Josh Knows Best Ch. 08

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Josh graduates and gets a special gift from his mom.
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Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 07/09/2023
Created 01/08/2023
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Sorry for the delay. Josh graduates and his mom gives him a special graduation present.

Thanks once again to JordanJohnson for his editing.

Enjoy. Please tell me what works and what needs work.


The next morning the welts had subsided but my ass was a dusky purple. Even with my underwear as a buffer my jeans felt rough on my sensitive skin. Sitting hurt, a little, but I welcomed the pain. It re-ignited my memories of the night before.

Thursday, the penultimate day of my high school career had arrived. Even if my ass had not been sore, I would have had trouble sitting still.

Ms. Lang tried to lecture but she was clearly distracted. I wondered if anyone else in class realized it was the bulge in my jeans distracting her.

It wasn't until halfway through my last class of the day that I realized I had to work tonight. I wasn't working Friday night. That was the night before graduation. But mom would be working Friday and Saturday night. I was struck with horror. No chance of fucking until after mom woke up on Saturday?

Seriously? What the fuck? Was this what it meant to become an adult? Having to work in time for fucking around your job?

That would totally fucking suck.

I considered calling in sick, but my cock did not exert absolute control over my body. Class ended and I headed to the diner. It was busy enough to make the time pass quickly. I don't think I had ever cleaned the kitchen so quickly before. Having something more than your hand to look forward to when you got home was downright inspirational.

I ran the mile and a half home. I hurried through the kitchen, remembering to lock the door, and was disappointed to see mom sitting watching Fallon in her nightshirt. I hugged her from behind and kissed the side of her neck.

"Why are you wearing a shirt?" I whispered as I nuzzled her neck.

"Settle down, buddy. I'm not eighteen. I'm pooped and my pussy is sore," she snorted.

"Did I hurt you?" I asked, alarm tugged at my guts.

"Yes, but in the way I wanted, the way I asked for. I hurt you too. I had forgotten how nice it was to wiggle in your chair and be reminded you'd been righteously fucked the night before. I'm not complaining. Are you okay?"

"I'm fucking perfect. And horny. I'm perfectly horny."

"No doubt. I am too but I need some rest." She stood. "Come on, I'll take a shower with you, see if we can relieve some of that horniness."

Do not let anyone tell you getting a hand job is the same as jerking off. It so is not.

As mom stroked my cock, warm water flowing over my shoulders and down my body, I kissed her.

"You know, if your pussy is sore, I could fuck you in the ass?"

"Yes, I'm sure you could," she chuckled. She kissed me back.

"Not tonight. Maybe Saturday. I'll have a break after I help set up the diplomas and the actual ceremony. I can run home in-between. I'll have privacy to prepare myself. I don't have to go to work until 9:00 pm. We'll have plenty of time for fun."

Conversation was lost to the feel of her hand gliding over my cock. My orgasm was good but not as amazing as when my cock was buried in her pussy or her mouth.

In the bedroom, mom had me lie on my stomach. She gently rubbed aloe vera gel over my still smarting ass. Before she was done my cock was throbbing again. When she finished with the gel, I rolled onto my back.

I reached for my cock and began to jerk off. Mom snuggled against my side and stroked the top of my thigh and watched. The past few days had drained my balls. When I came there was hardly any semen.

Mom rolled away and grabbed a handful of tissues. She wiped my belly clean, gave me a quick peck on the lips and said, "good night". She settled in, pressed against my side and with seconds was sound asleep.

The next thing I knew, the room was bright, my cock was hard and mom was in the shower.

Friday morning. My last day of high school.

There was absolutely nothing of any educational value achieved that day, at least not amongst the seniors.

The bell rang at 3:20 and that was it. I was no longer a high school student. Tomorrow by this time I would have been a high school graduate for an hour or so. I wondered if I would have felt more excited if I had not been having such an intense time at home.

I let out a yell along with all the other seniors. We milled around on the yard in front of the school. I had taken the night off from work but mom had not. Jeff kept haranguing me about going to a party at Roger's house. I really was not interested. A party at Roger's meant a bunch of drunk, and soon to be puking, teenagers interspersed with other teenagers baked out of their minds.

Not my scene but I hated the idea of waiting at home for mom to come dragging in, exhausted and smelling of stale beer. So, I heard myself telling Jeff I would go.

"No, shit?" he exclaimed. "Fuck yeah, bro. About time you learned to party." He pronounced it "par tay" and I almost told him to forget it.

I texted mom. She texted back telling me to have fun but not to have more than one beer and if I did call her for a ride home. I replied with an eyeroll, thumbs up and heart emojis.

"Congratulations, Josh," a soft voice behind said as I hit the 'send' button. "Are you working tonight?"

I turned to Ms. Lang and shook my head. "No. I took the night off."

"Ah, clearing the decks for partying," she chuckled. "Pity, I don't feel like cooking tonight. I thought I would stop by the diner. While I was there, I was going to treat you to a graduation Coke."

Is she hitting on me? I wondered.

"Cool," I replied. "Unless a long lost, and rich, relative dies and leaves me his money, I'll be there way too much the rest of the summer."

"See you around then. And congratulations."

With that she headed toward the faculty parking lot. I caught myself staring at her ass. When she reached her car, she turned and waved goodbye. And caught me staring at her ass.

I felt guilty. Partly for staring and partly for betraying mom by looking at another woman. I reminded myself there was nothing weird or wrong about noticing Ms. Lang. She had only been teaching a couple of years, meaning she was only five or six years older than me. Besides, she was hot.

"Dude, she totally wants to ride you," Jeff offered helpfully.

"Shut up, man. Come on. I'm starving. Let's go get something to eat. We have time for me to annihilate you at Mario Kart before the party."

"Yeah, right. In your dreams, Brugi, in your dreams."

I slaughtered him. Just for the record.

The party was as awkward as I had expected. Suze was there. The drunker she got the clinger she got. Clingy was replaced by aggression and demands. The third time she tried to kiss me I took her by the wrists and told her again, I loved having her for a friend, but wasn't interested in dating.

"I don't want to date either," she yelled. "I want to fuck, jerk."

She proceeded to toss what was left of her beer on my chest and stomped off. There was only a sip of beer left in her cup so the damage to my shirt was minimal but enough to leave Jeff incapacitated with laughter.

He was having too much fun to leave and I did not feel like walking two miles home. I almost regretted taking the night off. At least I would have made some money while not having any fun.

I spotted a couch with only one other person sitting on it, Maggie. Maggie and I had known each other since fourth grade. She was more cute than pretty and wicked smart. She had focused more on science, while I took more history and lit classes. We had not spent much time together since freshman year.

"Is this seat taken, madam?" I asked in my best Downton Abbey accent. I thought I nailed it but Maggie rolled her eyes.

"Fleeing from the terror of the woman scorned," she drawled. "I'm not sure I care to be your rebound couch companion."

"Nothing to rebound from," I replied as I sat. "I don't mean to be mean or anything."

"For someone with a genetic defect, you are halfway decent."

"Genetic defect?"

"Y-chromosome, Josh. For a guy you're not horrible."

"Wow, thanks for the compliment. I'm honored," I replied. It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"You should be," Maggie retorted. "God must hate me. I keep praying to wake up a lesbian, but no dice."

I laughed.

"I wasn't joking," Maggie said, giving me the side eye.

"I know, Maggie. That's why I laughed. You really think guys are so terrible? Come on."

"Uh, hmm, let me see," she intoned, a mock look of contemplation on her face. "Barry?" she held up a finger. "Total dick. Jon?" Another finger. "Douche. Sam?" A third finger. "Dick and douche."

"Hang on, Maggie, exes don't count. Of course you hate them."

"My point being, every guy I've gotten to know beyond the purely casual ended up being a horror show of insecurity, pettiness and irritation because I wouldn't blow them on the second date."

"You're joking about that," I insisted.

She turned to face me. "Only partly. I think Sam asked for a blowjob on our first date, which by the way, consisted of me buying him a supersized Big Mac meal and I detest McDonald's."

"Ouch. Okay, I got give you that one. I will also go far as to concede the average high school male is lacking a certain level of maturity." I held up a hand as she opened her mouth. "However, the average high school female gives the average high school male a run for his money."

She closed her mouth and sighed. "Well, just fuck me. There's goes the lesbian escape hatch. Maybe I'll join a convent."

"I thought you said you didn't want to be a lesbian?" I joked.

"Har-har," she rejoined, but almost smiled.

"I don't suppose you have a car?" I asked.

"Would I be sitting here if I did? I rode here with She Who Wants To Jump Your Bones."

"Really? Are you the designated driver?"

"I hadn't planned on it. I wasn't planning on drinking but hauling Suze's drunk ass into a car without getting barfed on was not part of the deal. She can't drive though."

"I have an idea, be right back."

I hurried over to Jeff. I knew for a fact he was drinking the same beer he got when we arrived. He was fucking pain in the ass but he was not a big partier despite his boasts.

"Dude, give me your keys," I told him.

"What? Fuck off, no way."

"Maggie came her with Suze, who is totally fucked up. She can't be allowed to drive. I'll take Maggie home in your car and you drive Suze home in hers. You're practically neighbors."

"Why doesn't Maggie drive you home in Suze's car?"

"I don't care. If Suze gives her the keys, will you make sure Suze gets home?"

He nodded.

"Cool." I started to turn away then stopped. "Dude, make sure one of these jock dipshits doesn't take her off to a room somewhere. She's way too drunk."

"What the fuck, she's not my date," he protested. I ignored him. For all his faults he was a good guy. I knew he would keep an eye on Suze.

"See if you can get the keys from Suze," I told Maggie when I returned. "Jeff will keep an eye on her and give her a ride home."

Maggie shrugged and with a sigh rose from the sofa and moved across the room to where Suze was holding forth and spilling most of her latest cup of beer in the process. From my vantage point, Suze paid no attention to Maggie, not even when she pushed her hand into Suze's front pocket and pulled out the car keys.

"We can't leave her like this. I can't believe I'm friends with the stupid bitch," Maggie sighed. "Come on. You'll probably have to carry her."

"We're good. Jeff will keep an eye on her and get her home." I saw the skeptical look in Maggie's eyes. "He's a goofball, he talks too much, but he's a good guy. He'll make sure she gets home safe."

Maggie glanced over at Jeff. He was watching us. He rolled his eyes, nodded and mouth 'get the fuck outta here'.

Maggie gave him a fierce look, pointed two fingers at her eyes then at his. He laughed.

"Come on, Maggie. You can trust him. Honest."

It was her friend's car so Maggie drove. We did not speak. It was a nice night. The moon was three-quarters full and there were no clouds to dim its glow. I noticed again how fresh, new and green the world smelled. It was easy to ignore the odd scent of car exhaust and garbage cans that needed a wash.

Maggie pulled up to the curb in front of my house. I turned to her. "Do you want to come in? Have a Coke? Watch a movie?"

She eyed me for a moment then turned the engine off. "Sure," she sighed, as if she was doing me a favor.

I stifled a grin and settled for a simple, "cool".

What are you doing? I raved to myself as we walked to the house.

As the guest I let Maggie choose the movie. She chose Bird Box. I surprised myself by liking it. It seemed like cheating on mom to sit too close to Maggie. On the other hand, I did not want to insult her by not acting interested.

Movie over, I stood. "You want another Coke? A beer?"

"Beer, unless it's an IPA, they're too bitter for me."

"Pilsner it is."

I returned with the beers, handed her one and sat down, nearer the middle of the sofa but not touching her.

"I don't bite you know," Maggie offered as I picked up the TV remote.

Now I was really stuck. I could not claim to be seeing someone. Maggie would know I was not dating anyone from school. Telling her I was involved with my mother was not an option. Worse, I wanted to put my arm around her.

I was fucking my mother. She had, more or less, promised me anal after graduation but I was sitting here, wanting to put my arm around Maggie. And not just put my arm around her. What the fuck was wrong with me?

You're a fucking asshole that's what's wrong with you, my brain replied.

I turned to Maggie and cupped her cheek with one hand. I allowed myself one quick kiss, no tongue. I was appalled by how hard I found it to pull away.

"We'll both be heading off to school in a few weeks. What's the point of starting anything?" I asked, still cupping her cheek. I realized I had been wrong. She was not cute; she was definitely pretty.

Even when she rolled her eyes, she was pretty.

"I'm not asking to marry you, or even date. That doesn't mean we can't make out. Have some fun." She smiled, the question in her eyes easily read.

"True, but my mom will be home soon."

"We'll see the lights from her car in plenty of time." The smile faded from Maggie's face. "If you don't want to make out with me, just say so. Don't be a pussy."

I had lied to mom. I had told her I knew what we were doing was not permanent. I lied and told her if a girl came along who interested me, I would pursue a relationship. I had not expected to have my lie tested in less than a week.

Had I been lying to myself as much as to mom?

There was no denying I wanted to kiss Maggie, kiss her and more. But that would mean I was cheating on mom. Right?

If you ever want to push a guy into doing something they're hesitating over, imply their hesitation reflects a lack of masculinity. Whether or not that was Maggie's intention by calling me a pussy or not, it worked.

I twisted, leaned over her and kissed her, one hand cupping the back of her neck. She offered her tongue and I accepted it.

I was surprised, and delighted, when she pushed me back and moved to straddle my lap. Now, she was kissing me and doing an exceptionally nice job of it. Her hands were around my neck. She pressed her ample chest against mine. She ground her pussy against my rapidly hardening cock.

My questions, my guilt, all were forgotten as my body responded to hers.

Mine was not the only body responding. Maggie's kisses became more fervid. One of her hands left my neck and pushed between our bodies. I shivered a little when her hand clutched at my cock.

I wiggled my hands beneath her top and found her breasts. Even through her bra I could feel how hard her nipples were. She moaned into my mouth as I kneaded her breasts. She moved her hand and began to grind herself against the bulge in my jeans.

I tried to push her bra down and failed. I tried to push it up and succeeded. Her bra and shirt were now bunched up beneath her chin. Her boobs, smaller than moms but gorgeous, were freed. A feast for eyes, hands and mouth.

I lifted my head and found her nipple. She gasped as I sucked it between my lips. Moaned as I flicked it with the tip of my tongue.

She lifted herself off my lap and hurriedly pulled off her jeans. She had on plain, white cotton panties. The front was nearly transparent. Beneath the darkened, damp fabric I could easily see her pussy lips and a small, well-trimmed, patch of dark curls. I thought for a moment she was going to take off her panties. She did not.

She straddled me again, grinding herself so forcefully against my jeans I was worried she would hurt herself. She leaned over me and I reapplied myself to taking care of her nipples.

She began to groan and buck against me.

Car lights lit up the wall behind us.

"Maggie, my mom is home!" I hissed, trying to lift her off my lap. She was too lost in her orgasm to care. "Maggie!" I called louder and lifted harder, sliding from beneath her. "Hurry up and get your clothes back on. My mom is here."

Still panting, Maggie nodded. She groped for her jeans, grabbed them and headed down the hallway for the bathroom. Mom opened the side door into the kitchen at the same time. I could not be certain if Maggie was out of sight when she opened the door.

"Hey, mom. How as work?" I called in what I hoped was a normal voice. "Maggie is here. We just finished Bird Box. It was pretty good."

Mom came into the living room. She looked tired. She gave me a long look. I did my best to not look guilty.

"You want to watch some TV with us?"

She shook her head. "No, my ass is dragging and I got to get up earlier than usual and get to school to make sure everything is ready for graduation."

"Hi, Ms. Brugi," I heard Maggie call from the hallway. I stifled a groan. She hadn't flushed the toilet. If she had not gone into the bathroom to use the toilet, why was she there? Mom was so far from stupid it was not funny. She would know something was fishy.

"Hi, Maggie. You kids got tired of the grad party?"

"Oh, please," Maggie replied, rolling her eyes as she came into view. "Thank God, Josh was there or I would have been trapped waiting for Suze." She turned to look at me then back at mom. "We should bet on whether or not she makes it to the graduation ceremony and whether or not if she does, can she make it through without fainting or puking or both."

Mom frowned. "She was that drunk?"

"Wasted," Maggie affirmed.

"Jeff agreed to keep an eye on her and get her home," I explained. "We didn't abandon her. I wanted to borrow Jeff's car to bring Maggie home but he was being a pain in the ass. Instead, Maggie borrowed Suze's car and brought me home."

"Well, you kids watch TV as long as you want. I'm going to bed," mom announced.

"Thanks, Ms B but I need to get home." Maggie turned to me. "Thanks for the movie and the Coke."

"And the beer," mom drawled, staring at the coffee table.

"And the beer," Maggie laugh, not even bothering to blush. "'night. See you tomorrow, Josh."

"Joshua, make sure Maggie gets to her car safely."

"Yes, ma'am," I replied as I stood.

"Madam," I said to Maggie, bowing. "As a guess of our humble abode, you are allowed to use the front door of our domicile."

I opened the front door and flipped on the front light as both mom and Maggie rolled their eyes.

I walked Maggie to the car. I had no idea if mom was watching but when Maggie rose up on tiptoes, I had to kiss her. What option did I have? She had just brought herself to an orgasm while I sucked on her boobs. And now I would refuse to kiss her?