefully, grow impatient for the next episode.

Part 7 got in the works when I wasn't even done with Part 6.

Hope you enjoy!

- Wood_


Late June. Our annual staff BBQ, organized by the social committee, was coming up. It's a long-running yearly tradition and of all the activities planned by the committee, this one is the most expected. It's just such a fun kick-off for summer, before everyone leaves for long vacations. And wherever the director likes to make an appearance, pretty much everybody else follows.

Now, I was part of the social committee, but it's a good thing I wasn't the lead for planning it all. I was just supporting the main operations. I was already swamped with work, and social committee duties always have to be done outside of our regular hours. Everything was just hectic!

And to top it all off, Isabelle had been clueing me endlessly about something special she wanted to treat me with. As soon as we started advertising the event, she would wink at me at every chance she got, which always resulted in giving me a pesky boner that made me lose all my focus.

The day had finally arrived. Like every year, we had crossed our fingers in hopes to get the best forecast for the event that was held outside. In case of rain, the event can't even be postponed. It's just: so long, no BBQ - see you next year!

But this morning, it was as if Mother Nature promised. A gorgeous sunshine, close to no cloud in the sky.

Whistling on my way to work, I was relieved to see that the weather was on our side. I knew everything was ready and that the rest was going to be a breeze. Though deeper, I was even more excited to finally get Isabelle's surprise.

My heart was already palpitating as I walked into the office. Then I saw her, my busty secretary, sitting at her desk. I finally saw the "surprise" she had in store for me, just like she had appointed for today on her schedule, like the devoted secretary that she was. It was actually just her outfit, but holy crap, what an outfit! She wore a little black dress I never saw her wear before, with on top a tiny beige cardigan and cute white sandals. The dress cut just above her knees. It clung to her skin so tightly! And - get this - it had the deepest V neck I ever saw on her, which caused a massive cleavage line to imprint my retina! The buttons on her flower-patterned cardigan were working overtime to hold everything in tightly, giving the flesh of her breasts a round, bulbous, mouth-watering shape.

I thought this was a lot of cleavage compared to what she used to show, but she looked really classy at the same time, which made the whole picture pass as a very tasteful summer attire for the BBQ.

I knew the thought of Isabelle's breasts was going to cloud my mind towards the main events of the day. She saw me looking very intently at her. Her eyes were glimmering with lust and excitement. I just waved at the team, kept whistling and walked past her desk to go sit at my chair and catch my breath.

That was our usual routine now. We couldn't give out any clues pertaining to the fact that there was some kind of relationship going on between us. Even my wish of her wearing racy outfits at work was not quite granted. We assumed it would simply raise too many suspicions. And it was a daily struggle, too. Whatever she wore now that showed skin in the slightest would be enough to make me lose my mind. My libido tends to make me act in strange ways when it's triggered. I really had to double check my workplace behavior. I had to stick to the program.

I dropped my things and turned on my computer, but only to see if there were any emergencies that required attention. Otherwise, I had to get up and go help the rest of the social committee in setting up the games and tables. As my desktop popped up on the screen, I saw Isabelle chatting me already, asking "You like?"

By way of answer, I started punching random letters on my keyboard and sent her the most incoherent reply, which somehow reflected my lack of words to truly express if I did like her dress. I knew she'd find that funny. She just knew the answer, anyway. Simply put, she was a smoke show!

Then she added "I left all of my underwear at home, by the way. Just sayin'..."

I fucking gasped out loud and jumped off my chair, bulging my eyes out at my screen. The girls all looked at me, wondering what kind of insect I just saw crawling on my desk. But Isabelle had a huge knowing grin: she knew the exact reason why I blurted out like that! Her gaze was boring deep into me. She was that good...

So, as expected, I started obsessing on Isabelle, and her dress, and her lack of underwear... but I knew that doing hands-on duties was going to allow me to clear my mind and just focus on the BBQ. Those emails were going to have to wait. I managed to shoot her a last meaningful look before I got out of the office and went to help with the set-up.

It was 9 o'clock, and I felt the sun was already burning. It was going to be a hot one!

First, I had to put up the volleyball net and the goal posts for the soccer field. That was going to take me a while. All around me, other people were doing their thing. The caterer was there already, preparing the food. A few committee members came in and out of the building with chairs and bins. Staff members volunteered to lend their own games, like lawn bowling, lawn darts and a washer tossing game. The DJ put a few tunes on to test his PA.

For some reason, it seemed like it was that kind of day where a lot of things can just wait until later. The whole place was starting to buzz with activity, as people trickled out of the building and got the party started. Lunch was not being served until 11:30, but many were already out and see what's going on. Slowly, everyone was either chatting with coworkers on their lounging chairs, playing cards, volleyball, soccer; some had already kicked off their work shoes to dance bare feet on the lawn. I was mostly done setting up, though I didn't even feel like going back in. I lost track of time, as I hung out with some buddies, or made a few more errands for the social committee.

Then, Isabelle came out, and I lost my fucking shit. She was just beaming! From afar, I could finally get a good look at her skin-tight black dress that showcased her insane curves. She couldn't possibly not know about the sultriness and powerful charisma she emanated, still she walked into the crowd with grace and confidence, chatting and laughing with the rest of our team. The reflection of the sun in her pale blonde hair was blinding me, making me wonder if she was some kind of mirage. She had put on her sunglasses, giving her a remote and unapproachable look.

I couldn't possibly be the only one that thought Isabelle was a complete stunner. I was kinda positive I was the only guy she had an affair with (and I hoped), but knowing that every other man was looking at her wearing the dress that she had promised me, started making me feel a little jealous.

Lunch time eventually came. I was already sweating from the few soccer bouts I played. People must have noticed that I seemed a little distant or confused when I played. The thing was that my eyes kept darting towards Isabelle. I wanted to know if she looked at me too, but it was hard to tell with her sunglasses. After all, I was sure she was dying to hear me compliment her about how she looked today. But I hadn't even built the nerve to go talk to her yet. I was due for a little break, and a little bit of Isabelle time. I was growing thirsty, hungry... horny.

I stood in line for the caterer to go get my burgers and my soft drink. In a mocked woman voice, my mind started making up conversations between Isabelle and the other girls.

They would say Ho, Isabelle, you're looking very good today.

And she'd reply Oh stop it! Thanks, really.

No, really, you're so pretty. And sexy too, oh my God! Ahahah! Look at that dress.

I know, I love that dress. Thanks!

I mean... your boobs, they're all out there.

I know, my boobs are huge, they're very hard to conceal. But I love them, and the attention that I get from them.

But you look so good with them! And you got some nerve to wear that sexy dress today, everybody's gonna check out your cleavage! Wow! I wish mine were this big too!

Ahah! Thanks, you're too much, stop it. I'm mostly wearing the dress for Eric, over there. He has VIP access to my tits right now, and I can't wait for him to -

I felt a little hand tap on my shoulder, snapping me out of my daydreaming.

'Excuse me, Eric, can you move forward? You're holding up the line...'


I blushed a little, seeing how Isabelle always succeeds in making me lose control.

I eventually got my food and ate it, standing up among a circle of friends, barely listening to the conversation. I peeked over at Isabelle, she looked back at me. Over time, the distance between us grew smaller and smaller, as we jumped from one conversation to another.

She finally reached my table, where I was now by myself.



It was awkward. I just stood there, chewing my food, but my heart was beating frantically inside my chest.

'Cheers, Eric' she said.

Her sweet voice was soothing me already. We bumped our soft drinks together in good friendly fashion.

'How ya feeling?' she asked, innocently. 'The BBQ is a success.'

'Pretty good, thank you. Yeah, everyone's having fun and the burgers are just exquisite, right? We couldn't have asked for nicer weather, too!'

'Oh, indeed, it's... getting pretty hot out here.' said Isabelle, fanning herself with a pan of her cardigan.

Was she doing this to allow me a peek inside, and look at her cleavage some more? She smiled again, and looked at me through her sunglasses. Again, it was so hard to tell what she was thinking about.

'I haven't finished my meal yet, but what do you say we play a little game of lawn bowling over there, at the back of the yard?' she suggested.

'Um, sure, why not. Just you and I?'

'No, Sharon and I, against you and Joanne.' she replied, turning around. 'Just our team, you know? I asked them about it already.'

'Yeah, I'm in. Soccer was pretty intense earlier, so I wouldn't mind a slower game.'


She turned around again to shout and wave at the girls, indicating them to head over to the lawn bowling area.

We headed over there together, walking side by side. We chatted aimlessly about work, sports... her daughters. I watched my every word and step. I remained a gentleman. I couldn't start freaking out, I really had to pace myself, and the sun was not helping in bringing down my body temperature.

Arriving at the lawn bowling game, Isabelle dropped her plate and her drink on the lawn. Then, it looked like she proceeded in removing articles of clothing. That's when everything around me played in slow motion. She first took her sandals off her tiny feet. Then she unbuttoned her cardigan. As she undid the first two, she looked up at me through her sunglasses.

'It's very hot, Eric. I gotta take this off, if you don't mind...' she said, unabashedly.

Boom, the third button gave way and her cardigan opened completely. The three tiny buttons holding her mammoth 38 G's were finally relieved of their duty. She let the vest slip off her arms gracefully and drop on the lawn. Keeping in mind that she earlier confirmed having no underwear, she was now officially wearing nothing but her skimpy little dress! I also realized the dress was going very low on her shoulders, though not enough to think that we should be seeing bra straps.

She had her back against me as she undressed and couldn't get a good shot of her big jugs. Though I knew she was going to be facing me a lot during the game, since we played against her. I knew the difficulty level was going to sky-rocket when she'll start bending over to aim and throw her balls. I was straight-up foaming at the mouth. Holy shit, what a view! It was borderline erotic.

Sharon and Joanne joined us very soon, and surprisingly made no comment about Isabelle's outfit. Joanne was older than us, had grandkids, and was probably way past the desire to gossip and cause a fuss about a mere cleavage.

Though we knew that Sharon was a lesbian, married, and I thought she was the one that would most likely react to Isabelle's demonstration of her generous attributes. And they were side by side: they were the ones teaming up together. How Sharon didn't flinch in front of such an irresistible creature such as Isabelle, it just baffled me!

Regardless, I was going to have to focus on the game. The other team was taunting us already.

'We gonna beat you!' mocked Sharon.

I paced my breathing as I heard the distant buzzing of chatter, and we were over here, away from it all, enjoying a fun and quiet little game of lawn bowling. I bit my tongue and told myself No sudden move! Not a word. Just breathe and who knows where this'll end up. Just relax... If I get all riled up about Isabelle's tits, you're gonna end up with a massive boner to cover up and it'll get awkward.

The game was going well. Joanne and I won the first round, and it was mostly due to her being a hardcore player to begin with. But as it went on, Sharon and Isabelle really turned the tables, and things got serious. Isabelle played very carefully, without really adding more to the show that she already put on. She was solemn, concentrated. She played in good spirits.

I tried to decipher what Isabelle was possibly thinking about. Was she trying to put me in my place, to give me a lesson? Maybe she wanted to show me that she had control over me. Maybe she wanted to demonstrate how easy victory would be if she distracted me like she knew she was. She didn't really have to try, anyway: she was a natural at being a total sex-magnet. The way she played lawn friggin bowling was enough to shoot blood up my groin. I mean, how sexy is that? She just had to bend over to throw her ball and show me this obscene abyss of a cleavage. And when she threw, she did it with such elegance but with enough swing to make her tits jostle in her top. Bent over like that, I secretly hoped it would contribute in making her nipples jump out of there.

And she repeated, and repeated, and repeated... Throwing that little ball, giving me tiny heart attacks every time!

She was so calm and never winked my way during the game. She did nothing that would clue me that she's doing all this just to put me on fire. I was starting to consider offering her a little visit to that broom closet I once told her about...

Joanne and I lost the third round. The score was tight, but Isabelle's team made it! It was time for a high five again, for sportsmanship's sake. Coming close to Isabelle, I slapped her hand slightly. Touching her hand made me want to hold and kiss her right there on the spot. I was melting with impatience under that scorching sun. I must have looked like I was getting dehydrated. Isabelle's cheeks were all flushed, but her smile was still radiant, and so pretty.


Later on, we ended up playing 5 rounds total. Sharon and Joanne called it quits and headed for the restrooms. Isabelle and I sat down by the bowling game. Away from the party, from everyone. She grabbed a couple more bites off her leftover burger and salad, then finished her pop. As for myself, I couldn't swallow anything at the moment. I was just trying to figure out how to sit without making my chubby obvious to anyone. And my secretary, sitting there with nothing but her dress, was far from helping in calming my ardor. Sitting back, and tilting her head, she surrendered herself to the sun, letting it caress her skin. I indulged in the view.

'I don't know if the boss is gonna let everyone go home early tonight.' I suddenly said, trying to take my mind off. 'I really don't want to go back in. It's too nice out.'

'Well, you can go and ask him!' replied Isabelle, as she turned and pointed towards the volleyball field. 'You know the big, loud guy with a tie and a booming laughter? He's right over there, playing volleyball, having a blast! Ahah! It sure doesn't look like his agenda was super loaded this afternoon.'

'...Oh... yeah. I didn't even notice.'

She turned back to me.

'Why' What's a matter, Eric? Is something distracting you?' she replied, grabbing my ankle.

'Something, more like someone...'

'Oh, a little special someone?' she grinned. 'Anyone I know? Ahah!'

She started rocking from side to side, making her hot breasts sway hypnotically in front of me. They barely moved, but it was so hot. She was doing it for me and made sure that I looked.

'It's okay.' she said. 'Nobody knows what you're looking at.'

'Baby, you're too much. Holy fuck...'

'Ooh, having a little trouble? Well, well, cat's out of the bag... Tell me, what do you see that's causing you this trouble?'

'Wow, really? I have to mention the obvious, here?'


'God!... Well, I'm looking at your big fucking tits, Isabelle, and I just want to grab them and stop them from moving right and left in your dress... you're torturing me!'

'Mmmh, I know.' she whispered. 'I'm just teasing you. Go ahead, look at them all you want. I love it.'

'Do you even know how hot you look right now? Plus, if I'm doing the math right, you're wearing absolutely nothing but that dress, right now. When you told me this morning that you had nothing else underneath, it kinda made me believe that you wanted easy access, just... in case, you know?'

'Shhh, shhh... I know, darling.' she said, rubbing my ankle. 'Don't worry. We'll think of something. But for now, keep looking at my tits. My nipples get all hard when you do. Just stare at them, you don't even have to speak.'

She kept shimmying her shoulders and sucked on her straw for the last drops of her drink, all casual, as I indulged in the torrid vision. I was hyperventilating.

She suddenly mimicked holding a microphone and whispered the words to a song we were hearing, while she kept swinging to and fro. I clicked. It turned out she was moving to the rhythm of the music that we felt thumping through the ground. She was really getting into it: her breasts were jiggling big time. I felt a glob of precum wetting my boxers.

'You're incredible. I don't know how I'm gonna walk off from here without anyone noticing what you're doing to me.' I laughed.

'Hmm, do tell, Eric. What is it that I'm doing to you?'

'Well, you seem to be in the mood for dancing. If we started dancing close together, you would definitely feel what I mean.'

'Well, well! I didn't know you danced!' Isabelle said, perking up.

She turned her head towards the building and fidgeted with a lock of her hair for a while, cogitating.

'I may have an idea.' she said as she turned back to me. 'I think I know just the place where we could... go try out a little choreography, you know?'

She said that and pointed her chin to the large window on the 5th floor that looked down in the front yard of the building. The one directly over the party.

'What do you say you give me that dance in the director's office up there? It's very cozy, and roomy. We're gonna have all the music we need if we crack open the window. Don't forget that I used to work for HR, so I know my way around on the top floor.'